- update: labelstudio endpoint
- fix: evaluation pipelines
- update: package dependencies for python 3.9
- update: python version to 3.9 for slu repo conda environments
- update: python version for slu repo conda environments
- update: GITLAB token
- update: AWS credentials and GITHUB token
- update: DB user
- replace: Console links with Studio links in pipelines
- fix: Missing dependency in chrome installation
- fix: Upgrade Selenium version
- fix: Chrome and chromedriver issue for image build
- update: Update Gitlab personal token
- remove: Remove support for fetch_n_tag_calls and tag_calls
- add: Support for a new column in conversations table
- Bugfix: Fix missing metrics folder and s3 upload region
- add: blocking_disposition is now being extracted as part of call-level tagging jobs
- add: Pipeline to invalidate situations in DB for LLMs
- add: New s3_buckets for sandbox regions in India and US
- add: previous_disposition is now being extracted as part of call-level tagging jobs
- Bugfix: fix issue with sample conversation display
- Update skit-labels version
- Bugfix: Fix db connection issue
- add: Pipeline to generate conversations and upload it for tagging
- Update github access token in secrets
- Bugfix: fix issue with fetch_calls pipeline
- Bugfix: fix issue with retrain_slu_old pipeline
- Bugfix: update skit-calls version
- add: Change node selector in US
- add: support for displaying a sample of the conversation generated
- fix: the handling of the format of scenario param in generate sample conversations pipeline
- add: Pipeline for generating sample conversations
- fix: No calls found from FSM shouldnt fail data_fetch pipelines
- fix: Intent list was not coming in comprision file while training or evaluate slu.
- Update node selector to match node groups in US
- add environment variables in CI
- add: Added re_presign_s3_urls component, which can re-presign publis s3 http urls in transcription_pipeline.
- fix: join on dataframes bug fix at merge_transcription component.
- add: Added evaluate_slu pipeline in the repo to test the slu
- add: Added features of comparing repo while testing
- fix: created multiple component to reduce the retendency and complaxity of repo.
- fix: Moved common funtions in seperate utils files for retrain and evaluate slu.
- Update credentials for accessing fsm DB
- Add support for multiple flow ids for fetch call related pipelines
- Bugfix: update skit-calls version
- Bugfix: Dvc config updated only for new SKU repos
- Add support for obtaining comparision confusion matrix while retraining SLU
- Remove deprecated pipelines
- Functionality to compare new trained SLU model with live model on test data (#115)
- Fixes issue with chrome browser and driver mismatch (#116)
- Add retry for LS uploads in skit-labels (#22)
- Redact user info using presidio (#113)
- updated aws creds
- add: s3 client aws access id and keys secrets
- alias_bug_fix: fixes issue in dowloading yaml file. (#112)
- Update key related dependencies and add time logger (#110)
- Add new pipeline to identify and persist ML compliance breaches in calls
- fix: logs streaming during train and test (#108)
- add: skit-calls version bump for presigned-url logic for turn audio url in US cluster
- Refactor retraining pipelines for new SLU architecture (#107)
- download_yaml: chnages in alias file download from gitlab repo. (#106), storage_full_fix: Removig old_data while velidating pipelines.
