- For Mon 26 Aug
- Lab: Psr7Bridge
- Lab: MiddleWare Listener
- Lab: Zend Expressive
- Too much old tech in the files in
to be useful. Example:
- Too much old tech in the files in
use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface;
use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\MiddlewareInterface;
* Has been abandoned, and rolled into the PSR standards:
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Accordingly, I rewrote the lab. See at the end of this file a new heading *Lab: Zend Expressive*
- For Wed 21 Aug
- Lab: Hydrator Filters and Strategies
- Lab: Custom Route
- Create a custom route which does a database lookup on title; if found, takes you to the page displaying that item
- Example: this URL
should end up here
- Hint: use
to strip out any URL encoding - Good outline:
- Standards for date formatting used by PHP Intl extension:
- Here is a working demo which uses only Stratigility:
- URL:
- Inside your handler
method, here's how you get params:$request->getParsedBody()
== Routing parameters$request->getServerParams()
Finish the Aggregate Hydrator in re:
module -
Is there a way to get
to work withZendDeveloperTools
? -
Get Guestbook demo app in VM working properly
Post solution to Custom Route Lab
Post latest Guestbook to the Repo
Add "Stratigility" demo to
Check to see why a newly registered user cannot logout
file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/51: find original image and make sure it appears in full
file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/83: find the stand-alone examples mentioned here
Find an example of form created using annotation form builder where elements are added later
Port solution to Lazy Services lab from *.work to *.complete in class repo
???Need port
into class repo: /sandbox/public/events_aggregate_hydrator.php. -
Double check to see if the up-to-date code for
posted in repo works OK in VM
- For Mon 19 Aug
- Lab: Oauth2
- Lab: LDAP
- Main website:
- Install OpenLDAP server on Ubuntu:
- Restore database from LDIF file (29 Nov 2016!):
## uses RFC 2377 format
## replace company and com as necessary below
## or for experimentation leave as is
## dcObject is an AUXILLIARY objectclass and MUST
## have a STRUCTURAL objectclass (organization in this case)
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line
## FIRST Level hierarchy - zf2widder
## uses mixed upper and lower case for objectclass
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line
dn: ou=zf2widder,dc=company,dc=com
ou: zf2widder
description: Sample Company
objectclass: organizationalunit
## SECOND Level hierarchy
## ADD a single entry under FIRST (people) level
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line
# the ou: Human Resources is the department name
dn: cn=adminTwo,ou=zf2widder,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: adminTwo
sn: adminTwo
uid: adminTwo
userpassword: password
departmentNumber: 2
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: super user
ou: Software Development
dn: cn=clark,ou=zf2widder,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: clark
sn: everetts
uid: ceveretts
userpassword: password
departmentNumber: 1
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: swell guy
ou: Software Development
dn: cn=doug,ou=zf2widder,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: doug
sn: bierer
uid: dbierer
userpassword: password
departmentNumber: 1
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: slow tourist
ou: Software Development
dn: cn=Robert Smith,ou=zf2widder,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: bob
sn: smith
uid: rjsmith
userpassword: password
carlicense: HISCAR 123
homephone: 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: swell guy
ou: Human Resources
## FIRST Level hierarchy - onlinemarket
## uses mixed upper and lower case for objectclass
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line
dn: ou=onlinemarket, dc=company,dc=com
ou: onlinemarket
description: Sample Company
objectclass: organizationalunit
## SECOND Level hierarchy
## ADD a single entry under FIRST (people) level
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line
# the ou: Human Resources is the department name
dn: cn=adminOne, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: adminOne
sn: adminOne
uid: adminOne
userpassword: password
employeeType: admin
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: super user
ou: Admin
dn: cn=guest, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: guest
sn: user
uid: guest
userpassword: password
employeeType: guest
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: guest user
ou: Guest
dn: cn=Xavier Change, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: xchange
sn: change
uid: xchange
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Barter
ou: Barter
dn: cn=Marilyn Monroe, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: marilyn
