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Driving Code Through Tests

If you’ve done some Ruby—even a little bit—you have probably heard of test-driven development (TDD). Many advocates present this software practice as the “secret key” to programming success. However, it’s still a lot of work to convince people that writing tests that are often longer than their implementation code can actually lower the total time spent on a project and increase overall efficiency.

In my work, I’ve found most of the claims about the benefits of TDD to be true. My code is better because I write tests that document the expected behaviors of my software while verifying that my code is meeting its requirements. By writing automated tests, I can be sure that once I narrow down the source of a bug and fix it, it’ll never resurface without me knowing right away. Because my tests are automated, I can hand my code off to others and mechanically assert my expectations, which does more for me than a handwritten specification ever could do.

However, the important thing to take home from this is that automated testing is really no different than what we did before we discovered it. If you’ve ever tried to narrow down a bug with a print statement based on a conditional, you’ve already written a primitive form of automated testing:

if foo != "blah"
  puts "I expected 'blah' but foo contains #{foo}"

If you’ve ever written an example to verify that a bug exists in an earlier version of code, but not in a later one, you’ve written something not at all far from the sorts of things you’ll write through TDD. The only difference is that one-off examples do not adequately account for the problems that can arise during integration with other modules. This problem can become huge, and is one that unit testing frameworks handle quite well.

Even if you already know a bit about testing and have been using it in your work, you might still feel like it doesn’t come naturally. You write tests because you see the long-term benefits, but you usually write your code first. It takes you a while to write your tests, because it seems like the code you wrote is difficult to pin down behavior-wise. In the end, testing becomes a necessary evil. You appreciate the safety net, but except for when you fall, you’d rather just focus on keeping your balance and moving forward.

Masterful Rubyists will tell you otherwise, and for good reason. Testing may be hard, but it truly does make your job of writing software easier. This chapter will show you how to integrate automated testing into your workflow, without forcing you to relearn the troubleshooting skills you’ve already acquired. By making use of the best practices discussed here, you’ll be able to more easily see the merits of TDD in your own work.

A Quick Note on Testing Frameworks

Ruby provides a unit testing framework in its standard library called minitest/unit. This library provides a user-level compatibility layer with the popular test/unit library, which has been fairly standard in the Ruby community for some time now. There are significant differences between the minitest/unit and test/unit implementations, but as we won’t be building low-level extensions in this chapter, you can assume that the code here will work in both minitest/unit and test/unit without modification.

For what it’s worth, I don’t have a very strong preference when it comes to testing frameworks. I am using the Test::Unit API here because it is part of standard Ruby, and because it is fundamentally easy to hack on and extend. Many of the existing alternative testing frameworks are built on top of Test::Unit, and you will almost certainly need to have a working knowledge of it as a Ruby developer. However, if you’ve been working with a noncompatible framework such as RSpec, there’s nothing wrong with that. The ideas here should be mostly portable to your framework of choice.

And now we can move on. Before digging into the nuts and bolts of writing tests, we’ll examine what it means for code to be easily testable, by looking at some real examples.

Designing for Testability

Describing testing with the phrase “Red, Green, Refactor” makes it seem fairly straightforward. Most people interpret this as the process of writing some failing tests, getting those tests to pass, and then cleaning up the code without causing the tests to fail again. This general assumption is exactly correct, but a common misconception is how much work needs to be done between each phase of this cycle.

For example, if we try to solve our whole problem all in one big chunk, add tests to verify that it works, then clean up our code, we end up with implementations that are very difficult to test, and even more challenging to refactor. The following example illustrates just how bad this problem can get if you’re not careful. It’s from some payroll management code I wrote in a hurry a couple of years ago:

  def time_data_for_week(week_data,start,employee_id)

  data = { |h,k| h[k] = }

  %w[M T W TH F S].zip((0..6).to_a).each do |day,offset|

    date = (start + offset.days).beginning_of_day

    data[day][:lunch_hours] = LunchTime.find(:all, conditions:
      ["employee_id = ? and day between ? and ?",
          employee_id, date, date + - 1.second] ).inject(0) { |s,r|
            s + r.duration

   times = [[:sick_hours    , "Sick"    ],
            [:personal_hours, "Personal"],
            [:vacation_hours, "Vacation"],
            [:other_hours,    "Other"   ]]

   times.each do |a,b|
     data[day][a] = OtherTime.find(:all, conditions:
       ["employee_id = ? and category = '#{b}' and date between ? and ?",
         employee_id, date, date + - 1.second] ).inject(0) { |s,r|
           s + r.hours

    d = week_data.find { |d,_| d == date }
    next unless d

    d = d[-1]
      regular_hours: d.inject(0) { |s,e|
        s + (e.end_time ? (e.end_time - e.start_time) / 3600 : 0)
      } - data[day][:lunch_hours],
      start_time: { |e| e.start_time }.sort[0],
        end_time: { |e| e.end_time }.compact.sort[-1]

  sums =

  data.each do |k,v|
    [:regular_hours, :lunch_hours, :sick_hours,
     :personal_hours, :vacation_hours, :other_hours].each { |h|
       sums[h] += v[h].to_f }

