diff --git a/aip_xx1_description/scripts/compile_xacro.py b/aip_xx1_description/scripts/compile_xacro.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9936e4c5..00000000
--- a/aip_xx1_description/scripts/compile_xacro.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-import enum
-import functools
-import os
-from typing import Dict
-from jinja2 import Template
-import yaml
-def load_yaml(file_path: str) -> Dict:
- with open(file_path, "r") as stream:
- try:
- return yaml.safe_load(stream)
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- print(exc)
- return None
-class Transformation:
- def __init__(self, transformation: Dict, base_frame: str, child_frame: str):
- try:
- self.x = transformation["x"]
- self.y = transformation["y"]
- self.z = transformation["z"]
- self.roll = transformation["roll"]
- self.pitch = transformation["pitch"]
- self.yaw = transformation["yaw"]
- self.base_frame = base_frame
- self.child_frame = child_frame
- self.type: str = transformation.get("type", "")
- self.name = self.child_frame.replace("_base_link", "").replace("_link", "")
- except KeyError as e:
- print(f"Error: Key {e} not in transformation dictionary")
- raise e
- def serialize_single(self, key: str) -> str:
- return f"${{calibration['{self.base_frame}']['{self.child_frame}']['{key}']}}"
- def serialize(self) -> str:
- return f"""
- name=\"{self.name}\"
- parent=\"{self.base_frame}\"
- x=\"{self.serialize_single('x')}\"
- y=\"{self.serialize_single('y')}\"
- z=\"{self.serialize_single('z')}\"
- roll=\"{self.serialize_single('roll')}\"
- pitch=\"{self.serialize_single('pitch')}\"
- yaw=\"{self.serialize_single('yaw')}\"
- """
-class Calibration:
- def __init__(self, calibration: Dict):
- self.base_dict: Dict = calibration
- assert len(calibration.keys()) == 1, "Calibration file should have only one base frame"
- assert isinstance(
- list(calibration.keys())[0], str
- ), "Calibration file should have only one base frame with key as a string"
- self.base_frame: str = list(calibration.keys())[0]
- assert isinstance(
- calibration[self.base_frame], dict
- ), "Calibration file should have only one base frame with value as a dictionary"
- self.transforms: Dict[str, Transformation] = {}
- for key in calibration[self.base_frame]:
- assert isinstance(key, str), "child frames should be strings"
- try:
- self.transforms[key] = Transformation(
- calibration[self.base_frame][key], self.base_frame, key
- )
- except KeyError as e:
- print(f"Error: Key {e} not in calibration dictionary of {key}")
- raise e
-class LinkType(enum.Enum):
- """Enum class for the type of the link."""
- CAMERA = "monocular_camera"
- IMU = "imu"
- LIVOX = "livox_horizon"
- PANDAR_40P = "pandar_40p"
- PANDAR_OT128 = "pandar_ot128"
- PANDAR_XT32 = "pandar_xt32"
- PANDAR_QT = "pandar_qt"
- PANDAR_QT128 = "pandar_qt128"
- VELODYNE16 = "VLP-16.urdf"
- VLS128 = "VLS-128.urdf"
- RADAR = "radar"
- JOINT_UNITS = "units"
-def obtain_link_type(link: Transformation) -> LinkType:
- if len(link.type) > 0:
- # use explicit type string to obtain link
- link_type_lower = link.type.lower()
- # Check each enum value for a match
- for type_enum in LinkType:
- if link_type_lower == type_enum.value.lower():
- return type_enum
- # if there is no match, or the type is not defined:
- return determine_link_type(link.child_frame)
-def determine_link_type(link_name: str) -> LinkType:
- if "cam" in link_name:
- return LinkType.CAMERA
- if "imu" in link_name or "gnss" in link_name:
- return LinkType.IMU
- if "livox" in link_name:
- return LinkType.LIVOX
- if "velodyne" in link_name:
- if "top" in link_name:
- return LinkType.VLS128
- else:
- return LinkType.VELODYNE16
- if "radar" in link_name or "ars" in link_name:
- return LinkType.RADAR
- if "pandar_40p" in link_name:
- return LinkType.PANDAR_40P
- if "pandar_qt" in link_name:
- return LinkType.PANDAR_QT
- if "hesai_top" in link_name:
- return LinkType.PANDAR_OT128
- if "hesai_front" in link_name:
- return LinkType.PANDAR_XT32
- if "hesai" in link_name:
- return LinkType.PANDAR_XT32
- else:
- print(f"Link type not found for {link_name}, suspected to be a joint unit")
- return LinkType.JOINT_UNITS
-BASE_STRING = """"""
- """
-def base_string_func(macro_type: str, transform: Transformation) -> str:
- if macro_type == "monocular_camera_macro":
- extra = """fps=\"30\"
- width=\"800\"
- height=\"400\"
- namespace=\"\"
- fov=\"1.3\""""
- elif macro_type == "imu_macro":
