diff --git a/locales/en-GB.json b/locales/en-GB.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b9a6da..00000000
--- a/locales/en-GB.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "Run",
- "nav.run_tt": "execute this query on Overpass API",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "parse the MapCSS and rerender the map",
- "nav.share": "Share",
- "nav.share_tt": "get a permalink for this query",
- "nav.export": "Export",
- "nav.export_tt": "various export tools",
- "nav.save": "Save",
- "nav.save_tt": "save this query",
- "nav.load": "Load",
- "nav.load_tt": "load saved query or example",
- "nav.wizard": "Wizard",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "a query builder",
- "nav.settings": "Settings",
- "nav.settings_tt": "various settings",
- "nav.help": "Help",
- "nav.help_tt": "help, about, and attributions",
- "nav.logout": "Logout",
- "nav.logout_tt": "log out from currently synced osm account",
- "tabs.map": "Map",
- "tabs.map_tt": "map view",
- "tabs.data": "Data",
- "tabs.data_tt": "data view",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "zoom to data",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "locate me!",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "disabled because overpass turbo has not been loaded via https://",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "manually select bbox",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "disabled as the current query doesn't require a bbox",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "toggle wide map",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "toggle data overlay",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "click here to show the data",
- "settings.title": "Settings",
- "settings.section.general": "General Settings",
- "settings.ui_lang": "UI Language",
- "settings.server": "Server",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "Disable warning/auto repair message when Overpass API returns no visible data.",
- "settings.section.editor": "Editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "Enable rich code editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "disable this on mobile devices; requires a page reload to take effect",
- "settings.editor_width": "Width of editor",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "eg '400px', leave blank for defaults",
- "settings.section.map": "Map",
- "settings.tile_server": "Tile-Server",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "Tiles Opacity",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "transparency of background tiles: 0=transparent … 1=visible",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "Show crosshairs at the map centre.",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "Don't display small features as POIs.",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "Show some stats about loaded and displayed data.",
- "settings.section.sharing": "Sharing",
- "settings.include_map_state": "Include current map state in shared links",
- "settings.compression": "Compression",
- "settings.section.export": "Export",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "Show scale on exported images.",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "Show attribution on exported images.",
- "save.title": "Save",
- "save.enter_name": "Enter a name for this query",
- "load.title": "Load",
- "load.delete_query": "delete this query",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "Saved Queries (local)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "Saved Queries (osm.org)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "Loading saved queries from osm.org...",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "An error occurred while loading saved queries from osm.org :(",
- "load.examples": "Examples",
- "load.no_saved_query": "no saved query yet",
- "export.title": "Export",
- "export.download-error": "Export – Error",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "Copy this text to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "Export – Successfully copied to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": " was successfully copied to the clipboard.",
- "export.section.map": "Map",
- "export.as_png": "as png image",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "as interactive Map",
- "export.current_map_view": "current map view",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox, center etc",
- "export.section.data": "Data",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "raw OSM data",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "raw data directly from Overpass API",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "save GeoJSON to gist",
- "export.section.query": "Query",
- "export.format_text": "standalone query",
- "export.format_text_raw": "raw query",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "osm wiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "umap remote data url",
- "export.to_xml": "convert to Overpass-XML",
- "export.to_ql": "convert to (compact) OverpassQL",
- "export.editors": "load data into an OSM editor:",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "Export – GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "The currently shown data as GeoJSON:",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "No GeoJSON data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "Saved as gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "Edit with geojson.io:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "Export – GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "The currently shown data as GPX:",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "No GPX data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.KML.title": "Export – KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "The currently shown data as KML:",
- "export.KML.no_data": "No KML data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.raw.title": "Export – raw",
- "export.raw.no_data": "No raw data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.map_view.title": "Current Map View",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "Permalink",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "to osm.org",
- "export.map_view.center": "Centre",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "lat, lon",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "Bounds",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "Bounds (manually selected bbox)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "south, west, north, east",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "Zoom",
- "export.image.title": "Export – Image",
- "export.image.alt": "the exported map",
- "export.image.download": "Download",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "Make sure to include proper attributions when distributing this image!",
- "share.title": "Share",
- "share.header": "Permalink",
- "share.copy_this_link": "Copy this link to share the current code:",
- "share.options": "Options",
- "share.incl_map_state": "include current map state",
- "share.run_immediately": "run this query immediately after loading",
- "help.title": "Help",
- "help.section.introduction": "Introduction",
- "help.intro.0": "This is overpass turbo, a web-based data filtering tool for OpenStreetMap.",
- "help.intro.1": "With overpass turbo you can run Overpass API queries and analyse the resulting OSM data interactively on a map.",
- "help.intro.1b": "There is an integrated Wizard which makes creating queries super easy.",
- "help.intro.2": "More information about overpass turbo and how to write Overpass queries can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.queries": "Overpass Queries",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API allows to query for OSM data by your own search criteria. For this purpose, it has a specifically crafted query language.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "In addition to regular Overpass API queries one can use the following handy shortcuts in overpass turbo:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "bounding box coordinates of the current map view",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "map centre coordinates",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "ISO 8601 date/time string a certain time interval ago (eg '24 hours')",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "defines a MapCSS stylesheet",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "Arbitrary shortcuts can be defined by putting {{shortcut=value}} somewhere in the script.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "More overpass-turbo shortcuts, additional information about the above and usage examples can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "Sharing",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "It is possible to send a permalink with the query you are currently working on to someone else. This is found in the Share tool and shows you a link which you can send to a friend or post online. (Note that others will work on their own copy of the query.)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "Save and Load",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "You can also save and load your queries. For a start, there are a few example queries preloaded. Take a look at them for a short glimpse of what overpass can do.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "Keyboard shortcuts:",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "Run the current query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "Start the query wizard.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "Load (open) / Save a query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "Open this help dialog.",
- "help.section.key": "Map Key",
- "help.key.example": "various map features",
- "help.key.description": "Ways are shown as bold blue lines, Polygons as yellow areas with a thin blue outline, POIs (nodes with tags) as yellow circles with a thin blue outline. Circles with a red filling stand for polygons or ways that are too small to be displayed normally. Pink lines or outlines mean, that an object is part of at least one (loaded) relation. Dashed lines mean that a way or polygon has incomplete geometry (most likely because some of its nodes have not been loaded).",
- "help.section.export": "Export",
- "help.export": "The Export tool holds a variety of options to do with the query and/or data loaded by the query.
Options with this symbol: rely on or refer to external (online) tools.",
- "help.export.query_data.title": "Query / Data",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "This holds some things you can do with the raw query or data, like converting the query between the various query languages or exporting the data as geoJSON. A very useful option is the possibility to send the query to JOSM.",
- "help.export.map.title": "Map",
- "help.export.map.expl": "Convert the current map-with-data view to a static png image, or a (fullscreen) interactive map etc",
- "help.section.about": "About",
- "help.about.maintained": "overpass turbo is maintained by Martin Raifer (tyr.asd at gmail.com).",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests",
- "help.about.feedback": "If you would like to give feedback, report issues, or ask for a particular feature, please use the issue tracker on github or the discussion page on the OSM-wiki.",
- "help.about.source.title": "Source Code",
- "help.about.source": "The source code of this application is released under the MIT license.",
- "help.section.attribution": "Attribution",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "Data Sources",
- "help.attr.data": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL (Terms)",
- "help.attr.mining": "Data mining by",
- "help.attr.tiles": "Map tiles © OpenStreetMap contributors",
- "help.attr.search": "Search provided by",
- "help.attr.software": "Software & Libraries",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "Map powered by",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "Editor powered by",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "Other libraries:",
- "ffs.title": "Query Wizard",
- "ffs.comments": "add query comments",
- "ffs.placeholder": "search",
- "ffs.expl": "The wizard assists you with creating Overpass queries. Here are some usage examples:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "Sorry, this search cannot be understood.",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "Note that you must use quotation marks with strings containing spaces or special characters and that multiple search filters must be separated by appropriate boolean operators (and or or). Read the documentation for more information.",
- "ffs.typo": "Did you mean:",
- "dialog.dismiss": "dismiss",
- "dialog.cancel": "cancel",
- "dialog.save": "save",
- "dialog.save-local": "save (local)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "save on osm.org",
- "dialog.delete": "delete",
- "dialog.close": "close",
- "dialog.done": "done",
- "dialog.abort": "abort",
- "dialog.reset": "reset",
- "dialog.repair_query": "repair query",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "continue anyway",
- "dialog.show_data": "show data",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "build query",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "build and run query",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "Delete Query?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "Would you really like to delete the following query",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "Would you really like to delete the following synchronised query",
- "error.query.title": "Query Error",
- "error.query.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query! This is what overpass API returned:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Ajax Error",
- "error.ajax.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "MapCSS Error",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "Invalid MapCSS stylesheet:",
