A 3D Tank Game developed using C++ and OpenGL.
The program is a basic 3D tank game developed with C++ and OpenGL GLEW and GLUT libraries. The repository contains all the required dependencies and the Visual Studio solution is already configured to run the program.
- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2022
- Clone the repository to your preferred location
git clone https://github.com/surajrl/3d-tank-game.git
- Move to the new directory
cd .\3d-tank-game\
- Open the Visual Studio solution
- Press (Ctrl+F5) to run the program
- Press W to accelerate
- Press S to deccelerate
- Press A to rotate left
- Press D to rotate right
- Press E to launch ball
- Press 1 to change to first person camera
- Press 2 to change to free third person camera
- Press 3 to change to third person camera
- Right Button to rotate turret and camera left and right
- Left Button to rotate camera freely whilst in free third person camera
Suraj Rohira
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/suraj-rohira/
- Gmail - [email protected]