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File metadata and controls

431 lines (352 loc) · 19.2 KB

Details on Replication component

As it was mentioned in high-level overview article, Replication component's control flow consists at least of two parts/stages - primary and final, so it's a pipeline-based engine. Read about the pipeline abstractions and responsibilities here.

Primary stage

On the primary stage you have a set of events from the source system that needed to be processed. Based on your knowledge about business cases that executed in a source system, you can distinguish events that you're interested in for particular bounded context. All other events can be safely skipped.

The primary stage has two goals:

  • sync facts storage with storage of the source system
  • send commands to a next stage

So, processing of input events leads to changes in facts storage, but not only. At this stage we also need to generate commands to be executed on a next stage.

Now it's time to deep dive into implementation detais. Let's see what we need to do to customize the primary stage to support a new bounded context. We assume that the domain analysis is already carried out.

First, we need to describe facts storage with metadata descriptions:

HierarchyMetadata factsReplicationMetadataRoot =




Here we have hierarchical descriptions of objects in the facts storage. For every such object we define specification (e.g. HasSource(Specs.Map.Erm.ToFacts.Accounts) method call) that should be used to get a data from the source system storage, and one or more specifications (e.g. HasDependentAggregate<CI::Firm>(Specs.Map.Facts.ToFirmAggregate.ByAccount) method call) that should be used to determine types and identities of aggregates that we need to deal with on the next stage. Using this information and the information about changes in the facts storage, we generate commands to initialize/recalculate/destroy a corresponding aggregate.

Next, we need to configure an interaction with source system. NuClear River uses very pluggable library from the NuClear.Operations* set for that purpose.

So, create a class derived from MessageFlowBase<T>. It needed to configure the flow which will be used for events consuming.

public sealed class InputEventFlow : MessageFlowBase<InputEventFlow>
    public override Guid Id
        get { return new Guid("8a4238d6-1c94-47f6-a83c-b8ed01f309a4"); }

    public override string Description
        get { return "Events flow"; }

Create a class derived from MessageProcessingContextAccumulatorBase<TMessageFlow, TMessage, TProcessingResult>:

public sealed class InputEventAccumulator : 
    protected override OperationAggregatableMessage<FactOperation> Process(TrackedUseCase message)
        // Process event from source system here
        return new OperationAggregatableMessage<FactOperation> 
            TargetFlow = MessageFlow,
            // Replace empty sequence with descriptors of events that should be processed further
            Operations = Enumerable.Empty<OperationDescriptor>(),
            OperationTime = message.Context.Finished.UtcDateTime,

Responsibility of this class is to get events from a transport level (e.g. deserialize), analyze input events and make decisions about them. It is the place where inessential events can be skipped.

Next, an implementation of IMessageProcessingHandler should be created to handle accumulated events. Current version of NuClear River assumes that every bounded context have it's own appropriate implementation of IMessageProcessingHandler. Let's take a look at the following code, just to understand the whole idea:

public sealed class InputEventHandler : IMessageProcessingHandler
    private readonly IFactsReplicator _factsReplicator;

    public InputEventHandler(IFactsReplicator factsReplicator)
        _factsReplicator = factsReplicator

    public IEnumerable<StageResult> Handle(IReadOnlyDictionary<Guid, List<IAggregatableMessage>> processingResultsMap)
            // Handle input event's descriptors here
            // Typical scenario is to access to source system's data (throught the event context or 
            // by grab it directly from the storage), sync a state of facts storage and generate commands
            // to be executed on the next stage
            // In this case _factsReplicator dependency should be used
            return processingResultsMap.Keys.Select(
                bucketId => MessageProcessingStage.Handling.ResultFor(bucketId).AsSucceeded());
        catch (Exception ex)
            return processingResultsMap.Keys.Select(
                bucketId => MessageProcessingStage.Handling.ResultFor(bucketId).AsFailed().WithExceptions(ex));

That's almost everything you need to know about how to customize the primary stage of Replication component. Now, you'll be able to consume events from source system and sync the stage of facts storage of NuClear River.