- "error.remote.title": "Remote Control Error",
- "error.remote.incompat": "Error: incompatible JOSM remote control version",
- "error.remote.not_found": "Remote control not found. :( Make sure JOSM is already running and properly configured.",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Nominatim Error",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "Could not find anything with the following name:",
- "warning.browser.title": "Your browser is not supported :(",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "The browser you are currently using, is (most likely) not capable of running (significant parts of) this Application. It must support Web Storage API and cross origin resource sharing (CORS).",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "Note that you may have to enable cookies and/or \"local Data\" for this site on some browsers (such as Firefox and Chrome).",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "Please upgrade to a more up-to-date version of your browser or switch to a more capable one! Recent versions of Opera, Chrome and Firefox have been tested to work. Alternatively, you can still use the Overpass_API query form.",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "Incomplete Data",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OSM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you were meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (autocomplete) the query by choosing 'repair query' below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.",
- "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances",
- "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This sharelink is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "Large amounts of data",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "This query returned quite a lot of data (approx. {{amount_txt}}).",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "Your browser may have a hard time trying to render this. Would you really like to continue?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "processing query...",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "exporting as image...",
- "data_stats.loaded": "Loaded",
- "data_stats.displayed": "Displayed",
- "data_stats.nodes": "nodes",
- "data_stats.ways": "ways",
- "data_stats.relations": "relations",
- "data_stats.areas": "areas",
- "data_stats.pois": "pois",
- "data_stats.lines": "lines",
- "data_stats.polygons": "polygons",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "Overpass request took",
- "data_stats.lag": "Currentness of data",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "Currentness of areas",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "behind main OSM db",
- "popup.tags": "Tags",
- "popup.metadata": "Metadata",
- "popup.coordinates": "Coordinates",
- "popup.node": "Node",
- "popup.nodes": "Nodes",
- "popup.way": "Way",
- "popup.ways": "Ways",
- "popup.relation": "Relation",
- "popup.relations": "Relations",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "Attention: incomplete geometry (e.g. some nodes missing)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "This map intentionally left blank."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/en-GB.json b/locales/en-GB.json
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..3e3bce59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/en-GB.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/en-US.json b/locales/en-US.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a9ce42..00000000
--- a/locales/en-US.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "Run",
- "nav.run_tt": "execute this query on Overpass API",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "parse the MapCSS and rerender the map",
- "nav.share": "Share",
- "nav.share_tt": "get a permalink for this query",
- "nav.export": "Export",
- "nav.export_tt": "various export tools",
- "nav.save": "Save",
- "nav.save_tt": "save this query",
- "nav.load": "Load",
- "nav.load_tt": "load saved query or example",
- "nav.wizard": "Wizard",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "a query builder",
- "nav.settings": "Settings",
- "nav.settings_tt": "various settings",
- "nav.help": "Help",
- "nav.help_tt": "help, about and attributions",
- "nav.logout": "Logout",
- "nav.logout_tt": "logout from currently synced osm account",
- "tabs.map": "Map",
- "tabs.map_tt": "map view",
- "tabs.data": "Data",
- "tabs.data_tt": "data view",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "zoom to data",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "locate me!",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "disabled because overpass turbo has not been loaded via https://",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "manually select bbox",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "disabled as the current query doesn't require a bbox",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "toggle wide map",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "toggle data overlay",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "click here to show the data",
- "settings.title": "Settings",
- "settings.section.general": "General Settings",
- "settings.ui_lang": "UI Language",
- "settings.server": "Server",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "Disable warning/autorepair message when Overpass API returns no visible data.",
- "settings.section.editor": "Editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "Enable rich code editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "disable this on mobile devices; requires a page-reload to take effect",
- "settings.editor_width": "Width of editor",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "e.g. \"400px\", leave blank for defaults",
- "settings.section.map": "Map",
- "settings.tile_server": "Tile-Server",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "Tiles Opacity",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "transparency of background tiles: 0=transparent … 1=visible",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "Show crosshairs at the map center.",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "Don't display small features as POIs.",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "Show some stats about loaded and displayed data.",
- "settings.section.sharing": "Sharing",
- "settings.include_map_state": "Include current map state in shared links",
- "settings.compression": "Compression",
- "settings.section.export": "Export",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "Show scale on exported images.",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "Show attribution on exported images.",
- "save.title": "Save",
- "save.enter_name": "Enter a name for this query",
- "load.title": "Load",
- "load.delete_query": "delete this query",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "Saved Queries (local)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "Saved Queries (osm.org)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "Loading saved queries from osm.org...",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "An error occurred while loading saved queries from osm.org :(",
- "load.examples": "Examples",
- "load.no_saved_query": "no saved query yet",
- "export.title": "Export",
- "export.download-error": "Export - Error",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "Copy this text to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "Export - Successfully copied to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": " was successfully copied to the clipboard.",
- "export.section.map": "Map",
- "export.as_png": "as png image",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "as interactive Map",
- "export.current_map_view": "current map view",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox, center, etc.",
- "export.section.data": "Data",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "raw OSM data",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "raw data directly from Overpass API",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "save GeoJSON to gist",
- "export.section.query": "Query",
- "export.format_text": "standalone query",
- "export.format_text_raw": "raw query",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "osm wiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "umap remote data url",
- "export.to_xml": "convert to Overpass-XML",
- "export.to_ql": "convert to (compact) OverpassQL",
- "export.editors": "load data into an OSM editor:",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "Export - GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "The currently shown data as GeoJSON:",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "No GeoJSON data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "Saved as gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "Edit with geojson.io:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "Export - GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "The currently shown data as GPX:",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "No GPX data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.KML.title": "Export - KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "The currently shown data as KML:",
- "export.KML.no_data": "No KML data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.raw.title": "Export - raw",
- "export.raw.no_data": "No raw data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.map_view.title": "Current Map View",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "Permalink",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "to osm.org",
- "export.map_view.center": "Center",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "lat, lon",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "Bounds",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "Bounds (manually selected bbox)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "south, west, north, east",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "Zoom",
- "export.image.title": "Export - Image",
- "export.image.alt": "the exported map",
- "export.image.download": "Download",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "Make sure to include proper attributions when distributing this image!",
- "share.title": "Share",
- "share.header": "Permalink",
- "share.copy_this_link": "Copy this link to share the current code:",
- "share.options": "Options",
- "share.incl_map_state": "include current map state",
- "share.run_immediately": "run this query immediately after loading",
- "help.title": "Help",
- "help.section.introduction": "Introduction",
- "help.intro.0": "This is overpass turbo, a web-based data filtering tool for OpenStreetMap.",
- "help.intro.1": "With overpass turbo you can run Overpass API queries and analyse the resulting OSM data interactively on a map.",
- "help.intro.1b": "There is an integrated Wizard which makes creating queries super easy.",
- "help.intro.2": "More information about overpass turbo and how to write Overpass queries can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.queries": "Overpass Queries",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API allows to query for OSM data by your own search criteria. For this purpose, it has a specifically crafted query language.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "In addition to regular Overpass API queries one can use the following handy shortcuts in overpass turbo:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "bounding box coordinates of the current map view",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "map center coordinates",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "ISO 8601 date-time-string a certain time interval ago (e.g. “24 hours”)",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "defines a MapCSS stylesheet",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "Arbitrary shortcuts can be defined by putting {{shortcut=value}} somewhere in the script.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "More overpass-turbo shortcuts, additional information about the above and usage examples can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "Sharing",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "It is possible to send a permalink with the query you are currently working on to someone else. This is found in the Share tool and shows you a link which you can send to a friend or post online. (Note that others will work on their own copy of the query.)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "Save and Load",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "You can also save and load your queries. For a start, there are a few example queries preloaded. Take a look at them for a short glimpse of what overpass can do.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "Keyboard shortcuts:",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "Run the current query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "Start the query wizard.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "Load (open) / Save a query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "Open this help dialog.",
- "help.section.key": "Map Key",
- "help.key.example": "various map features",
- "help.key.description": "Ways are shown as bold blue lines, Polygons as yellow areas with a thin blue outline, POIs (nodes with tags) as yellow circles with a thin blue outline. Circles with a red filling stand for polygons or ways that are too small to be displayed normally. Pink lines or outlines mean, that an object is part of at least one (loaded) relation. Dashed lines mean that a way or polygon has incomplete geometry (most likely because some of its nodes have not been loaded).",
- "help.section.export": "Export",
- "help.export": "The Export tool holds a variety of options to do with the query and/or data loaded by the query.
