To use custom metrics, extend easytorch.metrics.ETMetrics the following:
Example for Accuracy, F1 score, Precision, Recall, and IOU:
class Prf1a (ETMetrics ):
A class that has GPU based computation of:
Precision, Recall, F1 Score, Accuracy, and Overlap(IOU).
def __init__ (self ):
super ().__init__ ()
self .tn , self .fp , self .fn , self .tp = 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
def add (self , pred , true ):
y_true = true .clone ().int ().view (1 , - 1 ).squeeze ()
y_pred = pred .clone ().int ().view (1 , - 1 ).squeeze ()
y_true [y_true == 255 ] = 1
y_pred [y_pred == 255 ] = 1
y_true = y_true * 2
y_cases = y_true + y_pred
self .tp += _torch .sum (y_cases == 3 ).item ()
self .fp += _torch .sum (y_cases == 1 ).item ()
self .tn += _torch .sum (y_cases == 0 ).item ()
self .fn += _torch .sum (y_cases == 2 ).item ()
def accumulate (self , other ):
self .tp += other .tp
self .fp += other .fp
self .tn += other .tn
self .fn += other .fn
def reset (self ):
self .tn , self .fp , self .fn , self .tp = [0 ] * 4
def precision (self ):
p = self .tp / max (self .tp + self .fp , self .eps )
return round (p , self .num_precision )
def recall (self ):
r = self .tp / max (self .tp + self .fn , self .eps )
return round (r , self .num_precision )
def accuracy (self ):
a = (self .tp + self .tn ) / \
max (self .tp + self .fp + self .fn + self .tn , self .eps )
return round (a , self .num_precision )
def f1 (self ):
return self .f_beta (beta = 1 )
def f_beta (self , beta = 1 ):
f_beta = (1 + beta ** 2 ) * self .precision * self .recall / \
max (((beta ** 2 ) * self .precision ) + self .recall , self .eps )
return round (f_beta , self .num_precision )
def get (self ):
return [self .accuracy , self .f1 , self .precision , self .recall ]
def dist_gather (self , device = 'cpu' ):
serial = _torch .tensor ([self .tn , self .fp , self .fn , self .tp ]).to (device )
_dist .all_reduce (serial , op = _dist .ReduceOp .SUM )
self .tn , self .fp , self .fn , self .tp = serial .cpu ().numpy ().tolist ()