This is a set of Octave functions built to compute the cohomology of the cochain complexes introduced in the paper 'Homological Tools for the Quantum Mechanic' (arXiv:1901.02011).
For software that can compute ranks and explicit bases of cohomology components in Mathematica, see:
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Computes the dimensions of the GNS (case 1) or commutant (case 2) cohomology vector spaces of the state psi (pure or mixed) of an N-partite system. The output is a dimension vector of the form [H^0, H^1,..., H^(N-1)]. where H^(i) is the rank of the ith GNS/commutant complex. This is equivalently the list of coefficients of the associated Poincare polynomial.
can be either:- A row vector representing a pure state, or a density state: e.g.
psi = [1,0,0,0]
- A density state (a self-adjoint square matrix), e.g.
psi = [1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0]
- A row vector representing a pure state, or a density state: e.g.
is the number of tensor factors/primitive subsystems (the "partiteness"). -
is an optional argument giving the dimension vector: the list of dimensions of Hilbert spaces at the tensor factors. It must be a vector of length N. If this argument is left empty, it will be assumed all subsystems are dimension 2.
The inputs psi
, N
, and dims
must be sensible, i.e. psi must be able to be represented as an honest N-partite (density) state on primitive subsystems with dimension vector [d_1,...d_N]: i.e. if dims
is empty: it must be written as either an 1 x 2^(N) (row) vector or a 2^(N) x 2^(N) square matrix; if dims=[d_1, ..., d_N]
, then it must be a length d_1d_2...d_N row vector or a d_1d_2...d_N square matrix.
Ket vector given the standard computational basis on a multipartite system: outputs the vector |basis(1)> \otimes |basis(2)> \otimes \cdots \otimes |basis(n)> = |basis(1) ... basis(N)>. Output is a row vector in Octave.
is an optional row vector specifying the Hilbert space dimension of each primitive subsystem. If this argument is left empty it is assumed that there are N (= length ofbasis
) subsystems of dimension 2. -
is a list of non-negative integers [b_1,b_2,...b_N], where b_i runs from 0 to dims(i) - 1. Here b_k represents the standard basis element |b_i> of \mathbb{C}^(dims(i)) with a 1 in the (d_k - 1)^(th) position, and zeros elsewhere.
The (unnormalized) GHZ density state given by (|00....0> + |11...1>)(<00...0| + <11..1|) for an N-partite qubit system. (This is an unnormalized density state associated to the Bell state |00> + |11> when N=2).
is the number of primitive subsystems.
is an optional dimension vector of length N of the ambient system: assumed to be a list of 2's when empty.
The (unnormalized) W density state given by (|0....01> + |0...10> + ...+ |1...0>)(<|0....01| + <0...10| + ...+ <1...0|) for an N-partite qubit system. (This is an unnormalized density state associated to the Bell state |01> + |10> when N=2).
is the number of primitive subsystems.
is an optional dimension vector of length N of the ambient system: assumed to be a list of 2's when empty.
Returns the kronecker product of its arguments. To produce the state psi = |01> for instance, we would write
psi = tensor([0,1],[1,0])
This function is taken from Toby Cubitt.
Basic linear algebraic operations: partialtrace.m, tensor.m, and syspermute.m are taken from Toby Cubitt's Matlab software (c.f. licensed under GPLv2.