Building on the basic data definitions in Core, this module defines the message fields that group together related information, and which in turn are combined to define the messages.
For each field example text from an ATS message is provided, together with the corresponding Lean value. Lean has a variety of ways to populate structure values, and all variants are demonstrated.
import LeanSpec.FPL.Core
import LeanSpec.lib.Temporal
open Core Temporal
namespace FPL.Field
Field 7 is concerned with how a flight is identified for communication with air traffic control.
structure Field7 where
f7a : AircraftIdentification
f7bc : Option SsrCode
deriving DecidableEq
example := ⟨"SAS912", by simp⟩ (some ⟨"5100", by simp⟩)
Field 8 provides information that determines how a flight is handled.
structure Field8 where
f8a : FlightRules
f8b : Option TypeOfFlight
deriving DecidableEq
example := .i (some .s)
Field 9 provides information about the aircraft that will be used to conduct the flight.
structure Field9 where
f9a : Option NumberOfAircraft -- only included for formation flights
f9b : Option Doc8643.Designator -- `none` indicates ZZZZ (refer field 18 TYP)
f9c : WakeTurbulenceCategory
deriving DecidableEq
example := (some ⟨2, by simp⟩) (some ⟨"FK27", by simp⟩) .m
example := none none .l
Field 10 documents what equipment and capabilities the flight/aircraft has. These items communicate what air traffic control can expect of the flight, and limitations placed on the flight.
structure Field10 where
f10a : Set CommNavAppCode -- empty list indicates `N`
f10b : Set SurveillanceCode -- empty list indicates `N`
-- Exclude invalid combinations.
inv : ¬ (.b1 ∈ f10b ∧ .b2 ∈ f10b) ∧
¬ (.u1 ∈ f10b ∧ .u2 ∈ f10b) ∧
¬ (.v1 ∈ f10b ∧ .v2 ∈ f10b)
deriving DecidableEq
example := (⟨{.s, .a, .f, .r}, {.s, .v1}, sorry⟩ : Field10)
Field 13 concerns the departure point and departure time of the flight.
A flight plan can be filed in the air, in which case AFIL is specified in the departure point field.
inductive ADep
| adep (_ : Doc7910.Designator)
| afil
deriving DecidableEq
def Field13a := Option ADep -- `none` indicates ZZZZ (refer field 18 DEP)
deriving DecidableEq
structure Field13 where
f13a : Field13a
f13b : DTG
deriving DecidableEq
example := (some (.adep ⟨"EHAM", by simp⟩)) 63072027000
example : Field13 := ⟨some .afil, 63072059100⟩
The designator in Field 13, if there is one.
def Field13.desigOf : Field13 → Option Doc7910.Designator
| {f13a := some (.adep desig), ..} => desig
| _ => none
Field 15 describes the route the aircraft will follow to go from departure to destination. This includes the level/altitude the flight operates at, and the speed of the aircraft.
Climbing between two levels, the upper limit can be specified, or PLUS used to indicate there is no nominated upper level.
inductive UpperLevel
| level (_ : VerticalPositionOfAircraft)
| plus
deriving DecidableEq
Indication of the change in speed and level.
structure SpeedLevelChange where
speed : TrueAirspeed
level : VerticalPositionOfAircraft
upper : Option UpperLevel
deriving DecidableEq
example : SpeedLevelChange where
speed := ⟨⟨⟨540, sorry⟩, .kt, .ias, by simp⟩, sorry⟩
level := ⟨5500, .feet, .altitude⟩
upper := some .plus
A specific point along the route, together with changes to speed, level and flight rules planned to occur at the point.
structure RoutePoint where
pos : Position
chg : Option SpeedLevelChange
frul : Option FlightRule
deriving DecidableEq
Between two points on a route, the aircraft can follow a documented ATS route, or proceed directly.
inductive Connector
| rte (_ : RouteDesignator)
| dct
deriving DecidableEq
A route element is a point (and associated data) followed by the path to the next element. Either, but not both, may be omitted.
structure RouteElement where
point : Option RoutePoint
rte : Option Connector
-- At least one of point or connecting route must be populated.
inv : ¬ (point.isNone ∧ rte.isNone)
deriving DecidableEq
The named waypoint in a route element, if there is one.
def RouteElement.waypointOf : RouteElement → Option Waypoint
| {point := some rp, ..} => rp.pos.waypointOf
| _ => none
The ATS route designator in a route element, if there is one.
def RouteElement.atsRteOf : RouteElement → Option RouteDesignator
| {rte := some (.rte rd), ..} => rd
| _ => none
Does the route element indicate direct to the next point?
def RouteElement.isDct : RouteElement → Bool
| {rte := some .dct, ..} => true
| _ => false
The flight rules change in a route element, if there is one.
