Table of Contents
- Cosmos DB scenario-based labs - IoT hands-on lab step-by-step
- Overview
- Solution architecture
- Requirements
- Before the hands-on lab
- Exercise 1: Configure environment
- Task 1: Create Cosmos DB database and container
- Task 2: Configure Cosmos DB container indexing and TTL
- Task 3: Create a Logic App workflow for email alerts
- Task 4: Create system-assigned managed identities for your Function Apps and Web App to connect to Key Vault
- Task 5: Add Function Apps and Web App to Key Vault access policy
- Task 6: Add your user account to Key Vault access policy
- Task 7: Add Key Vault secrets
- Task 8: Create Azure Databricks cluster
- Task 9: Configure Key Vault-backed Databricks secret store
- Exercise 2: Configure windowed queries in Stream Analytics
- Exercise 3: Deploy Azure functions and Web App
- Task 1: Retrieve the URI for each Key Vault secret
- Task 2: Configure application settings in Azure
- Task 3: Open solution
- Task 4: Code completion and walk-through
- Task 5: Deploy Cosmos DB Processing Function App
- Task 6: Deploy Stream Processing Function App
- Task 7: Deploy Web App
- Task 8: View Cosmos DB processing Function App in the portal and copy the Health Check URL
- Task 9: View stream processing Function App in the portal and copy the Health Check URL
- Exercise 4: Explore and execute data generator
- Exercise 5: Observe Change Feed using Azure Functions and App Insights
- Exercise 6: Observe data using Cosmos DB Data Explorer and Web App
- Exercise 7: Perform CRUD operations using the Web App
- Exercise 8: Create the Fleet status real-time dashboard in Power BI
- Exercise 9: Run the predictive maintenance batch scoring
- Exercise 10: Deploy the predictive maintenance web service
- Exercise 11: Create the Predictive Maintenance & Trip/Consignment Status reports in Power BI
- After the hands-on lab
Contoso Auto is a high value cargo logistics organization that is collecting vehicle and package telemetry data and wants to use Azure Cosmos DB to rapidly ingest and store this data in its raw form, do some processing in near real-time to generate insights to support several business objectives and surface these to the most appropriate user communities within the organization. It is a fast growing organization and wants to be able to scale and manage the associated cost of its chosen technology to enable it to cope with its explosive growth and the inherent seasonality of the logistics business. This scenario includes applicability to both the vehicle telemetry and logistics use cases by focusing on trucking and inclusion of cargo sensing data. This additionally allows for many representative customer analytics scenarios.
From a technology perspective Contoso would like to leverage Azure Cosmos DB as the core repository for its hot data path and leverage the Azure Cosmos DB Change Feed as a means to drive a solid and robust event sourcing architecture that would allowing Contoso developers to quickly enhance the solution. This achieved using a robust and agile serverless approach by leveraging events published by the Change Feed that reflect the state changes within the application (database).
Ultimately Contoso would surface the raw and derived insights data to its users in one of three roles:
Logistic Operations personnel who are interested in the current state of the vehicles and cargo logistics and who would use a web app to quickly understand the status of any single vehicle or piece of cargo, be notified of alerts as well as load vehicle and cargo meta data into the system. What they would like to see on the dashboard are various visualizations of detected anomalies, like engines overheating, abnormal oil pressure, and aggressive driving.
Management and Customer Reporting personnel who would like to be in a position to see the current state of the vehicle fleet and customer consignment level information presented in on a Power BI report that automatically updates with new data as it flows in after being processed. What they would like to see are reports on bad driving behavior by driver and using visual components such as a map to show anomalies related to cities or areas, as well as various charts and graphs depicting aggregate fleet and consignment information in a clear way.
In this experience, you will use Azure Cosmos DB to ingest streaming vehicle telemetry data as the entry point to a near real-time analytics pipeline built on Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Event Hubs, Azure Databricks, Azure Storage, Azure Stream Analytics, Power BI, Azure Web Apps, and Logic Apps.
Below is a diagram of the solution architecture you will build in this lab. Please study this carefully, so you understand the whole of the solution as you are working on the various components.
Data ingest, event processing, and storage:
The solution for the IoT scenario centers around Cosmos DB, which acts as the globally-available, highly scalable data storage for streaming event data, fleet, consignment, package, and trip metadata, and aggregate data for reporting. Vehicle telemetry data flows in from the data generator, through registered IoT devices in IoT Hub, where an Azure function processes the event data and inserts it into a telemetry container in Cosmos DB.
Trip processing with Azure Functions:
The Cosmos DB change feed triggers three separate Azure functions, with each managing their own checkpoints so they can process the same incoming data without conflicting with one another. One function serializes the event data and stores it into time-sliced folders in Azure Storage for long-term cold storage of raw data. Another function processes the vehicle telemetry, aggregating the batch data and updating the trip and consignment status in the metadata container, based on odometer readings and whether the trip is running on schedule. This function also triggers a Logic App to send email alerts when trip milestones are reached. A third function sends the event data to Event Hubs, which in turn triggers Stream Analytics to execute time window aggregate queries.
Stream processing, dashboards, and reports:
The Stream Analytics queries output vehicle-specific aggregates to the Cosmos DB metadata container, and overall vehicle aggregates to Power BI to populate its real-time dashboard of vehicle status information. A Power BI Desktop report is used to display detailed vehicle, trip, and consignment information, pulled directly from the Cosmos DB metadata container. It also displays batch battery failure predictions, pulled from the maintenance container.
Advanced analytics and ML model training:
Azure Databricks is used to train a machine learning model to predict vehicle battery failure, based on historic information. It saves a trained model locally for batch predictions, and deploys a model and scoring web service to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) or Azure Container Instances (ACI) for real-time predictions. Azure Databricks also uses the Spark Cosmos DB connector to pull down each day's trip information to make batch predictions on battery failure and store the predictions in the maintenance container.
Fleet management web app, security, and monitoring:
A Web App allows Contoso Auto to manage vehicles and view consignment, package, and trip information that is stored in Cosmos DB. The Web App is also used to make real-time battery failure predictions while viewing vehicle information. Azure Key Vault is used to securely store centralized application secrets, such as connection strings and access keys, and is used by the Function Apps, Web App, and Azure Databricks. Finally, Application Insights provides real-time monitoring, metrics, and logging information for the Function Apps and Web App.
- Microsoft Azure subscription must be pay-as-you-go or MSDN.
- Trial subscriptions will not work.
- IMPORTANT: To complete the OAuth 2.0 access components of this hands-on lab you must have permissions within your Azure subscription to create an App Registration and service principal within Azure Active Directory.
- Install Power BI Desktop
- Azure CLI - version 2.0.68 or later
- Install Visual Studio 2019 Community or greater
- Install .NET Core SDK 2.2 or greater
- If you are running Visual Studio 2017, install SDK 2.2.109
Refer to the Before the hands-on lab setup guide manual before continuing to the lab exercises.
Duration: 45 minutes
You must provision a few resources in Azure before you start developing the solution. Ensure all resources use the same resource group for easier cleanup.
In this exercise, you will configure your lab environment so you can start sending and processing generated vehicle, consignment, package, and trip data. You will begin by creating a Cosmos DB database and containers, then you will create a new Logic App and create a workflow for sending email notifications, create an Application Insights service for real-time monitoring of your solution, then retrieve secrets used in the solution's application settings (such as connection strings) and securely store them in Azure Key Vault, and finally configure your Azure Databricks environment.
In this task, you will create a Cosmos DB database and three SQL-based containers:
- telemetry: Used for ingesting hot vehicle telemetry data with a 90-day lifespan (TTL).
- metadata: Stores vehicle, consignment, package, trip, and aggregate event data.
- maintenance: The batch battery failure predictions are stored here for reporting purposes.
Using a new tab or instance of your browser, navigate to the Azure portal,
Select Resource groups from the left-hand menu, then search for your resource group by typing in
. Select your resource group that you are using for this lab. -
Select your Azure Cosmos DB account. The name starts with
. -
Select Data Explorer in the left-hand menu, then select New Container.
On the Add Container blade, specify the following configuration options:
a. Enter ContosoAuto for the Database id.
b. Leave Provision database throughput unchecked.
c. Enter metadata for the Container id.
d. Partition key: /partitionKey
e. Throughput: 50000
Note: We are initially setting the throughput on this container to
RU/s because the data generator will perform a bulk insert of metadata the first time it runs. After inserting the data, it will programmatically reduce the throughput to15000
. -
Select OK to create the container.
Select New Container once again in the Data Explorer.
On the Add Container blade, specify the following configuration options:
a. Database id: Select Use existing, then select ContosoAuto from the list.
c. Enter telemetry for the Container id.
d. Partition key: /partitionKey
e. Throughput: 15000
Select OK to create the container.
Select New Container once again in the Data Explorer.
On the Add Container blade, specify the following configuration options:
a. Database id: Select Use existing, then select ContosoAuto from the list.
c. Enter maintenance for the Container id.
d. Partition key: /vin
e. Throughput: 400
Select OK to create the container.
You should now have three containers listed in the Data Explorer.
You will notice that we have intentionally set the throughput in RU/s for each container, based on our anticipated event processing and reporting workloads. In Azure Cosmos DB, provisioned throughput is represented as request units/second (RUs). RUs measure the cost of both read and write operations against your Cosmos DB container. Because Cosmos DB is designed with transparent horizontal scaling (e.g., scale out) and multi-master replication, you can very quickly and easily increase or decrease the number of RUs to handle thousands to hundreds of millions of requests per second around the globe with a single API call.
Cosmos DB allows you to increment/decrement the RUs in small increments of 100 at the database level, or at the container level. It is recommended that you configure throughput at the container granularity for guaranteed performance for the container all the time, backed by SLAs. Other guarantees that Cosmos DB delivers are 99.999% read and write availability all around the world, with those reads and writes being served in less than 10 milliseconds at the 99th percentile.
When you set a number of RUs for a container, Cosmos DB ensures that those RUs are available in all regions associated with your Cosmos DB account. When you scale out the number of regions by adding a new one, Cosmos will automatically provision the same quantity of RUs in the newly added region. You cannot selectively assign different RUs to a specific region. These RUs are provisioned for a container (or database) for all associated regions.
When you created each container, you were required to define a partition key. As you will see later in the lab when you review the solution source code, each document stored within a collection contains a partitionKey
property. One of the most important decisions one must make when creating a new container is to select an appropriate partition key for the data. A partition key should provide even distribution of storage and throughput (measured in requests per second) at any given time to avoid storage and performance bottlenecks. For instance, vehicle metadata stores the VIN, which is a unique value for each vehicle, in the partitionKey
field. Trip metadata also uses the VIN for the partitionKey
field, since trips are most often queried by VIN, and trip documents are stored in the same logical partition as vehicle metadata since they are likely to be queried together, preventing fan-out, or cross-partition queries. Package metadata, on the other hand, use the Consignment ID value for the partitionKey
field for the same purposes. The partition key should be present in the bulk of queries for read-heavy scenarios to avoid excessive fan-out across numerous partitions. This is because each document with a specific partition key value belongs to the same logical partition, and is also stored in and served from the same physical partition. Each physical partition is replicated across geographical regions, resulting in global distribution.