- extra = """fps=\"100\"
- namespace=\"\""""
- else:
- extra = ""
- return BASE_STRING.format(
- type=macro_type,
- base_frame=transform.base_frame,
- child_frame=transform.child_frame,
- x=transform.serialize_single("x"),
- y=transform.serialize_single("y"),
- z=transform.serialize_single("z"),
- roll=transform.serialize_single("roll"),
- pitch=transform.serialize_single("pitch"),
- yaw=transform.serialize_single("yaw"),
- extra=extra,
- )
-def VLP16_func(transform: Transformation) -> str:
- return VLD_STRING.format(
- type="VLP-16",
- base_frame=transform.base_frame,
- child_frame=transform.child_frame,
- x=transform.serialize_single("x"),
- y=transform.serialize_single("y"),
- z=transform.serialize_single("z"),
- roll=transform.serialize_single("roll"),
- pitch=transform.serialize_single("pitch"),
- yaw=transform.serialize_single("yaw"),
- )
-def VLS128_func(transform: Transformation) -> str:
- return VLD_STRING.format(
- type="VLS-128",
- base_frame=transform.base_frame,
- child_frame=transform.child_frame,
- x=transform.serialize_single("x"),
- y=transform.serialize_single("y"),
- z=transform.serialize_single("z"),
- roll=transform.serialize_single("roll"),
- pitch=transform.serialize_single("pitch"),
- yaw=transform.serialize_single("yaw"),
- )
-link_dicts = {
- LinkType.CAMERA: {
- "including_file": "$(find camera_description)/urdf/monocular_camera.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "monocular_camera_macro"),
- },
- LinkType.IMU: {
- "including_file": "$(find imu_description)/urdf/imu.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "imu_macro"),
- },
- LinkType.VELODYNE16: {
- "including_file": "$(find velodyne_description)/urdf/VLP-16.urdf.xacro",
- "string_api": VLP16_func,
- },
- LinkType.VLS128: {
- "including_file": "$(find vls_description)/urdf/VLS-128.urdf.xacro",
- "string_api": VLS128_func,
- },
- LinkType.PANDAR_40P: {
- "including_file": "$(find pandar_description)/urdf/pandar_40p.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "Pandar40P"),
- },
- LinkType.PANDAR_OT128: {
- "including_file": "$(find pandar_description)/urdf/pandar_ot128.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "PandarOT-128"),
- },
- LinkType.PANDAR_XT32: {
- "including_file": "$(find pandar_description)/urdf/pandar_xt32.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "PandarXT-32"),
- },
- LinkType.PANDAR_QT: {
- "including_file": "$(find pandar_description)/urdf/pandar_qt.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "PandarQT"),
- },
- LinkType.PANDAR_QT128: {
- "including_file": "$(find pandar_description)/urdf/pandar_qt128.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "PandarQT-128"),
- },
- LinkType.LIVOX: {
- "including_file": "$(find livox_description)/urdf/livox_horizon.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "livox_horizon_macro"),
- },
- LinkType.RADAR: {
- "including_file": "$(find radar_description)/urdf/radar.xacro",
- "string_api": functools.partial(base_string_func, "radar_macro"),
- },
- LinkType.JOINT_UNITS: {
- "including_file": "{filename}.xacro",
- },
-def main(
- template_directory: str, calibration_directory: str, output_directory: str, project_name: str
- os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True)
- # Load the template
- with open(os.path.join(template_directory, "sensors.xacro.template"), "r") as file:
- base_template = Template(file.read())
- # Render the template
- calibration_path = os.path.join(calibration_directory, "sensors_calibration.yaml")
- calib_yaml = load_yaml(calibration_path)
- calib = Calibration(calib_yaml)
- render_meta_data = {}
- render_meta_data["default_config_path"] = f"$(find {project_name})/config"
- render_meta_data["sensor_calibration_yaml_path"] = "$(arg config_dir)/sensors_calibration.yaml"
- render_meta_data["sensor_units_includes"] = []
- render_meta_data["sensor_units"] = []
- render_meta_data["isolated_sensors_includes"] = []
- render_meta_data["isolated_sensors"] = []
- include_text = set()
- sensor_items = []
- for _, transform in calib.transforms.items():
- link_type: LinkType = obtain_link_type(transform)
- if link_type == LinkType.JOINT_UNITS:
- render_meta_data["sensor_units_includes"].append(
- link_dicts[link_type]["including_file"].format(filename=transform.name)
- )
- render_meta_data["sensor_units"].append(
- {
- "base_frame": transform.base_frame,
- "child_frame": transform.child_frame,
