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start_demo_nmb_sm.launch - AUV just float up #18

galfunk opened this issue Jul 18, 2018 · 2 comments

start_demo_nmb_sm.launch - AUV just float up #18

galfunk opened this issue Jul 18, 2018 · 2 comments


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galfunk commented Jul 18, 2018

Hi, launch the following files:
roslaunch uuv_descriptions auv_underwater_world.launch
roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_nmb_sm.launch

every things look OK on screen, but the AUV doesn't start to moved as expected he just float up:

roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_nmb_sm.launch
... logging to /home/gal/.ros/log/1b4ddc78-8a7d-11e8-888c-9cb6d0f2f06b/roslaunch-gal-XPS-15-9560-3655.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

redefining global property: gamma
when processing file: /home/gal/catkin/src/eca_a9/eca_a9_description/urdf/eca_a9_sensors.xacro
included from: /home/gal/catkin/src/eca_a9/eca_a9_description/robots/eca_a9_default.urdf.xacro
started roslaunch server http://gal-XPS-15-9560:40195/



  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/base_link: base_link
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/fin_area: 0.04155
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/fluid_density: 1028.0
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/frame_base: fin
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/lift_coefficient: 3.0
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/lower_limit: -1.4
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/topic_prefix: fins
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/topic_suffix: input
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/fin_config/upper_limit: 1.4
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/output_dir: /home/gal/catkin/...
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/conversion_fcn: proportional
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/conversion_fcn_params/gain: 4.9e-05
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/conversion_fcn_params/input: [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/conversion_fcn_params/output: [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/frame_base: thruster_
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/max_thrust: 700
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/topic_prefix: thrusters
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/thruster_config/topic_suffix: input
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/timeout: -1
  • /eca_a9/control_allocator/update_rate: 10
  • /eca_a9/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
  • /eca_a9/robot_state_publisher/publish_frequency: 5
  • /eca_a9/robot_state_publisher/robot_description: /eca_a9/robot_des...
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/Kd: [24.3289994058185...
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/Ki: [0.00102327681525...
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/dubins/max_pitch: 0.09
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/dubins/radius: 25
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/inertial_frame_id: world
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/look_ahead_delay: 2.0
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/max_forward_speed: 3.0
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/min_thrust: 40
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/saturation: 200
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/slope: [0.99038586689920...
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/thrusters_only: False
  • /eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller/use_stamped_poses_only: False
  • /eca_a9/send_waypoint_file/filename: /home/gal/catkin/...
  • /eca_a9/send_waypoint_file/interpolator: dubins
  • /eca_a9/send_waypoint_file/start_time: -1
  • /ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9/child_frame_id: /eca_a9/base_link
  • /ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9/footprint_frame_id: /eca_a9/base_foot...
  • /ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9/frame_id: /world
  • /ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9/odometry_topic: /eca_a9/pose_gt
  • /ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9/stabilized_frame_id: /eca_a9/base_stab...
  • /rosdistro: kinetic
  • /rosversion: 1.12.13

control_allocator (uuv_auv_control_allocator/control_allocator)
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
rov_nmb_sm_controller (uuv_trajectory_control/
send_waypoint_file (uuv_control_utils/
trajectory_marker_publisher (uuv_control_utils/
urdf_spawner (uuv_descriptions/spawn_model)
ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9 (message_to_tf/message_to_tf)
rviz (rviz/rviz)


process[eca_a9/urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [3676]
process[eca_a9/robot_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [3677]
process[ground_truth_to_tf_eca_a9-3]: started with pid [3678]
process[eca_a9/trajectory_marker_publisher-4]: started with pid [3684]
process[eca_a9/control_allocator-5]: started with pid [3702]
[ WARN] [1531913067.577716817]: The root link eca_a9/base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.
process[eca_a9/rov_nmb_sm_controller-6]: started with pid [3717]
process[rviz-7]: started with pid [3731]
process[eca_a9/send_waypoint_file-8]: started with pid [3738]
[ INFO] [1531913067.802023902]: rviz version 1.12.16
[ INFO] [1531913067.802071269]: compiled against Qt version 5.5.1
[ INFO] [1531913067.802096208]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon)
[ INFO] [1531913068.018864454]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1531913068.018940320]: OpenGl version: 3 (GLSL 1.3).
[INFO] [1531913068.063954, 0.000000]: Send a waypoint file, namespace=/eca_a9/
[ERROR] [1531913068.071306, 0.000000]: Negative start time, setting it to 0.0
Starting trajectory and waypoint marker publisher
Starting Non-model-based Sliding Mode Controller
Package pymap3d is not available, WGS84 coordinates cannot be used
Download pymap3d for Python 2.7 as

