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166 lines (118 loc) · 5.91 KB

File metadata and controls

166 lines (118 loc) · 5.91 KB


The noteworthy changes for each AttributesAndTokenLists version are included here. For a complete changelog, see the commits for each version via the version links.


  • Drop support for loading AttributesAndTokenLists.builder calls from app/views/initializers.

    Sean Doyle

  • Replace AttributesAndTokenLists::Attributes with ActionView::Attributes to make it more Hash-like.

    Replace AttributesAndTokenLists::TagBuilder#[] with #with so that it can be more Hash-like

    Remove AttributesAndTokenLists::TokenList and AttributesAndTokenLists::AttributeMerger and rely on ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper#token_list and with_options instead.

    Sean Doyle

0.2.1 (Jan 22, 2023)

  • REVERT: Inline ActiveSupport::OptionMerger into AttributesAndTokenLists::AttributeMerger to handle AttributesAndTokenLists::Attributes instances

  • REVERT: Add #with_attributes support to Action View's collection helpers (like collection_check_boxes) in the same style as FormBuilder#with_attributes

0.2.0 (Jan 21, 2023)

  • Add #with_attributes support to Action View's collection helpers (like collection_check_boxes) in the same style as FormBuilder#with_attributes

    collection_check_boxes :record, :choice, ["a", "b"], :to_s, :to_s do |builder|
      builder.with_attributes class: "font-bold" do |styled|
        #=> <input class="font-bold" type="checkbox" value="a" name="record[choice][]" id="record_choice_a" />
  • Inline ActiveSupport::OptionMerger into AttributesAndTokenLists::AttributeMerger to handle AttributesAndTokenLists::Attributes instances

  • Change: combine variants with #[]

    define :button, tag_name: "button", class: "cursor-pointer" do
      variant :primary, class: "text-white bg-green-500"
      variant :rounded, class: "rounded-full"
    # before
    ui.button(:primary, :rounded).tag "A button"
    # after
    ui.button[:primary, :rounded].tag "A button"

0.1.0 (Jan 21, 2023)

  • Bug: support attribute overrides for unclosed elements (for example, <input>)

  • Bug: gracefully resolve nil value when combining variants

  • Rename builder domain-specific language to combine builder, base, and variant:

    ActiveSupport.on_load :attributes_and_token_lists do
      builder :ui do
        base :button, tag_name: "button", class: "cursor-pointer" do
          variant :primary, class: "text-white bg-green-500"
    # Elsewhere
    ui.button.primary.tag "A button"
    # => <button class="cursor-pointer text-white bg-green-500">A button</button>
  • Alias define to variant, and add support for combining variants

    ActiveSupport.on_load :attributes_and_token_lists do
      define :ui do
        define :button, tag_name: "button", class: "cursor-pointer" do
          variant :primary, class: "text-white bg-green-500"
          variant :rounded, class: "rounded-full"
    # Elsewhere
    ui.button(:primary, :rounded).tag "A button"
    # => <button class="cursor-pointer text-white bg-green-500 rounded-full">A button</button>
  • Move configuration out of app/views/initializers and into a more conventional config/initializers file.

  • Pre-define clumps of attributes by calling AttributesAndTokenLists.define in a config/initializers file, or an app/views/initializers/attributes_and_token_lists.html.erb template

    <%# app/views/initializers/attributes_and_token_lists.html.erb %>
      AttributesAndTokenLists.define :atl do
        define :button, tag_name: :button, class: "text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring" do
          define :primary, class: "bg-green-500"
          define :secondary, class: "bg-blue-500"
          define :tertiary, class: "bg-black"
    <%# elsewhere %>
    <%= atl.tag.button "Unstyled" %>            <%# => <button>Unstyled</button> %>
    <%= atl.button.tag "Base" %>                <%# => <button class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring">Base</button> %>
    <%= atl.button.primary.tag "Primary" %>     <%# => <button class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring bg-green-500">Primary</button> %>
    <%= atl.button.secondary.tag "Secondary" %> <%# => <button class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring bg-blue-500">Secondary</button> %>
    <%= atl.button.tertiary.tag "Tertiary" %>   <%# => <button class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring bg-black">Tertiary</button> %>
    <%= atl.button.primary.tag.a "Primary", href: "#" %> <%# => <a class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring bg-green-500" href="#">Primary</a> %>
    <%= atl.button.primary.link_to "Primary", "#" %>     <%# => <a class="text-white p-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring bg-green-500" href="#">Primary</a> %>
  • Remove support for Attributes#+ and Attributes#| aliases for Attributes#merge

  • Resolve Attributes#merge primitive value override bug

  • Decorate public interfaces instead of monkey-patching private ones

  • Introduce standard for style violation linting

  • Enable chaining #with_attributes and #tag off of Attributes instances and instances of AttributeMerger returned by other #with_attributes calls

  • Ensure that Attributes are compliant with Action View-provided tag helpers

  • Add Attributes#with_attributes and Attributes#with_options alias to enable decorating and chaining

  • Support chaining view helpers off Attributes instances

    styled = tag.attributes(class: "my-link-class")
    styled.link_to("A link", "/")
  • Deep symbolize Attributes keys when splatting or calling Attributes#to_hash