- "macro_name": f"{transform.name}_macro",
- "name": transform.name,
- }
- )
- else:
- include_text.add(link_dicts[link_type]["including_file"])
- sensor_items.append(link_dicts[link_type]["string_api"](transform))
- render_meta_data["isolated_sensors_includes"] = list(include_text)
- render_meta_data["isolated_sensors"] = sensor_items
- rendered = base_template.render(render_meta_data)
- print(rendered)
- print("=====================================")
- # Save the rendered template
- with open(os.path.join(output_directory, "sensors.xacro"), "w") as file:
- file.write(rendered)
- # Write Sensor Units into separate files
- with open(os.path.join(template_directory, "sensor_unit.xacro.template"), "r") as file:
- sensor_units_template = Template(file.read())
- for i, sensor_unit in enumerate(render_meta_data["sensor_units"]):
- sensor_unit_calib_path = os.path.join(
- calibration_directory, f"{sensor_unit['name']}_calibration.yaml"
- )
- sensor_unit_calib_yaml = load_yaml(sensor_unit_calib_path)
- sensor_unit_calib = Calibration(sensor_unit_calib_yaml)
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data = {}
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["unit_macro_name"] = sensor_unit["macro_name"]
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["default_config_path"] = render_meta_data[
- "default_config_path"
- ]
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["joint_unit_name"] = sensor_unit["name"]
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["current_base_link"] = sensor_unit_calib.base_frame
- sensor_unit_isolated_sensors = []
- for _, transform in sensor_unit_calib.transforms.items():
- link_type: LinkType = obtain_link_type(transform)
- include_text.add(link_dicts[link_type]["including_file"])
- print(transform.child_frame)
- sensor_unit_isolated_sensors.append(link_dicts[link_type]["string_api"](transform))
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["isolated_sensors_includes"] = list(include_text)
- sensor_unit_render_meta_data["isolated_sensors"] = sensor_unit_isolated_sensors
- rendered = sensor_units_template.render(sensor_unit_render_meta_data)
- print(rendered)
- with open(os.path.join(output_directory, f'{sensor_unit["name"]}.xacro'), "w") as file:
- file.write(rendered)
- print("=====================================")
- return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process four positional arguments.")
- # Add four positional arguments
- parser.add_argument("template_directory", type=str, help="The first argument")
- parser.add_argument("calibration_directory", type=str, help="The second argument")
- parser.add_argument("output_directory", type=str, help="The third argument")
- parser.add_argument("project_name", type=str, help="The fourth argument")
- # Parse the arguments
- args = parser.parse_args()
- main(
- args.template_directory,
- args.calibration_directory,
- args.output_directory,
- args.project_name,
- )
diff --git a/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensor_unit.xacro.template b/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensor_unit.xacro.template
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b44710..00000000
--- a/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensor_unit.xacro.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- {% for item in isolated_sensors_includes %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% for item in isolated_sensors %}
- {{ item }}
- {% endfor %}
diff --git a/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensors.xacro.template b/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensors.xacro.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 318e48bd..00000000
--- a/aip_xx1_description/templates/sensors.xacro.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- {% for item in sensor_units_includes %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% for item in isolated_sensors_includes %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% for item in sensor_units %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% for item in isolated_sensors %}
- {{ item }}
- {% endfor %}
diff --git a/aip_xx1_gen2_description/package.xml b/aip_xx1_gen2_description/package.xml
index 94c8410c..480e5307 100644
--- a/aip_xx1_gen2_description/package.xml
+++ b/aip_xx1_gen2_description/package.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
- aip_urdf_compiler