[DEPRECATED] use objectShouldHave
Check for every property one object must have to succeed validation.
function hasAllProperties(obj: object, requiredProperties: string[]): boolean;
PASS test/hasAllProperties.test.ts
Validators > hasAllProperties
when an object is passed with all required properties
✓ returns true (2ms)
✓ does not call console.error
when an object is passed missing a required property
✓ returns false
✓ call console.error with a message containing missing property name (1ms)
when an object is passed missing more than one required property
✓ returns false (1ms)
✓ call console.error with a message containing all missing properties names
when an empty array is passed as requiredProperties
✓ returns true (1ms)
export default {
props: {
myProp: {
type: Object,
required: true,
validator: object => hasAllProperties(object, [
'object', 'should', 'have', 'all', 'these', 'properties',