def RouteElement.ruleOf : RouteElement → Option FlightRule
| {point := some rp, ..} => rp.frul
| _ => none
Indicator the route description has been truncated.
inductive Truncate | t
deriving DecidableEq
The route consists of:
- optional standard instrument departure (SID);
- the non-empty list of elements;
- optional standard arrival route (STAR) or truncation indicator.
structure Route where
sid : Option RouteDesignator
elements : List RouteElement
starOrTruncate : Option (RouteDesignator ⊕ Truncate)
-- Must be at least one route element.
inv : elements ≠ ∅ ∧
-- Consecutive flight rules changes must be distinct.
let rules := ( RouteElement.ruleOf).reduceOption
rules.Chain' (· ≠ ·) ∧
-- DCT must be followed by an explicit point.
elements.Chain' (·.isDct → ·.point.isSome) ∧
-- An ATS route designator must connect to another designator or a named point.
(fun re₁ re₂ ↦ re₁.atsRteOf.isSome →
re₂.waypointOf.isSome ∨ (re₂.point.isNone ∧ re₂.atsRteOf.isSome))
deriving DecidableEq
The set of named waypoints in a route.
def Route.waypoints (rte : Route) : Set Waypoint :=
( RouteElement.waypointOf).reduceOption.toSet
Field 15 consists of:
- the initial requested cruising speed;
- the initial requested cruising level;
- the route description.
structure Field15 where
f15a : TrueAirspeed
f15b : Option VerticalPositionOfAircraft -- `none` indicates VFR
f15c : Route
deriving DecidableEq
def exElems := [ none (some .dct) (by simp), (mkWpt ⟨"WOL", by simp⟩) (some (.rte ⟨"H65", by simp⟩)) (by simp), (mkWpt ⟨"RAZZI", by simp⟩) (some (.rte ⟨"Q29", by simp⟩)) (by simp), (mkWpt ⟨"LIZZI", by simp⟩) (some .dct) (by simp)
where mkWpt (wpt : Waypoint) : Option RoutePoint :=
some ⟨.wpt wpt, none, none⟩
example := {
f15a := ⟨⟨⟨0.79, sorry⟩, .mach, .tas, by simp⟩, by simp⟩, -- M079
f15b := some ⟨380, .feet, .flightLevel⟩, -- F380
f15c := ⟨none, exElems, none, sorry⟩ : Field15 -- DCT WOL H65 RAZZI Q29 LIZZI DCT
Field 16: Destination aerodrome and total estimated elapsed time, destination alternate aerodrome(s)
Field 16 concerns the destination aerodrome, the flight time, and alternate destinations in the event diversion is required.
abbrev Field16a := Option Doc7910.Designator -- `none` indicates ZZZZ (refer field 18 DEST)
Up to two alternates are allowed.
def maxAlternateDestinations := 2
Field 16 consists of:
- the planned destination aerodrome;
- the total estimated elapsed time (TEET) - i.e. the estimated flight duration;
- alternate destination aerodromes in case of a diversion.
structure Field16 where
f16a : Field16a
f16b : Duration
f16c : List Field16a
-- TEET must be less than one day.
inv : f16b < Duration.oneDay ∧
-- Upper limit on number of alternate aerodromes.
f16c.length ≤ maxAlternateDestinations
deriving DecidableEq
example := (some ⟨"EHAM", by simp⟩) 24300 [some ⟨"EBBR", by simp⟩, none] sorry
Are a departure and destination aerodrome the same?
def adepIsAdes : Field13a → Field16a → Bool
| none, none => True
| some (.adep desig₁), some desig₂ => desig₁ = desig₂
| _, _ => False
Field 17 concerns the actual arrival point and time, which will differ from the planned destination in the event of a diversion.
Field 17 consists of:
- the actual arrival aerodrome designator;
- the actual arrival time;
- the name of the arrival aerodrome, if it has no designator.
structure Field17 where
f17a : Option Doc7910.Designator -- `none` indicates ZZZZ
f17b : DTG
f17c : Option FreeText
-- Exactly one of designator and aerodrome name must be populated.
inv : f17a.isNone ↔ f17c.isSome
deriving DecidableEq
example := none 63072058800 (some ⟨"DEN HELDER", by simp⟩)
Field 18 contains diverse other information about the flight.
The flight plan framework is presently undergoing major revision to benefit from the latest information management best practices. The extant flight plan format has largely remained unchanged for over 50 years. Allowed changes are limited by the the need for backwards compatibility. As a result, additional information has typically been added as extra data in field 18, with the result it is a rather disparate collection. It also means that related information is recorded in separate parts of the message. For example, codes that indicate navigation capability are presented in field 10a, but more recent Performance Based Navigation (PBN) codes appears in item PBN of field 18.
