title | author | date | output | ||||||||||||||||
Buteyn et al. Figure 2 |
Tim Triche and Zach DeBruine |
2023-05-19 |
To map the transcriptional signatures of immune-cold transplant-refractory AML.
In particular, to find out why FUS::ERG-driven AML is consistently immune-cold, to determine if specific biological processes are shared across transplant- refractory AML cases, and to see if this outcome can be predicted at diagnosis.
Using the previously fitted rank-90 non-negative matrix factorization model,
Identify factors describing specific signatures for cytogenetic subtypes.
Investigate biological processes underlying these factors using GSEA.
Determine if these factors are predictive of transplant-refractory AML.
We begin by loading the previously fitted NMF model (refer to TARGET_NMF.Rmd).
# load the model
nmf <- readRDS("nmf_90D_model.rds")
## [1] 90 1630
# [1] 90 1630
Next we load the original annotated RNAseq data and check that everyone's there.
# original
dx0 <- readRDS("dx.rds")
colnames(dx0) <- make.unique(colnames(dx0))
# SummarizedExperiment -> SingleCellExperiment
# normalize exactly the same way as Seurat
logNorm <- function(x) log1p(sweep(x, 2, sizeFactors(x), `/`))
# a Seurat-like SingleCellExperiment
toSCE <- function(se, scale_factor = 1e4) {
assayNames(se)[1] <- "counts"
sce <- as(se, "SingleCellExperiment")
sce$librarySize <- colSums(counts(sce))
sizeFactors(sce) <- sce$librarySize / scale_factor
logcounts(sce) <- log1p(sweep(counts(sce), 2, sizeFactors(sce), `/`))
metadata(sce)$logcounts_are_log1p_cp10k <- TRUE # reminder
# load the original raw counts
dx <- toSCE(dx0)
# everything there?
ncol(dx) == ncol(nmf@h)
## [1] FALSE
message(ncol(dx) - ncol(nmf@h), " samples in dx are missing from NMF model")
# 224 samples in dx are missing from NMF model
Unfortunately we are missing some of the rarer fusions! We can fix that, though. In the process we will recover a few others that slipped through earlier on. When we just need to update a model with some new observations, we can use the singlet::ProjectData() function with our existing W matrix.
# needs to be the most recent version from github
stopifnot(packageVersion("singlet") >= "0.99.26")
colnames(dx) <- make.unique(colnames(dx))
colnames(nmf@h) <- make.unique(colnames(nmf@h))
# without reordering:
dx <- ProjectData(dx, nmf@w, reduction.name="NNLS") # reducedDim(dx, "NNLS")
NMF <- reducedDim(dx, "NNLS")
sampleFactors(NMF)[colnames(nmf@h), ] <- t(nmf@h)
# with reordering:
dx <- ProjectData(dx, nmf@w, reorder=TRUE,
reduction.name="NNLSre", reduction.key="NMFre_")
NMFre <- reducedDim(dx, "NNLSre")
sampleFactors(NMFre)[colnames(nmf@h), ] <- t(nmf@h)
# compare with and without:
unre <- sampleFactors(reducedDim(dx, "NNLS")) - sampleFactors(NMF)
re <- sampleFactors(reducedDim(dx, "NNLSre")) - sampleFactors(NMFre)
# I'm not sure how I feel about this:
Heatmap(t(unre), cluster_rows=F, cluster_columns=F, name="unreordered - NMF") +
Heatmap(t(re), cluster_rows=F, cluster_columns=F, name="reordered - NMF")
# The differences are certainly smaller for unreordered, though.
# Let's just use the unreordered projections for now.
reducedDim(dx, "NMF") <- NMF
Let's take a quick look at a UMAP of (projected) dx NMF versus the original NMF.
# model with the original data
umap_fit_orig <- uwot::umap(t(nmf@h),
min_dist = 0.3,
n_components = 2,
ret_model = TRUE,
metric = "cosine")
umap_coords <- umap_fit_orig$embedding
# clusters not unlike Seurat's
bluster_cluster_orig <- clusterRows(t(nmf@h),
df <- data.frame("sample" = rownames(umap_coords),
"cluster" = bluster_cluster_orig,
"fusion" = nmf@misc$covs$Primary.Fusion,
"umap1" = umap_coords[,1],
"umap2" = umap_coords[,2])
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(umap1, umap2, color = fusion)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(hjust = 0, vjust = 0),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
labs(x = "UMAP1",
y = "UMAP2",
color = "Fusion",
title = "RNA-seq by\nfusion status") +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
df$fus_erg <- as.character(df$fusion)
df$fus_erg[df$fus_erg != "FUS-ERG"] <- "Other"
p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(umap1, umap2, color = fus_erg)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(hjust = 0, vjust = 0),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
labs(x = "UMAP1",
y = "UMAP2",
color = "Fusion",
title = "RNA-seq by\nfusion status") +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 1, align = "v")
ggsave("dx_NMF_orig_umap.png", width = 10, height = 5)
metadata(dx)$umap_fit <- umap_fit_orig
# saveRDS(dx, file="dx_with_NMF_and_UMAP.rds")
It's not exactly identical to Zach's, but the FUS-ERG cases do split off. That's good enough for the time being. Let's add in the other fusions now.