sn: monroe
uid: mmonroe
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Beauty
ou: Beauty
dn: cn=Jean Blue, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: jean
sn: blue
uid: jblue
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: Italian
homephone: +39 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Clothing
ou: Clothing
dn: cn=Alessandro Turing, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: alessandro
sn: turing
uid: aturing
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: Spanish
homephone: +34 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Computer
ou: Computer
dn: cn=Groucho Marx, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: groucho
sn: marx
uid: gmarx
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: Fast
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Entertainment
ou: Entertainment
dn: cn=Grah Tweet, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: grah
sn: tweet
uid: gtweet
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: French
homephone: +33 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Free
ou: Free
dn: cn=Herb Ivore, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: herb
sn: ivore
uid: hivore
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: Green
homephone: +64 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Garden
ou: Garden
dn: cn=Douglas MacArthur, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: mac
sn: macarthur
uid: dmacarthur
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: No-Nonsense
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for General
ou: General
dn: cn=Jerry Lewis, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: jerry
sn: lewis
uid: jlewis
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Health
ou: Health
dn: cn=Martha Stewart, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: martha
sn: stewart
uid: mstewart
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +44 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Household
ou: Household
dn: cn=Alex Bell, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: alex
sn: bell
uid: abell
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Phones
ou: Phones
dn: cn=Elizabeth Windsor, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: TheQueen
sn: windsor
uid: thequeen
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +44 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Property
ou: Property
dn: cn=David Beckham, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: david
sn: beckham
uid: dbeckham
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +44 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Sporting
ou: Sporting
dn: cn=Mike Holmes, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: mike
sn: holmes
uid: mholmes
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Tools
ou: Tools
dn: cn=Transporter, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: transporter
sn: transporter
uid: transporter
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +44 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Transportation
ou: Transport
dn: cn=Al Capone, ou=onlinemarket,dc=company,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: al
sn: capone
uid: acapone
userpassword: password
employeeType: manager
preferredLanguage: English
homephone: +1 555-111-2222
mail: [email protected]
description: Category Manager for Wanted
ou: Wanted
- For Fri 16 Aug
- Lab: BlockCipher
- For Wed 14 Aug
- LAB: Database Events
- When implementing the Event Feature ... got this error:
- LAB: Database Events
Argument 1 passed to ZendDeveloperTools\Listener\EventLoggingListenerAggregate::onCollectEvent() must be an instance of Zend\EventManager\Event, instance of Zend\Db\TableGateway\Feature\EventFeature\TableGatewayEvent given, called in /home/vagrant/zf-master-aug-2019/ on line 322
* Had to completely uninstall ZendDeveloperTools using Composer
- LAB: run the code on the slides
Scrypt Example
andPBKDF2 Example
- Add
- Run
composer update
- Create separate script files in
for - Don't forget to include
- Add
use Zend\Crypt\Key\Derivation\Pbkdf2;
use Zend\Math\Rand;
$pass = 'password';
$salt = Rand::getBytes(32, true);
$key = Pbkdf2::calc('sha256', $pass, $salt, 10000, 32);
printf ("Original password: %s\n", $pass);
printf ("Derived key (hex): %s\n", bin2hex($key));
use Zend\Crypt\Key\Derivation\Scrypt;
use Zend\Math\Rand;
$pass = 'password';
$salt = Rand::getBytes(32, true);
$key = Scrypt::calc($pass, $salt, 2048, 2, 1, 32);
printf ("Original password: %s\n", $pass);
printf ("Derived key (hex): %s\n", bin2hex($key));
- For Mon 12 Aug
- Restore
current versions to class repo - Restore the database from
- Lab: Delegating Hydrators
- Lab: Lazy Listeners
- NOTE: do the work in
Modify Events\Listener\Aggregate::attach()
- NOTE: do the work in
- Lab: Aggregate Hydrator
- Restore
- For Fri 9 Aug
