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Log data to clouds

vitotai edited this page Jan 7, 2018 · 8 revisions

Remote logging can be used to post data to a HTTP server that BrewPiLess can connect to.The format field in log setup page is like the format in printf but uses the following specifiers:

Specifier output
%b Beer temperature
%B Beer setting
%f fridge temperature
%F fridge setting
%r room temperature
%g gravity
%t tilt value from iSpindel
%a auxiliary temperature
%v external device voltage
%u UNIX timestamp of last gravity update

For example, let beer setting be 20.0 and beer temperature be 18.3, if the format is api_key=TheRealApiKeyHere&field1=%B&field2=%b, the data will be api_key=TheRealApiKeyHere&field1=20.0&field2=18.3.

If the method is GET, the data will append to the url with additional ?, so the result will be (GET is usually not recommended.) The Data Type field is used as "Content-Type" in HTTP protocol. When it is left blank, the default value of application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be used. The default type is good for content like A=V1&B=V2.

Example setting for

Example setting for

Due to the memory limitation, HTTPS is not supported. Therefore, if you want to send data to a service that supports only HTTPS, an additional proxy is needed.

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