# load the covariates
dx$USI <- substr(colnames(dx), 1, 6) # avoid duplicate weirdness
target_covs <- read.csv("target_covs.eligible.csv", row=1)
stopifnot(all(dx$Primary.Fusion == target_covs[dx$USI, "Primary.Fusion"]))
# fusionGroup for panel 2A
dx$fusion <- dx$Primary.Fusion
fusions_list <- read.table("fusions.txt")[, 1]
dx$fusion[dx$fusion == "ERG-HNRNPH1"] <- "HNRNPH1-ERG"
# unspaceify
dx$fusion[dx$fusion == "KMT2A-MLLT3 "] <- "KMT2A-MLLT3"
# We have to label the ETV6-X fusions since they're a grab bag
ETV6fusions <- grep("ETV6", levels(factor(dx$fusion)), value=TRUE)
ETV6_X <- setdiff(ETV6fusions, "ETV6-MNX1")
dx$fusion[dx$fusion %in% ETV6_X] <- "ETV6-X"
mainExpName(dx) <- "RNA"
# now subset the data
length(which(dx$fusion %in% fusions_list))
## [1] 1682
# [1] 1682
dx <- dx[, which(dx$fusion %in% fusions_list)]
dx$fusion <- factor(dx$fusion)
dx$fusion <- relevel(dx$fusion, which(levels(dx$fusion) == "None"))
## [1] 1682
# Catalog them
fusion | Freq |
KMT2A-MLLT11 | 7 |
NPM1-MLF1 | 8 |
RBM15-MKL1 | 13 |
RUNX1-CBFA2T3 | 13 |
FUS-ERG | 14 |
KMT2A-SEPT6 | 14 |
ETV6-MNX1 | 16 |
KMT2A-MLLT1 | 21 |
ETV6-X | 25 |
NUP98-KDM5A | 38 |
CBFA2T3-GLIS2 | 42 |
KMT2A-ELL | 49 |
KMT2A-MLLT4 | 49 |
DEK-NUP214 | 55 |
KMT2A-MLLT10 | 92 |
KMT2A-MLLT3 | 126 |
NUP98-NSD1 | 137 |
CBFB-MYH11 | 186 |
RUNX1-RUNX1T1 | 218 |
None | 536 |
Let's feed the additional fusions, projected onto the original NMF, to the original UMAP model.
# project the additional observations into the original UMAP model
u <- umap_transform(sampleFactors(reducedDim(dx, "NMF")), metadata(dx)$umap_fit)
reducedDim(dx, "UMAP") <- u
# saveRDS(dx, file="dx_subset_with_NMF_and_UMAP.rds")
We can fit factors to fusions:
library(limma) # fit NMF factors
design <- model.matrix(~ fusion, data=colData(dx))
nmfdat <- t(sampleFactors(reducedDim(dx, "NMF")))[, rownames(design)]
fit <- eBayes(lmFit(nmfdat, design))
rownames(subset(topTreat(fit, coef="fusionFUS-ERG"), B > 0)) # 85
## [1] "85"
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))["EZH2", ]) # 85
## [1] 85
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))[, 85]) # STAB1
## STAB1
## 261
rownames(subset(topTreat(fit, coef="fusionCBFA2T3-GLIS2"), B > 0)) # 65 73 21 48
## [1] "65" "73" "21" "48" "27"
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))["FOLR1", ]) # 65
## [1] 65
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))[, 73]) # CCND2
## CCND2
## 4860
rownames(subset(topTreat(fit, coef="fusionHNRNPH1-ERG"), B > 0)) # none
## character(0)
rownames(subset(topTreat(fit, coef="fusionETV6-MNX1"), B > 0)) # 76
## [1] "76"
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))[, 76]) # TP53INP1
## TP53INP1
## 11479
rownames(subset(topTreat(fit, coef="fusionETV6-X"), B > 0)) # 21 2
## [1] "21" "2"
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))[, 21]) # BAHCC1
## 47621
which.max(featureLoadings(reducedDim(dx, "NMF"))[, 2]) # MALAT1
## 39004
We can also fit some more interesting outcomes, albeit only for exploration:
dx$inductionFailure <- ifelse(dx$EFS.event.type.ID == "Induction failure", 1, 0)
designIF <- model.matrix(~ inductionFailure, data=colData(dx))
nmfIF <- t(sampleFactors(reducedDim(dx, "NMF")))[, rownames(designIF)]
fitIF <- eBayes(lmFit(nmfIF, designIF))
rownames(subset(topTreat(fitIF, n=90), B > 0))
## [1] "16" "40" "87" "82" "45" "2" "44" "46" "1" "39" "48" "8" "4" "55" "90"
## [16] "15" "14" "5" "68" "52" "7" "12" "81" "9" "78" "53" "89" "42" "11" "77"
## [31] "43" "31" "20" "3" "10" "26" "6" "80" "60" "29" "35" "34" "50" "18" "30"
## [46] "13" "47" "32" "86" "71" "33" "72" "17" "21" "28" "88" "36" "63" "22" "25"
## [61] "23" "61" "38" "62" "58" "19" "24" "41" "37" "69" "49" "27" "66" "54" "51"
## [76] "56" "57" "59" "83" "64" "70" "75" "67" "74" "76" "73" "79" "65" "85"
dx$transplanted <- ifelse(dx$SCT.in.1st.CR == "Yes", TRUE, FALSE)