Choosing an appropriate partition key for Cosmos DB is a critical step for ensuring balanced reads and writes, scaling, and, in the case of this solution, in-order change feed processing per partition. While there are no limits, per se, on the number of logical partitions, a single logical partition is allowed an upper limit of 10 GB of storage. Logical partitions cannot be split across physical partitions. For the same reason, if the partition key chosen is of bad cardinality, you could potentially have skewed storage distribution. For instance, if one logical partition becomes larger faster than the others and hits the maximum limit of 10 GB, while the others are nearly empty, the physical partition housing the maxed out logical partition cannot split and could cause an application downtime.
In this task, you will review the default indexing set on your new containers, and configure the indexing for your telemetry
container so it is optimized for write-heavy workloads. Next, you will enable time-to-live (TTL) on the telemetry
container, allowing you to set the TTL value, in seconds, on individual documents stored in the container. This value tells Cosmos DB when to expire, or delete, the document(s) automatically. This setting can help save in storage costs by removing what you no longer need. Typically, this is used on hot data, or data that must be expired after a period of time due to regulatory requirements.
Expand the telemetry container in the Cosmos DB Data Explorer, then select Scale & Settings.
Within the Scale & Settings blade, expand the Settings section and select On (no default) under Time to Live.
Turning the Time to Live setting on with no default allows us to define the TTL individually for each document, giving us more flexibilty in deciding which documents should expire after a set period of time. To do this, we have a
field on the document that is saved to this container that specifies the TTL in seconds. -
Scroll down in the Scale & Settings blade to view the Indexing Policy. The default policy is to automatically index all fields for each document stored in the collection. This is because all paths are included (remember, since we are storing JSON documents, we use paths to identify the property since they can exist within child collections in the document) by setting the value of
to"path": "/*"
, and the only excluded path is the internal_etag
property, which is used for versioning the documents. Here is what the default Indexing Policy looks like:{ "indexingMode": "consistent", "automatic": true, "includedPaths": [ { "path": "/*" } ], "excludedPaths": [ { "path": "/\"_etag\"/?" } ] }
Replace the Indexing Policy with the following, which excludes all paths, and only includes the paths used when we query the container (
, andpartitionKey
):{ "indexingMode": "consistent", "automatic": true, "includedPaths": [ { "path": "/vin/?" }, { "path": "/state/?" }, { "path": "/partitionKey/?" } ], "excludedPaths": [ { "path": "/*" }, { "path": "/\"_etag\"/?" } ] }
Select Save to apply your changes.
In this task, we updated the indexing policy for the telemetry
container, but left the other two containers with the default policy. The default indexing policy for newly created containers indexes every property of every item, enforcing range indexes for any string or number, and spatial indexes for any GeoJSON object of type Point. This allows you to get high query performance without having to think about indexing and index management upfront. Since the metadata
and maintenance
containers have more read-heavy workloads than telemetry
, it makes sense to use the default indexing policy where query performance is optimized. Since we need faster writes for telemetry
, we exclude unused paths. The use of indexing paths can offer improved write performance and lower index storage for scenarios in which the query patterns are known beforehand, as indexing costs are directly correlated to the number of unique paths indexed.
The indexing mode for all three containers is set to Consistent. This means the index is updated synchronously as items are added, updated, or deleted, enforcing the consistency level configured for the account for read queries. The other indexing mode one could choose is None, which disables indexing on the container. Usually this mode is used when your container acts as a pure key-value store, and you do not need indexes for any of the other properties. It is possible to dynamically change the consistency mode prior to executing bulk operations, then changing the mode back to Consistent afterwards, if the potential performance increase warrants the temporary change.
In this task, you will create a new Logic App workflow and configure it to send email alerts through its HTTP trigger. This trigger will be called by one of your Azure functions that gets triggered by the Cosmos DB change feed, any time a notification event occurs, such as completing a trip. You will need to have an Office 365 or account to send the emails.
In the Azure portal, select + Create a resource, then enter logic app into the search box on top. Select Logic App from the results.
Select the Create button on the Logic App overview blade.
On the Create Logic App blade, specify the following configuration options:
- Name: Unique value for the name, such as
(ensure the green check mark appears). - Subscription: Select the Azure subscription you are using for this lab.
- Resource group: Select your lab resource group. The name should start with
. - Location: Select the same location as your resource group.
- Log Analytics: Select Off.
- Name: Unique value for the name, such as
Select Create.
After the Logic App is created, navigate to it by opening your resource group and selecting the new Logic App.
In the Logic App Designer, scroll through the page until you locate the Start with a common trigger section. Select the When a HTTP request is received trigger.
Paste the following JSON into the Request Body JSON Schema field. This defines the shape of the data the Azure function will send in the body of the HTTP request when an alert needs to be sent:
{ "properties": { "consignmentId": { "type": "string" }, "customer": { "type": "string" }, "deliveryDueDate": { "type": "string" }, "distanceDriven": { "type": "number" }, "hasHighValuePackages": { "type": "boolean" }, "id": { "type": "string" }, "lastRefrigerationUnitTemperatureReading": { "type": "integer" }, "location": { "type": "string" }, "lowestPackageStorageTemperature": { "type": "integer" }, "odometerBegin": { "type": "integer" }, "odometerEnd": { "type": "number" }, "plannedTripDistance": { "type": "number" }, "recipientEmail": { "type": "string" }, "status": { "type": "string" }, "temperatureSetting": { "type": "integer" }, "tripEnded": { "type": "string" }, "tripStarted": { "type": "string" }, "vin": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Select + New step underneath the HTTP trigger.
Within the new action box, type
send email
in the search box, then select Send an email - Office 365 Outlook from the list of actions below. Note: If you do not have an Office 365 Outlook account, you may try one of the other email service options. -
Select the Sign in button. Sign in to your account in the window that appears.
After signing in, the action box will display as the Send an email action form. Select the To field. The Dynamic content box will display after selecting To. To see the full list of dynamic values from the HTTP request trigger, select See more next to "When a HTTP request is received".
In the list of dynamic content, select recipientEmail. This will add the dynamic value to the To field.
In the Subject field, enter the following:
Contoso Auto trip status update:
, making sure you add a space at the end. Select the status dynamic content to append the trip status to the end of the subject. -
Paste the following into the Body field. The dynamic content will automatically be added:
Here are the details of the trip and consignment: CONSIGNMENT INFORMATION: Customer: @{triggerBody()?['customer']} Delivery Due Date: @{triggerBody()?['deliveryDueDate']} Location: @{triggerBody()?['location']} Status: @{triggerBody()?['status']} TRIP INFORMATION: Trip Start Time: @{triggerBody()?['tripStarted']} Trip End Time: @{triggerBody()?['tripEnded']} Vehicle (VIN): @{triggerBody()?['vin']} Planned Trip Distance: @{triggerBody()?['plannedTripDistance']} Distance Driven: @{triggerBody()?['distanceDriven']} Start Odometer Reading: @{triggerBody()?['odometerBegin']} End Odometer Reading: @{triggerBody()?['odometerEnd']} PACKAGE INFORMATION: Has High Value Packages: @{triggerBody()?['hasHighValuePackages']} Lowest Package Storage Temp (F): @{triggerBody()?['lowestPackageStorageTemperature']} Trip Temp Setting (F): @{triggerBody()?['temperatureSetting']} Last Refrigeration Unit Temp Reading (F): @{triggerBody()?['lastRefrigerationUnitTemperatureReading']} REFERENCE INFORMATION: Trip ID: @{triggerBody()?['id']} Consignment ID: @{triggerBody()?['consignmentId']} Vehicle VIN: @{triggerBody()?['vin']} Regards, Contoso Auto Bot
Your Logic App workflow should now look like the following:
Select Save at the top of the designer to save your workflow.
After saving, the URL for the HTTP trigger will generate. Expand the HTTP trigger in the workflow, then copy the HTTP POST URL value and save it to Notepad or similar text application for a later step.
Task 4: Create system-assigned managed identities for your Function Apps and Web App to connect to Key Vault
In order for your Function Apps and Web App to be able to access Key Vault to read the secrets, you must create a system-assigned managed identity for each, and create an access policy in Key Vault for the application identities.
Open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-CosmosDBProcessing and navigate to Platform features.
Select Identity.
Within the System assigned tab, switch Status to On. Select Save.
Open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-StreamProcessing and navigate to Platform features.
Select Identity.
Within the System assigned tab, switch Status to On. Select Save.
Open the Web App (App Service) whose name begins with IoTWebApp.
Select Identity in the left-hand menu.
Within the System assigned tab, switch Status to On. Select Save.
We recommend that you open two browser tabs for this and the following Key Vault tasks. One tab will be used to copy secrets from each Azure service, and the other to add the secrets to Key Vault.
Perform these steps to create an access policy that enables the "Get" secret permission:
Using a new tab or instance of your browser, navigate to the Azure portal,
Select Resource groups from the left-hand menu, then search for your resource group by typing in
. Select your resource group that you are using for this lab. -
Open the your Key Vault. The name should begin with
. -
Select Access policies in the left-hand menu.
Select + Add Access Policy.
Select the Select principal section on the Add access policy form.
In the Principal blade, search for your
Function App's service principal, select it, then select the Select button.Note: It may take a while before your managed identities appear after adding them in the previous step. If you cannot find this or the other identities, try refreshing the page or wait a minute or two.
Expand the Secret permissions and check Get under Secret Management Operations.
Select Add to add the new access policy.
When you are done, you should have an access policy for the Function App's managed identity. Select + Add Access Policy to add another access policy.
Select the Select principal section on the Add access policy form.
In the Principal blade, search for your
Function App's service principal, select it, then select the Select button. -
Expand the Secret permissions and check Get under Secret Management Operations.
Select Add to add the new access policy.
When you are done, you should have an access policy for the Function App's managed identity. Select + Add Access Policy to add another access policy.
Select the Select principal section on the Add access policy form.
In the Principal blade, search for your
Web App's service principal, select it, then select the Select button. -
Expand the Secret permissions and check Get under Secret Management Operations.
Select Add to add the new access policy.
When you are done, you should have an access policy for the Web App's managed identity. Select Save to save your new access policies.
Perform these steps to create an access policy for your user account so you can manage secrets. Since we created Key Vault with a template, your account was not automatically added to the access policies.
Within Key Vault, select Access policies in the left-hand menu.
Select + Add Access Policy.
Select the Select principal section on the Add access policy form.
In the Principal blade, search for your Azure account you are using for this lab, select it, then select the Select button.
Expand the Secret permissions and check Select all under Secret Management Operations. All 8 should be selected.
Select Add to add the new access policy.. When you are done, you should have an access policy for your user account. Select Save to save your new access policy.
Azure Key Vault is used to Securely store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets. In addition, secrets that are stored in Azure Key Vault are centralized, giving the added benefits of only needing to update secrets in one place, such as an application key value after recycling the key for security purposes. In this task, we will store application secrets in Azure Key Vault, then configure the Function Apps and Web App to securely connect to Azure Key Vault by performing the following steps:
- Add secrets to the provisioned Key Vault.
- Create a system-assigned managed identity for each Azure Function App and the Web App to read from the vault.