Options with this symbol: rely on or refer to external (online) tools.",
- "help.export.query_data.title": "Query / Data",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "This holds some things you can do with the raw query or data, like converting the query between the various query languages or exporting the data as geoJSON. A very useful option is the possibility to send the query to JOSM.",
- "help.export.map.title": "Map",
- "help.export.map.expl": "Convert the current map-with-data view to a static png image, or a (fullscreen) interactive map, etc.",
- "help.section.about": "About",
- "help.about.maintained": "overpass turbo is maintained by Martin Raifer (tyr.asd at gmail.com).",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests",
- "help.about.feedback": "If you would like to give feedback, report issues or ask for a particular feature, please use the issue tracker on github or the discussion page on the OSM-wiki.",
- "help.about.source.title": "Source Code",
- "help.about.source": "The source code of this application is released under the MIT license.",
- "help.section.attribution": "Attribution",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "Data Sources",
- "help.attr.data": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL (Terms)",
- "help.attr.mining": "Data mining by",
- "help.attr.tiles": "Map tiles © OpenStreetMap contributors",
- "help.attr.search": "Search provided by",
- "help.attr.software": "Software & Libraries",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "Map powered by",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "Editor powered by",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "Other libraries:",
- "ffs.title": "Query Wizard",
- "ffs.comments": "add query comments",
- "ffs.placeholder": "search",
- "ffs.expl": "The wizard assists you with creating Overpass queries. Here are some usage examples:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "Sorry, this search cannot be understood.",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "Note that you must use quotation marks with strings containing spaces or special characters and that multiple search filters must be separated by appropriate boolean operators (and or or). Read the documentation for more information.",
- "ffs.typo": "Did you mean:",
- "dialog.dismiss": "dismiss",
- "dialog.cancel": "cancel",
- "dialog.save": "save",
- "dialog.save-local": "save (local)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "save on osm.org",
- "dialog.delete": "delete",
- "dialog.close": "close",
- "dialog.done": "done",
- "dialog.abort": "abort",
- "dialog.reset": "reset",
- "dialog.repair_query": "repair query",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "continue anyway",
- "dialog.show_data": "show data",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "build query",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "build and run query",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "Delete Query?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "Do you really want to delete the following query",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "Do you really want to delete the following synchronized query",
- "error.query.title": "Query Error",
- "error.query.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query! This is what overpass API returned:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Ajax Error",
- "error.ajax.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "MapCSS Error",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "Invalid MapCSS stylesheet:",
- "error.remote.title": "Remote Control Error",
- "error.remote.incompat": "Error: incompatible JOSM remote control version",
- "error.remote.not_found": "Remote control not found. :( Make sure JOSM is already running and properly configured.",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Nominatim Error",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "Could not find anything with the following name:",
- "warning.browser.title": "Your browser is not supported :(",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "The browser you are currently using, is (most likely) not capable of running (significant parts of) this Application. It must support Web Storage API and cross origin resource sharing (CORS).",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "Note that you may have to enable cookies and/or \"local Data\" for this site on some browsers (such as Firefox and Chrome).",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "Please upgrade to a more up-to-date version of your browser or switch to a more capable one! Recent versions of Opera, Chrome and Firefox have been tested to work. Alternatively, you can still use the Overpass_API query form.",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "Incomplete Data",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OSM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.",
- "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances",
- "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "Large amounts of data",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "This query returned quite a lot of data (approx. {{amount_txt}}).",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "Your browser may have a hard time trying to render this. Do you really want to continue?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "processing query...",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "exporting as image...",
- "data_stats.loaded": "Loaded",
- "data_stats.displayed": "Displayed",
- "data_stats.nodes": "nodes",
- "data_stats.ways": "ways",
- "data_stats.relations": "relations",
- "data_stats.areas": "areas",
- "data_stats.pois": "pois",
- "data_stats.lines": "lines",
- "data_stats.polygons": "polygons",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "Overpass request took",
- "data_stats.lag": "Currentness of data",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "Currentness of areas",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "behind main OSM db",
- "popup.tags": "Tags",
- "popup.metadata": "Metadata",
- "popup.coordinates": "Coordinates",
- "popup.node": "Node",
- "popup.nodes": "Nodes",
- "popup.way": "Way",
- "popup.ways": "Ways",
- "popup.relation": "Relation",
- "popup.relations": "Relations",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "Attention: incomplete geometry (e.g. some nodes missing)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "This map intentionally left blank."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/en-US.json b/locales/en-US.json
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..125cf8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/en-US.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/pt-BR.json b/locales/pt-BR.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5d833c..00000000
--- a/locales/pt-BR.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "Executar",
- "nav.run_tt": "execute esta consulta na API Overpass",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "analisar o MapCSS e renderizar novamente o mapa",
- "nav.share": "Compartilhar",
- "nav.share_tt": "pegue um link permanente para essa consulta",
- "nav.export": "Exportar",
- "nav.export_tt": "várias ferramentas de exportação",
- "nav.save": "Salvar",
- "nav.save_tt": "Salvar esta consulta",
- "nav.load": "Carregar",
- "nav.load_tt": "Carregar consulta ou exemplo salvo",
- "nav.wizard": "Assistente",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "Um construtor de consultas",
- "nav.settings": "Configurações",
- "nav.settings_tt": "Várias configurações",
- "nav.help": "Ajuda",
- "nav.help_tt": "ajuda, sobre e atribuições",
- "nav.logout": "Sair",
- "nav.logout_tt": "sair da conta osm atual sincronizada",
- "tabs.map": "Mapa",
- "tabs.map_tt": "vista de mapa",
- "tabs.data": "Arquivo",
- "tabs.data_tt": "vista de dados",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "ampliar para dados",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "me localize!",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "desativado porque o overpass turbo não foi carregado via https: //",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "selecionar bbox manualmente",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "desabilitado porque a consulta atual não requer um bbox",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "mudar para mapa amplo",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "ativar/desativar camada de dados",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "clique aqui para exibir o arquivo",
- "settings.title": "Configurações",
- "settings.section.general": "Configurações Gerais",
- "settings.ui_lang": "Idioma da interface",
- "settings.server": "Servidor",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "Desabilitar mensagem de aviso/autoreparo quando a Overpass API não retornar dados visíveis. ",
- "settings.section.editor": "Editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "Habilitar editor de código enriquecido",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "desabilitar isto em dispositivos móveis; é necessário recarregar a página",
- "settings.editor_width": "Largura de editor",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "ex. \"400px\", deixar em branco para padrão",
- "settings.section.map": "Mapa",
- "settings.tile_server": "Servidor de Tiles",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "Opacidade dos Quadros",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "transparência dos blocos de fundo: 0=transparente ... 1=visível",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "Mostra mira no centro do mapa.",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "Não mostre pequenos recursos como POIs.",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "Mostrar algumas estatísticas sobre dados carregados e exibidos.",
- "settings.section.sharing": "Compartilhamento",
- "settings.include_map_state": "Incluir o estado atual do mapa nos links compartilhados",
- "settings.compression": "Compressão",
- "settings.section.export": "Exportar",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "Mostrar escala em imagens exportadas.",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "Mostrar atribuição em imagens exportadas.",
- "save.title": "Salvar",
- "save.enter_name": "Insira um nome para a consulta",
- "load.title": "Carregar",
- "load.delete_query": "delete esta consulta",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "Salvar Consultas (local)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "Salvar Consultas (osm.org)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "Carregando consultas salvas do osm.org ...",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as consultas salvas de osm.org :(",
- "load.examples": "Exemplos",
- "load.no_saved_query": "consulta ainda não foi salva",
- "export.title": "Exportar",
- "export.download-error": "Exportar - Erro",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "Copie este texto para a área de transferência",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "Exportar - Copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": " foi copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência.",
- "export.section.map": "Mapa",
- "export.as_png": "como imagem png ",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "como Mapa interativo",
- "export.current_map_view": "vista do mapa atual",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox, centro, etc.",
- "export.section.data": "Arquivo",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "dados OSM brutos",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "dados brutos diretamente de Overpass API",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "salvar dados GeoJSON para um gist",
- "export.section.query": "Query",
- "export.format_text": "consulta autônoma",
- "export.format_text_raw": "consulta bruta",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "osm wiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "umap url de dados remoto",
- "export.to_xml": "converter para XML-Overpass",
- "export.to_ql": "converter para OverpassQL (compactado) ",
- "export.editors": "carregar dados em um editor do OSM:",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "Exportar - GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "Os dados exibidos atualmente como GeoJSON:",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "Dados GeoJSON não disponíveis! Executar consulta antes.",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "Salvar como um gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "Editar com geojson.io:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "Exportar - GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "Dados atuais exibidos como GPX:",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "Nenhum arquivo GPX disponível! Por favor execute a consulta primeiro.",
- "export.KML.title": "Exportar - KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "Dados atuais exibidos como KML:",
- "export.KML.no_data": "Dados KML não disponívels! Execute consulta antes.",
- "export.raw.title": "Exportar - raw",
- "export.raw.no_data": "Não há dados brutos! Por favor, rode a consulta primeiro.",
- "export.map_view.title": "Visão Atual do Mapa",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "Link permanente",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "para osm.org",
- "export.map_view.center": "Centralizar",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "lat, lon",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "Fronteira",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "Limites (selecionar bbox manualmente)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "sul, oeste, norte, leste",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "Zoom",
- "export.image.title": "Exportar - Imagem",
- "export.image.alt": "o mapa exportado",
- "export.image.download": "Download",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "Certifique-se de incluir adequadamente atribuições ao distribuir estas imagens!",
- "share.title": "Compartilhar",
- "share.header": "Link permanente",
- "share.copy_this_link": "Copie este link para compartilhar o código a seguir: ",
- "share.options": "Opiniões ",
- "share.incl_map_state": "incluir o estado atual do mapa",
- "share.run_immediately": "executar esta consulta imediatamente após carregar",
- "help.title": "Ajuda",
- "help.section.introduction": "Introduction",
- "help.intro.0": "Este é o overpass turbo, uma ferramenta web para filtrar dados do OpenStreetMap.",
- "help.intro.1": "Com o overpass turbo é possível executar consultas Overpass API e analisar os resultados de maneira interativamente no mapa.",
- "help.intro.1b": "Essa é uma integração Wizard que cria consultas facilmente.",
- "help.intro.2": "Mais informações sobre o overpass turbo e como escrever consultas Overpass pode ser encontrado no OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.queries": "Consultas Overpass",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API permite consultar dados OSM por seus próprios critérios de pesquisa. Para isso, possui uma estrutura e linguagem de consulta específica.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "Além de consultas regulares da API Overpass, pode-se usar os seguintes atalhos úteis no overpass turbo:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "coordenadas da caixa de visualização do mapa atual",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "coordenadas do centro do mapa",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "ISO 8601 date-time-string de um determinado intervalo temporal retroativo (e.g. “24 hours”)",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "definir uma folha de estilos MapCSS",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "Atalhos arbitrários podem ser definidos inserindo {{shortcut=value}} em algum local do código.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "Mais atalhos de overpass-turbo, informações adicionais sobre os exemplos acima e de uso podem ser encontrados no OSM wiki",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "Compartilhando",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "É possível enviar para alguém um link-permanente para uma consulta que você está trabalhando. Para tanto, use a ferramenta Share, que exibe um link para enviar para um amigo ou postar na rede. (terceiros irão trabalhar em uma cópia própria da consulta)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "Carregar e salvar",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "Você também pode salver e carregar suas consultas. ",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "Atalhos do teclado:",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "Execute a consulta atual.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "Iniciar o assistente de criação de consultas",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "Carregar (abrir) / Salvar uma consulta",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "Abrir este diálogo de ajuda.",
- "help.section.key": "Legenda do mapa",
- "help.key.example": "diversos recursos do mapa",
- "help.key.description": "Os caminhos são mostrados como linhas azuis em negrito, Polígonos como áreas amarelas com um contorno azul fino, POIs (nós com marcas) como círculos amarelos com um contorno azul fino. Círculos com preenchimento vermelho representam polígonos ou formas muito pequenas para serem exibidas normalmente. Linhas ou contornos rosa significam que um objeto faz parte de pelo menos uma relação (carregada). As linhas tracejadas significam que uma via ou polígono tem geometria incompleta (provavelmente porque alguns de seus nós não foram carregados).",
- "help.section.export": "Exportar",
- "help.export": "A ferramenta Export possui uma série de opções de ação com a consulta e/ou com os dados carregados pela consulta.
