- W3C opens Advisory Board (AB) election (2020/05/04)
- W3C Consortium and Financial Management RFP (2020/05/20)
- W3C Strategic Highlights, May 2020 (2020/05/29)
- upcoming events list
- transitions repository
- strategy repository
- FPWD公開
- 新規CR
- CR更新
- PR
- JSON-LD WG、ニュースポスト (2020/05/07)
- JSON-LD 1.1
- JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API
- JSON-LD 1.1 Framing
- (WG Note) Streaming JSON-LD
- AC reviewは2020/06/18まで
- JSON-LD WG、ニュースポスト (2020/05/07)
- 翻訳
- W3C
- presentation-viewer: Template to show slides, videos and transcript of a presentation together
- badging (from WICG)
- gsheets: From Google Sheets to GitHub
- me-media-integration-guidelines: Media Integration Guidelines (Note)
- i18n WG
- amlreq: Enabliing the Web for languages of the Americas (note)
- Browser Testing and Tools WG
- webdriver-bidi: Bidirectional WebDriver protocol for browser automation
- 一般
- W3C and XR Immersive Enterprise 2020 (2020/05/01, J. Alan Bird)
- Virtual Advisory Committee Meeting and May 2020 W3C Strategic Highlights (2020/05/29; Jeff Jaffe)
- WGアップデート
- Payments and Authentication: Driving toward a Whole Greater than Parts (2020/05/06; Ian Jacobs)
- 仕様公開関係
- Legible Media Inc.
- UnlockOpen
- Tingyu Technology
- CloudFlare