2.5.7 (2025-01-03)
- extensions: ensure focus is maintained after inserting table, close #409 (6cc2c97)
- link: preserve parent plugins to fix autolink, close #410 (565658b)
2.5.6 (2024-12-26)
2.5.5 (2024-12-13)
2.5.4 (2024-08-22)
2.5.3 (2024-08-08)
2.5.2 (2024-06-24)
2.5.1 (2024-06-12)
2.5.0 (2024-06-02)
- ColorPicker: support for custom colors (0f29494), closes #313
- image: support setting the default width and display (2e60b5f), closes #316
- link: added unlink function, rel & target attributes (81c19b4)
- markdown-theme: cannot switch themes (3623106)
- style: buttons on toolbar's second line are not showing (7e3ead5)
2.4.3 (2024-01-31)
2.4.2 (2024-01-27)
- locale: update Dutch locale (c0b3ea7)
- VuetifyTiptap: closing characterCount causes editor error (be1d0cd), closes #272
- replace lodash with lodash-unified (8bfc5d9)
- VuetifyTiptap: override configurations for duplicate extensions, update tsconfig (8830fe3)
2.4.1 (2024-01-20)
- VuetifyViewer: cannot be used independently (986eccc)
2.4.0 (2024-01-20)
- dialog can be customized with dialogComponent for custom components and styles (5407d53), closes #253
- locale: add Dutch locale (#243) (33ff84e)
- VuetifyTiptap: add 'hideBubble' prop to hide the bubble menu (60318c9)
- VuetifyTiptap: add removeDefaultWrapper option to remove default wrapper (fa3c2db), closes #208
- bubble menu type is missing (339251a)
- BubbleMenu: repeatedly selecting table cells crashes (dafd80d)
- extensions: disable commands that cannot be used in certain operations (7432b7e)
- extensions: props type error (2381b31)
- sharing global parameters among multiple editors (259e6e6), closes #253
- Table: unable to create table for mobile devices (d33c67a), closes #255
2.3.0 (2023-09-20)
- fullscreen: add useWindow (ca0c5b2)
- VuetifyTiptap: export useContext (d1ede67)
- VuetifyViewer: support accept json content (6b8af0a)
- types: typescript5 not find a declaration file (04625a3)
2.2.0 (2023-09-09)
2.1.0 (2023-06-24)
- can switch or customize the markdown theme (be064ae)
- extensions: add markdown-theme extension (9958f68)
- hooks: add index file (05ccd1f)
2.0.2 (2023-05-27)
- theme: improve theme switching (8b20b68)
2.0.1 (2023-05-10)
- types: 修复 app.use 时类型错误 (f8757ff)
2.0.0 (2023-05-05)
- extensions: 废弃 toolbar 属性,改用 extensions 属性 废弃全局 config 属性,改用全局 extensions 属性
- no support vuetify2.x
- extensions: add FontFamily extension (2663b95)
- extensions: add FontSize extension (ef9d869)
- extensions: add superscript extension (649aec0)
- extensions: 新增导出 defaultBubbleList (96a8828)
- bubble-menu: 不打包 tiptap 内容,无法显示tiptap (9c94e77)
- BubbleMenu: 去除头尾的 divider ,bubble 为空 BubbleMenu 不显示 (f2e4704)
- extension: basekit 以外的的 addExtensions 支持使用 options配置 (cd2c69e)
- icon: 修复使用icon图标不需要配置 (f67d9e9)
- icon: 修复部分icon加载失败 (4434145)
- icon: 退出全屏按钮不显示 (da4920f)
- image: 修复 upload 配置无效 (0071529)
- install: 修改安装失败提示文案,添加 GlobalComponents 全局提示 (31a3d74)
- locale: 修复中文错别字 (bd6cb46)
- placeholder: placeholder 属性不生效 (53ebebb), closes #114
- TiptapToolbar: click事件无效 (701de77)
- Toolbar: 修复输入卡顿 (f489680), closes #111
- VuetifyTiptap: title在dark模式颜色问题 (cdf74f9)
- VuetifyTiptap: toolbarRef获取为undefined问题 (f8c2d20)
- VuetifyTiptap: 低版本 vite 编译失败 (b5ce05a)
- VuetifyTiptap: 卡片light模式颜色问题修复 (d258f05)
- deps: @tiptap/* move to dependencies (02ae702)
- extensions: video 和 image 修改 (1d30398)
- extensions: 修改tiptap引入 (cda22be)
- extensions: 导出方式由 export default 改为 export (89d3ad8)
- extensions: 重构 extensions 模块 (#115) (46942ea)
- heading: paragraph 从 heading 移至 base-kit (fe752bf)
- icon: icon统一由getIcon来处理 (fc25c78)
- image: addStorage改为addOptions (9b534ce)
- Image: 使用tiptap自己提供的nodeViewProps (4f4263b)
- locales: 修改可复用文案 (7693056)
- support vue3.x and vuetify3.x (3b433c3)
- TiptapToolbar: 重构toolbar提升代码可读性 (09b2074)
- Toolbar: icon和locale优化 (61eb526)
- utils: 改进 getUnitWithPxAsDefault 方法,支持number (8474e76)
- 全局状态换成reactive (815c534)
1.4.3 (2022-07-28)
- types: 编译后vue-types类型错误 (ec5acca)
1.4.2 (2022-07-20)
- setup: 放弃使用setup写法,使用setup写法编译错误,vue2.6.x无法使用 (b83ee68)
1.4.1 (2022-07-20)
1.4.0 (2022-07-17)
- extansions: dialog弹框关闭未清除dom (e9725f1)
- vue-demi: 兼容vue2.7.x (759d033)
1.3.0 (2022-06-30)
- style: 重构markdown样式,新增dark模式样式。VuetifyViewer新增hideMarkdownStyle参数 (22b25f2)
- table: 添加 table 插件 (21a1c57)
1.2.0 (2022-06-28)
- image: update上传时无效 (d347f68)
- image: 表单输入时lockAspectRatio默认值伪true (6acf546)
- locales: 修改国际化文本 editor.image.size.large (57d90e5)
- VuetifyViewer: blockquote的class被xss过滤 (c5a4577)
- 编辑器换空行,getHTML输出html为,和编辑时行为不一致 (7ae230e)
- BubbleMenu: 添加image-aspect-ratio选项 (7fde452)
- image: 添加长宽锁定功能,width为100%时,编辑器无效果 (9188ae4)
- VuetifyTiptap: 添加maxWidth参数 (b8cccd0)
- VuetifyViewer: 添加before插槽和after插槽 (a5fa49a)
1.1.1 (2022-06-15)
- type: typescript的Modifiers on Import Names改为旧语法 (e24e614)
1.1.0 (2022-06-14)
- TipTapToolbar: tooltip文本在dialog下无法显示 (908c1b3)
- 编辑器可进行全局配置 (1ab3299)
1.0.1 (2022-06-12)
- 初始化语言设置改为setLang (6d8f6b3)