Opções com o símbolo: referem-se a ferramentas online externas.",
- "help.export.query_data.title": "Consulta / Arquivo",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "Isso contém algumas coisas que você pode fazer com a consulta ou dados brutos, como converter a consulta entre as várias linguagens de consulta ou exportar os dados como geoJSON. Uma opção muito útil é a possibilidade de enviar a consulta ao JOSM.",
- "help.export.map.title": "Mapa",
- "help.export.map.expl": "Converta a visualização do mapa com dados atual em uma imagem PNG estática ou em um mapa interativo (tela inteira) etc.",
- "help.section.about": "Sobre",
- "help.about.maintained": "overpass turbo é mantido por Martin Reifer (tyr.asd arroba gmail.com).",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "Feedback, Relatórios de erros e pedidos de funcionalidades",
- "help.about.feedback": "Se você gostaria de dar feedback, relatar problemas ou solicitar um recurso específico, use o rastreador de problemas no github ou a página de discussãono wiki OSM.",
- "help.about.source.title": "Código fonte",
- "help.about.source": "O código fonte desta aplicação foi lançado sobre a licença MIT.",
- "help.section.attribution": "Atribuição",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "Fontes de dados",
- "help.attr.data": "Dados e cópia;OpenStreetMap contribuidores, ODbL (Termos)",
- "help.attr.mining": "Dados produzidos por",
- "help.attr.tiles": "Blocos de mapa © OpenStreetMap contribuidores",
- "help.attr.search": "Busca oferecida por",
- "help.attr.software": "Software & Bibliotecas",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "Mapa desenvolvido por",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "Editor desenvolvido por",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "Outras bibliotecas:",
- "ffs.title": "Assistente de criação de consultas",
- "ffs.comments": "adicionar comentários de consulta",
- "ffs.placeholder": "pesquisar",
- "ffs.expl": "O assistente de criação de consultas o auxilia na criação de consultas no Overpass. Veja alguns exemplos de uso:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "Desculpe, esta consulta não foi entendida.",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "Note que você precisa utilizar aspas duplas ao adicionar palavras/frases que possuem espaços ou caracteres especiais, e multiplos critérios de busca devem ser separados por operadores booleanos apropriados (and ou or). Leia a documentação (em inglês) para mais informações.",
- "ffs.typo": "Você quis dizer:",
- "dialog.dismiss": "descartar",
- "dialog.cancel": "cancelar",
- "dialog.save": "salvar",
- "dialog.save-local": "salvar (local)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "salvar em osm.org",
- "dialog.delete": "apagar",
- "dialog.close": "fechar",
- "dialog.done": "feito",
- "dialog.abort": "abortar",
- "dialog.reset": "Redefinir",
- "dialog.repair_query": "reparar consulta",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "continuar assim mesmo",
- "dialog.show_data": "mostrar dados",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "construir consulta",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "construir e executar consulta",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "Apagar Consulta?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir a consulta a seguir",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir a seguinte consulta sincronizada",
- "error.query.title": "Erro de Consulta",
- "error.query.expl": "Ocorreu um erro durante a execução da consulta overpass! Isto é o que a API overpass retornou:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Erro Ajax",
- "error.ajax.expl": "Ocorreu um erro durante a execução da consulta overpass!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "Erro no MapCSS",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "A folha de estilos MapCSS é inválida:",
- "error.remote.title": "Erro do controle remoto",
- "error.remote.incompat": "Erro: Versão incompatível do controle remoto do JOSM",
- "error.remote.not_found": "Controle remoto não encontrado. :( Verivique se o JOSM está rodando e configurado apropriadamente.",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Erro no Nominatim",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "Não pode encontrar nada com o seguinte nome:",
- "warning.browser.title": "O seu navegador não é suportado :(",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "O navegador que você está usando no momento (provavelmente) não é capaz de executar (partes significativas) deste aplicativo. Deve suportar Web Storage API e compartilhamento de recursos de origem cruzada (CORS).",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "Observe que pode ser necessário habilitar cookies e/ou \"Dados locais\" para este site em alguns navegadores (como Firefox e Chrome).",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "Atualize seu navegador ou utilize um melhor! Versões recentes do Opera, Chrome e Firefox foram testadas no overpass. Como alternativa, você pode continuar a utilizar o formulario de consulta Overpass_API.",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "Dados incompletos",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "A consulta não retornou nenhum ponto. No OSM, somente pontos possuem coordenadas. Por exemplo, uma linha não pode ser exibida sem os seus pontos.",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Se não é isso que você pretende obter, overpass turbo pode ajudá-lo a reparar (preencher automaticamente) a consulta, escolhendo \"reparar consulta\" abaixo. Caso contrário, você pode continuar com os dados.",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "não mostre essa menssagem novamente",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece que essa consulta não retornará dados do OSM em formato XML com metadados. Editores como JOSM requerem que os dados estejam nesse formato.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo pode ajudar você a consertar a consultar selecionando \"reparar consulta\" abaixo.",
- "warning.share.long": "Aviso: Este link de compartilhamento é bastante longo. Pode não funcionar em certas circunstâncias",
- "warning.share.very_long": "Aviso: Este link de compartilhamento é muito longo. É provável que falhe em circunstâncias normais (navegadores, servidores da web). Use com cautela!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "Grande quantidade de dados",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "Esta consulta retornou uma grande quantidade de dados (aprox. {{amount_txt}}).",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "Seu navegador passou muito tempo tentando exibir isso. Você deseja realmente continuar?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "processando consulta...",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "exportar como imagem...",
- "data_stats.loaded": "Carregado",
- "data_stats.displayed": "Exibido",
- "data_stats.nodes": "nós",
- "data_stats.ways": "caminhos",
- "data_stats.relations": "relações",
- "data_stats.areas": "áreas",
- "data_stats.pois": "pois",
- "data_stats.lines": "linhas",
- "data_stats.polygons": "poligonos",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "Solicitação overpass tomada",
- "data_stats.lag": "Atualidade dos dados",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "Atualidade das áreas",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "por trás do banco de dados OSM principal",
- "popup.tags": "Tags",
- "popup.metadata": "Metadados",
- "popup.coordinates": "Coordenadas",
- "popup.node": "Nó",
- "popup.nodes": "Nós",
- "popup.way": "Caminho",
- "popup.ways": "Caminhos",
- "popup.relation": "Relação",
- "popup.relations": "Relações",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "Atenção: geometria incompleta (por exemplo, faltam alguns nós)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "Este mapa está intencionalmente em branco."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/pt-BR.json b/locales/pt-BR.json
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..9f1a383d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/pt-BR.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.json b/locales/zh-CN.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a33b08d..00000000
--- a/locales/zh-CN.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "运行",
- "nav.run_tt": "使用Overpass API执行查询",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "解析MapCSS并渲染地图",
- "nav.share": "分享",
- "nav.share_tt": "获得这次查询的固定链接",
- "nav.export": "导出",
- "nav.export_tt": "多种导出工具",
- "nav.save": "保存",
- "nav.save_tt": "保存这次查询",
- "nav.load": "加载",
- "nav.load_tt": "加载已保存的查询或样例",
- "nav.wizard": "助手精灵",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "查询构建器",
- "nav.settings": "设置",
- "nav.settings_tt": "多种可设置项",
- "nav.help": "帮助",
- "nav.help_tt": "帮助、关于我们与署名",
- "nav.logout": "登出",
- "nav.logout_tt": "从目前同步的OSM账号登出",
- "tabs.map": "地图",
- "tabs.map_tt": "地图视图",
- "tabs.data": "数据",
- "tabs.data_tt": "数据视图",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "缩放到数据",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "定位我的位置",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "因为没有使用https://载入Overpass Turbo而终止",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "手动选择bbox",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "因当前查询不需要bbox而终止",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "启动宽地图查询模式",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "启动数据叠层视图",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "点击这里以展示数据",
- "settings.title": "设置",
- "settings.section.general": "通用设置",
- "settings.ui_lang": "界面语言",
- "settings.server": "服务器",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "当Overpass API没有传回可展示的数据时关闭警告或自动修正信息",
- "settings.section.editor": "编辑器",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "启动编辑器代码高亮",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "在移动设备上关闭它。需要重新载入页面方可生效",
- "settings.editor_width": "编辑器宽度",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "例如:“400px”,默认为空",
- "settings.section.map": "地图",
- "settings.tile_server": "瓦片服务器",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "瓦片透明度",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "背景瓦片透明度:0为完全透明,1为完全可见",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "在地图中央显示交叉十字",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "不要以POI展示过小要素",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "展示已载入和已屏显的数据统计",
- "settings.section.sharing": "分享",
- "settings.include_map_state": "在分享链接中保存当前地图状态",
- "settings.compression": "短网址",