Up to 8 PBN codes may be specified.
def maxPbnCodes := 8
The elapsed time from departure to a point en-route. Usually a point where control is passed between ATS providers.
structure ElapsedTimePoint where
point : Doc7910.FIRDesignator ⊕ Position
duration : Duration
deriving DecidableEq
The <
order relation on EET points. Ordered by the duration.
instance : LT ElapsedTimePoint where
lt et₁ et₂ := et₁.duration et₂.duration
The <
relation is decidable.
instance (x y : ElapsedTimePoint) : Decidable (x < y) :=
inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.duration < y.duration))
A point on the route where a delay occurs. The flight goes off plan for the duration. An example is a law enforcement flight that intends to conduct covert operations and does not want to provide details of where it is flying.
structure DelayPoint where
point : Waypoint
duration : Duration
deriving DecidableEq
The route to an alternate destination if the flight decides to divert en-route.
structure RouteToRevisedDestination where
destination : Doc7910.Designator
route : FreeText
deriving DecidableEq
Field 18 DEP may contain the name and position of the departure (if it has no ICAO designator), or the responsible ATS Unit if it is an air filed flight plan.
inductive F18Dep
| namePos (_ : NameAndPosition)
| unit (_ : ATSUnit)
deriving DecidableEq
The various items that make up field 18.
structure Field18 where
sts : Set SpecialHandling
pbn : Set PBNCode
nav : Option FreeText
com : Option FreeText
dat : Option FreeText
sur : Option FreeText
dep : Option F18Dep
dest : Option NameAndPosition
reg : Set Registration
eet : List ElapsedTimePoint
sel : Option SelcalCode
typ : Set (Option NumberOfAircraft × AircraftType)
code : Option AircraftAddress
dle : Set DelayPoint
opr : Option FreeText
orgn : Option FreeText
per : Option AircraftPerformance
altn : List NameAndPosition
ralt : Set LandingSite
talt : Set LandingSite
rif : Option RouteToRevisedDestination
rmk : Option FreeText
-- Upper limit on number of PBN codes.
inv : pbn.card ≤ maxPbnCodes ∧
-- Upper limit on number of alternate aerodromes.
altn.length ≤ maxAlternateDestinations ∧
-- EETs must be presented in ascending order.
deriving DecidableEq
example : Field18 := {
sts := ∅,
pbn := {.a1, .b1, .c1, .d1, .o2, .s2, .t1},
nav := some ⟨"RNP2", by simp⟩,
com := none,
dat := none,
sur := none,
dep := none,
dest := none,
reg := {⟨"VHXYZ", by simp⟩}
eet := [],
sel := some ⟨"AFPQ", by simp⟩,
typ := ∅,
code := some ⟨"7C6DDF", by simp⟩,
dle := ∅,
opr := some ⟨"FLYOU", by simp⟩,
orgn := some ⟨"YSSYABCO", by simp⟩,
per := some .c,
altn := [],
ralt := ∅,
talt := ∅,
rif := none,
rmk := none,
inv := sorry
The legacy nature of the flight planning messages means related information is spread across disparate fields. As a result a number of constraints are required to ensure consistency between fields. The majority of these relate to the relationship between field 18 other fields.
- If initial requested cruising level is VFR, initial flight rules must be V or Z.
def F8F15Level (f8 : Field8) (f15 : Field15) : Prop :=
f15.f15b ▹ f8.f8a ∈ [.v, .z] ‖ (fun _ ↦ True)
The notation x ▹ y ‖ z
is defined in Util.
- Rule changes only allowed if initial rules is Y or Z.
- If initial rules is Y (IFR first), first change must be to VFR.
- If initial rules is Z (VFR first), first change must be to IFR.
def F8F15Rule (f8 : Field8) (f15 : Field15) : Prop :=
match ( RouteElement.ruleOf).reduceOption with
| [] => f8.f8a ∈ [.i, .v]
| .vfr :: _ => f8.f8a = .y
| .ifr :: _ => f8.f8a = .z
- If designator in field 9b, field 18 TYP not populated.
- If ZZZZ in field 9b, aircraft type in field 18 TYP.
def F9F18Typ : Field9 → Option Field18 → Prop
| -- If designator in 9b, 18 TYP not populated.
{f9b := some _, ..}, none => True
| {f9b := some _, ..}, some {typ := ts, ..} => ts = ∅
| -- If ZZZZ in 9b, must have aircraft type in 18 TYP.
{f9b := none, ..}, some {typ := ts, ..} => ts ≠ ∅
| -- Any other combination is invalid.
