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Z Score normalization script
For some data types, when uploading to cBioPortal, it is currently necessary to also provide a z-score transformed version of your input file. This version of the data is used by cBioPortal in e.g. the oncoprint functionality. This is extra z-score input file is needed for the following types:
- mRNA
cBioPortal expects z-score normalization to take place per gene. You can produce this extra z-score file or let cBioPortal do it for your input files by using NormalizeExpressionLevels.java
. Most information that now follows was taken from the comments in NormalizeExpressionLevels.java
. We've also added an example of the calculation and example of running the program below.
Given expression and Copy Number Variation data for a set of samples (patients), generate normalized expression values.
Each gene is normalized separately. First, the expression distribution for unaltered copies of the gene is estimated by calculating the mean and variance of the expression values for samples in which the gene is diploid (i.e. value is "0" as reported by discrete CNA data). We call this the unaltered distribution. If the gene has no diploid samples, then its normalized expression is reported as NA. Otherwise, for every sample, the gene's normalized expression is reported as
(r - mu)/sigma
where r
is the raw expression value, and mu
and sigma
are the mean and standard deviation of the unaltered distribution, respectively.
java NormalizeExpressionLevels <copy_number_file> <expression_file> <output_file> <normal_sample_suffix> <[min_number_of_diploids]>
Any number of columns may precede the data. However, the following must be satisfied:
- the first column of (?) provides gene identifiers
Input: discrete copy number (CNA) and expression (exp) files
for each gene{
identify diploid cases in CNA
obtain mean and sd of exp of diploid cases
for each case{
zScore <- (value - mean)/sd
read CNA: build hash geneCopyNumberStatus: gene -> Array of (caseID, value ) pairs
read exppression: skip normal cases;
for each gene{
get mean and s.d. of elements of diploids
get zScore for each case
Hugo_Symbol |
Entrez_Gene_Id |
A1-A0SD-01 |
A1-A0SE-01 |
A1-A0SH-01 |
A1-A0SJ-01 |
A1-A0SK-01 |
A1-A0SM-01 |
A1-A0SO-01 |
A1-A0SP-01 |
A2-A04N-01 |
A2-A04P-01 |
A2-A04Q-01 |
A2-A04R-01 |
A2-A04T-01 |
A2-A04U-01 |
A2-A04V-01 |
A2-A04W-01 |
A2-A04X-01 |
A2-A04Y-01 |
RPS11 Expr |
6205 |
0.765 |
0.716 |
0.417125 |
0.115 |
0.492875 |
-0.525 |
-0.169 |
0.396 |
0.50475 |
0.400875 |
0.393125 |
0.9165 |
0.627125 |
0.337125 |
0.705 |
0.16425 |
0.325 |
0.11175 |
6205 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
-1 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
-1 |
0 |
0 |
-1 |
0 |
Calculate mean and stdev where CNA is 0 (=diploid):
Diploid avg |
Diploid std |
0.414954545454545 |
0.399504498851105 |
Calculate the z-scores:
Hugo_Symbol |
Entrez_Gene_Id |
A1-A0SD-01 |
A1-A0SE-01 |
A1-A0SH-01 |
A1-A0SJ-01 |
A1-A0SK-01 |
A1-A0SM-01 |
A1-A0SO-01 |
A1-A0SP-01 |
A2-A04N-01 |
A2-A04P-01 |
A2-A04Q-01 |
A2-A04R-01 |
A2-A04T-01 |
A2-A04U-01 |
A2-A04V-01 |
A2-A04W-01 |
A2-A04X-01 |
A2-A04Y-01 |
RPS11 Expr Output |
6205 |
0.8762 |
0.7535 |
0.0054 |
-0.7508 |
0.1950 |
-2.3528 |
-1.4617 |
-0.0474 |
0.2248 |
-0.0352 |
-0.0546 |
1.2554 |
0.5311 |
-0.1948 |
0.7260 |
-0.6275 |
-0.2252 |
-0.7590 |
Note: this implies that your full dataset does not have average=0, std=1
NormalizeExpressionLevels is fairly memory intensive. You can normalize an expression file with the following commands:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
export CORESNAPSHOT=/app/core/target/core-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
export CONNECTORJAR=/vagrant/tomcat/mysql-connector*.jar
export CNA_FILE=/vagrant/zTest/RPS11_CNA_small.txt
export EXPR_FILE=/vagrant/zTest/RPS11_expression_small.txt
export OUT_FILE=/vagrant/zTest/out2.txt
export NORMALS=nvt
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Dspring.profiles.active=dbcp -Xmx4096m -cp :$CORESNAPSHOT org.mskcc.cbio.portal.scripts.NormalizeExpressionLevels $CNA_FILE $EXPR_FILE $OUT_FILE $NORMALS