- Create a MVP for the project
- Add basic command line parsing and argument handling
- Allow end users to create arguments example psudo code
typeof args should be
import { parse } from 'ts-args'; // parses the command line arguments and returns a typed object const args = parse(process.argv, { // assume the script is a shebang script (90% of the time this is true) assumeShebang: true, // strip the file extension from the executable file (ex `./script.js` -> `./script`) stripExecFileExtension: true, // Override project name (default is the name of the executable file) projectName: 'my-script', }).add_positional('input_file', { // Data type of the argument type: 'file', // key to write the argument value to name: "input", // required is a boolean, if true the argument is required (the ) required: true, // if true the argument can be passed multiple times and the value will be an array of the values can only be used one with positional arguments // but there can be multiple `allow_multible` flags allowMultiple: false, alias: 'i', // help text to display to the user help: 'File to interact with' }).add_flag('verbose', { // required does not effect boolean flags as they are always optional and if they are not present they are false // in the returned object type of the argument is required ie `{input: string, verbose: boolean}` type: 'boolean', // alteritive flags to use either string or array of strings alias: 'v', help: 'Prints verbose output' }).oneof('preset', { // oneof is a type that takes a array of values that the argument can be type: 'oneof', // the set of values that the argument can be values: ['fast', 'slow'], // alias for the argument alias: 'p', // the default value for the argument (must be one of the values in the values array) default: 'fast', help: 'Preset to use' }).parse();
{input: string, verbose: boolean}
- Add usage and help text generation
- Allow usage of default values for nonboolean flags
- Prolly will assume argument flag arguments w/o no default value are required
- Refine Argument Parsing behavior
- flag chaining
-ploi "Hello"
should be the same as-p -l -o -i "Hello"
for arg chains can only be done with flags and only the last flag can have a non boolean value unless the flag is a flag that takes a value has a default value so in the case of-ploi "Hello"
has a default value it will be set to that value otherwise a error (or help message) will be displayed
- flag chaining
- Add Tests and CI for testing PR's and commits
- Misc Features
- Add support for subcommands
- Add support for completions