{f9b := none, ..}, none => False
- Can't specify W (RVSM capable) in Field 10a and NONRVSM on Field 18 STS.
def F10F18Sts (f10 : Field10) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ (.w ∉ f10.f10a ∨ .nonrvsm ∉ ·.sts)
- If R specified in field 10a, PBN capability must be provided in Field 18 PBN.
def F10F18Pbn (f10 : Field10) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ .r ∉ f10.f10a ‖ (.r ∈ f10.f10a ↔ ·.pbn ≠ ∅)
- If Z specified in field 10a, other information must be provided in at least one of COM, NAV or DAT in Field 18.
def F10F18Z (f10 : Field10) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ .z ∉ f10.f10a
‖ (fun f18 ↦ .z ∈ f10.f10a ↔ ∨ f18.nav.isSome ∨ f18.dat.isSome)
- If designator in field 13a, field 18 DEP not populated.
- If ZZZZ in field 13a, departure point in field 18 DEP.
- If AFIL in field 13a, ATS unit in field 18 DEP.
def F13F18Dep : Field13 → Option Field18 → Prop
| -- If designator in 13a, 18 DEP not populated.
⟨(some (.adep _)), _⟩, none
| ⟨some (.adep _), _⟩, some {dep := none, ..}
| -- If ZZZZ in 13a, must have departure point in 18 DEP.
⟨none, _⟩, some {dep := some (.namePos _), ..}
| -- If AFIL in 13a, must have ATS unit in 18 DEP.
⟨some .afil, _⟩, some {dep := some (.unit _), ..} => True
| -- Any other combination is invalid.
_, _ => False
- A delay point must be explicitly named in the route.
def F15F18Dle (f15 : Field15) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ (· (·.point) ⊆ f15.f15c.waypoints)
- If designator in field 16a, field 18 DEST not populated.
- If ZZZZ in field 16a, destination point in field 18 DEST.
def F16F18Dest : Field16 → Option Field18 → Prop
| -- If designator in 16a, 18 DEST not populated.
{f16a := some _, ..}, none
| {f16a := some _, ..}, some {dest := none, ..}
| -- If ZZZZ in 16a, must have destination point in 18 DEST.
{f16a := none, ..}, some {dest := some _, ..} => True
| -- Any other combination is invalid.
_, _ => False
- All EETs must be less than the flight duration.
def F16F18Eet (f16 : Field16) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ (·.eet.all (·.duration < f16.f16b))
- The sum of the delays at the route points must be less than the flight duration.
def F16F18Dle (f16 : Field16) (f18 : Option Field18) : Prop :=
f18 ▹ (fun x ↦ ( (·.duration)).add 0 < f16.f16b)
- For each ZZZZ entry in Field 16c, there must be a corresponding entry in Field 18 ALTN.
def F16F18Altn : Field16 → Option Field18 → Prop
| {f16c := [], ..}, none => True
| {f16c := altn16, ..}, some {altn := altn18, ..}
=> (altn16.filter (·.isNone)).length = altn18.length
| _, _ => False
- Destination, if provided, must differ from actual arrival aerodrome.
def F16F17Dest (f16a : Field16a) (f17 : Option Field17) : Prop :=
f17 ▹ (f16a ≠ ·.f17a)
Field 22 specifies changes to an existing flight plan. If any part of a field changes, the entire content of the new field must be included in field 22, not just the sub-item that is changing.
structure Field22 where
f7 : Option Field7
f8 : Option Field8
f9 : Option Field9
f10 : Option Field10
f13 : Option Field13
f15 : Option Field15
f16 : Option Field16
f18 : Option Field18
-- At least one amendment must be specified.
inv : (f7.isSome ∨ f8.isSome ∨ f9.isSome ∨ f10.isSome ∨ f13.isSome ∨ f15.isSome ∨ f16.isSome ∨ f18.isSome) ∧
(f8 ▹ fun f8 ↦ f15 ▹ (F8F15Level f8 ·)) ∧
(f8 ▹ fun f8 ↦ f15 ▹ (F8F15Rule f8 ·)) ∧
(f9 ▹ (F9F18Typ · f18)) ∧
(f10 ▹ (F10F18Sts · f18)) ∧
(f10 ▹ (F10F18Pbn · f18)) ∧
(f10 ▹ (F10F18Z · f18)) ∧
(f13 ▹ (F13F18Dep · f18)) ∧
(f15 ▹ (F15F18Dle · f18)) ∧
(f16 ▹ (F16F18Dest · f18)) ∧
(f16 ▹ (F16F18Eet · f18)) ∧
(f16 ▹ (F16F18Dle · f18)) ∧
(f16 ▹ (F16F18Altn · f18))
deriving DecidableEq
example : Field22 where
f7 := none
f8 := some ⟨.i, some .x⟩
f9 := none
f10 := none
f13 := some ⟨some (.adep ⟨"EDDN", by simp⟩), 63072027000⟩
f15 := none
f16 := none
f18 := none
inv := sorry
end FPL.Field