Here is more details on how everything works under the hood. We have a simple abstraction IFactsReplicator in NuClear.Replication.Core.API.Facts namespace:

public interface IFactsReplicator
    IReadOnlyCollection<IOperation> Replicate(IEnumerable<FactOperation> operations);

It takes source system's event descriptors (of type IEnumerable<FactOperation>) as input and have a set of commands (of type IReadOnlyCollection<IOperation>) as output. It is used in IMessageProcessingHandler implementation to perform actual handling.

Implementation of IFactsReplicator is in NuClear.Replication.Core.Facts namespace and looks like this:

public class FactsReplicator : IFactsReplicator
    private readonly IMetadataProvider _metadataProvider;
    private readonly IFactProcessorFactory _factProcessorFactory;

    public FactsReplicator(
        IMetadataProvider metadataProvider,
        IFactProcessorFactory factProcessorFactory)
        _metadataProvider = metadataProvider;
        _factProcessorFactory = factProcessorFactory;

    public IReadOnlyCollection<IOperation> Replicate(IEnumerable<FactOperation> operations)
        var result = Enumerable.Empty<IOperation>();

        var slices = operations.GroupBy(operation => new { operation.FactType });
        foreach (var slice in slices)
            var factType = slice.Key.FactType;

            // Take metadata descriptions for a particular fact type
            IMetadataElement factMetadata;
            var metadataId = ReplicationMetadataIdentity.Instance.Id.WithRelative(new Uri(string.Format("Facts/{0}", factType.Name), UriKind.Relative));
            if (!_metadataProvider.TryGetMetadata(metadataId, out factMetadata))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The fact of type '{0}' is not supported.", factType));

            // Create facts processor based on metadata descriptions
            var processor = _factProcessorFactory.Create(factMetadata);

            var factIds = slice.Select(x => x.FactId);
            foreach (var batch in factIds.CreateBatches())
                // Sync the state of facts storage
                var aggregateOperations = processor.ApplyChanges(batch);

                result = result.Concat(aggregateOperations);

        // Pass commands to the next stage
        return result.ToArray();

The actual impementation of IFactsReplicator is here.

Final stage

The design of the final stage is very similar. But the key difference here - we have a set of commands as the input on that stage. Commands cannot be skipped, we need to process them in any case - change an aggregate state or throw an exception.

To configure final stage, we need to start from metadata descriptions to define aggregates:

HierarchyMetadata aggregateConstructionMetadataRoot =
                    .HasValueObject(Specs.Map.Facts.ToCI.FirmTerritories, Specs.Find.CI.FirmTerritories),

                    .HasValueObject(Specs.Map.Facts.ToCI.ClientContacts, Specs.Find.CI.ClientContacts),


Here again we have hierarchical descriptions, but at this time, descriptions of aggregates. For every such aggregate we define specification (e.g. HasSource(Specs.Map.Facts.ToCI.Firms) method call) that should be used to get a data from the facts storage, and one or more specifications (e.g. HasValueObject(Specs.Map.Facts.ToCI.FirmTerritories, Specs.Find.CI.FirmTerritories) method call) that should be used to rebuild aggregate structure (it's value objects).

Next, we need to do exactly the same we did at the primary stage.

Create a class derived from MessageFlowBase<T>. It needed to configure the flow which will be used for commands consuming.

public sealed class AggregatesFlow : MessageFlowBase<AggregatesFlow>
    public override Guid Id
        get { return new Guid("96F17B1A-4CC8-40CC-9A92-16D87733C39F"); }

    public override string Description
        get { return "Commands flow"; }

Create a class derived from MessageProcessingContextAccumulatorBase<TMessageFlow, TMessage, TProcessingResult>:

public sealed class AggregateOperationAccumulator<TMessageFlow> :
    where TMessageFlow : class, IMessageFlow, new()
    private readonly AggregateOperationSerializer _serializer;

    public AggregateOperationAccumulator(AggregateOperationSerializer serializer)
        _serializer = serializer;

    protected override OperationAggregatableMessage<AggregateOperation> Process(
        PerformedOperationsFinalProcessingMessage message)
        var operations = message.FinalProcessings.Select(x => _serializer.Deserialize(x)).ToArray();
        var oldestOperation = message.FinalProcessings.Min(x => x.CreatedOn);

        return new OperationAggregatableMessage<AggregateOperation>
            TargetFlow = MessageFlow,
            Operations = operations,
            OperationTime = oldestOperation,

