- Updated: bump embedded cPython interpreter version to 3.9.5
- Updated: bump fonttools dependency to v4.23.0
- add support for Level 3 restricted axis range sub-spacing to make fonts that include smaller variable axis ranges, can be defined in combination with other static instance location and full variable axis range axes in the same output font (note: Level 3 support requires the default axis value to be contained in the new, smaller variable axis range)
- add default zopfli compression on woff file compiles (uses default zopfli compression level 6)
- Updated: add woff and woff2 file extension filters in the Save and Open File dialog windows
- Fix: Adjust app size for display height
- add woff font format support
- add woff2 font format support
- add zopfli package dependency @ v0.1.8
- add brotli package dependency @ v1.0.9
- Fix: Application crash when a user attempts to enter invalid axis value data
- Updated: bump fonttools dependency to v4.22.1 from v4.22.0
- New: add support for slicing to files that have a subset of variable axes (commonly known as partial instantiation or sub-spacing)
- New: add new validation that at least one axis value is defined (else user is requesting the input font design space with the new definition approach)
- New: add indefinite progress indicator during slicing operation
- New: add axis editor tag tooltips with full axis names that are derived from (1) OpenType registered axes; (2) Google Fonts axis registry; (3) font's fvar table definitions
- New: add embedded Recursive typeface instance subset for formatting of the in-app view of application name (SIL OFL)
- New: add embedded IBM Plex typeface for formatting of the axis and name table editor text (SIL OFL)
- New: add Code of Conduct
- Fixed: address (some) of the VirusTotal false positive flags for the Win executable build (required PyInstaller update)
- Fixed: axis editor table view max height
- Updated: Changed "Axis Definitions" view title to "Axis Editor"
- Updated: Changed "Name Table Definitions" view title to "Name Editor"
- Updated: Changed "Bit Flag Settings" view title to "Bit Flag Editor"
- Updated: improve application launch center position
- Updated: About dialog window width increased
- Updated: About dialog dependencies list text size increased
- Updated: change axis and name table editor field header strings to "Edit Values" from "Instance Values"
- Updated: change Makefile
target with build of automated fontresources and imageresources on each execution - Updated: pin the PyInstaller build dependency at production release v4.3
- Updated: bump fonttools dependency to v4.22.0 from v4.21.1
- Removed: embedded Monoton typeface
- add macOS code signed / installer notarization support
- add new macOS code signing, notarization, and code signing/notary validation make targets
- add Arch Linux AUR package support and documentation (thanks Caleb!)
- add Homebrew cask tap install/uninstall/upgrade support and documentation
- add maintainer docs on path
- minor patch for Homebrew distribution testing
- minor patch for macOS code sign testing
- add Windows installer support to releases
- add Inno Setup Windows installer configuration
- fix: axis value editor table vertical header spacing for all caps axis tags, the axis tag column should now automatically resize to the max width axis tag in the list
- fix: set the window icon to the Slice icon on Windows views
- fix: set the About dialog title and icon on Windows views
- fix: update image conversion approach to maintain alpha transparency in Windows application icon
- update FontNameModel model flags definitions based on qabstractitemmodel.cpp fails
- update macOS app bundle embedded cPython interpreter to v3.9.2 from v3.8.2
- update SliceBaseTableModel model row and column count approaches based on qabstractitemmodel.cpp fails
- update DesignAxisModel model flags definitions based on qabstractitemmodel.cpp fails
- Add fonttools version number in the About dialog
- Add Windows .ico icon generator Makefile target
- Add Python packaging configuration/support
- Add PyPI distribution packaging and release support
- Add GitHub Actions based GitHub release automation
- Add GitHub Actions based PyPI release automation
- Add CodeQL testing
- Push the PyInstaller spec file to support PyInstaller Makefile target compiles (sorry GitHub snuck it into the default Python .gitignore file)
- Update .gitignore to remove
dir and.spec
- Fix: drag and drop support on the Windows platform (#1)
- Add new format Makefile target with isort and black executables
- initial release