- "settings.section.export": "导出",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "在导出的图片中显示比例",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "在导出的图片中显示署名",
- "save.title": "保存",
- "save.enter_name": "为查询命名",
- "load.title": "加载",
- "load.delete_query": "删除这次查询",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "已保存的查询(本地)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "已保存的查询(OSM官网)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "从OSM官网载入已保存的查询",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "从OSM官网载入已保存的查询时发生错误",
- "load.examples": "样例",
- "load.no_saved_query": "目前暂无已保存的查询",
- "export.title": "导出",
- "export.download-error": "导出 - 错误",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "复制这段文本到剪贴板",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "导出 - 成功复制到剪贴板",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": " 已成功复制到剪贴板",
- "export.section.map": "地图",
- "export.as_png": "导出为 PNG图片",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "导出为 交互式地图",
- "export.current_map_view": "当前 地图视图",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox,中心,等……",
- "export.section.data": "数据",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "原始OSM数据",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "直接从Overpass API获取原始数据",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "保存GeoJSON为Gist",
- "export.section.query": "查询",
- "export.format_text": "独立查询",
- "export.format_text_raw": "原始查询",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "OSMWiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "Umap远端数据URL",
- "export.to_xml": "转换为Overpass-XML",
- "export.to_ql": "转换为(压缩的)OverpassQL",
- "export.editors": "在OSM编辑器中加载数据",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "导出 - GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "目前显示的数据为GeoJSON格式",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "无可用的GeoJSON数据!请先运行一次查询。",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "以Gist保存",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "通过geojson.io编辑",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "导出 - GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "目前显示的数据为GPX格式",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "无可用的GPX数据!请先运行一次查询。",
- "export.KML.title": "导出 - KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "目前显示的数据为KML格式",
- "export.KML.no_data": "无可用的KML数据!请先运行一次查询。",
- "export.raw.title": "导出 - 原始数据",
- "export.raw.no_data": "无可用的原始数据!请先运行一次查询。",
- "export.map_view.title": "当前地图视图",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "固定链接",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "转到OSM官网",
- "export.map_view.center": "中心",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "经度,纬度",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "边界",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "边界(手动选择bbox)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "南、西、北、东",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "缩放",
- "export.image.title": "导出 - 图片",
- "export.image.alt": "导出的地图",
- "export.image.download": "下载",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "请确认分发图片时已经包含适当的署名",
- "share.title": "分享",
- "share.header": "固定链接",
- "share.copy_this_link": "复制这条链接以分享当前的源代码:",
- "share.options": "选项",
- "share.incl_map_state": "包含当前地图状态",
- "share.run_immediately": "载入后立即运行查询",
- "help.title": "帮助",
- "help.section.introduction": "介绍",
- "help.intro.0": "这是Overpass Turbo,一个网页端OpenStreetMap数据筛选工具。",
- "help.intro.1": "通过Overpass Turbo你可以进行Overpass API 查询并在地图上交互式的分析OSM数据的结果。",
- "help.intro.1b": "这里有一个可以帮你快速构建查询的助手精灵。",
- "help.intro.2": "更多关于Overpass Turbo以及如何编写Overpass查询的信息可以在OSMWiki上找到。",
- "help.section.queries": "Overpass查询",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API允许你通过自定义条件查询OSM数据,并为此设计了 Overpass查询语言。",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "作为对标准Overpass API查询的补充,你在Overpass Turbo中还可以使用如下快捷键:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "当前地图视图的边界坐标",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "地图中心坐标",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "按ISO 8601日期与时间格式的时间间隔(如“24 hours”)",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "定义MapCSS样式表",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "在脚本中添加{{shortcut=value}}可自由指定快捷键。",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "更多Overpass快捷键,以及其他使用范例等信息可以在OSMWiki上找到。",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "分享",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "你可以将你现在正在进行的查询以固定连接的方式分享给其他人。使用分享工具,之后把显示出来的链接告诉别人或者发在网上。(注意,别人打开分享链接后需要自己完成查询工作)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "保存并载入",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "你也可以保存并载入你的查询。为了让你更好的开始,已经有写好的查询样例。可以简单看看来了解Overpass可以做到什么。",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "键盘快捷键",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "运行当前的查询",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "打开助手精灵",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "载入(打开)或保存查询",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "打开这条帮助对话",
- "help.section.key": "地图要素",
- "help.key.example": "多种地图要素",
- "help.key.description": "路径用蓝色粗线条表示,多边形用蓝色细线条表示并以黄色填充,POI(带标签的点)用蓝色细线条圈出并用黄色填充。红圈意味着太小而不能正常显示的多边形或路径。紫色线或边框表示它们至少是一个已加载的关系的部分。虚线则代表路径或多边形并不完整(多半是有些点尚未加载)。",
- "help.section.export": "导出",
- "help.export": "导出工具包含多种关于查询或查询数据处理的选项。
- "help.export.query_data.title": "查询 / 数据",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "这里有一些你可以用原始查询或数据做的事情,例如将查询转换为其他多种查询语言或以GeoJSON的形式导出数据。其中一项非常方便的功能是可以直接将查询发送到JOSM。",
- "help.export.map.title": "地图",
- "help.export.map.expl": "将目前地图与数据的视图转化为一张静态PNG图片,或一个全屏的交互式地图。",
- "help.section.about": "关于",
- "help.about.maintained": "Overpass Turbo由Martin Raifer (tyr.asd at gmail.com)维护。",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "反馈、报错、特性请求",
- "help.about.feedback": "如果您想提供反馈、报错或者咨询一个具体的特性,请使用Github上的Issue或者在OSMWiki的讨论页上交流。",
- "help.about.source.title": "源代码",
- "help.about.source": "本程序的 源代码 以MIT协议授权。",
- "help.section.attribution": "署名",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "数据来源",
- "help.attr.data": "数据与版权;OpenStreetMap贡献者,ODbL(条款)",
- "help.attr.mining": "数据挖掘",
- "help.attr.tiles": "地图瓦片©OpenStreetMap贡献者",
- "help.attr.search": "搜索引擎提供方",
- "help.attr.software": "软件与库",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "地图提供方",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "编辑器提供方",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "其他库",
- "ffs.title": "查询助手",
- "ffs.comments": "添加查询注释",
- "ffs.placeholder": "搜索",
- "ffs.expl": "这个助手精灵可以帮助您生成Overpass查询,如下是一些使用样例:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "抱歉,我无法理解您的搜索意图",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "需要注意的是当字符串包含空格或特殊符号时,你需要用引号将整体包装起来,并且搭配适当的布尔运算符(and或or)。阅读文档以了解更多信息。",
- "ffs.typo": "您是否想问:",
- "dialog.dismiss": "撤回",
- "dialog.cancel": "取消",
- "dialog.save": "保存",
- "dialog.save-local": "保存(本地)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "保存(OSM官网)",
- "dialog.delete": "删除",
- "dialog.close": "关闭",
- "dialog.done": "完成",
- "dialog.abort": "中断",
- "dialog.reset": "重置",
- "dialog.repair_query": "修正查询",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "无条件继续",
- "dialog.show_data": "展示数据",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "构建查询",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "构建并运行查询",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "是否删除查询",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "您真的想要删除如下查询吗?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "您真的想要删除如下已同步的查询吗?",
- "error.query.title": "查询错误",
- "error.query.expl": "在执行Overpass查询时出错!这是Overpass API的返回内容:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Ajax错误",
- "error.ajax.expl": "在执行Overpass查询时出错!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "MapCSS错误",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "无效的MapCSS样式表",
- "error.remote.title": "远程控制错误",
- "error.remote.incompat": "错误:不受支持的JOSM远程控制版本",
- "error.remote.not_found": "未找到有效的远程控制,请确认JOSM已正确配置且远程控制正在运行。",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Nominatim错误",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "根据这个名称无法找到任何要素:",
- "warning.browser.title": "您的浏览器不受支持",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "您正使用的浏览器很可能无法运行Overpass Turbo的大部分功能。浏览器必须支持Web Storage API与跨域资源共享(CORS)。",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "需要注意的是你需要开启Cookies,在如Firefox或Chrome的几款浏览器上可能还需允许本站使用“本地数据”。",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "请更新你的浏览器或者选择一款更现代的替代品!Opera、Chrome或Firefox已被测试过并能良好运行。当然您也可以选择改用Overpass API查询模式。",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "不完整的数据",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "这次查询未返回任何点。在OSM,只有点才包含坐标信息。举个例子,您无法在没有点的情况下显示一条路径。",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "如果这不是你要的结果,Overpass Turbo可以通过点击下方的“修复查询”按钮帮你自动修正查询。当然你也可以直接使用数据。",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "不要再提示这条消息了",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "看上去这次查询并没有以XML格式返回任何带元数据的OSM数据。但JOSM之类的编辑器需要这种格式的数据。",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "点击“修复查询”按钮,Overpass Turbo可以帮你自动修正你的查询。",
- "warning.share.long": "注意:分享链接有点长,在某些场景下可能无法正常工作。",
- "warning.share.very_long": "注意:分享链接非常昌,一般浏览器或网站下很可能无法正常使用,请特别注意!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "大量数据",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "这次查询返回的数据非常大(估计有 {{amount_txt}})。",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "您的浏览器要渲染他们可能会有暂时卡顿,您确定要继续吗?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "查询处理中……",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "图片导出中……",
- "data_stats.loaded": "已加载",
- "data_stats.displayed": "已屏显",
- "data_stats.nodes": "点",
- "data_stats.ways": "路径",
- "data_stats.relations": "关系",
- "data_stats.areas": "区域",
- "data_stats.pois": "POI",
- "data_stats.lines": "线",
- "data_stats.polygons": "多边形",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "创建Overpass请求",
- "data_stats.lag": "资料即时性",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "区域即时性",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "位于OSM数据库之后",
- "popup.tags": "标签",
- "popup.metadata": "元数据",
- "popup.coordinates": "坐标",
- "popup.node": "节点",
- "popup.nodes": "节点",
- "popup.way": "路径",
- "popup.ways": "路径",
- "popup.relation": "关系",
- "popup.relations": "关系",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "注意:几何形状不完整(例如缺少一些节点)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "地图的确是空的"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.json b/locales/zh-CN.json
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..3328137b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/zh-CN.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/zh-Hans.json b/locales/zh-Hans.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 40833e49..00000000
