Use nimpy to access numpy arrays from python
Get buffer from numpy array (PyObject)
numpy will export buffer when the underlying memory block is C-Contiguous
if the underlying data is not C-Contiguous, there will be a PythonException thrown by numpy
proc asNimArray * [T](arr : PyObject , mode : int = PyBUF_READ) : ptr UncheckedArray [T] =
buf : RawPyBuffer
getBuffer (arr, buf, mode.cint )
NimNumpyArray * [T] = object
originalPtr* : PyObject
buf* : ptr UncheckedArray [T]
shape* : seq [int ]
strides* : seq [int ]
c_contiguous* : bool
f_contiguous* : bool
proc asNimNumpyArray * [T](arr : PyObject , mode : int = PyBUF_READ) : NimNumpyArray [T] =
Function to translate numpy array into an object in Nim to represent the data for convinience.
result .originalPtr = arr
result .buf = asNimArray [T](arr, mode)
result .shape = getAttr (arr, " shape" ).to (seq [int ])
result .strides = getAttr (arr, " strides" ).to (seq [int ])
result .c_contiguous = arr.flags[" C_CONTIGUOUS" ].to (bool )
result .f_contiguous = arr.flags[" F_CONTIGUOUS" ].to (bool )
proc accessNumpyMatrix * [T](matrix : NimNumpyArray [T], row, col : int ): T =
doAssert matrix.shape == 2 and matrix.strides == 2
return matrix.buf[
row * matrix.strides[0 ] + col * matrix.strides[1 ]
Given the exposed buffer, you can use cpuStorageFromBuffer from ArrayMancer Tensor wihout making a copy