- ws: rename gh action to prerelease
- ws: rename gh action to prerelease
- feat: add narrow ekonkar for continuous scripts
- feat: add joiners to dbldanda in continuous scripts
- fix: match terminal widths/lengths for above vowels
- feat: distinguish above vowels from each other better
- test: add thousands of most commonly found words in shabad os database
- feat: curve bottom of cha to fit with bottom vowels
- feat: make many minor adjustments to vowels and akhands
- feat: stylize ੴ (ik oankar) with longer, more circular "kar"
- ws: backup Sant Lipi for potentially breaking changes
- test: add tests for narrow above vowel chars
- feat: point all lav terminals, ai and ee, leftwards
- test: add ik oankar larivar combos
- feat: angle final terminal of sihari to point more towards stem of base char
- feat: position bottom akhand of t char to show better
- refactor: switch from poetry to hatch
- change direction of ਹ (haha) termination to point at vertical stem
- feat: stylize ੴ (ik oankar) to flow better
- feat: add mobile browser support for qa
- feat: add support for ਸ + ੍ + ZWJ to create initial half-s and stylize half-s forms
- feat: replace addakbindi with zwj logic for bindi before sihari
- docs: update documentation on pre-bihari nasals
- feat: add heavy vishram to pua for testing
- docs: update readme for dart package
- update font's unicode range in npm package
- refine shape of ik oankar
- feat: add named constants for composing unicode gurmukhi
- feat: stylize ਹ (ha) glyph
- feat: stylize ੴ (ik oankar) to better match other fonts
- docs: add instructions to install within dart and flutter apps
- build: finalize release and publish strategy
- build: set up new publishing strategy
- build: release manually but publish automatically
- build: testing dart publishing
- feat: update ik oankar
- feat: improve haha kerning
- feat: remove unused ligature
- feat: add variation selectors for yayya and mahan kosh
- add dart package