sudo pip install pymap3d==1.5.2
or for Python 3.x as
sudo pip install pymap3d
spawn_model script started
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,757 | INFO | dp_controller_base | Setting controller as non-model-based
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,765 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | Waypoint interpolators available:
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,766 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | - cubic
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,766 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | - lipb
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,767 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | - dubins
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,767 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | - linear
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,769 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Max. forward speed [m/s]=3.00
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,771 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Idle circle radius [m] = 10.00
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,778 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Inertial frame ID=world
[INFO] [1531913068.811194, 0.000000]: Loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [1531913068.829972, 0.000000]: Using the ENU coordinates to spawn the model
[INFO] [1531913068.830475, 0.000000]: Initial position wrt the world frame: (0.00, 0.00, -20.00)
[INFO] [1531913068.830919, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1531913068.833761, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1531913068.834791, 0.000000]: Initialize control allocator for vehicle <eca_a9>
[INFO] [1531913068.851621, 0.000000]: Lookup transfrom from eca_a9/base_link_ned to eca_a9/base_link
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,882 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=
[[ -3.74939946e-33 1.00000000e+00 1.22464680e-16]
[ 1.00000000e+00 -4.44089210e-16 -2.46519033e-32]
[ 0.00000000e+00 1.22464680e-16 -1.00000000e+00]]
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,883 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Inertial frame ID=world
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,883 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Max. forward speed = 3.0
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,886 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | No parameters for interpolation method found
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,887 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | No parameters for interpolation method found
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,889 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Parameters for interpolation method found
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,892 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | {'radius': 25, 'max_pitch': 0.09}
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,896 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | No parameters for interpolation method found
No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned for vehicle eca_a9
"eca_a9/base_link" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=
[[ -3.74939946e-33 1.00000000e+00 1.22464680e-16]
[ 1.00000000e+00 -4.44089210e-16 -2.46519033e-32]
[ 0.00000000e+00 1.22464680e-16 -1.00000000e+00]]
[INFO] [1531913068.978925, 11.070000]: ControlAllocator: updating thruster poses
[INFO] [1531913068.979361, 11.070000]: Lookup: Thruster transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/thruster_0
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,995 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Start waypoint trajectory now!
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,995 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | STATION KEEPING MODE = ON
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:28,996 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | Interpolation method set: dubins
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,018 | INFO | dp_controller_base | DP controller successfully initialized
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,018 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | Initializing: Model-free Sliding Mode Controller
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,020 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | K=[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,025 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | Kd=[ 24.32899941 95.16574837 25.94337741 0. 6.38837136
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,030 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | Ki=[ 0.00102328 0.00102328 0.00102328 0. 0.11901644 0.11901644]
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,032 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | slope=[ 0.99038587 0.99038587 0.99038587 0. 0.20796466 0.20796466]
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,033 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | Saturation limits=0.8
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,035 | INFO | rov_nmb_sm_controller | Model-free Sliding Mode Controller ready
[INFO] [1531913069.501274, 11.070000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[eca_a9/urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/gal/.ros/log/1b4ddc78-8a7d-11e8-888c-9cb6d0f2f06b/eca_a9-urdf_spawner-1*.log
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,883 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | Setting new starting time, t=11.12 s
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,883 | ERROR | dp_controller_local_planner | Error generating trajectory message
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,883 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | STATION KEEPING MODE = OFF
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,883 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | AUTOMATIC MODE = ON
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,883 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | TRAJECTORY TRACKING = ON
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | ============================
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | IMPORT WAYPOINTS FROM FILE