--- a/locales/zh-Hans.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "Run",
- "nav.run_tt": "execute this query on Overpass API",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "parse the MapCSS and rerender the map",
- "nav.share": "Share",
- "nav.share_tt": "get a permalink for this query",
- "nav.export": "Export",
- "nav.export_tt": "various export tools",
- "nav.save": "Save",
- "nav.save_tt": "save this query",
- "nav.load": "Load",
- "nav.load_tt": "load saved query or example",
- "nav.wizard": "Wizard",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "a query builder",
- "nav.styler": "Style",
- "nav.styler_tt": "style the result based on a given tag",
- "nav.settings": "Settings",
- "nav.settings_tt": "various settings",
- "nav.help": "Help",
- "nav.help_tt": "help, about and attributions",
- "nav.logout": "Logout",
- "nav.logout_tt": "logout from currently synced osm account",
- "tabs.map": "Map",
- "tabs.map_tt": "map view",
- "tabs.data": "Data",
- "tabs.data_tt": "data view",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "zoom to data",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "locate me!",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "disabled because overpass turbo has not been loaded via https://",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "manually select bbox",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "disabled as the current query doesn't require a bbox",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "toggle wide map",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "toggle data overlay",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "click here to show the data",
- "settings.title": "Settings",
- "settings.section.general": "General Settings",
- "settings.ui_lang": "UI Language",
- "settings.server": "Server",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "Disable warning/autorepair message when Overpass API returns no visible data.",
- "settings.section.editor": "Editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "Enable rich code editor",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "disable this on mobile devices; requires a page-reload to take effect",
- "settings.editor_width": "Width of editor",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "e.g. \"400px\", leave blank for defaults",
- "settings.section.map": "Map",
- "settings.tile_server": "Tile-Server",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "Tiles Opacity",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "transparency of background tiles: 0=transparent … 1=visible",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "Show crosshairs at the map center.",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "Don't display small features as POIs.",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "Show some stats about loaded and displayed data.",
- "settings.section.sharing": "Sharing",
- "settings.include_map_state": "Include current map state in shared links",
- "settings.compression": "Compression",
- "settings.section.export": "Export",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "Show scale on exported images.",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "Show attribution on exported images.",
- "save.title": "Save",
- "save.enter_name": "Enter a name for this query",
- "load.title": "Load",
- "load.delete_query": "delete this query",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "Saved Queries (local)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "Saved Queries (osm.org)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "Loading saved queries from osm.org...",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "An error occurred while loading saved queries from osm.org :(",
- "load.examples": "Examples",
- "load.no_saved_query": "no saved query yet",
- "export.title": "Export",
- "export.download-error": "Export - Error",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "Copy this text to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "Export - Successfully copied to clipboard",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": " was successfully copied to the clipboard.",
- "export.section.map": "Map",
- "export.as_png": "as png image",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "as interactive Map",
- "export.current_map_view": "current map view",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox, center, etc.",
- "export.section.data": "Data",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "raw OSM data",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "raw data directly from Overpass API",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "save GeoJSON to gist",
- "export.section.query": "Query",
- "export.format_text": "standalone query",
- "export.format_text_raw": "raw query",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "osm wiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "umap remote data url",
- "export.to_xml": "convert to Overpass-XML",
- "export.to_ql": "convert to (compact) OverpassQL",
- "export.editors": "load data into an OSM editor:",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "Export - GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "The currently shown data as GeoJSON:",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "No GeoJSON data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "Saved as gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "Edit with geojson.io:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "Export - GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "The currently shown data as GPX:",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "No GPX data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.KML.title": "Export - KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "The currently shown data as KML:",
- "export.KML.no_data": "No KML data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.raw.title": "Export - raw",
- "export.raw.no_data": "No raw data available! Please run a query first.",
- "export.map_view.title": "Current Map View",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "Permalink",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "to osm.org",
- "export.map_view.center": "Center",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "lat, lon",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "Bounds",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "Bounds (manually selected bbox)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "south, west, north, east",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "Zoom",
- "export.image.title": "Export - Image",
- "export.image.alt": "the exported map",
- "export.image.download": "Download",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "Make sure to include proper attributions when distributing this image!",
- "share.title": "Share",
- "share.header": "Permalink",
- "share.copy_this_link": "Copy this link to share the current code:",
- "share.options": "Options",
- "share.incl_map_state": "include current map state",
- "share.run_immediately": "run this query immediately after loading",
- "help.title": "Help",
- "help.section.introduction": "Introduction",
- "help.intro.0": "This is overpass turbo, a web-based data filtering tool for OpenStreetMap.",
- "help.intro.1": "With overpass turbo you can run Overpass API queries and analyse the resulting OSM data interactively on a map.",
- "help.intro.1b": "There is an integrated Wizard which makes creating queries super easy.",
- "help.intro.2": "More information about overpass turbo and how to write Overpass queries can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.queries": "Overpass Queries",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API allows to query for OSM data by your own search criteria. For this purpose, it has a specifically crafted query language.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "In addition to regular Overpass API queries one can use the following handy shortcuts in overpass turbo:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "bounding box coordinates of the current map view",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "map center coordinates",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "ISO 8601 date-time-string a certain time interval ago (e.g. “24 hours”)",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "defines a MapCSS stylesheet",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "Arbitrary shortcuts can be defined by putting {{shortcut=value}} somewhere in the script.",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "More overpass-turbo shortcuts, additional information about the above and usage examples can be found in the OSM wiki.",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "Sharing",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "It is possible to send a permalink with the query you are currently working on to someone else. This is found in the Share tool and shows you a link which you can send to a friend or post online. (Note that others will work on their own copy of the query.)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "Save and Load",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "You can also save and load your queries. For a start, there are a few example queries preloaded. Take a look at them for a short glimpse of what overpass can do.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "Keyboard shortcuts:",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "Run the current query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "Start the query wizard.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "Load (open) / Save a query.",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "Open this help dialog.",
- "help.section.key": "Map Key",
- "help.key.example": "various map features",
- "help.key.description": "Ways are shown as bold blue lines, Polygons as yellow areas with a thin blue outline, POIs (nodes with tags) as yellow circles with a thin blue outline. Circles with a red filling stand for polygons or ways that are too small to be displayed normally. Pink lines or outlines mean, that an object is part of at least one (loaded) relation. Dashed lines mean that a way or polygon has incomplete geometry (most likely because some of its nodes have not been loaded).",
- "help.section.export": "Export",
- "help.export": "The Export tool holds a variety of options to do with the query and/or data loaded by the query.
