- [AN] Pre-built Docker images
- [MN] build a basic dashboard application
- [MN] depclean
- [N] make depclean run and produce output
- [N] create depclean test dashboard
- [M] show some actually useful information on dashboard
- [M] make dashboard look nice
- [N] record results in some structured manner
- [N] directory structure
- [N] metadata
- [N] handle different formats in some unified way (SARIF is nice but probably doesn't work for everything) comment: currently just "unified" by wrapping in a JSON object with metadata
- [MN] package + description: how to build a demonstrator for your tool (consider container image?)
- [MN] get a dashboard instance up on wara-sw.se
Milestone Y: scale to breadth and fix all bugs that are in the way (more C/C++ corpus projects and tools)
- [] figure out how to maintain some kind of separation between tools and corpus
- [] repo directory structure
- [] sort out tags
- [] establish pattern for creating invocation scripts for tools on corpus projects
- [] idiomatic way to store corpus project information such as classpaths for use by scripts/tools
- [] discuss what formats to use for different kinds of tools (see above)
- [] prestudy for dynamic tools in next Milestone
- [] dashboard result browser
- Benchmarking Best Practices tool
- B1 scan that no cron jobs are scheduled anywhere
- [N] B2 no heavy BG processes running
- B3 no GUI running
- B4 CPU frequency governor set to fixed frequency or turboboost disabled
- [N] B5 hyperthreading disabled
- Update Dynamic Best practices tool: auto-fix [B1] if possible
- Update Dynamic Best practices tool: auto-fix [B4] if possible (max frequency)
- [N] Update Dynamic Best practices tool: auto-fix [B5] if possible
- Command-line tool "for dummies" who want to run OVE on the ERDC:
- Script to check/install cloud access setup on client (ask for everything)
- Spin up ERDC image, run benchmark or test on ERDC, transfer results, shut down image
- [] fix cassandra patch issue in some better way
- [] daily tagging: maintain a branch
that useshead2revision
to tag that day's specific revisions, to simplify ad-hoc releases and bisecting
- Milestone 1 completed: 1 tool running on one corpus code base
- tbd
- Patrik Åberg
Static Analysis
- Alexandru Dura (LTH)
- tbd
Dynamic Analysis
- Noric Couderc (LTH)