- Create an access policy in Key Vault with the "Get" secret permission, assigned to each of these application identities.
Within Key Vault, select Secrets in the left-hand menu, then select + Generate/Import to create a new secret.
Use the table below for the Name / Value pairs to use when creating the secrets. You only need to populate the Name and Value fields for each secret, and can leave the other fields at their default values.
Name Value CosmosDBConnection Your Cosmos DB connection string found here: Cosmos DB account > Keys > Primary Connection String CosmosDBEndpoint Your Cosmos DB endpoint found here: Cosmos DB account > Keys > URI CosmosDBPrimaryKey Your Cosmos DB primary key found here: Cosmos DB account > Keys > Primary Key IoTHubConnection Your IoT Hub connection string found here: IoT Hub > Built-in endpoints > Event Hub-compatible endpoint ColdStorageAccount Connection string to the Azure Storage account whose name starts with iotstore
, found here: Storage account > Access keys > key1 Connection stringEventHubsConnection Your Event Hubs connection string found here: Event Hubs namespace > Shared access policies > RootManageSharedAccessKey > Connection string-primary key LogicAppUrl Your Logic App's HTTP Post URL found here: Logic App Designer > Select the HTTP trigger > HTTP POST URL -
You can locate most of your secrets by viewing the outputs of your deployment. To do this, open your resource group then select Deployments in the left-hand menu. Select the Microsoft.Template deployment.
Select Outputs in the left-hand menu. You can find most of the values above and simply copy them.
When you are finished creating the secrets, your list should look similar to the following:
Contoso Auto wants to use the valuable data they are collecting from their vehicles to make predictions about the health of their fleet to reduce downtime due to maintenance-related issues. One of the predictions they would like to make is whether a vehicle's battery is likely to fail within the next 30 days, based on historical data. They would like to run a nightly batch process to identify vehicles that should be serviced, based on these predictions. They also want to have a way to make a prediction in real time when viewing a vehicle on their fleet management website.
To support this requirement, you will use Apache Spark on Azure Databricks, a fully managed Apache Spark platform optimized to run on Azure. Spark is a unified big data and advanced analytics platform that enables data scientists and data engineers to explore and prepare large amounts of structured and unstructured data, then use that data to train, use, and deploy machine learning models at scale. We will read and write to Cosmos DB, using the azure-cosmosdb-spark
connector (
In this task, you will create a new cluster on which data exploration and model deployment tasks will be executed in later exercises.
In the Azure portal, open your lab resource group, then open your Azure Databricks Service. The name should start with
. -
Select Launch Workspace. Azure Databricks will automatically sign you in through its Azure Active Directory integration.
Once in the workspace, select Clusters in the left-hand menu, then select + Create Cluster.
In the New Cluster form, specify the following configuration options:
- Cluster Name: Enter lab.
- Cluster Mode: Select Standard.
- Pool: Select None.
- Databricks Runtime Version: Select Runtime 5.5 LTS (Scala 2.11, Spark 2.4.3).
- Python Version: Enter 3.
- Autopilot Options: Uncheck Enable autoscaling and check Terminate after..., with a value of 120 minutes.
- Worker Type: Select Standard_DS3_v2.
- Driver Type: Select Same as worker.
- Workers: Enter 1.
Note If you failed to create a cluster, try to change the worker type from Standard_DS3_v2 to other VM sizes.
Select Create Cluster.
Before continuing to the next step, verify that your new cluster is running. Wait for the state to change from Pending to Running
Select the lab cluster, then select Libraries.
Select Install New.
In the Install Library dialog, select Maven for the Library Source.
In the Coordinates field type:
Select Install
Wait until the library's status shows as Installed before continuing.
In an earlier task, you added application secrets to Key Vault, such as the Cosmos DB connection string. In this task, you will configure the Key Vault-backed Databricks secret store to securely access these secrets.
Azure Databricks has two types of secret scopes: Key Vault-backed and Databricks-backed. These secret scopes allow you to store secrets, such as database connection strings, securely. If someone tries to output a secret to a notebook, it is replaced by [REDACTED]
. This helps prevent someone from viewing the secret or accidentally leaking it when displaying or sharing the notebook.
Return to the Azure portal, which should still be open in another browser tab, then navigate to your Key Vault account and select Properties on the left-hand menu.
Copy the DNS Name and Resource ID property values and paste them to Notepad or some other text application that you can reference in a moment.
Navigate back to the Azure Databricks workspace.
In your browser's URL bar, append #secrets/createScope to your Azure Databricks base URL (for example,
for the name of the secret scope. -
Select Creator within the Manage Principal drop-down to specify only the creator (which is you) of the secret scope has the MANAGE permission.
MANAGE permission allows users to read and write to this secret scope, and, in the case of accounts on the Azure Databricks Premium Plan, to change permissions for the scope.
Your account must have the Azure Databricks Premium Plan for you to be able to select Creator. This is the recommended approach: grant MANAGE permission to the Creator when you create the secret scope, and then assign more granular access permissions after you have tested the scope.
Enter the DNS Name (for example, and Resource ID you copied earlier during the Key Vault creation step, for example:
. -
Select Create.
After a moment, you will see a dialog verifying that the secret scope has been created.
Duration: 15 minutes
If you examine the right-hand side of the solution architecture diagram, you will see a flow of event data that feeds into Event Hubs from a Cosmos DB change feed-triggered function. Stream Analytics uses the event hub as an input source for a set of time window queries that create aggregates for individual vehicle telemetry, and overall vehicle telemetry that flows through the architecture from the vehicle IoT devices. Stream Analytics has two output data sinks:
- Cosmos DB: Individual vehicle telemetry (grouped by VIN) is aggregated over a 30-second
and saved to themetadata
container. This information is used in a Power BI report you will create in Power BI Desktop in a later task to display individual vehicle and multiple vehicle statistics. - Power BI: All vehicle telemetry is aggregated over a 10-second
and output to a Power BI data set. This near real-time data is displayed in a live Power BI dashboard to show in 10 second snapshots how many events were processed, whether there are engine temperature, oil, or refrigeration unit warnings, whether aggressive driving was detected during the period, and the average speed, engine temperature, and refrigeration unit readings.
In this exercise, you will configure Stream Analytics for stream processing as described above.
In the Azure portal, open your lab resource group, then open your Stream Analytics job.
Select Inputs in the left-hand menu. In the Inputs blade, select + Add stream input, then select Event Hub from the list.
In the New input form, specify the following configuration options:
- Input alias: Enter events.
- Select the Select Event Hub from your subscriptions option beneath.
- Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription for this lab.
- Event Hub namespace: Find and select your Event Hub namespace (eg.
). - Event Hub name: Select Use existing, then reporting.
- Event Hub policy name: Choose the default
Select Save.
You should now see your Event Hubs input listed.
Select Outputs in the left-hand menu. In the Outputs blade, select + Add, then select Cosmos DB from the list.
In the New output form, specify the following configuration options:
- Output alias: Enter cosmosdb.
- Select the Select Cosmos DB from your subscriptions option beneath.
- Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription for this lab.
- Account id: Find and select your Cosmos DB account (eg.
). - Database: Select Use existing, then ContosoAuto.
- Container name: Enter metadata.
Select Save.
If you have never signed in to Power BI with this account, open a new browser tab and navigate to and sign in. Confirm any messages if they appear and continue to the next step after the home page appears. This will help the connection authorization step from Stream Analytics succeed and find the group workspace.
While remaining in the Outputs blade, select + Add once again, then select Power BI from the list.
In the New output form, look toward the bottom to find the Authorize connection section, then select Authorize to sign in to your Power BI account. If you do not have a Power BI account, select the Sign up option first.
After authorizing the connection to Power BI, specify the following configuration options in the form:
- Output alias: Enter powerbi.
- Group workspace: Select My workspace.
- Dataset name: Enter Contoso Auto IoT Events.
- Table name: Enter FleetEvents.
Select Save.
You should now have two outputs listed.
The Query is Stream Analytics' work horse. This is where we process streaming inputs and write data to our outputs. The Stream Analytics query language is SQL-like, allowing you to use familiar syntax to explore and transform the streaming data, create aggregates, and create materialized views that can be used to help shape your data structure before writing to the output sinks. Stream Analytics jobs can only have one Query, but you can write to multiple outputs in a single Query, as you will do in the steps that follow.
Please take a moment to analyze the query below. Notice how we are using the events
input name for the Event Hubs input you created, and the powerbi
and cosmosDB
outputs, respectively. Also see where we use the TumblingWindow
in durations of 30 seconds for VehicleData
, and 10 seconds for VehicleDataAll
. The TumblingWindow
helps us evaluate events that occurred during the past X seconds and, in our case, create averages over those time periods for reporting.
Select Query in the left-hand menu. Replace the contents of the query window with the script below:
WITH VehicleData AS ( select vin, AVG(engineTemperature) AS engineTemperature, AVG(speed) AS speed, AVG(refrigerationUnitKw) AS refrigerationUnitKw, AVG(refrigerationUnitTemp) AS refrigerationUnitTemp, (case when AVG(engineTemperature) >= 400 OR AVG(engineTemperature) <= 15 then 1 else 0 end) as engineTempAnomaly, (case when AVG(engineoil) <= 18 then 1 else 0 end) as oilAnomaly, (case when AVG(transmission_gear_position) <= 3.5 AND AVG(accelerator_pedal_position) >= 50 AND AVG(speed) >= 55 then 1 else 0 end) as aggressiveDriving, (case when AVG(refrigerationUnitTemp) >= 30 then 1 else 0 end) as refrigerationTempAnomaly, System.TimeStamp() as snapshot from events TIMESTAMP BY [timestamp] GROUP BY vin, TumblingWindow(Duration(second, 30)) ), VehicleDataAll AS ( select AVG(engineTemperature) AS engineTemperature, AVG(speed) AS speed, AVG(refrigerationUnitKw) AS refrigerationUnitKw, AVG(refrigerationUnitTemp) AS refrigerationUnitTemp, COUNT(*) AS eventCount, (case when AVG(engineTemperature) >= 318 OR AVG(engineTemperature) <= 15 then 1 else 0 end) as engineTempAnomaly, (case when AVG(engineoil) <= 20 then 1 else 0 end) as oilAnomaly, (case when AVG(transmission_gear_position) <= 4 AND AVG(accelerator_pedal_position) >= 50 AND AVG(speed) >= 55 then 1 else 0 end) as aggressiveDriving, (case when AVG(refrigerationUnitTemp) >= 22.5 then 1 else 0 end) as refrigerationTempAnomaly, System.TimeStamp() as snapshot from events t TIMESTAMP BY [timestamp] GROUP BY TumblingWindow(Duration(second, 10)) ) -- INSERT INTO POWER BI SELECT * INTO powerbi FROM VehicleDataAll -- INSERT INTO COSMOS DB SELECT *, entityType = 'VehicleAverage', partitionKey = vin INTO cosmosdb FROM VehicleData
Select Save query.
Next, we will start the Stream Analytics job so we can begin processing event data once it starts to flow through the services.
Select Overview.
In the Overview blade, select Start and select Now for the job output start time.
Select Start to beginning running the Stream Analytics job.