Options with this symbol: rely on or refer to external (online) tools.",
- "help.export.query_data.title": "Query / Data",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "This holds some things you can do with the raw query or data, like converting the query between the various query languages or exporting the data as geoJSON. A very useful option is the possibility to send the query to JOSM.",
- "help.export.map.title": "Map",
- "help.export.map.expl": "Convert the current map-with-data view to a static png image, or a (fullscreen) interactive map, etc.",
- "help.section.about": "About",
- "help.about.maintained": "overpass turbo is maintained by Martin Raifer (tyr.asd at gmail.com).",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests",
- "help.about.feedback": "If you would like to give feedback, report issues or ask for a particular feature, please use the issue tracker on github or the discussion page on the OSM-wiki.",
- "help.about.source.title": "Source Code",
- "help.about.source": "The source code of this application is released under the MIT license.",
- "help.section.attribution": "Attribution",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "Data Sources",
- "help.attr.data": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL (Terms)",
- "help.attr.mining": "Data mining by",
- "help.attr.tiles": "Map tiles © OpenStreetMap contributors",
- "help.attr.search": "Search provided by",
- "help.attr.software": "Software & Libraries",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "Map powered by",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "Editor powered by",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "Other libraries:",
- "ffs.title": "Query Wizard",
- "ffs.comments": "add query comments",
- "ffs.placeholder": "search",
- "ffs.expl": "The wizard assists you with creating Overpass queries. Here are some usage examples:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "Sorry, this search cannot be understood.",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "Note that you must use quotation marks with strings containing spaces or special characters and that multiple search filters must be separated by appropriate boolean operators (and or or). Read the documentation for more information.",
- "ffs.typo": "Did you mean:",
- "styler.title": "Auto Styler",
- "styler.expl": "Style the query result based on the values of the specified tag",
- "styler.placeholder": "Select a tag key",
- "styler.palette": "Choose a palette:",
- "styler.palette.sequential": "sequential",
- "styler.palette.qualitative": "qualitative",
- "dialog.dismiss": "dismiss",
- "dialog.cancel": "cancel",
- "dialog.save": "save",
- "dialog.save-local": "save (local)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "save on osm.org",
- "dialog.delete": "delete",
- "dialog.close": "close",
- "dialog.done": "done",
- "dialog.abort": "abort",
- "dialog.reset": "reset",
- "dialog.repair_query": "repair query",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "continue anyway",
- "dialog.show_data": "show data",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "build query",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "build and run query",
- "dialog.styler_run": "apply style",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "Delete Query?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "Do you really want to delete the following query",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "Do you really want to delete the following synchronized query",
- "error.query.title": "Query Error",
- "error.query.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query! This is what overpass API returned:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Ajax Error",
- "error.ajax.expl": "An error occurred during the execution of the overpass query!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "MapCSS Error",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "Invalid MapCSS stylesheet:",
- "error.remote.title": "Remote Control Error",
- "error.remote.incompat": "Error: incompatible JOSM remote control version",
- "error.remote.not_found": "Remote control not found. :( Make sure JOSM is already running and properly configured.",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Nominatim Error",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "Could not find anything with the following name:",
- "warning.browser.title": "Your browser is not supported :(",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "The browser you are currently using, is (most likely) not capable of running (significant parts of) this Application. It must support Web Storage API and cross origin resource sharing (CORS).",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "Note that you may have to enable cookies and/or \"local Data\" for this site on some browsers (such as Firefox and Chrome).",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "Please upgrade to a more up-to-date version of your browser or switch to a more capable one! Recent versions of Opera, Chrome and Firefox have been tested to work. Alternatively, you can still use the Overpass_API query form.",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "Incomplete Data",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OSM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.",
- "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances",
- "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "Large amounts of data",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "This query returned quite a lot of data (approx. {{amount_txt}}).",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "Your browser may have a hard time trying to render this. Do you really want to continue?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "processing query...",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "exporting as image...",
- "data_stats.loaded": "Loaded",
- "data_stats.displayed": "Displayed",
- "data_stats.nodes": "nodes",
- "data_stats.ways": "ways",
- "data_stats.relations": "relations",
- "data_stats.areas": "areas",
- "data_stats.pois": "pois",
- "data_stats.lines": "lines",
- "data_stats.polygons": "polygons",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "Overpass request took",
- "data_stats.lag": "Currentness of data",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "Currentness of areas",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "behind main OSM db",
- "popup.tags": "Tags",
- "popup.metadata": "Metadata",
- "popup.coordinates": "Coordinates",
- "popup.node": "Node",
- "popup.nodes": "Nodes",
- "popup.way": "Way",
- "popup.ways": "Ways",
- "popup.relation": "Relation",
- "popup.relations": "Relations",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "Attention: incomplete geometry (e.g. some nodes missing)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "This map intentionally left blank."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.json b/locales/zh-TW.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4288019e..00000000
--- a/locales/zh-TW.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- "nav.run": "執行",
- "nav.run_tt": "使用Overpass API執行檢索",
- "nav.rerender_tt": "解析MapCSS並且渲染地圖",
- "nav.share": "分享",
- "nav.share_tt": "取得檢索結果的永久連結",
- "nav.export": "匯出",
- "nav.export_tt": "多個匯出工具",
- "nav.save": "儲存",
- "nav.save_tt": "儲存檢索",
- "nav.load": "載入",
- "nav.load_tt": "載入儲存檢索或範例",
- "nav.wizard": "精靈模式",
- "nav.wizard_tt": "檢索產生器",
- "nav.settings": "設定",
- "nav.settings_tt": "更多設定",
- "nav.help": "幫助",
- "nav.help_tt": "幫助、關於和署名",
- "nav.logout": "登出",
- "nav.logout_tt": "從目前同步的 osm 帳號登出",
- "tabs.map": "地圖",
- "tabs.map_tt": "地圖檢視",
- "tabs.data": "資料",
- "tabs.data_tt": "資料檢視",
- "map_controlls.zoom_to_data": "縮放至資料範圍",
- "map_controlls.localize_user": "定位我的位置",
- "map_controlls.localize_user_disabled": "因為 overpass turbo 沒有用 https:// 來載入,因此已經中止",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox": "手動選擇bbox範圍",
- "map_controlls.select_bbox_disabled": "bbox功能關閉,目前檢索不需要bbox",
- "map_controlls.toggle_wide_map": "啟動寬地圖檢視模式",
- "map_controlls.toggle_data": "啟動資料檢視視窗",
- "map_controlls.suggest_zoom_to_data": "按這裡顯示資料",
- "settings.title": "設定",
- "settings.section.general": "一般設定",
- "settings.ui_lang": "界面語言",
- "settings.server": "伺服器",
- "settings.disable_autorepair": "當Overpass API回傳不可視資料時,關閉警告/自動修復訊息",
- "settings.section.editor": "編輯器",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor": "啟用程式碼高亮度編輯器",
- "settings.enable_rich_editor_expl": "在行動裝置上關閉;需重新載入頁面才會生效",
- "settings.editor_width": "編輯器寬度",
- "settings.editor_width_expl": "e.g. \"400px\",預設留下空白",
- "settings.section.map": "地圖",
- "settings.tile_server": "圖磚伺服器",
- "settings.tile_opacity": "圖磚透明度",
- "settings.tile_opacity_expl": "背景圖磚透明度:0=透明... 1=可見",
- "settings.show_crosshairs": "在地圖中央顯示十字標示",
- "settings.disable_poiomatic": "不要以小圖徵顯示POI",
- "settings.show_data_stats": "顯示載入和顯示的資料數量",
- "settings.section.sharing": "分享",
- "settings.include_map_state": "分享連結時包括現在檢視地圖畫面",
- "settings.compression": "縮網址",
- "settings.section.export": "匯出",
- "settings.export_image_scale": "在匯出圖片顯示比例尺",
- "settings.export_image_attr": "在匯出圖片顯示署名",
- "save.title": "儲存",
- "save.enter_name": "命名這次檢索",
- "load.title": "載入",