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | ============================
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Filename = /home/gal/catkin/src/eca_a9/eca_a9_gazebo/config/waypoint_set.yaml
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Interpolator = dubins
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | # waypoints = 4
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Starting time = 11.12
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Inertial frame ID = world
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,884 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | ============================
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:29,885 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Adding waypoints to approach the first position in the given waypoint set
[INFO] [1531913069.885240, 11.120000]: Waypoints file successfully received, filename=/home/gal/catkin/src/eca_a9/eca_a9_gazebo/config/waypoint_set.yaml
[INFO] [1531913070.087089, 11.320000]: Thruster transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/thruster_0
[eca_a9/send_waypoint_file-8] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/gal/.ros/log/1b4ddc78-8a7d-11e8-888c-9cb6d0f2f06b/eca_a9-send_waypoint_file-8*.log
[INFO] [1531913070.088895, 11.320000]: pos=[-0.9676 0. 0. ]
[INFO] [1531913070.089788, 11.320000]: rot=[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 -1.03411554e-13]
Thruster #0 - proportional - /eca_a9/thrusters/0/input
[INFO] [1531913070.092585, 11.320000]: Thruster model:
[INFO] [1531913070.093600, 11.320000]: Gain=4.9e-05
[INFO] [1531913070.094148, 11.330000]: Lookup: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin0
[INFO] [1531913070.094685, 11.330000]: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin0
[INFO] [1531913070.095373, 11.330000]: pos=[-0.70777 -0.07876 0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.096675, 11.330000]: quat=[ 0.38172247 -0.06525197 -0.02702841 0.92157452]
[INFO] [1531913070.098257, 11.330000]: Lookup: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin1
[INFO] [1531913070.098644, 11.330000]: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin1
[INFO] [1531913070.099059, 11.330000]: pos=[-0.70777 -0.07876 -0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.099460, 11.330000]: quat=[ 0.92157593 -0.02702865 -0.06525187 0.38171908]
[INFO] [1531913070.101010, 11.330000]: Lookup: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin2
[INFO] [1531913070.102257, 11.330000]: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin2
[INFO] [1531913070.106140, 11.340000]: pos=[-0.70777 0.07876 -0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.107032, 11.340000]: quat=[ 0.92157593 0.02702865 -0.06525187 -0.38171908]
[INFO] [1531913070.109317, 11.340000]: Lookup: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin3
[INFO] [1531913070.110180, 11.340000]: Fin transform found eca_a9/base_link -> eca_a9/fin3
[INFO] [1531913070.110971, 11.340000]: pos=[-0.70777 0.07876 0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.111751, 11.340000]: quat=[-0.38172247 -0.06525197 0.02702841 0.92157452]
[INFO] [1531913070.114363, 11.350000]: # fins found: 4
[INFO] [1531913070.114660, 11.350000]: 0
[INFO] [1531913070.115078, 11.350000]: [-0.70777 -0.07876 0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.116143, 11.350000]: [[ 9.90023291e-01 1.09102575e-06 -1.40903812e-01]
[ -9.96336682e-02 7.07114847e-01 -7.00044088e-01]
[ 9.96344138e-02 7.07098715e-01 7.00060277e-01]]
[INFO] [1531913070.117171, 11.350000]: 1
[INFO] [1531913070.117590, 11.350000]: [-0.70777 -0.07876 -0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.123459, 11.350000]: [[ 9.90023291e-01 -2.12616973e-06 -1.40903812e-01]
[ -9.96336682e-02 -7.07119990e-01 -7.00038893e-01]
[ -9.96344138e-02 7.07093572e-01 -7.00065471e-01]]
[INFO] [1531913070.127670, 11.360000]: 2
[INFO] [1531913070.130530, 11.360000]: [-0.70777 0.07876 -0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.131931, 11.360000]: [[ 9.90023291e-01 2.12616973e-06 -1.40903812e-01]
[ 9.96336682e-02 -7.07119990e-01 7.00038893e-01]
[ -9.96344138e-02 -7.07093572e-01 -7.00065471e-01]]
[INFO] [1531913070.133051, 11.360000]: 3
[INFO] [1531913070.133445, 11.360000]: [-0.70777 0.07876 0.078586]
[INFO] [1531913070.135068, 11.370000]: [[ 9.90023291e-01 -1.09103253e-06 -1.40903812e-01]
[ 9.96336682e-02 7.07114847e-01 7.00044088e-01]
[ 9.96344138e-02 -7.07098715e-01 7.00060277e-01]]
[INFO] [1531913070.137413, 11.370000]: output_dir=/home/gal/catkin/src/eca_a9/eca_a9_control/eca_a9_control/config
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:30,383 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Updating the trajectory information
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:30,890 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Updating the trajectory information
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:31,390 | INFO | dp_controller_local_planner | Adding waypoints to approach the given waypoint trajectory
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:31,457 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | Setting new starting time, t=11.19 s
ECA_A9 -- 2018-07-18 12:24:31,457 | INFO | wp_trajectory_generator | Waypoint interpolator initialized! Start time: 11.19 s

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Hello galfunk,

Unfortunately I have the exact same issue when I launch :
roslaunch uuv_descriptions ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_nmb_sm.launch

My AUV is floating up like you, although all displays on RViz work well : trajectory display, odometry, etc.

Moreover, all work fine when I launched :
roslaunch uuv_descriptions ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_auv_control.launch

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Hello galfunk,

Unfortunately I have the exact same issue when I launch :
roslaunch uuv_descriptions ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_nmb_sm.launch

My AUV is floating up like you, although all displays on RViz work well : trajectory display, odometry, etc.

Moreover, all work fine when I launched :
roslaunch uuv_descriptions ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_auv_control.launch

Hello, YoannSOLA
I had the same problem. Have you solved this problem yet?

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3 participants