diff --git a/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.html b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.html index b43c257..054b019 100644 --- a/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.html +++ b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.html @@ -292,9 +292,63 @@

Solutions, Section 3
  • Recreate the pet ownership isotype plot with ggpattern.
  • - -

    +pet_images <- c(
    +  "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/bird.png",
    +  "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/fish.png",
    +  "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/cat.png",
    +  "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/dog.png"
    +pet_ownership |>
    +  mutate(
    +    pet = fct_reorder(pet, households)
    +  ) |>
    +  ggplot() +
    +  aes(y = pet, x = households) +
    +  geom_col_pattern(
    +    aes(
    +      pattern_filename = pet
    +    ), 
    +    pattern         = 'image',
    +    pattern_type    = 'tile',
    +    fill            = 'white', 
    +    colour          = NA,
    +    pattern_filter  = 'box',
    +    pattern_scale   = -2
    +  ) +
    +  geom_label(
    +    aes(label = paste0(signif(households*1e-6, 2), "M")),
    +    vjust = 0.5,
    +    hjust = 0,
    +    nudge_x = .1e6,
    +    size = 14,
    +    size.unit = "pt",
    +    label.size = 0, # no label outline
    +    label.padding = unit(2, "pt"),
    +    fill = "#FFFFFF"
    +  ) +
    +  scale_x_continuous(
    +    limits = 1e6*c(0, 49),
    +    breaks = 1e7*(0:4),
    +    labels = c("0", paste0(10*(1:4), "M")),
    +    name = "households",
    +    expand = c(0, 0)
    +  ) +
    +  scale_y_discrete(
    +    name = NULL
    +  ) +
    +  scale_pattern_filename_discrete(
    +    choices = pet_images,
    +    guide = "none"
    +  ) +
    +  theme_minimal_hgrid(rel_small = 1)

    diff --git a/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.qmd b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.qmd index 2e7a1a1..1aa142f 100644 --- a/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.qmd +++ b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions.qmd @@ -207,4 +207,58 @@ pet_ownership |> 2. Recreate the pet ownership isotype plot with ggpattern. -## +```{r} +#| warning = FALSE +library(ggpattern) + +pet_images <- c( + "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/bird.png", + "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/fish.png", + "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/cat.png", + "https://wilkelab.org/dataviz_shortcourse/images/dog.png" +) + +pet_ownership |> + mutate( + pet = fct_reorder(pet, households) + ) |> + ggplot() + + aes(y = pet, x = households) + + geom_col_pattern( + aes( + pattern_filename = pet + ), + pattern = 'image', + pattern_type = 'tile', + fill = 'white', + colour = NA, + pattern_filter = 'box', + pattern_scale = -2 + ) + + geom_label( + aes(label = paste0(signif(households*1e-6, 2), "M")), + vjust = 0.5, + hjust = 0, + nudge_x = .1e6, + size = 14, + size.unit = "pt", + label.size = 0, # no label outline + label.padding = unit(2, "pt"), + fill = "#FFFFFF" + ) + + scale_x_continuous( + limits = 1e6*c(0, 49), + breaks = 1e7*(0:4), + labels = c("0", paste0(10*(1:4), "M")), + name = "households", + expand = c(0, 0) + ) + + scale_y_discrete( + name = NULL + ) + + scale_pattern_filename_discrete( + choices = pet_images, + guide = "none" + ) + + theme_minimal_hgrid(rel_small = 1) +``` diff --git a/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7f8ee3 Binary files /dev/null and b/materials/positconf2024-pattern-fill-solutions_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png differ