Duration: 30 minutes
In the architecture for this scenario, Azure functions play a major role in event processing. These functions execute within an Azure Function App, Microsoft's serverless solution for easily running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. Functions can make development even more productive, and you can use your development language of choice, such as C#, F#, Node.js, Java, or PHP.
Before we dive into this exercise, let's go over how the functions and Web App fit into our architecture.
There are three Function Apps and one Web App in the solution. The Function Apps handle event processing within two stages of the data pipeline, and the Web App is used to perform CRUD operations against data stored in Cosmos DB.
You may wonder, if a Function App contains several functions within, why do we need two Function Apps instead of one? The primary reason for using two Function Apps is due to how functions scale to meet demand. When you use the Azure Functions consumption plan, you only pay for the time your code runs. More importantly, Azure automatically handles scaling your functions to meet demand. It scales using an internal scale controller that evaluates the type of trigger the functions are using, and applies heuristics to determine when to scale out to multiple instances. The important thing to know is that functions scale at the Function App level. Meaning, if you have one very busy function and the rest are mostly idle, that one busy function causes the entire Function App to scale. Think about this when designing your solution. It is a good idea to divide extremely high-load functions into separate Function Apps.
Now let's introduce the Function Apps and Web App and how they contribute to the architecture.
IoT-StreamProcessing Function App: This is the Stream Processing Function App, and it contains a two functions:
- IoTHubTrigger: This function is automatically triggered by the IoT Hub's Event Hub endpoint as vehicle telemetry is sent by the data generator. The function performs some light processing to the data by defining the partition key value, the document's TTL, adds a timestamp value, then saves the information to Cosmos DB.
- HealthCheck: This function has an Http trigger that enables users to verify that the Function App is up and running, and that each configuration setting exists and has a value. More thorough checks would validate each value against an expected format or by connecting to each service as required. The function will return an HTTP status of
(OK) if all values contain non-zero strings. If any are null or empty, the function will return an error (400
), indicating which values are missing. The data generator calls this function before running.
IoT-CosmosDBProcessing Function App: This is the Trip Processing Function App. It contains three functions that are triggered by the Cosmos DB Change Feed on the
container. Because the Cosmos DB Change Feed supports multiple consumers, these three functions can run in parallel, processing the same information simultaneously without conflicting with one another. When we define theCosmosDBTrigger
for each of these functions, we configure the trigger settings to connect to a Cosmos DB collection namedleases
to keep track of which change feed events they have processed. We also set theLeaseCollectionPrefix
value for each function with a unique prefix so one function does not attempt to retrieve or update the lease information for another. The following functions are in this Function App:- TripProcessor: This function groups vehicle telemetry data by VIN, retrieves the associated Trip record from the
container, updates the Trip record with a trip start timestamp, an end timestamp if completed, and a status showing whether the trip has started, is delayed, or has completed. It also updates the associated Consignment record with the status, and triggers the Logic App with the trip information if an alert needs to be emailed to the recipient defined in the Function App's app settings (RecipientEmail
). - ColdStorage: This function connects to the Azure Storage account (
) and writes the raw vehicle telemetry data for cold storage in the following time-sliced path format:telemetry/custom/scenario1/yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm/ss-fffffff.json
. - SendToEventHubsForReporting: This function simply sends the vehicle telemetry data straight to Event Hubs, allowing Stream Analytics to apply windowed aggregates and save those aggregates in batches to Power BI and to the Cosmos DB
container. - HealthCheck: As with the function of the same name within the Stream Processing Function App, this function has an Http trigger that enables users to verify that the Function App is up and running, and that each configuration setting exists and has a value. The data generator calls this function before running.
- TripProcessor: This function groups vehicle telemetry data by VIN, retrieves the associated Trip record from the
IoTWebApp: The Web App provides a Fleet Management portal, allowing users to perform CRUD operations on vehicle data, make real-time battery failure predictions for a vehicle against the deployed machine learning model, and view consignments, packages, and trips. It connects to the Cosmos DB
container, using the .NET SDK for Cosmos DB v3.
When you set the App Settings for the Function Apps and Web App in the next task, you will need to reference the URI of a secret in Key Vault, including the version number. To do this, perform the following steps for each secret and copy the values to Notepad or similar text application.
Open your Key Vault instance in the portal.
Select Secrets under Settings in the left-hand menu.
Select the secret whose URI value you wish to obtain.
Select the Current Version of the secret.
Copy the Secret Identifier.
When you add the Key Vault reference to this secret within a Function App's App Settings, you will use the following format:
, where{referenceString}
is replaced by the Secret Identifier (URI) value above. Make sure you remove the curly braces ({}
).For example, a complete reference would look like the following:
We recommend that you open two browser tabs for these steps. One to copy secrets from each Azure service, and the other to add the secrets to Key Vault.
Using a new tab or instance of your browser, navigate to the Azure portal,
Select Resource groups from the left-hand menu, then search for your resource group by typing in
. Select your resource group that you are using for this lab. -
Open the your Key Vault. The name should begin with
. -
In another browser tab, open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-CosmosDBProcessing.
Select Configuration on the Overview pane.
Scroll to the Application settings section. Use the + New application setting link to create the following additional Key/Value pairs (the key names must exactly match those found in the table below):
Application Key Value CosmosDBConnection Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the CosmosDBConnection Key Vault secretColdStorageAccount Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the ColdStorageAccount Key Vault secretEventHubsConnection Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the EventHubsConnection Key Vault secretLogicAppUrl Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the LogicAppUrl Key Vault secretRecipientEmail Enter a valid email address you want to receive notification emails from the Logic App. -
Select Save to apply your changes.
Open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-StreamProcessing.
Select Configuration on the Overview pane.
Scroll to the Application settings section. Use the + New application setting link to create the following additional Key/Value pairs (the key names must exactly match those found in the table below):
Application Key Value CosmosDBConnection Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the CosmosDBConnection Key Vault secretIoTHubConnection Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the IoTHubConnection Key Vault secret -
Select Save to apply your changes.
Open the Web App (App Service) whose name begins with IoTWebApp.
Select Configuration in the left-hand menu.
Scroll to the Application settings section. Use the + New application setting link to create the following additional Key/Value pairs (the key names must exactly match those found in the table below):
Application Key Value CosmosDBConnection Enter @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={referenceString})
, where{referenceString}
is the URI for the CosmosDBConnection Key Vault secretDatabaseName Enter ContosoAuto
ContainerName Enter metadata
Select Save to apply your changes.
Verify that the system-managed identities for both Function Apps and Web App are working properly and able to access Key Vault. To do this, within each Function App and the Web App, open the CosmosDBConnection setting and look at the Key Vault Reference Details underneath the setting. You should see an output similar to the following, which displays the secret details and indicates that it is using the System assigned managed identity:
If you see an error in the Key Vault Reference Details, go to Key Vault and delete the access policy for the related system identity. Then go back to the Function App or web app, turn off the System Identity, turn it back on (which creates a new one), then re-add it to Key Vault's access policies.
In this task, you will open the Visual Studio solution for this lab. It contains projects for both Function Apps, the Web App, and the data generator.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location you extracted the solution ZIP file in the Before the HOL guide. If you extracted the ZIP file directly to
, you need to open the following folder:C:\scenario-based-labs-master\IoT\Starter
. Open the Visual Studio solution file: CosmosDbIoTScenario.sln.If Visual Studio prompts you to sign in when it first launches, use the account provided to you for this lab (if applicable), or an existing Microsoft account.
After opening the solution, observe the included projects in the Solution Explorer:
- Functions.CosmosDB: Project for the IoT-CosmosDBProcessing Function App.
- Functions.StreamProcessing: Project for the IoT-StreamProcessing Function App.
- CosmosDbIoTScenario.Common: Contains entity models, extensions, and helpers used by the other projects.
- FleetDataGenerator: The data generator seeds the Cosmos DB
container with data and simulates vehicles, connects them to IoT Hub, then sends generated telemetry data. - FleetManagementWebApp: Project for the IoTWebApp Web App.
Right-click on the
solution in Solution Explorer, then select Restore NuGet Packages. The packages may have already been restored upon opening the solution.
The Function App and Web App projects contain blocks of code that need to be completed before you can deploy them. The reason for this is to help guide you through the solution, and to better understand the code by completing small fragments.
In Visual Studio, select View, then select Task List. This will display the list of TODO items, helping you navigate to each one.
The Task List appears at the bottom of the window:
Open Startup.cs within the Functions.CosmosDB project and complete the code beneath TODO 1 by pasting the following:
builder.Services.AddSingleton((s) => { var connectionString = configuration["CosmosDBConnection"]; var cosmosDbConnectionString = new CosmosDbConnectionString(connectionString); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Please specify a value for CosmosDBConnection in the local.settings.json file or your Azure Functions Settings."); } CosmosClientBuilder configurationBuilder = new CosmosClientBuilder(cosmosDbConnectionString.ServiceEndpoint.OriginalString, cosmosDbConnectionString.AuthKey); return configurationBuilder .Build(); });
Your completed code should look as follows:
Since we are using the .NET SDK for Cosmos DB v3, and dependency injection is supported starting with Function Apps v2, we are using a singleton Azure Cosmos DB client for the lifetime of the application. This is injected into the
class through its constructor, as you will see in the next TODO block. -
Save the Startup.cs file.
