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Training results

GRUNet Model

The first 2 models have been trained on sequence length lower than 500. Thus not the entire dataset.
The dataset choosed to train the models is "low_dataset".
557 data for training and 140 data for testing


Architecture is as following

super(GRUNet, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_p)
self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size, device=device)

Hyper parameters are

optimizer = optim.Adam(seqModel.parameters(), lr=0.001)
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
hidden_size = 128
batch_size = 4
input_size = 17 #number of action units detected with Openface
output_size = 61 #number of blendshape detected with Arkit liveface
n_epochs = 80

trained over the low_uterrance_dataset where MAX_LENGTH is 500 frames which gave 697 dataframe


image info

total loss: 0.002516078353094469
--- 45.91899609565735 seconds ---

with 100 epochs epoch: 100 loss: 0.001016512462693425 --- 444.21149611473083 seconds ---

with 100 epochs and relu epoch: 100 loss: 0.0010265789887659805 --- 498.93149852752686 seconds ---

l1 loss and relu epoch: 100 loss: 0.0108264312470094 --- 555.5440020561218 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.0016506112230542515
--- 0.25000691413879395 seconds ---

with 100 epochs trained mean MSE Loss: 0.0009830770616238798 mean activation precision: 0.6034927179055024 mean activation recall: 1.0 --- 0.6444973945617676 seconds ---

with 100 epochs trained and relu mean MSE Loss: 0.0010162036328147997 mean activation precision: 0.9023062400041343 mean activation recall: 0.7712420368318854 --- 0.8959968090057373 seconds ---

l1 loss and relu mean l1 Loss: 0.013275263655157958 mean activation precision: 0.9564411826111147 mean activation recall: 0.7762002613155174 --- 0.9009933471679688 seconds ---


This model adds a custom loss function : negRELU, which penalizes negative values over the network. We add the mean of the result to the MSELoss and then backwards to update the weights trained over the low_uterrance_dataset where MAX_LENGTH is 500 frames

def NegRELU(tensor):
    relu = nn.ReLU()


mean loss: 0.0017921864255497765
--- 54.49406719207764 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.0014992635597341826
--- 0.16599225997924805 seconds ---


This model pads the sequences of a batch to match the largest sequence, it is trained batch-wise, so that it can have variable input length data It required a custom Dataset class and a collate_fn function to correctly batch the data

  1. Batched data is sorted by length
  2. list of lengths of data, later used to pack and pad sequences
  3. List of tensors for both inputs and targets
  4. pad the lists of tensors so that it match the largest sequence in the batch
  5. return the padded inputs, targets and list of lengths

Batch_size : 4 epochs : 80


total loss: 0.0010553993512888717
--- 368.37300062179565 seconds ---


With 20% test data (188 dataframes from low voice)

mean r2 score: 0.7519840509333509
--- 0.8249990940093994 seconds ---

mean  MSE Loss: 0.0008667057096472684
--- 0.6714887619018555 seconds ---


The difference is forward and forward step as a sequence to sequence model. Trained on scripts with length < 500

batch_size : 4
hidden_size : 128
epochs : 10


epoch: 10	loss: 0.0016177178664033168
--- 6888.725522518158 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.0018346057248501374
mean activation precision: 0.6028487736108044
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 8.40849757194519 seconds ---

Scores are very similar to Grunet0.3 but it is significantly slower, not worth it


Implement Badhanau Attention mechanism that relies on Grunet0.4 architecture, particularly the forward method. Trained only on subset of the dataset where script lengths < 500

hidden_size = 128
batch_size = 4
epochs = 10


epoch 10 loss: 0.002995633195886122
--- 1425.9745845794678 seconds ---


mean MSE Loss: 0.002826639763744814
--- 14.053028583526611 seconds ---


Improvement over 0.5, less code, and ignore 0 padding when computing loss + for inference too. Trained only on subset of the dataset where script lengths < 500


last computed loss: 0.006979082293608891
--- 1372.0115020275116 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.007445484832195299
--- 17.450531244277954 seconds ---

Grunet0.7 (Grunet0.35)

The same as Grunet0.3 except that loss do not take 0 padding into account, and there is no dropout, and only infer on the 52 blendshapes Objective is to compare inference input by input vs inference with the whole sequence as input Can compare with 0.6 but not Grunet0.5 et 0.4 as they take 0 padding inside loss function, thus reducing the loss Trained only on subset of the dataset where script lengths < 500. Results in Unity are quite good in fact.

