- ニュース:2 件
- 直近の予定:18 件
- 公開された仕様の更新:69 件
- 新規追加されたレポジトリ:6 件
- W3Cメンバー更新(新規加入):1 件
2023年03月のW3C関係のアップデートのまとめです。 前月分はこちら。
- ニュース
- Upcoming W3C Workshop: Secure the Web Forward (2023/03/20)
- ワークショップサイト: W3C Workshop “Secure the Web Forward” (2023/06/07-08; Microsoft Reactor, London, UK)
- Upcoming W3C Workshop: Secure the Web Forward (2023/03/20)
- 一般
- WGアップデート
- Privacy Principles for the Web (2023/03/22; Samuel Weiler)
- upcoming events list (イベント一覧ページ)
- strategy repository
- 該当月中に提案されこのページ作成時点で議論・検討中のもの
- Solid WG (draft charter): Solid CGから新規提案WG
- Decentralized Identifier WG (draft charter): HR中
- Web of Things WG (draft charter): charter準備中
- Publishing Maintenance WG (draft charter: HR中、EPUB WGとAudiobooks WGからのメンテナンスWGへの移行
- Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) WG (draft charter): HR中
- charterについて該当月中に動きがあったもの、ステータスサマリー付き
- Privacy-preserving advertising: ACレビュー後CGでの議論に戻ったなどの状況サマリーのポスト
- Timed-Text WG: charter extensionのメモ
- MiniApps WG (draft charter): HR中
- Media WG (draft charter): HR中
- Web Machine Learning WG (draft charter):
- Web Fonts WG: rechartering完了
- 新領域などについての議論
- WebVMT: 月例状況更新
- Secure the Web Forward Workshop: 公開された
- 該当月中に提案されこのページ作成時点で議論・検討中のもの
- WGなどの憲章策定・更新によるCall for Participation、chair変更
- その他トピック
- spec-prod
- Recent Bikeshed breakage (versions 3.11.14 - 3.11.20)
- Managing candidate/proposed amendments: jsonデータ活用でのamendmentsの取り込み方式
- spec-prod
- FPWD公開
- CSS Animations Level 2、ニュースポスト (2023/03/02)
- WD更新
- Indexed Database API 3.0 (03/03)
- WebGPU Shading Language (03/01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 29, 31)
- Web Application Manifest (03/29)
- Compute Pressure Level 1 (03/13, 14, 22, 28, 29, 30)
- Contact Picker API (03/08)
- CSS Animations Level 1 (03/02)
- CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 6 (03/21)
- CSS Overflow Module Level 3 (03/21, 29)
- CSS Overflow Module Level 4 (03/21)
- CSS Text Module Level 4 (03/01, 29)
- Digital Publishing Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 (03/08)
- Gamepad (03/10)
- High Resolution Time (03/21, 22)
- HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 (03/08, 22, 28)
- MediaStream Image Capture (03/16)
- Region Capture (03/08)
- Open Screen Protocol (03/05)
- DeviceOrientation Event Specification (03/22)
- Permissions Policy (03/22)
- Pointer Events (03/01, 02)
- RDF Dataset Canonicalization (03/10, 15)
- Screen Orientation (03/21)
- Secure Payment Confirmation (03/08, 23)
- Selection API (03/21)
- Server Timing (03/03, 17)
- Verifiable Credential Data Integrity 1.0 (03/04, 05, 17)
- Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 (03/04, 06, 07, 15, 16)
- VISS version 2 - Core (03/31)
- VISS version 2-Transport (03/21, 31)
- Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3 (03/07)
- WebCodecs (03/10, 13, 17)
- WebDriver (03/03, 21)
- WebGPU (03/01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 17, 22, 24, 28)
- Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Extension for WebRTC (03/29)
- Multi-Screen Window Management (03/30)
- 旧名 Multi-Screen Window Placement (03/03, 07)
- CRD更新
- Resource Timing (03/03, 13)
- Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API (03/03, 07, 09, 21, 30)
- WebXR Device API (03/03)
- CRS公開、更新
- Web Neural Network API、ニュースポスト (2023/03/30)
- CSS Display Module Level 3、ニュースポスト (2023/03/30)
- PR公開
- REC公開、更新
- ARIA in HTML (03/04, 06, 24)
- WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers (03/01, 06)
- XML Entity Definitions for Characters (3rd Edition) (03/07)
- Requirements for Chinese Text Layout - 中文排版需求 (03/01)
- AAC WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- A-law PCM WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- AV1 WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- AVC (H.264) WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- FLAC WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- HEVC (H.265) WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- MP3 WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- Opus WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- Linear PCM WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- u-law PCM WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- Vorbis WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- VP8 WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- VP9 WebCodecs Registration (03/10, 13, 17)
- NOTE公開、更新
- EPUB Type to ARIA Role Authoring Guide 1.1、ニュースポスト (2023/03/14)
- DID Specification Registries (03/09, 10)
- EPUB Accessibility - EU Accessibility Act Mapping (03/29, 30)
- EPUB Accessibility Techniques 1.1 (03/30)
- EPUB 3 Multiple-Rendition Publications 1.1 (03/30)
- EPUB 3 Overview (03/30)
- EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary 1.1 (03/30)
- EPUB 3 Text-to-Speech Enhancements 1.0 (03/30)
- Draft Registry更新
- Registry公開、更新
- Retired (Discontinued Draft)
- Resource Hints (03/14)
- Retired (Superseded)
- w3c/equity-cg: Equity Community Group
- w3c/rdf-ucr
- WebAssembly/wasi-i2c
- WebAssembly/wasi-spi
- WebAssembly/wasi-digital-io
- immersive-web/semantic-labels: This repository will list all the semantic labels that can be returned by various WebXR APIs
- gpuweb: 11
- immersive-web: 45
- privacycg: 16
- w3c: 1008
- w3cping: 13
- w3ctag: 40
- WebAssembly: 108
- WebAudio: 6
- webmachinelearning: 12
- WICG: 181
- Legendary Requirements