The pivy-importer is a Java application that can be used to pull libraries from pypi into an Ivy format. It has several features that you may find useful in dealing with pypi projects.
We publish the importer into bintray. You can find all the copies at
At the time of writing this doc, the current version is 0.3.16, so the jar you would want to download is . This artifact has all dependencies bundled together to make a nice CLI.
To build the pivy-importer you'll need to run ./gradlew build
in the pivy-importer package. This will produce several
jars in build/pivy-importer/libs/
. We produce a normal jar that could be used when consuming in other projects and a
fat jar, with all the dependencies added into a single executable. This one is the one you would use on the commandline.
It follows the naming convention pivy-importer-<VERSION>-all.jar
java -jar pivy-importer-VERSION-all.jar --repo /path/to/destination virtualenv:15.0.1 pip:7.1.2 --replace alabaster:0.7=alabaster:0.7.1,pytz:0a=pytz:2016.4,Babel:0.8=Babel:1.0,sphinx_rtd_theme:0.1=sphinx_rtd_theme:0.1.1
For a complete usage example please review the build.gradle file for the pivy-importer project.
In some cases it's useful to replace dependencies with another one to deal with how Pip does dependency resolution.
To enable this feature you need to add the option --replace
followed by a list of arguments in the form
oldName:oldVersion=newName:newVersion (alabaster:0.7=alabaster:0.7.1
). You can provide multiple
replacements by joining them with a comma.
To be able to consume the artifacts produced by the pivy-importer, you'll have to define a repository in Gradle. We use a specific format for the repository that you'll have to define. Here is an example definition in Gradle. You would add this to your project's build.gradle.
repositories {
ivy {
name 'pypi-local' //optional, but nice
url '/path/to/repo'
layout "pattern", {
ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[module]-[revision].ivy"
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"
m2compatible = true
If you run:
mkdir repo
java -jar pivy-importer-0.3.16-all.jar --repo repo virtualenv:15.0.1 pip:7.1.2 --replace alabaster:0.7=alabaster:0.7.1,pytz:0a=pytz:2016.4,Babel:0.8=Babel:1.0,sphinx_rtd_theme:0.1=sphinx_rtd_theme:0.1.1
You should see something like:
--2016-09-09 08:44:21--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302
Location: [following]
--2016-09-09 08:44:21--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9916558 (9.5M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: 'pivy-importer-0.3.16-all.jar'
pivy-importer-0.3.16-all.jar 100%[========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 9.46M 14.6MB/s in 0.6s
2016-09-09 08:44:23 (14.6 MB/s) - 'pivy-importer-0.3.16-all.jar' saved [9916558/9916558]
08:44:23.602 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in virtualenv:15.0.1
08:44:24.236 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pip:7.1.2
08:44:24.375 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pytest:3.0.2
08:44:24.437 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in virtualenv:1.10
08:44:24.505 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in scripttest:1.3
08:44:24.514 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in mock:2.0.0
08:44:24.803 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in py:1.4.29
08:44:24.821 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in colorama:0.3.7
08:44:24.832 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in argparse:1.4.0
08:44:24.844 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pbr:0.11.0
08:44:24.858 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in six:1.9.0
08:44:24.867 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in funcsigs:1.0.0
08:44:24.881 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Sphinx:1.4.6
08:44:25.446 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Jinja2:2.7
08:44:25.584 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Pygments:2.0
08:44:25.709 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Sphinx:1.3
08:44:25.845 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in unittest2:1.1.0
08:44:25.863 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pip:8.1.2
08:44:25.930 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in ordereddict:1.1
08:44:25.938 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in six:1.5.0
08:44:25.947 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Jinja2:2.3
08:44:25.982 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in docutils:0.11
08:44:26.059 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in snowballstemmer:1.1.0
08:44:26.069 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Babel:1.3
08:44:26.240 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in alabaster:0.7.1
08:44:26.248 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in imagesize:0.7.1
08:44:26.255 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in colorama:0.3.5
08:44:26.263 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in nose:1.3.7
08:44:26.285 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in simplejson:3.8.2
08:44:26.296 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in SQLAlchemy:0.9.0
08:44:26.495 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Whoosh:2.0.0
08:44:26.539 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in MarkupSafe:0.23
08:44:26.552 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Babel:1.0
08:44:26.692 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in six:1.4.0
08:44:26.700 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in sphinx_rtd_theme:0.1.1
08:44:26.708 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in traceback2:1.4.0
08:44:26.722 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pretend:1.0.8
08:44:26.730 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pytz:2016.4
08:44:26.816 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in pytz:2016.6.1
08:44:26.896 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Sphinx:1.1
08:44:27.007 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in linecache2:1.0.0
08:44:27.015 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in Pygments:1.2
08:44:27.064 INFO c.l.p.i.deps.DependencyDownloader - Pulling in docutils:0.7
08:44:27.130 INFO c.l.python.importer.ImporterCLI - Execution Finished!