- fix: template_id not working properly, changed skit-calls query secrets
- PL-1300: new data format support & extra meta-annotation-columns (#21)
- Extend GPT support for fetch_n_tag_calls and update prompts (#104)
- transcription pipeline: add support for mp3 file format while overlaying transcriptions (#103)
- update: Secrets for assisted annotation pipeline
- add: Slu customization integration with retrain_slu pipeline (#102)
- add: support for call level tagging jobs for tag_calls pipeline, alongwith turn level tagging
- add: Merge pull request #99 from skit-ai/gpt_intents
- add: validate setup component for retrain_slu pipeline, tests slu setup builds in cpu node
- update: skit-calls and skit-labels version update
- fix: alternatives column postprocessing after downloading from labelstudio, client_id not being truly optional for fetch_calls component
- update: skit-calls version bump for reftime with timezone
- update: skit-calls version bump and use_fsm_url as param for all fetch_calls related pipelines
- add: comma separated list of client_id is supported, template_id to filter calls is supported. Both in fetch_calls component + also modified downstream pipelines using it
- fix: upstream column names for entity tagged dataset
- update: version bump for skit-calls which helps to sample turns in a call based on comma separated list of intents
- [PL-997] adding more call metadata from upstream for CRR tagging
- add: skit-calls version bump which includes new columns for fetch_calls component returned csv - call_type, disposition, call_end_status, flow_name
- update: buffer for call_quantity for fetch_calls component
- update: use_fsm_url flag based on region for deciding turn audio uri paths should be from fsm or s3 bucket directly
- update: skit-calls version bump for use-fsm-url flag
- update: org_auth_token component's output is optional since tog deprecated
- fix: made console URL region specific to fix call & slot tagging job uploads (esp in US)
- update: removed audio validation from fetch_calls component as min_duration is present now.
- add: get pipeline run error logs as slackbot message (#93)
- update: skit-calls version bump - calls-with-cors path removal for audio_url in fetched calls.
- fix: granular time filters not getting applied for ml fetch calls pipelines - date offset
- fix: granular time filters not getting applied for ml fetch calls pipelines
- skit-calls version bump for minute offset to def process_date_filters - in fetch_calls component
- revert: "cache the poetry install step for faster docker builds and dev experience (#90)" (#92)
- update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.27 for sampling call on min_duration
- fix: Auto-MR creation breaks in SLU training pipeline when classification report / confusion matrix is long (#91)
- update: use poetry version only what mentioned in SLU repo in retrain_slu pipeline
- update: cache the poetry install step for faster docker builds and dev experience (#90)
- fix: asr tune pull request #89 from skit-ai/asr_tune_hi_fix
- update: upload same data to multiple labelstudio project ids
- add: new component file_contents_to_markdown for better gitlab mr description with reports (#88)
- fix:
- update: set default value of
- fix:
not setting to false for fetch_calls
- add:
param controllable for fetch_calls_pipeline
- update: make docs
- update: remove default option for data_label in all tag_call component involving pipelines
- add: mandatory data_label field for tag_calls component
- add: optional data_labels field for fetch_tagged_data_from_labelstore component
- update: skit-labels version bump to 0.3.31
- fix: skit-calls secrets query for language - version bump to 0.2.26
- update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.25
- fix: upload2s3 folder upload bug
- upload2s3: correct bug in upload_as_directory that leads to flattening of path_on_disk contents in the target output_path (#82)
- change: changed the parser for Hindi from Unified Parser to Character split. This is a breaking change and support for ASR models hi-v4 and b elow is removed (#83)
- add: new pipeline for pushing same data for intent, entities & slot/call tagging (#81)
- fix: retrain slu pipeline fails when only s3 uri provided
- update: label store data format and query changes (#80)
- update: db_host const
- add: timezone based on cluster region
- add: fetch_tagged_data_from_labelstore pipeline (#79)
- fix: intent column placeholder for slu train pipeline
- fix: upstream changes made by fetch_tagged_dataset component (#78)
- update: single function handling both tog and labelstudio data fetching - skit-labels version bump
- update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.24
- fix: call_type bug for inbound/outbound only
- fix: downgrade google-auth-oauthlib to 0.4.6 (#77)
- update: for pipeines using
component, call_type defaults to "inbound" and "outbound" both - update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.23
- fix: training pipeline bug
- update: gitlab token secret
- update:
pipeline changes to align with new Deployment CI/CD for SLU (#76) - add: raise exception when no calls found/csv empty (#75)
- update: skit-labels version bump 0.3.29
- update: discrepancy check for raw.intent and intent column for test dataset in retrain_slu_from_repo component
- update: force utterances as str in gen_asr_metrics component (#71)
- add: checks for 0 byte audios before uploading for tagging (#72)
- add: custom port support while testing pipeline
- update: Extending
pipeline features (#73) - fix: entity pipelines supporting labelstudio datasets (#74)
- update: Asr tune pipeline enhancements (#70
- update: secrets + us ml metrics db env vars
- update: upload2s3 upload directories, asr_tune uploads directory and process true transcript in asr_eval_pipeline (#69)
- fix: preprocess step skipped for lablestudio (#68)
- update: irr fixes for labelstudio datasets (#66)
- add: slack bots and channels based on cluster region
- fix: again pipeline_constants not defined error in asr_tune component (#65)
- fix: regionwise nodeselector for pipelines
- fix: pipeline_constants not defined error in asr_tune component (#63)
- fix: empty_possible param for download_file_from_s3 component
- fix: involving nan + adjusting for interval types -
pipeline - add: lm tuning pipeline (#58)
- update:
component into downstream components - add: auto nodeselector based on pipeline type - cpu/gpu (#60)
- update: fetch data from multiple job/project ids at once (combined data) (#61)
- add: Transcription Pipeline V1 (#56)
- add:
pipeline for automated SLU retraining with deployment tracked using gitlab. (#62)
- fix: if not project_id present then only force routes for selected clients - tag_calls.
