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Dicey's "twinput" User Stories

Dicey edited this page Feb 26, 2015 · 8 revisions

This is an ongoing effort to map out user stories for whatever this Twitter-centric moment management software is that I'm designing for "managing" documentation of the OWS moment.

Main story

As someone interested in grappling with movement history, I want a tool that lets me browse through it comfortably while maintaining a sense of perspective so that I can understand this history in its proper context.

  • As a user with documentation to contribute, I would like to be able to import documents in order to collect pieces of movement history that I have recorded. (Importation functionality)

  • As a user who wants to understand the most important moments, I would like to be able to group documents by the event they are related to so that I can browse through the most important moments. (Event/Happening/etc functionality)

  • As a user who wants the collection to grow beyond my own contributions, I would like to be able to collaborate with other users to import and refine documents in order for it to expand. (Collaboration functionality)

  • As a user who wants to view the documentation, I would like a visualization tool in order to browse and understand the documentation. (Hyperline / search functionality, Themes functionality)

  • As a user who wants the app to behave like the movement, I would like the app to facilitate collective self-determination so that movement's principles inform their engagement with other users within this app. (Democracy functionality)

Old stories below...

Participants in OWS

As a participant in documenting a movement moment, I want a webapp that collects mine and others' documentation so that our work remains useful as a historic record despite having long passed through everyone's social media timeline.

As a movement archivist interested in developing this historical record of the movement, I want this webapp to help me to work with others to refine and expand it so that it will be a more complete and accurate reflection of history.

As a participant in the movement, I want this webapp to operate according to principles of the commons in order for it to reflect and inform as to the practices documented in the historic record.

As a participant in the movement, I want this webapp to help me understand its trajectory better so that my participation in it can be more informed and thus more equitably empowered (assuming the movement is ongoing).


As a researcher, I want this webapp to assist me in interpreting the contents of this historical record so that I may gain and explore insights into the role of whatever I am researching vis a vis this movement.

A general interested audience

As any interested party, I want this webapp to help me learn about the movement so I can better understand the movement.

As someone interested in the events that occurred during a movement moment, I want a tool that lets me comfortably browse through documentation of them so that I can better know and understand them.