Open Functions.cs within the Functions.CosmosDB project and complete the code beneath TODO 2 by pasting the following:
public Functions(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, CosmosClient cosmosClient) { _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory; _cosmosClient = cosmosClient; }
Adding the code above allows the
and theCosmosClient
to be injected into the function code, which allows these services to manage their own connections and lifecycle to improve performance and prevent thread starvation and other issues caused by incorrectly creating too many instances of expensive objects. TheHttpClientFactory
was already configured inStartup.cs
where you made your previous code change. It is used to send alerts to the Logic App endpoint, and uses Polly to employ a gradual back-off wait and retry policy in case the Logic App is overloaded or has other issues causing calls to the HTTP endpoint to fail. -
Look at the first function code below the constructor code you just completed:
[FunctionName("TripProcessor")] public async Task TripProcessor([CosmosDBTrigger( databaseName: "ContosoAuto", collectionName: "telemetry", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection", LeaseCollectionName = "leases", LeaseCollectionPrefix = "trips", CreateLeaseCollectionIfNotExists = true, StartFromBeginning = true)]IReadOnlyList<Document> vehicleEvents, ILogger log) {
attribute defines how the function name appears within the Function App, and can be different from the C# method name. ThisTripProcessor
function uses theCosmosDBTrigger
to fire on every Cosmos DB change feed event. The events arrive in batches, whose size depends on factors such as how many Insert, Update, or Delete events there are for the container. ThedatabaseName
properties define which container's change feed triggers the function. TheConnectionStringSetting
indicates the name of the Function App's application setting from which to pull the Cosmos DB connection string. In our case, the connection string value will draw from the Key Vault secret you created. TheLeaseCollection
properties define the name of the lease container and the prefix applied to lease data for this function, and whether to create the lease container if it does not exist.StartFromBeginning
is set totrue
, ensuring that all events since the function last run are processed. The function outputs the change feed documents into anIReadOnlyList
collection. -
Scroll down a little further in the function and complete the code beneath TODO 3 by pasting the following:
var vin = group.Key; var odometerHigh = group.Max(item => item.GetPropertyValue<double>("odometer")); var averageRefrigerationUnitTemp = group.Average(item => item.GetPropertyValue<double>("refrigerationUnitTemp"));
We have grouped the events by vehicle VIN, so we assign a local
variable to hold the group key (VIN). Next, we use thegroup.Max
aggregate function to calculate the max odometer value, and use thegroup.Average
function to calculate the average refrigeration unit temperature. We will use theodometerHigh
value to calculate the trip distance and determine whether the trip is completed, based on the planned trip distance from theTrip
record in the Cosmos DBmetadata
container. TheaverageRefrigerationUnitTemp
is added in the alert that gets sent to the Logic App, if needed. -
Review the code that is just below the new code you added:
// First, retrieve the metadata Cosmos DB container reference: var container = _cosmosClient.GetContainer(database, metadataContainer); // Create a query, defining the partition key so we don't execute a fan-out query (saving RUs), where the entity type is a Trip and the status is not Completed, Canceled, or Inactive. var query = container.GetItemLinqQueryable<Trip>(requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions { PartitionKey = new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(vin) }) .Where(p => p.status != WellKnown.Status.Completed && p.status != WellKnown.Status.Canceled && p.status != WellKnown.Status.Inactive && p.entityType == WellKnown.EntityTypes.Trip) .ToFeedIterator(); if (query.HasMoreResults) { // Only retrieve the first result. var trip = (await query.ReadNextAsync()).FirstOrDefault(); if (trip != null) { // Retrieve the Consignment record. var document = await container.ReadItemAsync<Consignment>(trip.consignmentId, new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(trip.consignmentId)); var consignment = document.Resource;
Here we are using the .NET SDK for Cosmos DB v3 by retrieving a Cosmos DB container reference with the CosmosClient (
) that was injected into the class. We use the container'sGetItemLinqQueryable
with theTrip
class type to query the container using LINQ syntax and binding the results to a new collection of typeTrip
. Note how we are passing the partition key, in this case the VIN, to prevent executing a cross-partion, fan-out query, saving RU/s. We also define the type of document we want to retrieve by setting theentityType
document property in the query to Trip, since other entity types can also have the same partition key, such as the Vehicle type.Since we have the Consignment ID, we can use the
method to retrieve a single Consignment record. Here we also pass the partition key to minimize fan-out. Within a Cosmos DB container, a document's unique ID is a combination of theid
field and the partition key value. -
Scroll down a little further in the function and complete the code beneath TODO 4 by pasting the following:
if (updateTrip) { await container.ReplaceItemAsync(trip,, new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(trip.partitionKey)); } if (updateConsignment) { await container.ReplaceItemAsync(consignment,, new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(consignment.partitionKey)); }
method updates the Cosmos DB document with the passed in object with the associatedid
and partition key value. -
Scroll down and complete the code beneath TODO 5 by pasting the following:
await httpClient.PostAsync(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LogicAppUrl"), new StringContent(postBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
Here we are using the
created by the injectedHttpClientFactory
to post the serializedLogicAppAlert
object to the Logic App. TheEnvironment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LogicAppUrl")
method extracts the Logic App URL from the Function App's application settings and, using the special Key Vault access string you added to the app setting, extracts the encrypted value from the Key Vault secret. -
Scroll to the bottom of the file to find and complete TODO 6 with the following code:
// Convert to a VehicleEvent class. var vehicleEventOut = await vehicleEvent.ReadAsAsync<VehicleEvent>(); // Add to the Event Hub output collection. await vehicleEventsOut.AddAsync(new EventData( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vehicleEventOut))));
method is an extension method located inCosmosDbIoTScenario.Common.ExtensionMethods
that converts a Cosmos DB Document to a class; in this case, aVehicleEvent
class. Currently, theCosmosDBTrigger
on a function only supports returning anIReadOnlyList
, requiring a conversion to another class if you want to work with your customer classes instead of a Document for now. This extension method automates the process.The
method asynchronously adds to theIAsyncCollector<EventData>
collection defined in the function attributes, which takes care of sending the collection items to the defined Event Hub endpoint. -
Save the Functions.cs file.
Open Functions.cs within the Functions.StreamProcessing project. Let us first review the function parameters:
[FunctionName("IoTHubTrigger")] public static async Task IoTHubTrigger([IoTHubTrigger("messages/events", Connection = "IoTHubConnection")] EventData[] vehicleEventData, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "ContosoAuto", collectionName: "telemetry", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection")] IAsyncCollector<VehicleEvent> vehicleTelemetryOut, ILogger log) {
This function is defined with the
. Each time the IoT devices send data to IoT Hub, this function gets triggered and sent the event data in batches (EventData[] vehicleEventData
). TheCosmosDB
attribute is an output attribute, simplifying writing Cosmos DB documents to the defined database and container; in our case, theContosoAuto
database andtelemetry
container, respectively. -
Scroll down in the function code to find and complete TODO 7 with the following code:
vehicleEvent.partitionKey = $"{}-{DateTime.UtcNow:yyyy-MM}"; // Set the TTL to expire the document after 60 days. vehicleEvent.ttl = 60 * 60 * 24 * 60; vehicleEvent.timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; await vehicleTelemetryOut.AddAsync(vehicleEvent);
property represents a synthetic composite partition key for the Cosmos DB container, consisting of the VIN + current year/month. Using a composite key instead of simply the VIN provides us with the following benefits:- Distributing the write workload at any given point in time over a high cardinality of partition keys.
- Ensuring efficient routing on queries on a given VIN - you can spread these across time, e.g.
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.partitionKey IN ("VIN123-2019-01", "VIN123-2019-02", …)
- Scale beyond the 10GB quota for a single partition key value.
property sets the time-to-live for the document to 60 days, after which Cosmos DB will delete the document, since thetelemetry
container is our hot path storage.When we asynchronously add the class to the
collection, the Cosmos DB output binding on the function automatically handles writing the data to the defined Cosmos DB database and container, managing the implementation details for us. -
Save the Functions.cs file.
Open Startup.cs within the FleetManagementWebApp project. Scroll down to the bottom of the file to find and complete TODO 8 with the following code:
CosmosClientBuilder clientBuilder = new CosmosClientBuilder(cosmosDbConnectionString.ServiceEndpoint.OriginalString, cosmosDbConnectionString.AuthKey); CosmosClient client = clientBuilder .WithConnectionModeDirect() .Build(); CosmosDbService cosmosDbService = new CosmosDbService(client, databaseName, containerName);
This code uses the .NET SDK for Cosmos DB v3 to initialize the
instance that is added to theIServiceCollection
as a singleton for dependency injection and object lifetime management. -
Save the Startup.cs file.
Open CosmosDBService.cs under the Services folder of the FleetManagementWebApp project to find and complete TODO 9 with the following code:
var setIterator = query.Where(predicate).Skip(itemIndex).Take(pageSize).ToFeedIterator();
Here we are using the newly added
methods on theIOrderedQueryable
object (query
) to retrieve just the records for the requested page. Thepredicate
represents the LINQ expression passed in to theGetItemsWithPagingAsync
method to apply filtering. -
Scroll down a little further to find and complete TODO 10 with the following code:
var count = this._container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(allowSynchronousQueryExecution: true, requestOptions: !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partitionKey) ? new QueryRequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(partitionKey) } : null) .Where(predicate).Count();
In order to know how many pages we need to navigate, we must know the total item count with the current filter applied. To do this, we retrieve a new
results from theContainer
, pass the filter predicate to theWhere
method, and return theCount
to thecount
variable. For this to work, you must setallowSynchronousQueryExecution
to true, which we do with our first parameter to theGetItemLinqQueryable
method. -
Save the CosmosDBService.cs file.
Open VehiclesController.cs under the Controllers folder of the FleetManagementWebApp project to review the following code:
private readonly ICosmosDbService _cosmosDbService; private readonly IHttpClientFactory _clientFactory; private readonly IConfiguration _configuration; private readonly Random _random = new Random(); public VehiclesController(ICosmosDbService cosmosDbService, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory, IConfiguration configuration) { _cosmosDbService = cosmosDbService; _clientFactory = clientFactory; _configuration = configuration; } public async Task<IActionResult> Index(int page = 1, string search = "") { if (search == null) search = ""; //var query = new QueryDefinition("SELECT TOP @limit * FROM c WHERE c.entityType = @entityType") // .WithParameter("@limit", 100) // .WithParameter("@entityType", WellKnown.EntityTypes.Vehicle); // await _cosmosDbService.GetItemsAsync<Vehicle>(query); var vm = new VehicleIndexViewModel { Search = search, Vehicles = await _cosmosDbService.GetItemsWithPagingAsync<Vehicle>( x => x.entityType == WellKnown.EntityTypes.Vehicle && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search) || ( || x.stateVehicleRegistered.ToLower() == search.ToLower())), page, 10) }; return View(vm); }
We are using dependency injection with this controller, just as we did with one of our Function Apps earlier. The
, andIConfiguration
services are injected into the controller through the controller's constructor. TheCosmosDbService
is the class whose code you updated in the previous step. TheCosmosClient
is injected into it through its constructor.The
controller action method uses paging, which it implements by calling theICosmosDbService.GetItemsWithPagingAsync
method you updated in the previous step. Using this service in the controller helps abstract the Cosmos DB query implementation details and business rules from the code in the action methods, keeping the controller lightweight and the code in the service reusable across all the controllers.Notice that the paging query does not include a partition key, making the Cosmos DB query cross-partition, which is needed to be able to query across all the documents. If this query ends up being used a lot with the passed in
value, causing a higher than desired RU usage on the container per execution, then you might want to consider alternate strategies for the partition key, such as a combination ofvin
. However, since most of our access patterns for vehicles in this container use the VIN, we are using it as the partition key right now. You will see code further down in the method that explicitly pass the partition key value. -
Scroll down in the
file to find and complete TODO 11 with the following code:await _cosmosDbService.DeleteItemAsync<Vehicle>(, item.partitionKey);
Here we are doing a hard delete by completely removing the item. In a real-world scenario, we would most likely perform a soft delete, which means updating the document with a
property and ensuring all filters exclude items with this property. Plus, we'd soft delete related records, such as trips. Soft deletions make it much easier to recover a deleted item if needed in the future. -
Save the VehiclesController.cs file.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click on the Functions.CosmosDB project, then select Publish....
In the publish dialog, select the Azure Functions Consumption Plan publish target. Next, select the Select Existing radio and make sure Run from package file (recommended) is checked. Select Publish on the bottom of the form.
In the App Service pane, select your Azure Subscription you are using for this lab, and make sure View is set to Resource group. Find and expand your Resource Group in the results below. The name should start with cosmos-db-iot. Select the Function App whose name starts with IoT-CosmosDBProcessing, then select OK.
Click Publish to begin.
After the publish completes, you should see the following in the Output window:
========== Publish: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
to indicate a successful publish.If you do not see the Output window, select View in Visual Studio, then Output.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click on the Functions.StreamProcessing project, then select Publish....
