npm: @wuespace/parcel-reporter-tc-cli
Parcel Reporter Plugin that configures Parcel to interact with
the @wuespace/telestion-client-cli
If you're using
the @wuespace/telestion-client-template
plugin is already installed and integrated in Parcel.
If that's not the case, install the plugin as development dependency:
npm install --save-dev @wuespace/parcel-reporter-tc-cli
Then add it to your .parcelrc
"reporters": ["...", "@wuespace/parcel-reporter-tc-cli"]
That's it!
The reporter sends every Parcel build status update through
Node's IPC channel
between two Node processes.
The tc-cli
the Parcel process, captures and interprets the transmitted build status,
and continues its build process.
If you want to contribute to this package, please take a look at the Telestion Client monorepo that manages this package, among other Telestion Client packages.
Thank you to all contributors of this repository:
Made with contributors-img.
This is part of Telestion, a project by WüSpace e.V..