- getblockchaininfo: Returns various state information about blockchain processing. This is a great first step to get an overview of the entire bitcoin blockchain.
- getblockcount: Returns the number of blocks in the blockchain.
- verifychain: Verifies blockchain database.
Blockchain: Digital ledger that contains the entire history of transactions made on the network.
- getblockhash: Returns hash of a block at the block number provided
- getnetworkhashps: Returns an estimated network hashes per second based on a specified number of recent blocks. ps, stands for per second.
- getbestblockhash: Returns the hash of the best block.
- Hash Value: A digital fingerprint for information.
- Best Block: Most recent block that you’ve synced to with your local copy of the blockchain.
- getblock: Returns details of block information.
- getblockheader: Returns information about the block header.
- generate: Immediately mines the specified number of bocks to an address in the wallet. This command is actually only really useful on the regnet. The regnet allows you to create blocks instantly since there is no network that needs to verify any of these transactions.
Block: A container that holds a list of transactions to be added to the blockchain.
- getwalletinfo: Returns an object containing various information about a wallet’s state.
- listwallets: Returns a list of currently loaded wallets.
- walletpassphrasechange: Change the wallet passphrase from an old passphrase to a new passphrase.
Wallet: Software that stores private keys that give access to a bitcoin balance.
- getmempoolinfo: Returns details on the active state of the transaction memory pool.
- getrawmempool: Returns all transaction details in the memory pool.
- getmempoolentry: Returns mempool data for a given transaction.
Mempool: Waiting place for all unconfirmed transactions before they are added to the blockchain.
- getchaintxstats: Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain
- getrawtransaction: Returns raw transaction data
- listtransactions: Returns a list of transactions for given account
Transaction: Record of any movement of funds that takes place on the network.
- signrawtransaction: Sign inputs for a raw transaction. The difference between transaction and raw transaction is, a raw transaction is formatted to be readable by computers.
- signmessage: Sign message with the private key of an address.
Signature: Establishes proof of ownership for each transaction on the blockchain.
- getnetworkinfo: Returns information about the state of the peer-to-peer network.
- getpeerinfo: Returns data about each connection network node.
- getconnectioncount: Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
Peer-to-peer network: A network of computers that allows information to be shared across users.
- getmininginfo: Returns an object that contains mining-related information.
- getblocktemplate: Returns data needed to construct a block.
- prioritisetransaction: Accepts the transaction into mined blocks at a higher or lower priority.
Proof of Work: Consensus algorithm that requires manual processing from the user.