In the publish dialog, select the Azure Functions Consumption Plan publish target. Next, select the Select Existing radio and make sure Run from package file (recommended) is checked. Select Publish on the bottom of the form.
In the App Service pane, select your Azure Subscription you are using for this lab, and make sure View is set to Resource group. Find and expand your Resource Group in the results below. The name should start with cosmos-db-iot. Select the Function App whose name starts with IoT-StreamProcessing, then select OK.
Click Publish to begin.
After the publish completes, you should see the following in the Output window:
========== Publish: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
to indicate a successful publish.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click on the FleetManagementWebApp project, then select Publish....
In the publish dialog, select the App Service publish target. Next, select the Select Existing radio, then select Publish on the bottom of the form.
In the App Service pane, select your Azure Subscription you are using for this lab, and make sure View is set to Resource group. Find and expand your Resource Group in the results below. The name should start with cosmos-db-iot. Select the Web App whose name starts with IoTWebApp, then select OK.
Click Publish to begin.
After the publish completes, you should see the following in the Output window:
========== Publish: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
to indicate a successful publish. Also, the web app should open in a new browser window. If you try to navigate through the site, you will notice there is no data. We will seed the Cosmos DBmetadata
container with data in the next exercise.If the web app does not automatically open, you can copy its URL on the publish dialog:
NOTE: If the web application displays an error, then go into the Azure Portal for the IoTWebApp and click Restart. When the Azure Web App is created from the ARM Template and configured for .NET Core, it may need to be restarted for the .NET Core configuration to be fully installed and ready for the application to run. Once restarted, the web application will run as expected.
Further troubleshooting: If, after restarting the web application more than once, you still encounter a 500 error, there may be a problem with the system identity for the web app. To check if this is the issue, open the web application's Configuration and view its Application Settings. Open the CosmosDBConnection setting and look at the Key Vault Reference Details underneath the setting. You should see an output similar to the following, which displays the secret details and indicates that it is using the System assigned managed identity:
If you see an error in the Key Vault Reference Details, go to Key Vault and delete the access policy for the web app's system identity. Then go back to the web app, turn off the System Identity, turn it back on (which creates a new one), then re-add it to Key Vault's access policies.
In the Azure portal (, open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-CosmosDBProcessing.
Expand the Functions list in the left-hand menu, then select TripProcessor.
View the function.json file to the right. This file was generated when you published the Function App in Visual Studio. The bindings are the same as you saw in the project code for the function. When new instances of the Function App are created, the generated
file and a ZIP file containing the compiled application are copied to these instances, and these instances run in parallel to share the load as data flows through the architecture. Thefunction.json
file instructs each instance how to bind attributes to the functions, where to find application settings, and information about the compiled application (scriptFile
). -
Select the HealthCheck function. This function has an Http trigger that enables users to verify that the Function App is up and running, and that each configuration setting exists and has a value. The data generator calls this function before running.
Select Get function URL.
Copy the URL and save it to Notepad or similar text editor for the exercise that follows.
In the Azure portal (, open the Azure Function App whose name begins with IoT-StreamProcessing.
Expand the Functions list in the left-hand menu, then select the HealthCheck function. Next, select Get function URL.
Copy the URL and save it to Notepad or similar text editor for the exercise that follows.
Hint: You can paste the Health Check URLs into a web browser to check the status at any time. The data generator programmatically accesses these URLs each time it runs, then reports whether the Function Apps are in a failed state or missing important application settings.
Duration: 10 minutes
In this exercise, we will explore the data generator project, FleetDataGenerator, update the application configuration, and run it in order to seed the metadata database with data and simulate a single vehicle.
There are several tasks that the data generator performs, depending on the state of your environment. The first task is that the generator will create the Cosmos DB database and containers with the optimal configuration for this lab if these elements do not exist in your Cosmos DB account. When you run the generator in a few moments, this step will be skipped because you already created them at the beginning of the lab. The second task the generator performs is to seed your Cosmos DB metadata
container with data if no data exists. This includes vehicle, consignment, package, and trip data. Before seeding the container with data, the generator temporarily increases the requested RU/s for the container to 50,000 for optimal data ingestion speed. After the seeding process completes, the RU/s are scaled back down to 15,000.
After the generator ensures the metadata exists, it begins simulating the specified number of vehicles. You are prompted to enter a number between 1 and 5, simulating 1, 10, 50, 100, or the number of vehicles specified in your configuration settings, respectively. For each simulated vehicle, the following tasks take place:
- An IoT device is registered for the vehicle, using the IoT Hub connection string and setting the device ID to the vehicle's VIN. This returns a generated device key.
- A new simulated vehicle instance (
) is added to a collection of simulated vehicles, each acting as an AMQP device and assigned a Trip record to simulate the delivery of packages for a consignment. These vehicles are randomly selected to have their refrigeration units fail and, out of those, some will randomly fail immediately while the others fail gradually. - The simulated vehicle creates its own AMQP device instance, connecting to IoT Hub with its unique device ID (VIN) and generated device key.
- The simulated vehicle asynchronously sends vehicle telemetry information through its connection to IoT Hub continuously until it either completes the trip by reaching the distance in miles established by the Trip record, or receiving a cancellation token.
If the Visual Studio solution is not already open, navigate to
and open the Visual Studio solution file: CosmosDbIoTScenario.sln. -
Expand the FleetDataGenerator project and open Program.cs in the Solution Explorer.
There is a lot of code within the data generator project, so we'll just touch on the highlights. The code we do not cover is commented and should be easy to follow if you so desire.
Within the Main method of Program.cs, the core workflow of the data generator is executed by the following code block:
// Instantiate Cosmos DB client and start sending messages: using (_cosmosDbClient = new CosmosClient(cosmosDbConnectionString.ServiceEndpoint.OriginalString, cosmosDbConnectionString.AuthKey, connectionPolicy)) { await InitializeCosmosDb(); // Find and output the container details, including # of RU/s. var container = _database.GetContainer(MetadataContainerName); var offer = await container.ReadThroughputAsync(cancellationToken); if (offer != null) { var currentCollectionThroughput = offer ?? 0; WriteLineInColor( $"Found collection `{MetadataContainerName}` with {currentCollectionThroughput} RU/s.", ConsoleColor.Green); } // Initially seed the Cosmos DB database with metadata if empty. await SeedDatabase(cosmosDbConnectionString, cancellationToken); trips = await GetTripsFromDatabase(numberSimulatedTrucks, container); } try { // Start sending telemetry from simulated vehicles to Event Hubs: _runningVehicleTasks = await SetupVehicleTelemetryRunTasks(numberSimulatedTrucks, trips, arguments.IoTHubConnectionString); var tasks = _runningVehicleTasks.Select(t => t.Value).ToList(); while (tasks.Count > 0) { try { Task.WhenAll(tasks).Wait(cancellationToken); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { //expected } tasks = _runningVehicleTasks.Where(t => !t.Value.IsCompleted).Select(t => t.Value).ToList(); } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Console.WriteLine("The vehicle telemetry operation was canceled."); // No need to throw, as this was expected. }
The top section of the code instantiates a new
, using the connection string defined in eitherappsettings.json
or the environment variables. The first call within the block is toInitializeCosmosDb()
. We'll dig into this method in a moment, but it is responsible for creating the Cosmos DB database and containers if they do not exist in the Cosmos DB account. Next, we create a newContainer
instance, which the v3 version of the .NET Cosmos DB SDK uses for operations against a container, such as CRUD and maintenance information. For example, we callReadThroughputAsync
on the container to retrieve the current throughput (RU/s), and we pass it toGetTripsFromDatabase
to read Trip documents from the container, based on the number of vehicles we are simulating. In this method, we also call theSeedDatabase
method, which checks whether data currently exists and, if not, calls methods in theDataGenerator
class (DataGenerator.cs
file) to generate vehicles, consignments, packages, and trips, then writes the data in bulk using theBulkImporter
class (BulkImporter.cs
file). ThisSeedDatabase
method executes the following on theContainer
instance to adjust the throughput (RU/s) to 50,000 before the bulk import, and back to 15,000 after the data seeding is complete:await container.ReplaceThroughputAsync(desiredThroughput);
block callsSetupVehicleTelemetryRunTasks
to register IoT device instances for each simulated vehicle and load up the tasks from eachSimulatedVehicle
instance it creates. It usesTask.WhenAll
to ensure all pending tasks (simulated vehicle trips) are complete, removing completed tasks from the_runningvehicleTasks
list as they finish. The cancellation token is used to cancel all running tasks if you issue the cancel command (Ctrl+C
) in the console. -
Scroll down the
file until you find theInitializeCosmosDb()
method. Here is the code for your reference:private static async Task InitializeCosmosDb() { _database = await _cosmosDbClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(DatabaseName); #region Telemetry container // Define a new container. var telemetryContainerDefinition = new ContainerProperties(id: TelemetryContainerName, partitionKeyPath: $"/{PartitionKey}") { IndexingPolicy = { IndexingMode = IndexingMode.Consistent } }; // Tune the indexing policy for write-heavy workloads by only including regularly queried paths. // Be careful when using an opt-in policy as we are below. Excluding all and only including certain paths removes // Cosmos DB's ability to proactively add new properties to the index. telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.ExcludedPaths.Clear(); telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.ExcludedPaths.Add(new ExcludedPath { Path = "/*" }); // Exclude all paths. telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Clear(); telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Add(new IncludedPath { Path = "/vin/?" }); telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Add(new IncludedPath { Path = "/state/?" }); telemetryContainerDefinition.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Add(new IncludedPath { Path = "/partitionKey/?" }); // Create the container with a throughput of 15000 RU/s. await _database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(telemetryContainerDefinition, throughput: 15000); #endregion #region Metadata container // Define a new container (collection). var metadataContainerDefinition = new ContainerProperties(id: MetadataContainerName, partitionKeyPath: $"/{PartitionKey}") { // Set the indexing policy to consistent and use the default settings because we expect read-heavy workloads in this container (includes all paths (/*) with all range indexes). // Indexing all paths when you have write-heavy workloads may impact performance and cost more RU/s than desired. IndexingPolicy = { IndexingMode = IndexingMode.Consistent } }; // Set initial performance to 50,000 RU/s for bulk import performance. await _database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(metadataContainerDefinition, throughput: 50000); #endregion #region Maintenance container // Define a new container (collection). var maintenanceContainerDefinition = new ContainerProperties(id: MaintenanceContainerName, partitionKeyPath: $"/vin") { IndexingPolicy = { IndexingMode = IndexingMode.Consistent } }; // Set initial performance to 400 RU/s due to light workloads. await _database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(maintenanceContainerDefinition, throughput: 400); #endregion }
This method creates a Cosmos DB database if it does not already exist, otherwise it retrieves a reference to it (
await _cosmosDbClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(DatabaseName);
). Then it createsContainerProperties
for thetelemetry
, andmaintenance
containers. TheContainerProperties
object lets us specify the container's indexing policy. We use the default indexing policy formetadata
since they are read-heavy and benefit from a greater number of paths, but we exclude all paths in thetelemetry
index policy, and add paths only to those properties we need to query, due to the container's write-heavy workload. Thetelemetry
container is assigned a throughput of 15,000 RU/s, 50,000 formetadata
for the initial bulk import, then it is scaled down to 15,000, and 400 formaintenance
The data generator needs two connection strings before it can successfully run; the IoT Hub connection string, and the Cosmos DB connection string. The IoT Hub connection string can be found by selecting Shared access policies in IoT Hub, selecting the iothubowner policy, then copying the Connection string--primary key value. This is different from the Event Hub-compatible endpoint connection string you copied earlier.
