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This web app allows you to preview and generate options for the ephtracking-viz library. The ephtracking-viz library helps you to embed visualizations with data from the EPH Portal:
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (Tracking Network) brings together health data and environment data from national, state, and city sources and provides supporting information to make the data easier to understand. The Tracking Network has data and information on environments and hazards, health effects, and population health.
The Tracking Network Data Application Program Interface (API) is an alternate way for developers to query data from the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. The Tracking API provides a standard Uniform Resource Locator (URL) interface with a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted response.
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
Tracking Network Data Application Program Interface (API)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Install the dependencies:
Start the development server:
yarn start
Run tests in watch mode:
yarn test
Test coverage:
yarn test --coverage
Build for production:
yarn build
Each push will trigger a buld on TravisCI. If build and tests are successful, the web application will be deployed to
Released under the MIT license.