- Doctrine Lab
- Port
over to as a new moduleMyDoctrine
- Get it working
- Add a new route
- Use the
tables for this
- Port
- Lab: Lazy Services
- Make sure that any delegators are assigned as an array, even if only one:
- Doctrine Lab
// in module.config.php file
'service_manager' => [
'delegators' => [
Logging::class => [LazyServiceFactory::class],
* If you get this error: `Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ProxyManager\Configuration' not found`, make sure you installed the `ProxyManager` component: see:
- For Wed 7 Aug
- Install the Doctrine ORM Module for ZF
- Provide configuration in
- Don't worry about module config yet
- Create the
directory + change owner and permissionschown vagrant:www-dat /data/proxy
chmod 775 /data/proxy
- Test by running
- If you see the help screen and no errors, you're good
- IMPORTANT: make sure you add these two entries into
- Note that when you are building a namespaced classname, using "\" is optional. Have a look at this example:
namespace Test\One\Two {
class Test
public function test()
echo __CLASS__;
namespace Whatever {
$class1 = 'Test\One\Two\Test';
$obj1 = new $class1();
echo $obj1->test();
echo PHP_EOL;
$class2 = 'Test\\One\\Two\\Test';
$obj2 = new $class2();
echo $obj2->test();
// returns:
// "Test\One\Two\Three \n Test\One\Two\Three"
- Run this to find out what algorithms, key size and mode combos are available on your server:
$algos = openssl_get_cipher_methods();
- Follow the instructions here:
- Need to change the name of the database from
- Go to
- Create database
- From the repo created for this class, import from
- Go to
- Modify the
to display_errors on - Reset permissions as follows:
sudo chown -R vagrant:www-data /home/vagrant/Zend
sudo chmod -R 775 /home/vagrant/Zend
- To get the
project running:
cd /home/vagrant/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/guestbook/admin
composer install
php -S localhost:9999 -t public
- If you get this error:
Configuration is missing a "session_config" key, or the value of that key is not an array
- Replace the
module with the one in the class repo
- This error was spotted:
Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: C:/Users/ACER/AppData/Local/Temp/
default: Provisioning course DB ...
default: Pulling database from:
default: Bootstrap the course MySql database...
default: /tmp/vagrant-shell: line 11: zfcourse.sql: No such file or directory
default: rm:
default: cannot remove 'zfcourse.sql'
- Change VM provisioning script to create database
) - Update listings dates in
2013 => 2019 - Make sure all links are set (maybe import database from ZF-Level-1)
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/1/06: Recording policy changed
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/1/11: ZF2/3 diffs covered in other course: remove
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/3: dup Strategy
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/9: Zend\Hydrator\XXX is now Zend\Hydrator\XXXHydrator
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/10: hydrate() must have Employee object
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/28: make it consistent w/ VM: course / vagrant /vagrant
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/11:
+ Zend\Hydrator\XXX is now Zend\Hydrator\XXXHydrator - x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/20: is now
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/9: s/be
Modify Events\Listener\Aggregate::attach() to accomplish this task
from the namespace) - x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/31: change self::IDENTIFIER to CLASS
- ? file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/31: need to add const IDENTIFIER = 'whatever'
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/14: s/be PBKDF2!!!
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/18: s/be
$object->message = $this->blockCipher->decrypt($data['message']);
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/51: find original image and make sure it appears in full
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/69: top DC s/be
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/72:
- x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/73: s/be
+ resize image to make it fully visible - x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/56: rewrite as follows:
$requestedName = 'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter';
$name = str_replace('\\','-',$requestedName);
$element = explode('-', $name);
echo end($element);
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/6/35: s/be ZF 3
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/6/40: needs to be expanded (understatement)
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/8/2: link needs to be updated: all links now rolled into PSR-15
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/8/2: add Zend Expressive!
