Following the schema described in the training and prediction workflow document, this is the code snippet that shows the minimal workflow to create an OptiML.
;; step 0: creating a source from the data in your remote "" file
(define source-id (create-source {"remote" ""}))
(log-info "Creating remote source: " source-id)
;; step 1: creating a dataset from the previously created `source`
(define dataset-id (create-dataset source-id))
(log-info "Creating dataset from source: " dataset-id)
;; step 2: creating an optiml. You can configure the maximum training
;; time or other arguments to control the type of models used or set
;; weight to be used. The example sets a `max_training_time" of 300 seconds
;; and uses only decision trees and logistic regressions
(define optiml-id (create-optiml dataset-id
{"max_training_time" 300
"model_types" ["model"
(log-info "Creating optiml from dataset: " optiml-id)
You can test this code in the WhizzML REPL.
Note that create calls are not waiting for the asynchronous resources to be
finished before returning control. However, when a resource is used to generate
another one, the next create call will wait for the origin resource to be
finished before starting the creation process (e.g, (create-dataset source-id)
will wait for the source to be finished before creating the dataset from it).
You can check all the available creation arguments in the API documentation.