- fix: org_id type being different across components.
- add: eer pipelines (#55)
- add: fetch_tagged_entity_dataset pipeline. (#54)
- update: force route tagging requests to labelstudio. (#53)
- add: offset for pulling last n days fetch_tagged_dataset op, and thus used in irr_from_tog pipeline (#49)
- add: Authentication and Authorization of requests using JWT - Oauth2
- update: eevee yaml component for exhaustive possible intent metrics
- update: version bump for skit-calls and skit-labels
- update: new
secret for param in fetch_calls component
- fix: bugs in eval_asr_pipeline
- fix: slackbot command parser for base64 breaking when period (.) at end of text
- add: run pipelines from func, without uploading yamls + easier dev workflow
- add: asr-eval-pipeline phase 1
- update:
now hasmlwr=True
arg (which also requiresslu_project_name
) for pushing calculated eevee metrics on a tog job to ml-metrics db, intent_metrics table
- update: start_date and end_date optional for fetch_calls_pipeline, fetch_n_tag_calls, fetch_calls_n_push_to_sheets and fetch_calls_n_upload_tog_and_sheet
- update:
version bump to 0.3.27 - tag_calls and fetch_n_tag_calls uploads data in batches of batched data with retries + sleep.
- fix: call_type default arg from "inbound" to "INBOUND" for fetch_calls_pipeline
- fix: eval_voicebot_xlmr_pipeline to work even when model is not present
- update:
version bump to 0.3.26
- add:
pipeline, it takes a tog job id/ labelstudio project id and outputs eevee's intent metrics uploaded to s3 & optionally posted on slack, an addition to eval_voicebot_xlmr_pipeline.
- update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.21
- add: use slackbot reminders to run/schedule recurring pipelines
- update: skit-calls version bump to 0.2.19
- update: date time offsets for data pipelines.
- update: tarfile uploads for directories.
- fix: uploading dirs to s3
- fix: tagging response defined before use.
- update: xlmr eval output as csv.
- fix: evaluation pipeline for intent evaluation on f1-score metric.
- fix: training pipeline accomodates older/newer datasets.
- update: tag calls raises exception if neither of tog/labelstudio ids are provided.
- update: tag calls raises exception if no data was uploaded.
- fix: slack parser handles urls in code blocks.
- update: add slack thread id, channel and user id automatically.
- update: slack notification component expects code_blocks instead of s3_path.
- fix: slack parser compatible with python 3.8
- fix: notfications are sent to slack threads if thread id is present.
- feat: Notify users when a pipeline run is complete / failed.
- update: tag calls returns multiple outputs.
- fix: auth-token type.
- fix: training pre-proc handles utterances from these columns as well: alternatives, data.
- update: dockerfile uses python 3.8 and cuda 10.2.
- fix: labelstudio download.
- update: compatible with python 3.8.
- update: normalize.comma_sep_str can be used for comma separated numbers and strings.
- fix: TypeError: Object of type JSONDecodeError is not JSON serializable on dataset uploads.