Again, an implemention of IMessageProcessingHandler should be created. It will look like this:

public sealed class AggregateOperationAggregatableMessageHandler : IMessageProcessingHandler
    private readonly IAggregatesConstructor _aggregatesConstructor;
    public AggregateOperationAggregatableMessageHandler(IAggregatesConstructor aggregatesConstructor)
        _aggregatesConstructor = aggregatesConstructor;

    public IEnumerable<StageResult> Handle(IReadOnlyDictionary<Guid, List<IAggregatableMessage>> processingResultsMap)
        return processingResultsMap.Select(pair => Handle(pair.Key, pair.Value));

    private StageResult Handle(Guid bucketId, IEnumerable<IAggregatableMessage> messages)
            foreach (var message in messages.OfType<OperationAggregatableMessage<AggregateOperation>>())

            return MessageProcessingStage.Handling.ResultFor(bucketId).AsSucceeded();
        catch (Exception ex)
            _tracer.Error(ex, "Error when calculating aggregates");
            return MessageProcessingStage.Handling.ResultFor(bucketId).AsFailed().WithExceptions(ex);

At the end, create a class derived from MetadataSourceBase<MetadataMessageFlowsIdentity> to describe how to "connect" all parts together, including primary and final stages:

public sealed class InputEventFlowMetadataSource : MetadataSourceBase<MetadataMessageFlowsIdentity>
    private static readonly HierarchyMetadata MetadataRoot =


    private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<Uri, IMetadataElement> _metadata;

    public PerformedOperationsMessageFlowsMetadataSource()
        _metadata = new Dictionary<Uri, IMetadataElement> { { MetadataRoot.Identity.Id, MetadataRoot } };

    public override IReadOnlyDictionary<Uri, IMetadataElement> Metadata
        get { return _metadata; }

The last thing needed to be covered here is IAggregatesConstructor abstraction:

public interface IAggregatesConstructor
    void Construct(IEnumerable<AggregateOperation> operations);

It takes commands generated at the primary stage (of type IEnumerable<AggregateOperation> operations) as input and have nothing as output, so it just changes aggregates storage state. It is used in IMessageProcessingHandler implementation to perform actual handling.

The implementation of IAggregatesConstructor looks like this:

 public sealed class AggregatesConstructor : IAggregatesConstructor
    private readonly IMetadataProvider _metadataProvider;
    private readonly IAggregateProcessorFactory _aggregateProcessorFactory;

    public AggregatesConstructor(
        IMetadataProvider metadataProvider, 
        IAggregateProcessorFactory aggregateProcessorFactory)
        _metadataProvider = metadataProvider;
        _aggregateProcessorFactory = aggregateProcessorFactory;

    public void Construct(IEnumerable<AggregateOperation> operations)
        var slices = operations.GroupBy(x => new { Operation = x.GetType(), x.AggregateType })
                               .OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.Operation, new AggregateOperationPriorityComparer());

        foreach (var slice in slices)
            var operation = slice.Key.Operation;
            var aggregateType = slice.Key.AggregateType;

            IMetadataElement aggregateMetadata;
            var metadataId = ReplicationMetadataIdentity.Instance.Id.WithRelative(new Uri($"Aggregates/{aggregateType.Name}", UriKind.Relative));
            if (!_metadataProvider.TryGetMetadata(metadataId, out aggregateMetadata))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"The aggregate of type '{aggregateType}' is not supported.");

            var aggregateIds = slice.Select(x => x.AggregateId).Distinct().ToArray();
            using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
                                                          new TransactionOptions
                                                                IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, 
                                                                Timeout = TimeSpan.Zero 
                using (Probe.Create("ETL2 Transforming", aggregateType.Name))
                    var processor = _aggregateProcessorFactory.Create(aggregateMetadata);

                    if (operation == typeof(InitializeAggregate))
                    else if (operation == typeof(RecalculateAggregate))
                    else if (operation == typeof(DestroyAggregate))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The command of type {operation.Name} is not supported");
