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File metadata and controls

70 lines (46 loc) · 2.63 KB


The unLisp class is responsible for managing the Lisp execution environment, handling primitive registrations, and facilitating the evaluation of Lisp scripts. As a singleton, it ensures that only one instance of the Lisp environment exists throughout the application's lifecycle, providing a unified interface for Lisp interactions.


  • TaskScheduler::TaskPtr getTask()
    Retrieves the task pointer responsible for managing Lisp evaluation cycles.

  • bool isCreated()
    Checks whether the Lisp execution environment has been created.

  • bool taskIsRunning()
    Determines whether the Lisp evaluation task is currently attached and running.

  • size_t memoryUsed()
    Retrieves the amount of memory currently used by the Lisp environment.

  • void runCode(const Bytes &data)
    Executes the provided Lisp code within the Lisp environment.

  • unLisp *pushPrimitive(Primitive *primitive)
    Adds a new primitive to the Lisp environment, facilitating its invocation within Lisp scripts.

  • void serializePrimitives(CBORObject &obj)
    Serializes the currently registered primitives into a CBOR object for persistent storage or transmission.

  • const Bytes &getLastCode()
    Retrieves the most recently executed Lisp code.

  • void cleanLastCode()
    Clears the record of the last executed Lisp code.

  • virtual void onEventReceived(unsigned int topic, int msg) override
    Handles events received by the unLisp instance, allowing Lisp scripts to respond to system events.

Private Members:

  • Bytes mLastCode
    Stores the most recently executed Lisp code.

  • TaskScheduler::TaskPtr mTaskLispEval
    Pointer to the task responsible for Lisp code evaluation.

  • ClearQueue<Pair<String, Primitive *>> mUserPrimitives
    Queue holding user-defined primitives, each paired with its name.

  • const Primitive *mPrimitiveTask
    Pointer to the primitive handling task operations.

  • const Primitive *mPrimitiveIsEventAvailable
    Pointer to the primitive checking event availability.

  • const Primitive *mPrimitivePopEvent
    Pointer to the primitive for popping events.

  • const Primitive *mPrimitivePushEvent
    Pointer to the primitive for pushing events.

  • void *mLispEnvConstructor[3]
    Array used for constructing the Lisp environment.

  • Root mLispRoot
    Pointer to the Lisp root environment.

  • VarObject mLispEnv
    Pointer to the Lisp environment variables.

  • Map<String, SharedPointer<LimitedQueue<Bytes>>> mIncomingEvents
    Map managing incoming events, each associated with a unique event ID and a limited queue of event data.