- "load.delete_query": "刪除這次檢索",
- "load.saved_queries-local": "已儲存的檢索 (本地)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm": "已儲存的檢索 (osm.org)",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-loading": "從 osm.org 載入已儲存的檢索...",
- "load.saved_queries-osm-error": "從 osm.org 載入已儲存的檢索時發生錯誤 :(",
- "load.examples": "範例",
- "load.no_saved_query": "還沒有儲存的檢索",
- "export.title": "匯出",
- "export.download-error": "匯出 - 錯誤",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard": "複製這段文件到剪貼簿",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success": "匯出 - 成功複製到剪貼簿",
- "export.copy_to_clipboard_success-message": "已經成功複製到剪貼簿。",
- "export.section.map": "地圖",
- "export.as_png": "輸出為 png圖片",
- "export.as_interactive_map": "輸出為互動式地圖",
- "export.current_map_view": "現在 地圖顯示",
- "export.map_view_expl": "bbox, 置中, 等",
- "export.section.data": "資料",
- "export.generic_download_copy": "
- "export.raw_data": "原始 OSM 資料",
- "export.raw_interpreter": "直接從Overpass API輸出原始資料",
- "export.save_geoJSON_gist": "儲存GeoJSON為gist",
- "export.section.query": "檢索",
- "export.format_text": "獨立檢索",
- "export.format_text_raw": "原始檢索",
- "export.format_text_wiki": "osm wiki",
- "export.format_text_umap": "umap遠端資料網址",
- "export.to_xml": "轉換為Overpass-XML格式",
- "export.to_ql": "轉換為 (壓縮)的 OverpassQL格式",
- "export.editors": "載入資料到OSM編輯器",
- "export.geoJSON.title": "輸出 - GeoJSON",
- "export.geoJSON.expl": "目前顯示資料為GeoJSON格式:",
- "export.geoJSON.no_data": "目前沒有GeoJSON資料!請先執行檢索。",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.title": "儲存為gist",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.gist": "Gist:",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio": "以geojson.io編輯",
- "export.geoJSON_gist.geojsonio_link": "geojson.io",
- "export.GPX.title": "輸出 - GPX",
- "export.GPX.expl": "目前顯示資料為GPX格式:",
- "export.GPX.no_data": "目前沒有GPX資料!請先執行檢索。",
- "export.KML.title": "輸出 - KML",
- "export.KML.expl": "目前顯示資料為KML:",
- "export.KML.no_data": "目前沒有KML資料!請先執行檢索。",
- "export.raw.title": "輸出 - 原始資料",
- "export.raw.no_data": "目前沒有原始資料!請先執行檢索。",
- "export.map_view.title": "目前顯示地圖範圍",
- "export.map_view.permalink": "連結",
- "export.map_view.permalink_osm": "連到osm.org",
- "export.map_view.center": "置中",
- "export.map_view.center_expl": "經度,緯度",
- "export.map_view.bounds": "邊界",
- "export.map_view.bounds_selection": "邊界 (手動選擇bbox)",
- "export.map_view.bounds_expl": "南/西/北/東",
- "export.map_view.zoom": "放大縮小",
- "export.image.title": "輸出 - 圖片",
- "export.image.alt": "輸出圖片",
- "export.image.download": "下載",
- "export.image.attribution_missing": "請確認散佈圖片時已經加上適當的署名",
- "share.title": "分享",
- "share.header": "連結",
- "share.copy_this_link": "複製連結分享目前的程式碼:",
- "share.options": "選項",
- "share.incl_map_state": "包括目前地圖頁面",
- "share.run_immediately": "載入時立即執行檢索",
- "help.title": "幫助",
- "help.section.introduction": "簡介",
- "help.intro.0": "這是適用開放街圖,基於網路的資料篩選工具 overpass turbo。",
- "help.intro.1": "當你使用overpass turbo執行Overpass API,就能夠用互動地圖顯示的方式,檢索和分析OSM資料。",
- "help.intro.1b": "內建的精靈模式讓你產生檢索超級簡單。",
- "help.intro.2": "更多有關overpass turbo,以及怎麼撰寫Overpass檢索的資訊,可以在OSM wiki上找到。",
- "help.section.queries": "Overpass檢索",
- "help.queries.expl": "Overpass API允許你用自訂的條件檢索OSM圖資。為了這個目的,特定設計了檢索語言。",
- "help.intro.shortcuts": "除了正規的Overpass API檢索以外,你可以在Overpass Turbo中使用下列方便的快速鍵:",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.bbox": "目前地圖檢視下的邊界框座標",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.center": "地圖中央座標",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.date": "以ISO 8601時間格式顯示時間間格 (例如 “24 hours”)",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.style": "定義MapCSS stylesheet",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.custom": "在腳本中透過添加{{shortcut=value}}指定快速鍵。",
- "help.intro.shortcuts.more": "更多Overpass快速鍵,以及其他像是使用範例等說明資訊,可以在OSM wiki>.查閱。>查閱。",
- "help.section.ide": "IDE",
- "help.ide.share.title": "分享",
- "help.ide.share.expl": "你還可以寄給別人連結分享你檢索的成果。你可以用分享工具拿給你朋友或者貼上網。 (注意別人會用他們自己的那份檢索工作)",
- "help.ide.save_load.title": "儲存和載入",
- "help.ide.save_load.expl": "你也可以儲存和載入你的檢索。為了讓你更快進入狀況,已經有寫好的檢索範例,可以快速瞄過,讓你理解overpass的能耐。",
- "help.ide.keyboard.title": "鍵盤快速鍵",
- "help.ide.keyboard.run": "執行目前檢索。",
- "help.ide.keyboard.wizard": "啟動精靈模式。",
- "help.ide.keyboard.load_save": "載入(開啟) / 儲存檢索",
- "help.ide.keyboard.help": "開啟這份說明文件。",
- "help.section.key": "圖徵",
- "help.key.example": "不同的圖徵",
- "help.key.description": "路徑用粗藍線顯示,而多邊形則是黃色實心填滿,邊框是藍色細線,POI(有標籤的節點)則是用黃色實心填滿,藍色細線圍起來。紅色填滿的圓圈表示太小無法被正常顯示的多邊形或是路徑。紫色線或是邊框表示他們至少是部分或是一個(已經讀取的)關係。破折線則是路徑或多邊形並不完整(多邊是有些節點並未完全讀取)。",
- "help.section.export": "匯出",
- "help.export": "匯出工具擁有不少選項,讓你調整檢索或是檢索時讀取的圖資。有這個象徵的選項:,則仰賴外部(線上)工具。",
- "help.export.query_data.title": "檢索 / 資料",
- "help.export.query_data.expl": "這個功能能夠決定怎麼處理原始檢索或資料,像是轉換檢索語言,或是匯出資料為 geoJSON 格式。其中相當方便的功能是轉送檢索到 JOSM。",
- "help.export.map.title": "地圖",
- "help.export.map.expl": "將目前地圖資料檢視轉換為靜態png圖片,或是(全螢幕)的互動地圖。",
- "help.section.about": "關於",
- "help.about.maintained": "overpass turbo由Martin Raifer維護 (tyr.asd at gmail.com)。",
- "help.about.feedback.title": "回饋,回報臭蟲,請求功能",
- "help.about.feedback": "如果你想回饋,報告臭蟲或是請求特定功能,請使用github的事件追蹤器,或是OSM wiki上的討論頁。",
- "help.about.source.title": "原始碼",
- "help.about.source": "本程式 原始碼以MIT授權條款.釋出。",
- "help.section.attribution": "署名",
- "help.attr.data_sources": "資料來源",
- "help.attr.data": "資料和版權;OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL (條款)",
- "help.attr.mining": "資料探勘:",
- "help.attr.tiles": "地圖圖磚 ©開放街圖貢獻者",
- "help.attr.search": "搜尋提供:",
- "help.attr.software": "軟體和函式庫",
- "help.attr.leaflet": "地圖提供:",
- "help.attr.codemirror": "編輯器驅動:",
- "help.attr.other_libs": "其他函式庫",
- "ffs.title": "檢索精靈",
- "ffs.comments": "新增檢索註解",
- "ffs.placeholder": "搜尋",
- "ffs.expl": "精靈可以協助您生成 Overpass 檢索. 以下是使用範例:",
- "ffs.parse_error": "抱歉,無法理解這次搜尋字串",
- "ffs.parse_error_expl": "注意當字串有空白或是特殊符號,還是其他搜尋字串,你得用引號括起來,並且搭配適當的布林符號 (and or or)。請閱讀 文件獲得更多資訊。",
- "ffs.typo": "你的意思是:",
- "dialog.dismiss": "撤回",
- "dialog.cancel": "取消",
- "dialog.save": "儲存",
- "dialog.save-local": "儲存 (本地)",
- "dialog.save-osm": "儲存到 osm.org",
- "dialog.delete": "刪除",
- "dialog.close": "關閉",
- "dialog.done": "完成",
- "dialog.abort": "中斷",
- "dialog.reset": "重設",
- "dialog.repair_query": "修正檢索",
- "dialog.continue_anyway": "無論如何繼續",
- "dialog.show_data": "顯示資料",
- "dialog.wizard_build": "建構檢索",
- "dialog.wizard_run": "建立並執行檢索",
- "dialog.delete_query.title": "刪除檢索?",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl": "你確定你真的要刪除下列檢索",
- "dialog.delete_query.expl-osm": "你確定你真的要刪除下列同步的檢索",
- "error.query.title": "檢索錯誤",
- "error.query.expl": "執行 overpass 檢索時發生錯誤!這是 overpass API 回傳的結果:",
- "error.ajax.title": "Ajax錯誤",
- "error.ajax.expl": "執行 overpass 檢索時發生錯誤!",
- "error.mapcss.title": "MapCSS錯誤",
- "error.mapcss.expl": "無效的MapCSS樣式",
- "error.remote.title": "遠端控制錯誤",
- "error.remote.incompat": "錯誤:不相容的JOSM遠端控制版本",
- "error.remote.not_found": "無法找到遠端控制。:( 確認JOSM已經執行而且已經設定好。",
- "error.nominatim.title": "Nominatim錯誤",
- "error.nominatim.expl": "用這個名稱無法找到任何東西:",
- "warning.browser.title": "你的瀏覽器不被支援 :(",
- "warning.browser.expl.1": "你操作的瀏覽器(很可能)沒辦法執行(可觀的部分)應用程式。瀏覽器必須支援 Web Storage API和 跨來源資源共享(CORS).",
- "warning.browser.expl.2": "注意你在幾款瀏覽器上(像是Firefox和Chrome),必須啟用cookies和/或為本站開啟\"本機資料\"",
- "warning.browser.expl.3": "請更新你的瀏覽器,或者換另一款!Opera, Chrome和Firefox 測試過已經能運作。當然,你仍可使用 Overpass_API 檢索模式.",
- "warning.incomplete.title": "不完整資料",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "這次檢索並未回傳節點。在OSM,只有節點才有座標資訊。舉例來說,你無法在沒有節點的情況下顯示路徑。",
- "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "如果這不是你要的結果,overpass turbo能藉由選擇下面的 \"修復檢索\" 選項幫助你修復 (自動完成) 檢索。不然你也可以繼續原來原來選項檢索資料。",
- "warning.incomplete.not_again": "別再顯示這項訊息",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "看起來這次檢索不會回傳任何有metadata XML格式的OSM圖資。然後,像JOSM這類編輯器需要這種格式的資料。",
- "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "透過下面的\"修復檢索\"功能,Overpass Turbo幫你修正檢索。",
- "warning.share.long": "注意: 分享連結有點長,在某些程式中可能無法正常使用",
- "warning.share.very_long": "注意: 分享連結非常長,一般(瀏覽器、網站)很可能無法正常使用, 請特別留意!",
- "warning.huge_data.title": "資料量相當大",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.1": "這個檢索傳回相當多的資料(約 {{amount_txt}}).",
- "warning.huge_data.expl.2": "瀏覽器要顯示那麼多資料可能有點吃力,您確定要繼續嗎?",
- "waiter.processing_query": "處理檢索中...",
- "waiter.export_as_image": "以圖片方式匯出...",
- "data_stats.loaded": "已載入",
- "data_stats.displayed": "已顯示",
- "data_stats.nodes": "節點",
- "data_stats.ways": "路徑",
- "data_stats.relations": "關係",
- "data_stats.areas": "區域",
- "data_stats.pois": "興趣點",
- "data_stats.lines": "線段",
- "data_stats.polygons": "多邊形",
- "data_stats.request_duration": "發生 Overpass 請求",
- "data_stats.lag": "資料即時性",
- "data_stats.lag_areas": "區域的的即時性",
- "data_stats.lag.expl": "落後OSM主要資料庫",
- "popup.tags": "標籤",
- "popup.metadata": "元資料",
- "popup.coordinates": "座標",
- "popup.node": "節點",
- "popup.nodes": "節點",
- "popup.way": "路徑",
- "popup.ways": "路徑",
- "popup.relation": "關係",
- "popup.relations": "關系",
- "popup.incomplete_geometry": "注意:不完整的幾何 (例如缺失一些節點)",
- "map.intentionally_blank": "地圖的確是空的."
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diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.json b/locales/zh-TW.json
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..2e019ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/zh-TW.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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