- finish Email labs + get guestbook working!!!
- add the filter to the logger module
- lookup how JWT was stored (done: see below)
- For Friday 26 Oct 2018
- Lab: ACL
- Lab: Navigation
- For Wednesday 24 Oct 2018
- Lab: Authentication
- Lab: Password
- NOTE: there is now a separate
module: you will need to work with both theLogin
modules. Create thePassword
class underLogin\Security
you will then modify the callback check auth adapter to useverify()
. You will then use the same class in theRegistration
module to save the user info with hashed password. - NOTE: You also need to modify
to accommodate password hashing
- NOTE: there is now a separate
- For Monday 22 Oct 2018
- Lab: Cache
- Lab: Sessions
- Lab: Logging
- Lab: Zend Mail
- For Friday 19 Oct 2018
- Lab: Delegators
- For Wednesday 17 Oct 2018
- Lab: Form Security
- Lab: Initializers
- Lab: Abstract Factories
- For Monday 15 Oct 2018
- Lab: Forms and Fieldsets
- Lab: File Uploads
- For Friday 12 Oct 2018
- Lab: Object Hydration and Database Operations
- Lab: Table Module Relationships
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/27: properties need to be public
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/32: should be
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/31: should mention also need
for extract - file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/35: why does Reflection hydrator not extract public props?
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/57: should mention put JS stuff just before
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/2/62: consider "queuing up" the requests, and then performing an optimized single database query at the end
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/5: did not clarify what is "@ANO" == Zend\Form\Annotation
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/6: verify the syntax for multiple validators in one line: missing {} ???
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/19: Profile entity should include a property "twitter"
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/5: overrides ARE recommended!
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/13: need to clearly identify where this code is run!
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/25: you also need to register this factory using "abstract_factories" key
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/4/45: CSRF to PostForm already done in Forms lab!
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/56: priority goes before message in Logger::log()
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/78: comment should read "CRAM-MD5"
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/78: add a slide on creating a multi-part email messsage
- file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/6/9: Assuming "BaseDN" is correct, the "DN" should be this:
file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/6/35: need to rewrite the lab mentioning that both the
modules will be updated -
file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/6/40: what is
??? file:///D:/Repos/ZF-Level-2/Course_Materials/index.html#/7/15: not described in this course!!! -
RE: Delegators lab: there is an error in the original Registration module view
RE: Logger Lab: you need to remove the references in
to'listeners' => xxx
RE: Session Lab: you must specify these two keys in the
file of thePhpSession
module for it to work:
return [
'session_config' => [],
'session_storage' => [
//*** SESSION LAB: enter the type of storage to use
//*** this must match whatever you put in your SessionManager factory!
'type' => 'Zend\Session\Storage\SessionArrayStorage',
- RE: Authentication Lab: get rid of field for "provider" + make it clear that "Users" comes from "Model\Entity"
- Clear up any confusion over this!!!
- In Login\Controller\IndexController remove notes for Translation and LDAP
- Create (or find) an example using Annotations
- Better docs: https://docs.zendframework.com/zend-form/quick-start/#using-annotations
- You could rewrite the
method to make it more generic as follows:
class User
public $email = '';
public $password = '';
public function exchangeArray($data)
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value)
if (isset($data[$key])) $this->$key = $value;
- Table Module / Entities
- onlinemarket.work entity classes already complete!
- composer.json doesn't like "//"
Here is an example of using a listener aggregate to capture JWT info.
namespace Application\Listener;
use Application\Model\ModelTrait;
use Application\Traits\ConfigTrait;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface;
use Zend\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface;
class Listener implements ListenerAggregateInterface
use ConfigTrait;
use ModelTrait;
* Attach listeners to MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $e, $priority = 100)
$shared = $e->getSharedManager();
$this->listeners[] = $shared->attach('*', MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, [$this, 'checkAuthorization'], -99);
* Required by the interface
public function detach(EventManagerInterface $e, $priority = 100)
// do nothing
* Check Authorized Token
* @param type $event
* @return type Description
public function checkAuthorization(MvcEvent $event)
$jsonData = [];
$request = $event->getRequest();
$response = $event->getResponse();
$isAuthorizationRequired = $event->getRouteMatch()->getParam('isAuthorizationRequired');
if ($isAuthorizationRequired) {
$jwtToken = $this->getJwtToken($request);
if ('' != $jwtToken) {
if (!$this->authenticationModel->checkValidToken($jwtToken)) {
$jsonData = [
$this->config['ApiKeys']['status'] => $this->config['messages']['errorNotOk'],
$this->config['ApiKeys']['result'] =>
[$this->config['ApiKeys']['error'] => $this->config['messages']['errorUnauthToken']],
return $this->bailOut($response, $jsonData);
} else {
$jsonData = [
$this->config['ApiKeys']['status'] => $this->config['messages']['errorNotOk'],
$this->config['ApiKeys']['result'] =>
[$this->config['ApiKeys']['error'] => $this->config['messages']['errorAuthReq']],
return $this->bailOut($response, $jsonData);
* Returns Response object directly thereby short-circuiting the flow
* @param Zend\Http\Response $response
* @param array $data == data to be JSON encoded
* @return Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response
protected function bailOut($response, $data)
$response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
* Check Request object have Authorization token or not
* @param type $request
* @return string $jwtToken
protected function getJwtToken($request): string
$jwtToken = $request->getHeaders("Authorization") ? $request->getHeaders("Authorization")->getFieldValue() : '';
if ('' != $jwtToken) {
$jwtToken = trim($jwtToken);
return $jwtToken;
if ($request->isGet()) {
$jwtToken = $request->getQuery('token');
if ($request->isPost()) {
$jwtToken = $request->getPost('token');
return (string) $jwtToken;