The manuals as well as the slides are created using LaTeX. The documents are split over quite a few differnet files.
- main.tex contains links to all the chapters, inserts the glossary, index, et cetera.
- tex/manual.tex and tex/slides.tex contain some specific commands to either generate the manual or the slide deck.
- manual-student.tex defines the target audience to be a student and then includes the actual manual, whereas tex/manual-teacher.tex defines the audience to be the instructor.
- For instructors, there is an additional file, as he can chose which page format he wants for the manual (A5 or A4).
Files that are not very interesting to look at, are hidden away in the tex/ folder. The actual contents is stored in files in the chapters/ folder.
- beamer to generate the slides as well as the manual
- exsheets for the exercises in the manual
- multiaudience to create a different version of the manual for instructor and student