dxSCT <- dx[, which(dx$transplanted)]
dxSCT$died <- ifelse(dxSCT$OS.event.ID == "Dead", 1, 0)
designSCT <- model.matrix(~ died, data=colData(dxSCT))
nmfSCT <- t(sampleFactors(reducedDim(dxSCT, "NMF")))[, rownames(designSCT)]
fitSCT <- eBayes(lmFit(nmfSCT, designSCT))
rownames(subset(topTreat(fitSCT, n=90), B > 0))
## [1] "40" "87" "16" "82" "44" "2" "45" "39" "52" "68" "15" "8" "46" "1" "14"
## [16] "4" "48" "55" "5" "90" "21" "81" "37" "9" "7" "31" "77" "89" "12" "78"
## [31] "53" "3" "42" "20" "10" "43" "26" "6" "30" "29" "80" "35" "51" "28" "18"
## [46] "34" "50" "33" "60" "13" "58" "86" "11" "72" "71" "47" "62" "23" "36" "66"
## [61] "41" "83" "38" "88" "49" "27" "32" "70" "22" "69"
We can also quickly check things out with iSEE:
if (FALSE) {
if (!exists("dx")) dx <- readRDS("dx_subset_with_NMF_and_UMAP.rds")
UMAP_plot <- new("ReducedDimensionPlot",
Type = "UMAP",
ColorBy = "Column data",
ColorByColumnData = "fusion",
TooltipColumnData = "fusion")
NMF_plot <- new("ReducedDimensionPlot",
Type = "NMF",
XAxis = 85L,
YAxis = 2L,
SelectionAlpha = 0.01,
ColorBy = "Column data",
ColorByColumnData = "fusion",
TooltipColumnData = "fusion",
ColumnSelectionSource = "ReducedDimensionPlot1",
ColumnSelectionDynamicSource = TRUE)
COVS_plot <- new("ColumnDataTable",
HiddenColumns = setdiff(names(colData(dx)),
c("fusion", "Primary.Fusion", "Sex")),
ColumnSelectionSource = "ReducedDimensionPlot2",
ColumnSelectionDynamicSource = TRUE)
GENE <- new("RowDataTable",
EXPRESSION <- new("FeatureAssayPlot",
YAxisFeatureName = "EZH2",
YAxisFeatureSource = "RowDataTable1",
YAxisFeatureDynamicSource = TRUE,
Assay = "logcounts",
XAxis = "Column data",
XAxisColumnData = "fusion",
ColorByColumnData = "fusion",
ColorBy = "Column data")
COVS2 <- new("ColumnDataTable",
HiddenColumns = setdiff(names(colData(dx)),
ColumnSelectionSource = "ReducedDimensionPlot2",
ColumnSelectionDynamicSource = TRUE)
initial = list(UMAP = UMAP_plot,
NMF = NMF_plot,
COVS = COVS_plot,
Well, that looks good.
A. UMAP of TARGET pAML (n = 1682) samples colored by cytogenetic subtype.
df <- data.frame("sample" = colnames(dx),
"fusion" = dx$fusion,
"umap1" = reducedDim(dx, "UMAP")[,1],
"umap2" = reducedDim(dx, "UMAP")[,2])
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(umap1, umap2, color = fusion)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(hjust = 0, vjust = 0),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
labs(x = "UMAP1",
y = "UMAP2",
color = "Fusion",
title = "RNA-seq by fusion status") +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
df$fus_erg <- as.character(df$fusion)
df$fus_erg[df$fus_erg != "FUS-ERG"] <- "Other"
p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(umap1, umap2, color = fus_erg)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(hjust = 0, vjust = 0),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
labs(x = "UMAP1",
y = "UMAP2",
color = "Fusion",
title = "RNA-seq by fusion status") +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 1, align = "v")
ggsave("dx_NMF_updated_umap.png", width = 10, height = 5)
B. Association of individual factors with FUS::ERG vs. all other pAML.
C. Enrichnment of factors in cytogenetic subtypes of pediatric AML.
D. Pathway enrichment for factors associated with allo-SCT response.
E. Antigen presentation and immune response GSEA, FUS::ERG vs. other pAML.