Q: You need to perform some data preparation on data stored in ADLS Gen 2. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
D) It depends
Q: You are performing initial exploration of the data and experimenting with the necessary transformations. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
Q: You want to process a subset of files in folder filled with CSV files, all having the same schema. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
Q: You need to transform the data on-premises or within a specific VNET before loading it. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
Q: You want to flatten hierarchical fields in JSON to a tabular structure. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
Q: You are handling file formats other than delimited (CSV), JSON or Parquet. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime
Q: The delimited data is badly formatted. Which option should you use to run the transformations (pick only one)?
A) Synapse SQL Pool / SQL Serverless
B) Synapse Spark Pool
C) Integration Runtime