- notifications
- checkbox to enable notifications
- disable notifications after joining lobby, show message on top bar
- button on notification to join lobby
- settings: show notification for every new lobby or for group
- two types of notifications:
- single lobby with join button
- lobby group with nr of new lobbies
- when clear notifications from action center?
- lobby list
- click on player numbers shows popup with player names in lobby
- show map name in list
- filter by map name
- query using AND, OR
- watchlist
- list of watchlists
- save filter settings, watchlist name, notification settings
- should use global results
- add,remove buttons, enable,disable toggle
- about app
- link to github
- link aoe2 api
- microsoft statement
- version
- check for new release
- enable updates
- before release
- app icon
- app name
- description
- link to microsoft