This is the setup directions for creating a gateway out of a BeagleBone Black. These steps were originally designed for the Urban Heartbeat Workshop (January 13, 2016).
Download a new Debian image for the BBB. I used:
microSD/Standalone: (console) (BeagleBone/BeagleBone Black/BeagleBone Green) wget sha256sum: 0e50b5e436a10626f2880f9cd70ddb7688f0875f24801a5f538e7417e2971238
Write the image to an SD card. I use Win32 Disk Imager.
Plug the SD card into a BBB and boot the BBB.
SSH to the BBB with
username: debian
andpassword: temppwd
. -
Install some useful packages.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vim git lsb-release tcpdump pkg-config libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libc-ares-dev libwrap0-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev screen curl bluetooth bluez bluez-hcidump libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev python-dev python-pip ntp libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev mosquitto-clients
Change the
account password.passwd
Upgrade the kernel. First, run
uname -a
if the kernel is 4.5.0 or greater, skip this step.sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ --beta --bone-channel
Now we have to setup the device tree overlay to let Linux know that the the radios exist. The GAP overlay and others are setup in a repository also maintained by RCN.
git clone cd ./ ./
That puts the compiled overlay in the correct place, now we need to tell the BBB to use it at boot.
sudo vim /boot/uEnv.txt # Edit that line that looks like this to include the reference to GAP cape_enable=bone_capemgr.enable_partno=BB-GAP
Install the wpan-tools to configure all of the 15.4 devices.
wget tar xf wpan-tools-0.5.tar.gz cd wpan-tools-0.5 ./configure make sudo make install
Make a static directory for SD Cards to mount to
Make folder for sdcard to mount to mkdir /media/sdcard Edit the fstab to add an additional line sudo vim /etc/fstab # Edit the file to add an additional line as follows /dev/sdcard /media/sdcard auto auto,rw,async,user,nofail 0 0 Add a udev rule to create a symlink for the sdcard sudo cp ~/gateway/udev/60-sdcard.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Set up Wifi (Tested with the Edimax EW-7811Un)
Edit the network interfaces configuration file(wpa-enterprise, MWireless specific). This step can be skipped if you are going to use NetworkManager sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces #edit the wifi section be as follows auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wireless-mode Managed wpa-ssid your_ssid wpa-ap-scan 1 wpa-proto RSN WPA wpa-pairwise CCMP TKIP wpa-group CCMP TKIP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-EAP wpa-eap PEAP wpa-identity your_identity wpa-password your_password wpa-phase1 fast_provisioning=1 wpa-pac-file /etc/network/mwireless.crt Download the cert file and place it in /etc/network/ curl -O sudo mv sha384%20Intermediate%20cert.txt /etc/network/mwireless.crt Edit the udev rules to make sure that the network interface is always wlan0 sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules #delete all lines that are assigning names wlan* #insert the following line in their place #this might be unstable with multiple devices plugged in SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"
See the shared instructions.