Hyper parameters:

Epochs : 80
lr : 0.001
batch_size = 4
input_size = 17 #number of action units detected with Openface
output_size = 52 #number of blendshape detected with Arkit liveface
Adam optimizer


epoch 80 loss: 0.0032797726902312465
--- 184.77103424072266 seconds ---
epoch: 10	loss: 0.008067962094309164
--- 155.24750065803528 seconds ---


mean MSE Loss: 0.004446076495306832
--- 0.518500566482544 seconds ---

Testing after training for 10 epochs only

mean  MSE Loss: 0.0069952825817497484
mean activation precision: 0.6034927179055024
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 1.0679996013641357 seconds ---

With these results, after comparing the seq to seq model with attention, inference time is better, results are better. We can choose to work on these networks GRU based only for the rest of the internship. Even though I would like to try with transformers


Little improvement over 0.7, this time loss is computed for each blendshape columns, loss scale is very different from the above results, but when results are tested in Unity, they look nice; similarly to Grunet0.7. In fact I doubt there is much difference after all, even accounting for the loss scale. Loss is just computed differently this time. This is the piece of code that changes

def train_epoch(seqModel, dataloader, optimizer, criterion):
    for p, t in zip(pred, target_tensor): 
        # loss += criterion(
        #     p.view(-1),
        #     t.view(-1)
        # )
        for i, (bs_pred, bs_target) in enumerate(zip(p.permute(1, 0), t.permute(1, 0))): #To iterate over each bs columns, we must permute both dimensions
            loss_arr[i]+= criterion(bs_pred, bs_target)
    loss = torch.sum(loss_arr)

Same hyper parameters has 0.7, trained on scripts length < 500


 loss: 0.16581079233437776
--- 870.7465357780457 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.0043448747933975285
--- 0.45096707344055176 seconds ---

GRuNet 0.8

Grunet0.7 but with BCE loss to detect which bs to activate for each frame epochs = 10 lr=0.001


with 0.001*bce_loss
 loss: 0.08748945356049437
--- 237.69500088691711 seconds ---
with 0.01*bce_loss
 loss: 0.6203293733774348
--- 254.06699347496033 seconds ---
with 0.1*bce_loss
 loss: 7.167337180452144
--- 237.8369972705841 seconds ---
without bce_loss (still takes as much as time because the second linear layer and sigmoid layer are processed)
epoch: 10	loss: 0.007920979935195336
--- 178.36400032043457 seconds ---
with bce_loss*1
epoch: 10	loss: 82.89768647133036
--- 231.17297053337097 seconds ---


with 0.001*bce_loss
mean  MSE Loss: 0.010763753859445136
mean activation precision: 0.7718143686657696
mean activation recall: 0.6845629835587843
--- 1.0594940185546875 seconds ---
with 0.01*bce_loss
mean  MSE Loss: 0.009364774351582882
mean activation precision: 0.7379631883270096
mean activation recall: 0.7438368051983015
--- 1.0344934463500977 seconds ---
with 0.1*bce_loss
mean  MSE Loss: 0.010310659036436614
mean activation precision: 0.7394103890009489
mean activation recall: 0.7634905457847214
--- 1.2004938125610352 seconds ---
without bce_loss
mean  MSE Loss: 0.007446064237267413
mean activation precision: 0.6034927179055024
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 1.0219981670379639 seconds ---
with bce_loss*1
mean  MSE Loss: 0.013542516890199894
mean activation precision: 0.7386182350141083
mean activation recall: 0.653014217685672
--- 0.9039952754974365 seconds ---s
with bce_loss.mean()
mean  MSE Loss: 0.005281518014713323
mean activation precision: 0.7327113728368425
mean activation recall: 0.5058325071173476
with bce_loss/batch_size
mean  MSE Loss: 0.002542803399098505
mean activation precision: 0.7423874097259686
mean activation recall: 0.791081798052237
--- 0.8029904365539551 seconds ---
with bce_loss/batch_size*0.1
mean activation precision: 0.7094847695850388
mean activation recall: 0.6839376301636666
--- 0.7114999294281006 seconds ---

