Install all development dependencies with devtools::install_dev_deps(), and then make sure the package passes R CMD check by running devtools::check(). If R CMD check doesn’t pass cleanly, it’s a good idea to ask for help before continuing.
Create a Git branch for your pull request (PR). We recommend using usethis::pr_init("brief-description-of-change").
Make your changes, commit to git, and then create a PR by running usethis::pr_push(), and following the prompts in your browser. The title of your PR should briefly describe the change. The body of your PR should contain Fixes #issue-number.
Make your changes, commit to git, and then create a PR by running usethis::pr_push(), and following the prompts in your browser. The title of your PR should briefly describe the change. The body of your PR should contain Fixes #issue-number.
For user-facing changes, add a bullet to the top of (i.e. just below the first header). Follow the style described in
Easily use {fontawesome} icons as Shiny favicons (the icons that appear on browser tabs). Font Awesome is a popular set of icons that can be used in web pages. {favawesome} provides a simple way to use these icons as favicons in Shiny applications and other HTML pages.
Easily use {fontawesome} icons as shiny favicons (the icons that appear on browser tabs). Font Awesome is a popular set of icons that can be used in web pages. {favawesome} provides a simple way to use these icons as favicons in shiny applications and other HTML pages.
If you’ve spent time in the Chrome Developer Tools Console (ctrl + shift + I) for Shiny apps, you may have seen this familiar error message:
If you’ve spent time in the Chrome Developer Tools Console (ctrl + shift + I) for shiny apps, you may have seen this familiar error message:
False alarms make it easy to miss real error messages, so I wanted a way to silence that error message without adding a bunch of dependencies to my shiny app. This package does not add any dependencies that are not already required by {shiny}.
Add a call to favawesome::fav() to your Shiny UI code or other HTML.
Add a call to favawesome::fav() to your shiny UI code or other HTML.