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/8/46: where is the sample program?
x file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-3/Course_Materials/index.html#/8/55: dir s/be
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/21: need to confirm this works
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/30: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/31: same thing
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/34: confirm rewrites are working in Guestbook app
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/61: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/63: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/64: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/70: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
x http://localhost:8888/#/6/72: need to rewrite: replace
etc. -
RE: Doctrine ORM Lab: already installed in VM: need to un-install!
RE: Doctrine ORM Lab: onlinemarket.complete is missing the Doctrine portion of Events module
RE: LDAP Lab: the OpenLDAP server is not installed in the VM + the link is missing from the home page
x RE: Middleware: Move course Module 8 (Middleware) in front of Module 6 (Cross Cutting Concerns)
RE: PS7Bridge Lab: confirm it works
RE: Middleware Listener Lab: confirm it works
- Open a terminal window and change to the
project folder - Use
to create a project based uponzendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton
- During installation, answer the following prompts:
What type of installation would you like?
[1] Minimal (no default middleware, templates, or assets; configuration only)
[2] Flat (flat source code structure; default selection)
[3] Modular (modular source code structure; recommended)
Make your selection (2): 3
Which container do you want to use for dependency injection?
[1] Aura.Di
[2] Pimple
[3] zend-servicemanager
[4] Auryn
[5] Symfony DI Container
[6] PHP-DI
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (zend-servicemanager): 3
Which router do you want to use?
[1] Aura.Router
[2] FastRoute
[3] zend-router
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (FastRoute): 3
Which template engine do you want to use?
[1] Plates
[2] Twig
[3] zend-view installs zend-servicemanager
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): 2
Which error handler do you want to use during development?
[1] Whoops
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (Whoops): 1
- When prompted about injecting configuration choose
Please select which config file you wish to inject 'Zend\Validator\ConfigProvider' into:
[0] Do not inject
[1] config/config.php
Make your selection (default is 1):1
Remember this option for other packages of the same type? (Y/n)Y
- Rename the resulting folder to
- Change to the new
directory - Run the command line tool
to create a new moduleManage
- You will need to use
to refresh the autoload files before the new module is recognized. This is done as part of the next step.
- Open the file
- Copy the entire
block which contains database config
. - Use
to installzendframework/zend-db
. Note that this will also causecomposer
to refresh the autoloading tables so the new module is recognized.
- Make a directory
- Create a new class
which will work with thelistings
database table - Use the command line tool to create a factory for this class
- Add an entry to
under thefactories
key which assignsManage\Domain\ListingsService
to the factory you just created.
namespace Manage\Domain;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter;
use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
class ListingsService
const TABLE_NAME = 'listings';
/** @var ContainerInterface */
protected $container;
/** @var TableGateway */
protected $table;
* @param ContainerInterface $container
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
$adapter = new Adapter($container->get('model-primary-adapter-config'));
$this->table = new TableGateway(self::TABLE_NAME, $adapter);
* Returns all listings table entries paginated
* @param int $limit (lines per page)
* @param int $offset (lines per page * current page number)
* @return Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet $result
public function fetchAllPaginated(int $limit = 20, int $offset = 0)
$select = (new Sql($this->table->getAdapter()))->select();
return $this->table->selectWith($select);
* Deletes listings table entry by id
* @param int $id
* @return int $numberRowsAffected
public function deleteById(int $id)
return $this->table->delete(['listings_id' => $id]);
- Use the command line tool to create a factory for this class
- Add an entry to
under thefactories
key which assignsManage\Domain\ListingsService
to the factory you just created.