Open appsettings.json within the FleetDataGenerator project.
Paste the IoT Hub connection string value in quotes next to the IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING key. Paste the Cosmos DB connection string value in quotes next to the COSMOS_DB_CONNECTION_STRING key.
The data generator also requires the Health Check URLs you copied in the previous exercise for the
functions located in both Function Apps. Paste the Cosmos DB Processing Function App'sHealthCheck
function's URL in quotes next to the COSMOS_PROCESSING_FUNCTION_HEALTHCHECK_URL key. Paste the Stream Processing Function App'sHealthCheck
function's URL in quotes next to the STREAM_PROCESSING_FUNCTION_HEALTHCHECK_URL key.The NUMBER_SIMULATED_TRUCKS value is used when you select option 5 when you run the generator. This gives you the flexibility to simulate between 1 and 1,000 trucks at a time. SECONDS_TO_LEAD specifies how many seconds to wait until the generator starts generating simulated data. The default value is 0. SECONDS_TO_RUN forces the simulated trucks to stop sending generated data to IoT Hub. The default value is 14400. Otherwise, the generator stops sending tasks when all the trips complete or you cancel by entering
in the console window. -
Save the
As an alternative, you may save these settings as environment variables on your machine, or through the FleetDataGenerator properties. Doing this will remove the risk of accidentally saving your secrets to source control.
In this task, you will run the generator and have it generate events for 50 trucks. The reason we are generating events for so many vehicles is two-fold:
- In the next exercise, we will observe the function triggers and event activities with Application Insights.
- We need to have completed trips prior to performing batch predictions in a later exercise.
Warning: You will receive a lot of emails when the generator starts sending vehicle telemetry. If you do not wish to receive emails, simply disable the Logic App you created.
Within Visual Studio, right-click on the FleetDataGenerator project in the Solution Explorer and select Set as Startup Project. This will automatically run the data generator each time you debug.
Select the Debug button at the top of the Visual Studio window or hit F5 to run the data generator.
When the console window appears, enter 3 to simulate 50 vehicles. The generator will perform the Function App health checks, resize the requested throughput for the
container, use the bulk importer to seed the container, and resize the throughput back to 15,000 RU/s. -
After the seeding is completed the generator will retrieve 50 trips from the database, sorted by shortest trip distance first so we can have completed trip data appear faster. You will see a message output for every 50 events sent, per vehicle with their VIN, the message count, and the number of miles remaining for the trip. For example:
Vehicle 19: C1OVHZ8ILU8TGGPD8 Message count: 3650 -- 3.22 miles remaining
. Let the generator run in the background and continue to the next exercise. -
As the vehicles complete their trips, you will see a message such as
Vehicle 37 has completed its trip
. -
When the generator completes, you will see a message to this effect.
If the health checks fail for the Function Apps, the data generator will display a warning, oftentimes telling you which application settings are missing. The data generator will not run until the health checks pass. Refer to Exercise 3, Task 2 above for tips on troubleshooting the application settings.
The data generator registered and activated each simulated vehicle in IoT Hub as a device. In this task, you will open IoT Hub and view these registered devices.
In the Azure portal (, open the IoT Hub instance within your cosmos-db-iot resource group.
Select IoT devices in the left-hand menu. You will see all 50 IoT devices listed in the IoT devices pane to the right, with the VIN specified as the device ID. When we simulate more vehicles, we will see additional IoT devices registered here.
Duration: 10 minutes
In this exercise, we use the Live Metrics Stream feature of Application Insights to view the incoming requests, outgoing requests, overall health, allocated server information, and sample telemetry in near-real time. This will help you observe how your functions scale under load and allow you to spot any potential bottlenecks or problematic components, through a single interactive interface.
In the Azure portal (, open the Application Insights instance within your cosmos-db-iot resource group.
Select Live Metrics Stream in the left-hand menu.
Observe the metrics within the Live Metrics Stream as data flows through the system.
At the top of the page, you will see a server count. This shows how many instances of the Function Apps there are, and one server is allocated to the Web App. As the Function App server instances exceed computational, memory, or request duration thresholds, and as the IoT Hub and Change Feed queues grow and age, new instances are automatically allocated to scale out the Function Apps. You can view the server list at the bottom of the page. On the right-hand side you will see sample telemetry, including messages sent to the logger within the functions. Here we highlighted a message stating that the Cosmos DB Processing function is sending 100 Cosmos DB records to Event Hubs.
You will notice many dependency call failures (404). These can be safely ignored. They are caused by the Azure Storage binding for the ColdStorage function within the Cosmos DB Processing Function App. This binding checks if the file exists before writing to the specified container. Since we are writing new files, you will see a
message for every file that is written since it does not exist. Currently, the binding engine does not know the difference between "good" 404 messages such as these, and "bad" ones.
Duration: 10 minutes
In the Azure portal (, open the Cosmos DB instance within your cosmos-db-iot resource group.
Select Data Explorer in the left-hand menu.
Expand the ContosoAuto database, then expand the metadata container. Select Items to view a list of documents stored in the container. Select one of the items to view the data.
Select the ellipses (...) to the right of the metadata container name, then select New SQL Query.
Replace the query with the following:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.entityType = 'Vehicle'
Execute the query to view the first 100 vehicle records.
Update the query to find trip records where the trip is completed.
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.entityType = 'Trip' AND c.status = 'Completed'
Please note, you may not have any trips that have completed yet. Try querying where the
= Active instead. Active trips are those that are currently running.Here is an example completed trip record (several packages removed for brevity):
{ "partitionKey": "DK6JW0RNF0G9PO2FJ", "id": "eb96c44e-4c1d-4f54-bdea-e7d2f927009c", "entityType": "Trip", "vin": "DK6JW0RNF0G9PO2FJ", "consignmentId": "e1da2e74-bf37-4773-a5bf-483fc08533ac", "plannedTripDistance": 18.33, "location": "AR", "odometerBegin": 106841, "odometerEnd": 106859.36, "temperatureSetting": 19, "tripStarted": "2019-09-20T14:39:24.1855725Z", "tripEnded": "2019-09-20T14:54:53.7558481Z", "status": "Completed", "timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "packages": [ { "packageId": "a5651f48-67d5-4c1b-b7d9-80d678aabe9b", "storageTemperature": 30, "highValue": false }, { "packageId": "b2185628-eb0e-49b9-8b7d-685fcdcb5a36", "storageTemperature": 22, "highValue": false }, { "packageId": "25ac4bd1-5aad-4030-91f7-9539cc15b441", "storageTemperature": 31, "highValue": true } ], "consignment": { "consignmentId": "e1da2e74-bf37-4773-a5bf-483fc08533ac", "customer": "Fabrikam, Inc.", "deliveryDueDate": "2019-09-20T17:50:40.3291024Z" }, "_rid": "hM5HAOavCggb5QAAAAAAAA==", "_self": "dbs/hM5HAA==/colls/hM5HAOavCgg=/docs/hM5HAOavCggb5QAAAAAAAA==/", "_etag": "\"2d0364cc-0000-0700-0000-5d84e83d0000\"", "_attachments": "attachments/", "_ts": 1568991293 }
Portions of the package and consignment records are included since they are often used in trip queries and reports.
Navigate to your deployed Fleet Management web app. If you closed it earlier, you can find the deployment URL in the Overview blade of your Web App (IoTWebApp) in the portal.
Select Vehicles. Here you will see the paging capabilities at work.
Select one of the vehicles to view the details. On the right-hand side of the details page are the trips assigned to the vehicle. This view provides the customer name from the associated consignment record, aggregate information for the packages, and the trip details.
Go back to the vehicles list and enter a search term, such as MT. This will search both the state registered, and the VIN, including partial matches. Feel free to search for both states and VINs. In the screenshot below, we searched for
and received results for Montana state registrations, and had a record whereMT
was included in the VIN. -
Select Consignments in the left-hand menu, then enter alpine ski in the search box and execute. You should see several consignments for the
Alpine Ski House
customer. You can also search by Consignment ID. In our results, one of the consignments has a status of Completed. -
Select a consignment to view the details. The record shows the customer, delivery due date, status, and package details. The package statistics contains aggregates to calculate the total number of packages, the required storage temperature, based on the package with the lowest storage temperature setting, the total cubic feet and combined gross weight of the packages, and whether any of the packages are considered high value.
Select Trips in the left-hand menu. Use the filter at the top of the page to filter trips by status, such as Pending, Active, Delayed, and Completed. Trips are delayed if the status is not Completed prior to the delivery due date. You may not see any delayed at this point, but you may have some that become delayed when you re-run the data generator later. You can view the Vehicle or related Consignment record from this page.
Duration: 10 minutes
In this exercise, you will insert, update, and delete a vehicle record.
In the web app, navigate to the Vehicles page, then select Create New Vehicle.
Complete the Create Vehicle form with the following VIN: ISO4MF7SLBXYY9OZ3. When finished filling out the form, select Create.
Search for your new vehicle in the Vehicles page by pasting the VIN in the search box: ISO4MF7SLBXYY9OZ3.
Select the vehicle in the search results. Select Edit Vehicle in the vehicle details page.
Update the record by changing the state registered and any other field, then select Update.
Search for your new vehicle in the Vehicles page by pasting the VIN in the search box: ISO4MF7SLBXYY9OZ3. You should see the registered state any any other fields you updated have changed.
Select the vehicle in the search results. Select Delete in the vehicle details page.
In the Delete Vehicle confirmation page, select Delete to confirm.
Search for your new vehicle in the Vehicles page by pasting the VIN in the search box: ISO4MF7SLBXYY9OZ3. You should see that no vehicles are found.
Duration: 15 minutes
Browse to and sign in with the same account you used when you created the Power BI output in Stream Analytics.
Select My workspace, then select the Datasets tab. You should see the Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset. This is the dataset you defined in the Stream Analytics Power BI output.
Select + Create at the top of the page, then select Dashboard.
Provide a name for the dashboard, such as
Contoso Auto IoT Live Dashboard
, then select Create. -
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Card Visualization Type. Under fields, select + Add value, then select oilAnomaly from the dropdown. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Card Visualization Type. Under fields, select + Add value, then select engineTempAnomaly from the dropdown. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Card Visualization Type. Under fields, select + Add value, then select aggressiveDriving from the dropdown. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Card Visualization Type. Under fields, select + Add value, then select refrigerationTempAnomaly from the dropdown. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Card Visualization Type. Under fields, select + Add value, then select eventCount from the dropdown. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Line chart Visualization Type. Under Axis, select + Add value, then select snapshot from the dropdown. Under Values, select +Add value, then select engineTemperature. Leave the time window to display at 1 minute. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Line chart Visualization Type. Under Axis, select + Add value, then select snapshot from the dropdown. Under Values, select +Add value, then select refrigerationUnitTemp. Leave the time window to display at 1 minute. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
Above the new dashboard, select + Add tile, then select Custom Streaming Data in the dialog, then select Next.
