- sudo PWD=$PWD ./build.py --all
- sudo PWD=$PWD ./build.py -g
- sudo PWD=$PWD ./build.py -m
- It will redirect to /src/magma/orc8r/cloud
- make test
- sudo PWD=$PWD ./build.py --lint
- Directory: feg/gateway/docker
- sudo ./build.py --test
- If the above step failes then
- sudo docker exec -it test bash
- go install gotest.tools/gotestsum@latest
- make test
- Directory: feg/gateway/docker
- sudo ./build.py --lint
- golangci-lint run -c ~/PMN-SYSTEMS/pmn-systems//.golangci.yml (from feg/radius/src)
- If Lint test fails use the following command to fix the regular errors:
- gofmt -s -w ./gateway/services/aaa/servicers/accounting.go (from Host Machine need to fix for every file which got lift errors)
- go test -v ./...
- go test -v -run <test_case_name>