This sample shows how calibrates multiples ZED camera using an ArUco marker.
Point all the ZED cameras to this marker to start the sample. Once detected, the global reference frame is computed and all the ZED cameras position are estimated. The point cloud of every camera is then displayed in the same referential.
To reset the position, press the space bar and point the cameras to the marker.
- First, download the latest version of the ZED SDK on
- For more information, read the ZED API documentation.
Download the sample and follow the instructions below: More
- Create a "build" folder in the source folder
- Open cmake-gui and select the source and build folders
- Generate the Visual Studio
solution - Open the resulting solution and change configuration to
- Build solution
Open a terminal in the sample directory and execute the following command:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Navigate to the build directory and launch the executable file
Or open a terminal in the build directory and run the sample :
This website can be used to easily display Aruco patterns.
The sample is expecting a 6x6 Aruco
Dictionary with a 160mm marker by default. The bigger the marker, the better the camera position will be.
It's important to make sure that the real-world size of the marker matches the size set in the samples (160mm) to avoid scale issues in the tracking.
The Aruco detection code is taken from OpenCV Contrib module, please refer to the source files for the license information (BSD 3).