- fix: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' on dataset uploads
- update: skit-labels unpacks tagged dataset.
- fix: 'AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' on fetching calls with failed predictions.
- fix: compatibility between skit-labels, skit-calls, skit-auth, kfp, etc.
- add: s3 url support for tag calls pipeline.
- fix: Slack hyperlink markup removed.
- add: Labelstudio integration.
- update: fetch_calls_n_upload_tog_and_sheet and fetch_calls_n_push_to_sheets pipelines refactor
- update: replace org-id with reference in s3 upload component.
- fix: storage options.
- fix: slack token const.
- refactor: unused types.
- fix: db host name.
- update: default arguments fixed.
- docs: Better examples, easier to copy paste commands.
- add: slack notifications to all components.
- fix: slack urls.
- add: slack notifications to all components.
- add: slack signing secret.
- docs: Pipeline and payload docs added.
- update: slackbot command parser responds with stacktrace.
- fix: No module named 'skit_pipelines' caused by installing before copy source in dockerfile.
- refactor: makefile for building pipelines is leaner.
- add: slack-bot integration. Invoke pipelines via slackbot.
- refactor: Automatic generation of pydantic models using kfp signature.
- add: intent evaluation pipeline.
- add: crr evaluation pipeline.
- add: slack-bot integration.
- update: remove helper function for upload2sheet
- update: sheet duplication and row logic while pushing calls to google sheet
- update: move helper functions of upload2sheet into a folder
- update: skit-calls==0.2.15
- update: skit-calls==0.2.14
- fix: to make Docker file and github actions yaml to use google secrets
- update: component to push CSV to a google sheet. Load google secrets from a Github secrets
- update: Docker file and github actions yaml to use google secrets
- add: component to push CSV to a google sheet.
- add: pipeline to fetch calls and push to google sheet.
- update: XLMR training supports lr parameter.
- update: skit-calls==0.2.13
- update: skit-labels==0.3.21
- update: ping users on slack channels.
- update: skit-calls==0.2.12
- update: remove recurrent from fetch-n-tag pipeline and start_date, end_date logic moved to skit-calls instead.
- update: skit-calls==0.2.11
- update: skit-labels==0.3.20
- fix: save labelencoder pickle while running the train xlmr pipeline.
- update: remove dvc link for pipelines.
- add: makefile downloads secrets from skit-calls.
- feat: APIs for pipelines.
- add: secrets via dvc.
- add: pipeline to fetch and tag a dataset.
- fix: support legacy dataframes missing utterance columns.
- update: XLMR intent classifier training pipeline pushes models to s3.
- update: trained models upload to s3.
- add: Conda and Cuda within base docker image.
- add: Cuda installation within Dockerfile.
- fix: Intent classifier training component.
- fix: intent classifier featurizer fixed to apply row-wise transformation.
- fix: hacky solution for ThilinaRajapakse/simpletransformers#1386
- update: kfp installed within container.
- update: components isolated from helper functions.
- add: component to create utterance column
. - add: component to create true intent column
. - add: component to add state and utterances as features for intent classifer (xlmr).
- update: model training pipeline with train set only.
- add: torch = "^1.11.0" for cuda 10.2
- add: preprocessing module for specialized components.
- update: skit-labels 0.3.17 with higher tolerance for utterance structures.
- update: skit-labels skit-calls for serialized json fields.
- update: skit-labels 0.3.13, values for db creds resolved.
- add: placeholder component to train xlmr intent classifier.
- add: component that fetches tagged datasets.
- add: kubeflow pipeline utilizing the above component.
- update: skit-calls 0.2.3
- fix: Slack notification component -- Slack token constant.
- fix: Slack notification component -- Slack token constant.
- update: link slack component with fetch data pipeline.
- feat: slack integration.
- update: skit-pipelines is available within docker image.
- update: build pipeline yamls via
- refactor: modularize project.
- add: boto3 for s3 upload/download.
- add: calls dataset component.
- add: Upload to s3 component.
- add: Calls dataset pipeline.
- add: workflow to automate docker image creation on tag push.