- Use the command line tool to create two new handlers:
. Note that\\
is required otherwise a single\
just escapes the next character. - Have a look in
. Note that the two handlers are there as well as 2 factory classes. - Have a look in
. Open the
and move the handler service container assignments from that file and intosrc/Manage/src/ConfigProvider.php::getDependencies()
. You can then delete the
. - Modify the
method in both handlers to accept the following arguments:Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface
- Add properties in both handlers to represent
, which should be set in__construct()
- Modify the factories associated with both handlers to inject the following arguments:
$template = $container->get(TemplateRendererInterface::class);
$service = $container->get(ListingsService::class);
- Open the file
- Add a
route toManage\Handler\ListHandler
which includes a URL and an optional segment route parameterpage
- Add a
route toManage\Handler\DeleteHandler
- In the
, add the following- Class constant which represents the number of lines per page
- Define
as follows:
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$page = $request->getAttributes()['page'] ?? 0;
$listings = $this->service->fetchAllPaginated(self::LINES_PER_PAGE, $page * self::LINES_PER_PAGE)->toArray();
$count = count($listings);
if ($count < self::LINES_PER_PAGE) {
$backFill = self::LINES_PER_PAGE - $count;
for ($x = 0; $x < $backFill; $x++) {
$listings[] = new ArrayObject(['title' => '', 'listings_id' => 0]);
$next = $page + 1;
$prev = (($page - 1) > 0) ? $page - 1 : 0;
$body = $this->renderer->render(
['listings' => $listings, 'prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next, 'url' => '/list']);
return new HtmlResponse($body);
- Define the view template
as follows:
{% extends '@layout/default.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>Online Market List</h2>
Place a checkmark next to any title to delete.
<form action="/delete" method="post">
<table width="80%">
{% for entry in listings|slice(0, 9) %}
<input type=checkbox name="del[{{ entry.listings_id }}]" value="{{ entry.listings_id }}" /> {{ entry.title }}
<input type=hidden name="title[{{ entry.listings_id }}]" value="{{ entry.title }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% for entry in listings|slice(10, 19) %}
<input type=checkbox name="del[{{ entry.listings_id }}]" value="{{ entry.listings_id }}" /> {{ entry.title }}
<input type=hidden name="title[{{ entry.listings_id }}]" value="{{ entry.title }}" />
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Process" />
<a href="{{ url }}/{{ prev }}">PREV</a> | <a href="{{ url }}/{{ next }}">NEXT</a>
<td> </td>
{% endblock %}
- Define
as follows:
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$expected = 0;
$actual = 0;
$listings = [];
if (strtolower($request->getMethod()) == 'post') {
$post = $request->getParsedBody();
if (isset($post['del'] && isset($post['title'])) {
$toDelete = array_combine($post['del'], $post['title']);
foreach ($toDelete as $id => $title) {
if ($this->service->deleteById((int) $id)) {
$listings[] = new ArrayObject(['title' => $title]);
$body = $this->renderer->render(
['listings' => $listings, 'expected' => $expected, 'actual' => $actual]);
return new HtmlResponse($body);
- Define the view template
as follows:
{% extends '@layout/default.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>Online Market Deletion(s)</h2>
List of successful deletions:
{% for entry in listings %}
<li>{{ entry.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<br>Expected: {{ expected }}
<br>Actual: {{ actual }}
{% endblock %}
- Use the command line tool to create middleware
- Have a look in
. Open the
and move the handler service container assignments from that file and intosrc/Manage/src/ConfigProvider.php::getDependencies()
. You can then delete the
. - Define the
method to do the following:- Check to see if a file
exists - If it does not exist, the user is not logged in: redirect back to
- Check to see if a file
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\RedirectResponse;
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : ResponseInterface
// other code not shown
// proceed with request or redirect home
if ($ok) {
return $handler->handle($request);
} else {
error_log(__METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . $message);
return new RedirectResponse('', 307); // Temporary Redirect
* If the file does exist, and use `strpos()` to see if the file contains `[email protected]`
* If so: `return $handler->handle($request)`
* If not: do a redirect (see above)
- Add the middleware to
- Open a terminal window
- Change to
- Run this command:
php -S localhost:9999 -t public
- Open
from your browser - You might also consider adding a menu item to the main
project so that you can access the functionality from the main menu