custom_bce_loss mean MSELoss: 0.000900647539787373 mean R2Score: 0.7654341312653241 mean activation precision: 0.6037837090829705 mean activation recall: 1.0 --- 1.6899981498718262 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(act_x, act_y) on 10 epochs with loss.mean() R2Score: 0.35784109900979433 mean MSELoss: 0.002804409797218713 mean activation precision: 0.7394782105113777 mean activation recall: 0.7154768111332361 --- 1.123999834060669 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(act_x, act_y) on 10 epochs mean MSELoss: 0.002436368287301916 mean R2Score: 0.4276621925002113 mean activation precision: 0.7540146325431489 mean activation recall: 0.7214875778811302 --- 1.8414990901947021 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(act_x, act_y) on 10 epochs mean R2Score: 0.3590224694440709 mean activation precision: 0.7536099333987423 mean activation recall: 0.7654039052564349 --- 1.4725000858306885 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(act_x, act_y) on 10 epochs divided by 4 mean R2Score: 0.4383729944892108 mean activation precision: 0.7603127684959229 mean activation recall: 0.7214094794148812 --- 1.6970336437225342 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, act_y) on 10 epochs BEST ONE YET R2Score: 0.48552250670876734 mean MSELoss: 0.00205130935652819 mean activation precision: 0.7647244481314099 mean activation recall: 0.8467265433411535 --- 1.266496181488037 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, act_y) on 10 epochs *0.01 mean R2Score: 0.5104033274446579 mean MSELoss: 0.001984603348484432 mean activation precision: 0.7647740796663267 mean activation recall: 0.847503245991605 --- 1.5005006790161133 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, act_y) on 10 epochs *0.1 mean MSELoss: 0.0020500174339146 mean R2Score: 0.4973866980981062 mean activation precision: 0.7647000103533311 mean activation recall: 0.847005386630836 --- 1.1439731121063232 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, act_y) on 10 epochs *0.001 mean R2Score: 0.5110649358142506 mean MSE : 0.0020145395860003737 mean activation precision: 0.7644546171314703 mean activation recall: 0.8477524854249745 --- 1.45749831199646 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, y) on 10 epochs *0.001 mean R2Score: -0.38873360373757104 mean activation precision: 0.0 mean activation recall: 0.0 --- 1.800976276397705 seconds ---

nn.BCEloss(x, act_y) on 10 epochs *0.001/4 mean MSELoss: 0.002060143272380001 R2Score: 0.49865194724842826 mean activation precision: 0.764369707548599 mean activation recall: 0.8473444151248579 --- 1.1374974250793457 seconds ---


batch_size = 4 lr=0.001 hidden_size = 256 Just 4 fully connected layer Net


with one hidden layer
epoch: 10	loss: 0.00961852553573021
--- 96.17597126960754 seconds ---
with 2 hidden layer
epoch: 10	loss: 0.00976796244132392
--- 115.40349888801575 seconds ---
with 1 hidden and out relu
epoch: 10	loss: 0.00969386403820418
--- 101.40549850463867 seconds ---


with one hidden layer
mean  MSE Loss: 0.012156538704925396
mean activation precision: 0.535162643207856
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 1.048499584197998 seconds ---
with 2 hidden layer
mean  MSE Loss: 0.011288762994189846
mean activation precision: 0.535162643207856
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 0.8959977626800537 seconds ---
with 1 hidden and out relu
mean  MSE Loss: 0.011288762994189846
mean activation precision: 0.535162643207856
mean activation recall: 1.0
--- 0.8959977626800537 seconds ---

Grunet0.65 (with lookback)

Redo the network to make it work by infering 10 words by 10 instead of one by one batch_size = 8


epoch: 10	loss: 0.016655810150716988
--- 1510.0239989757538 seconds ---


mean  MSE Loss: 0.014868973185204797
mean activation precision: 0.6028951724597132
mean activation recall: 0.9996452009775536
--- 1.4015002250671387 seconds ---