Select your Contoso Auto IoT Events dataset, then select Next.
Select the Line chart Visualization Type. Under Axis, select + Add value, then select snapshot from the dropdown. Under Values, select +Add value, then select speed. Leave the time window to display at 1 minute. Select Next.
Leave the values at their defaults for the tile details form, then select Apply.
When you are done, rearrange the tiles as shown:
If the data generator is finished sending events, you may notice that tiles on the dashboard are empty. If so, start the data generator again, this time selecting option 1 for one vehicle. If you do this, the refrigeration temperature anomaly is guaranteed, and you will see the refrigeration unit temperature gradually climb above the 22.5 degree Fahrenheit alert threshold. Alternatively, you may opt to simulate more vehicles and observe the high event count numbers.
After the generator starts sending vehicle telemetry, the dashboard should start working after a few seconds. In this screenshot, we are simulating 50 vehicles with 2,486 events in the last 10 seconds. You may see a higher or lower value for the
, depending on the speed of your computer on which you are running the generator, your network speed and latency, and other factors.
Duration: 20 minutes
In this exercise, you will import Databricks notebooks into your Azure Databricks workspace. A notebook is interactive and runs in any web browser, mixing markup (formatted text with instructions), executable code, and outputs from running the code.
Next, you will run the Batch Scoring notebook to make battery failure predictions on vehicles, using vehicle and trip data stored in Cosmos DB.
In this task, you will import the Databricks notebooks into your workspace.
In the Azure portal, open your lab resource group, then open your Azure Databricks Service. The name should start with
. -
Select Launch Workspace. Azure Databricks will automatically sign you in through its Azure Active Directory integration.
Select Workspace, select Users, select the dropdown to the right of your username, then select Import.
Select URL next to Import from, paste the following into the text box:
, then select Import. -
After importing, select your username. You will see a new folder named
01 IoT
, which contains two notebooks, and a sub-folder namedIncludes
, which contains one notebook. -
Open the Shared-Configuration notebook located in the
sub-folder and provide values for your Machine Learning service workspace. You can find these values within the Overview blade of your Machine Learning service workspace that is located in your lab resource group.The values highlighted in the screenshot below are for the following variables in the notebooks:
In this task, you will run the Batch Scoring
notebook, using a pre-trained machine learning (ML) model to determine if the battery needs to be replaced on several vehicles within the next 30 days. The notebook performs the following actions:
- Installs required Python libraries.
- Connects to Azure Machine Learning service (Azure ML).
- Downloads a pre-trained ML model, saves it to Azure ML, then uses that model for batch scoring.
- Uses the Cosmos DB Spark connector to retrieve completed Trips and Vehicle metadata from the
Cosmos DB container, prepares the data using SQL queries, then surfaces the data as temporary views. - Applies predictions against the data, using the pre-trained model.
- Saves the prediction results in the Cosmos DB
container for reporting purposes.
To run this notebook, perform the following steps:
In Azure Databricks, select Workspace, select Users, then select your username.
Select the
01 IoT
folder, then select the Batch Scoring notebook to open it. -
Before you can execute the cells in this or the other notebooks for this lab, you must first attach your Databricks cluster. Expand the dropdown at the top of the notebook where you see Detached. Select your lab cluster to attach it to the notebook. If it is not currently running, you will see an option to start the cluster.
You may use keyboard shortcuts to execute the cells, such as Ctrl+Enter to execute a single cell, or Shift+Enter to execute a cell and move to the next one below.
In both notebooks, you will be required to provide values for your Machine Learning service workspace. You can find these values within the Overview blade of your Machine Learning service workspace that is located in your lab resource group.
The values highlighted in the screenshot below are for the following variables in the notebooks:
If you wish to execute this notebook on a scheduled basis, such as every evening, you can use the Jobs feature in Azure Databricks to accomplish this.
Duration: 20 minutes
In addition to batch scoring, Contoso Auto would like to predict battery failures on-demand in real time for any given vehicle. They want to be able to call the model from their Fleet Management website when looking at a vehicle to predict whether that vehicle's battery may fail in the next 30 days.
In the previous task, you executed a notebook that used a pre-trained ML model to predict battery failures for all vehicles with trip data in a batch process. But how do you take that same model and deploy it (in data science terms, this is called "operationalization") to a web service for this purpose?
In this task, you will run the Model Deployment
notebook to deploy the pre-trained model to a web service hosted by Azure Container Instances (ACI), using your Azure ML workspace. While it is possible to deploy the model to a web service running in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we are deploying to ACI instead since doing so saves 10-20 minutes. However, once deployed, the process used to call the web service is the same, as are most of the steps to do the deployment.
To run this notebook, perform the following steps:
In Azure Databricks, select Workspace, select Users, then select your username.
Select the
01 IoT
folder, then select the Model Deployment notebook to open it. -
As with the Batch Scoring notebook, be sure to attach your lab cluster before executing cells.
After you are finished running the notebook, open the Azure Machine Learning service workspace in the portal, then select Models in the left-hand menu to view the pre-trained model.
Select Deployments in the left-hand menu, then select the Azure Container Instances deployment that was created when you ran the notebook.
Copy the Scoring URI value. This will be used by the deployed web app to request predictions in real time.
Now that the web service is deployed to ACI, we can call it to make predictions from the Fleet Management Web App. To enable this capability, we first need to update the Web App's application configuration settings with the scoring URI.
Make sure you have copied the Scoring URI of your deployed service, as instructed in the previous task.
Open the Web App (App Service) whose name begins with IoTWebApp.
Select Configuration in the left-hand menu.
Scroll to the Application settings section then select + New application setting.
In the Add/Edit application setting form, enter
for the Name, and paste the web service URI you copied and paste it in the Value field. Select OK to add the setting. -
Select Save to save your new application setting.
Go back to the Overview blade for the Web App, then select Restart.
Navigate to the deployed Fleet Management web app and open a random Vehicle record. Select Predict battery failure, which calls your deployed scoring web service and makes a prediction for the vehicle.
This vehicle has a low number of Lifetime cycles used, compared to the battery's rated 200 cycle lifespan. The model predicted that the battery will not fail within the next 30 days.
Look through the list of vehicles to find one whose Lifetime cycles used value is closer to 200, then make the prediction for the vehicle.
This vehicle has a high number of Lifetime cycles used, which is closer to the battery's rated 200 cycle lifespan. The model predicted that the battery will fail within the next 30 days.
Duration: 15 minutes
In this lab, you will import a Power BI report that has been created for you. After opening it, you will update the data source to point to your Power BI instance.
Open Power BI Desktop, then select Open other reports.
In the Open report dialog, browse to
, then select FleetReport.pbix. Click Open.
After the report opens, click on Edit Queries in the ribbon bar within the Home tab.
Select Trips in the Queries list on the left, then select Source under Applied Steps. Click the gear icon next to Source.
In the source dialog, update the Cosmos DB URL value with your Cosmos DB URI you copied earlier in the lab, then click OK. If you need to find this value, navigate to your Cosmos DB account in the portal, select Keys in the left-hand menu, then copy the URI value.
The Trips data source has a SQL statement defined that returns only the fields we need, and applies some aggregates:
SELECT,, c.consignmentId, c.plannedTripDistance, c.location, c.odometerBegin, c.odometerEnd, c.temperatureSetting, c.tripStarted, c.tripEnded, c.status, ( SELECT VALUE Count(1) FROM n IN c.packages ) AS numPackages, ( SELECT VALUE MIN(n.storageTemperature) FROM n IN c.packages ) AS packagesStorageTemp, ( SELECT VALUE Count(1) FROM n IN c.packages WHERE n.highValue = true ) AS highValuePackages, c.consignment.customer, c.consignment.deliveryDueDate FROM c where c.entityType = 'Trip' and c.status in ('Active', 'Delayed', 'Completed')
When prompted, enter the Cosmos DB Account key value, then click Connect. If you need to find this value, navigate to your Cosmos DB account in the portal, select Keys in the left-hand menu, then copy the Primary Key value.
In a moment, you will see a table named Document that has several rows whose value is Record. This is because Power BI doesn't know how to display the JSON document. The document has to be expanded. After expanding the document, you want to change the data type of the numeric and date fields from the default string types, so you can perform aggregate functions in the report. These steps have already been applied for you. Select the Changed Type step under Applied Steps to see the columns and changed data types.
The screenshot below shows the Trips document columns with the data types applied:
Select VehicleAverages in the Queries list on the left, then select Source under Applied Steps. Click the gear icon next to Source.
In the source dialog, update the Cosmos DB URL value with your Cosmos DB URI, then click OK.
The VehicleAverages data source has the following SQL statement defined:
SELECT, c.engineTemperature, c.speed, c.refrigerationUnitKw, c.refrigerationUnitTemp, c.engineTempAnomaly, c.oilAnomaly, c.aggressiveDriving, c.refrigerationTempAnomaly, c.snapshot FROM c WHERE c.entityType = 'VehicleAverage'
If prompted, enter the Cosmos DB Account key value, then click Connect. You may not be prompted since you entered the key in an earlier step.
Select VehicleMaintenance in the Queries list on the left, then select Source under Applied Steps. Click the gear icon next to Source.
In the source dialog, update the Cosmos DB URL value with your Cosmos DB URI, then click OK.
The VehicleMaintenance data source has the following SQL statement defined, which is simpler than the other two since there are no other entity types in the
container, and no aggregates are needed:SELECT, c.serviceRequired FROM c
If prompted, enter the Cosmos DB Account key value, then click Connect. You may not be prompted since you entered the key in an earlier step.
If you are prompted, click Close & Apply.
The report will apply changes to the data sources and the cached data set will be updated in a few moments. Explore the report, using the slicers (status filter, customer filter, and VIN list) to filter the data for the visualizations. Also be sure to select the different tabs at the bottom of the report, such as Maintenance for more report pages.
Select a customer from the Customer Filter, which acts as a slicer. This means when you select an item, it applies a filter to the other items on the page and linked pages. After selecting a customer, you should see the map and graphs change. You will also see a filtered list of VINs and Status. Select the Details tab.
The Details page shows related records, filtered on the selected customer and/or VIN. Now select the Trips tab.
The Trips page shows related trip information. Select Maintenance.
The Maintenance page shows results from the batch scoring notebook you executed in Databricks. If you do not see records here, then you need to run the entire batch scoring notebook after some trips have completed.
If at any time you have a number of filters set and you cannot see records, Ctrl+Click the Clear Filters button on the main report page (Trip/Consignments).
If your data generator is running while viewing the report, you can update the report with new data by clicking the Refresh button at any time.
Duration: 10 mins
In this exercise, you will delete any Azure resources that were created in support of the lab. You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab to ensure your account does not continue to be charged for lab resources.
Using the Azure portal, navigate to the Resource group you used throughout this hands-on lab by selecting Resource groups in the left menu.
Search for the name of your resource group, and select it from the list.
Select Delete in the command bar, and confirm the deletion by re-typing the Resource group name, and selecting Delete.
You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab.