package main
import (
var (
reqCounter = prometheus .NewCounterVec (
prometheus.CounterOpts {
Name : "http_requests_total" ,
Help : "Count of HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method." ,
[]string {"code" , "method" },
durationHisto = prometheus .NewHistogramVec (
prometheus.HistogramOpts {
Name : "http_request_duration_seconds" ,
Help : "A histogram of latencies for requests, partitioned by status code and HTTP method." ,
Buckets : []float64 {.001 , .0025 , .0050 , .01 , .025 , .050 , .10 , .25 , .50 , 1 },
[]string {"code" , "method" },
func init () {
prometheus .MustRegister (reqCounter , durationHisto )
func main () {
// Hello, world
hello := http .HandlerFunc (func (w http.ResponseWriter , r * http.Request ) {
io .WriteString (w , "<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>" )
// Wrap our handler function in middleware
handler := PrometheusInstrumentationMiddleware (reqCounter , durationHisto )(hello )
http .Handle ("/hw" , handler )
http .Handle ("/metrics" , promhttp .Handler ())
http .ListenAndServe (":8090" , nil )