Modules for building Fractal apps.
- Ordao (Optimistic Respect-based DAO) - a prototype app for a fractal that uses Optimistic Respect-based executive contract and non-fungible Respect token. Read here how to use it.
- ordao/sys - configuration and scripts to develop / test / deploy whole Ordao system.
- ordao/gui - frontend for Optimistic Respect-based DAO (early work in progress);
- orclient - a library for Ordao apps / frontends, that abstracts all the communication with the backend and blockchain;
- ornode - a NodeJS service to provide availability of data, which is not stored onchain but necessary for Ordao apps;
- ortypes - Typescript types and helper utilities for Ordaos. Defines interfaces between orclient - ornode - contracts.
- ts-utils - More general typescript utilities;
- respect1155 - a non-transferrable reputation token contract based on ERC-1155. Read more here;
- orec - implementation of OREC concept (in Solidity);
flowchart TD
ordao/gui --> orclient
orclient --> ortypes
ornode --> ortypes
ortypes --> respect1155
ortypes --> orec