This document is part of the BioCompute Object User Guide
Back to BCO domains
These header fields uniquely define this BCO. These fields are required for every BCO and are represented at the top level object.
Condensed example:
"bco_spec_version" : "",
"bco_id": "",
"checksum": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"provenance_domain": {
"...": { }
The version of the BCO specification used to define the BCO. It is recomended that this value be a permalink as defined in the repository.
"bco_spec_version": ""
A unique identifier that should be applied to each BCO instance. These can be assigned by a BCO database engine or manually generated. IDs should never be reused. It is RECOMMENDED that the BCO identifier is based on a UUIDs (sometimes called GUIDs) to ensure uniqueness, either as a location-independent URN (e.g. urn:uuid:2bf8397b-9aa8-47f2-80a7-235653e8e824
) or as part of an identifier permalink, (e.g.
). While the UUID is the preferred method, IDs expressed as a URN or URL are also acceptable.
"bco_id": ""
A string-type, read-only value, protecting the object from internal or external alterations without proper validation. The string should be generated through the use of a SHA-256 hash function. Everything EXCEPT for the checksum
, bco_id
and bco_spec_version
should be included in the generation of the hash. For example:
"provenance_domain": {},
"usability_domain": [],
"description_domain": {},
"execution_domain": {},
"parametric_domain": [],
"io_domain": {},
"error_domain": {}
will generate the following:
"checksum": "584C7FE128717E1712426AB19CAAEA8BC1E27365B54285BBEA1221284C7D3A48"
Additional description about the BCO itself is also provided in the provenance domain, description domain and usability domain. Other domains detail areas like execution and error ranges.