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Anton Kharenko edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 24 revisions

Welcome to ScaleCube

ScaleCube is a framework through which a set of distributed microservices are connected in such as way that they resemble a fabric when viewed collectively. The Scale Cube I/O enables microservice Developers Rapidly develop Distributed, Responsive, Resilient, Elastic, Reactive applications that scales. it is carefully designed to promote asynchronous programming and none-blocking and provides set of components which are common building blocks for microservices architecture. Scale Cube I/O has been designed carefully with the experiences earned over the years from the implementation of many Online Services and platforms. As a result, Service Fabric I/O has succeeded to find a way to achieve ease of development, performance, stability, and flexibility without a compromise.

###Scale Cube I/O Features: Service Provisioning and interconnect microservices and users as a unified system

  • API Gateway - Transparently Provision cluster(s) via bi-directional async APIs for consumers such as Web, Mobile, Servers ect.
  • No single-point-of-failure or single-point-of-bottleneck
  • Cluster aware and distributed<
  • Modular, flexible deployment models and Topologies
  • Zero Conf, Automatic discovery peer-to-peer service discovery using gossip.
  • Simple non-blocking, asynchronous programming model
  • Resilient due to Failure detection, Fault tolerance and elasticity.
  • Routing and balancing strategies for both stateless and stateful services
  • Low latency and high throughput
  • Takes advantage of the JVM and scales over available cores
  • Embeddable to existing Java applications

Scale Cube I/O Components:

  • Scale Cube I/O Cluster: Scale Cube I/O Cluster provides a fault-tolerant decentralized peer-to-peer based cluster membership service with no single point of failure or single point of bottleneck. It does this using gossip protocols and an automatic failure detector.
  • Scale Cube I/O Cluster Transport: Service Fabric Cluster provides a method to communicate between cluster members and exchange bi-directional communications. the cluster communication is based on netty that provides Better throughput and lower latency communication.
  • Scale Cube I/O Failure Detector: Failure Detector and Cluster Membership are valuable components for system management, replication, load balancing, group communication services, various consensus algorithms and other distributed services which rely on reasonably accurate detection of failed members. At scale, failure becomes common rather than exceptional; hardware fails, networks become congested, network links fail. Libraries capable of extremely high throughput and extremely low latency are meaningless if the systems they run on or communicate with fail. Failure detectors are a central component in a fault-tolerant distributed systems running over unreliable asynchronous networks.
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