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File metadata and controls

77 lines (62 loc) · 2.76 KB



This packages contains an extension to URDF to describe tactile sensors along with a corresponding parser plugin.

It requires modified versions of urdf and urdfdom.

It is based on an XML syntax compatible with <sensors> and is meant to describe various types of tactile sensors with a set of parameters such as :

  • list of taxels
  • array of taxels
  • taxel
    • geometry
    • position/orientation wrt sensor frame
    • data channel/index

It is related to the tactile_msgs format, when accessing/producing the data vector.

XML syntax

Array of identical rectangular taxels

<sensor name="my_tactile_sensor" [group="mygroup"] update_rate="100">
   <parent link="my_tactile_mount"/>
   <!-- z-axis represents the normal of the grid array -->
   <origin xyz="0 0 0.034" rpy="0 0 0"/>
          size: size of an individual taxel
          spacing: distance between taxels centers, equals size by default, can be negative for flipping
          offset: position offset of taxel grid (relative to origin), with no offset, grid frame is at center of cell 0,0
     <array rows="16" cols="16" order="row-major|column-major"
            size="0.005 0.005" [spacing="0. 0."] [offset="0. 0."]/>

see image for easier understanding of the parameters describing an array


List of taxels

<sensor name="my tactile_sensor" [group="fingertip"] update_rate="100">
   <parent link="my_tactile_mount"/>
   <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   <tactile channel="data_channel">
          idx is the index of the data value in the data vector on the selected channel (~topic)
          xyz and rpy is the pose of the taxel center wrt sensor frame,
          z-axis represents the normal of the taxel

     <taxel idx="0" xyz="0.01 0.01 0" rpy="0 0 0">
            geometry defines the taxel shape (used for marker display)
            might require a small scale extension of 1% larger than the mesh to avoid overlay of the robot mesh
         <mesh filename="package://sensor_description/model/my_tactiles/tax_lower.stl" scale="0.00101 0.00101 0.00101"/>
     <taxel idx="1" xyz="0.02 0.01 0" rpy="0 0 0">
         <mesh filename="package://sensor_description/model/my_tactiles/tax_upper.stl" scale="0.00101 0.00101 0.00101"/>

Note: the channel parameter permits to access the data vector of the same sensors->name in a tactile_msgs::tactile_state, at different indices but use them in different sensors