        :sick_hours,:personal_hours,:vacation_hours, :other_hours) do |t|
     %w[M T W TH F S].each { |d| t << {day: d}.merge(data[d]) }
     t << []
     t << { day: "<b>Totals</b>" }.merge(sums)

When you looked at the preceding example, did you have an easy time understanding it? If you didn’t, you don’t need to worry, because I can hardly remember what this code does, and I’m the one who wrote it. Though it is certainly possible to produce better code than this without employing TDD, it’s actually quite difficult to produce something this ugly if you are writing your tests first. This is especially true if you manage to keep your iterations nice and tight. The very nature of test-driven development lends itself to breaking your code up into smaller, simpler chunks that are easy to work with. It’s safe to say that we don’t see any of those attributes here.

Now that we’ve seen an example of what not to do, we can investigate the true benefits of TDD in the setting of a real project. What follows is the process that I went through while developing a simple feature for the Prawn PDF generation library. But first, a small diversion is necessary.

Sidebar - A Test::Unit Trick to Know About

Usually, test cases written with minitest/unit or test/unit look like this:

class MyThingieTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_must_be_empty

  def test_must_be_awesome

But in all the examples you’ll see in this chapter, we’ll be writing our tests like this:

class MyThingieTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  must "be empty" do

  must "be awesome" do

If you’ve used Test::Unit before, you might be a bit confused by the use of the must() method here. This is actually a custom addition largely based on the test() method in the activesupport gem. All this code does is automatically generate test methods for you, improving the clarity of our examples a bit. You don’t really need to worry about how this works, but for the curious, the implementation can be found at

We also discuss this in Chapter 3, as an example of how to make custom extensions to preexisting objects. So although you only need to understand how must() is used here, you’ll get a chance to see how it is built later on.

The code we’re about to look at was originally part of Prawn’s early support for inline styling, which allows users to make use of bold and italic typefaces within a single string of text. In practice, these strings look very similar to the most basic HTML markup:

"This is a string with <b>bold, <i>bold italic</i></b> and <i>italic</i> text"

Although the details of how Prawn actually converts these strings into stylized text that can be properly rendered within a PDF document are somewhat gory, the process of breaking up the string and parsing out the style tags is quite straightforward. We’ll focus on this aspect of things, stepping through the design and development process until we end up with a simple function that behaves as follows:

>> StyleParser.process("Some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text")
=> ["Some ", "<b>", "bold", "</b>", " and ", "<i>", "italic", "</i>", " text"]

This example demonstrates the final product, but the initial pass at things wasn’t so polished. I started by considering the possibility of passing all the strings rendered in Prawn through style processing, so the initial case I thought of was actually to allow the method to return the string itself when it did not detect any style data. My early example looked something like this:

class TestInlineStyleParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase
  must "simply return the string if styles are not found" do
    @pdf =
    assert_equal "Hello World", @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Hello World")

My initial functionality looked something like this:

class Prawn::Document
  def parse_inline_styles(text)

This caused my example to run without failure, and is quite possibly the most boring code imaginable. However, working in small steps like this helps keep things simple and also allows you to sanity-check that things are working as expected. Seeing that this was the case, I was able to move forward with another set of examples. The modified test case ended up looking like this:

class TestInlineStyleParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase
  must "simply return the string if styles are not found" do
    @pdf =
    assert_equal "Hello World", @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Hello World")

  must "parse italic tags" do
    @pdf =
    assert_equal ["Hello ", "<i>", "Fine", "</i>", " World"],
                  @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Hello <i>Fine</i> World")

  must "parse bold tags" do
    @pdf =
    assert_equal ["Some very ", "<b>", "bold text", "</b>"],
      @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Some very <b>bold text</b>")


Despite the fact that I’m writing a book titled Ruby Best Practices, I freely admit that I write some dumb code sometimes. For evidence, we can look at the first bit of code that made this example work:

def parse_inline_styles(text)
  require "strscan"

  sc =
  output = []
  last_pos = 0

  loop do
    if sc.scan_until(/<\/?[ib]>/)
      pre = sc.pre_match[last_pos..-1]
      output << pre unless pre.empty?
      output << sc.matched
      last_pos = sc.pos
      output << if
      break output

  output.length == 1 ? output.first : output

That’s way longer than it needs to be. Luckily, a useful aspect of using automated behavior verification is that it is helpful during refactoring. I had planned to send this code out to the ruby-talk mailing list so that I could learn the elegant solution that I knew must exist but couldn’t quite muster in my first pass. Before I could do that though, I needed to add another example to clarify the intended behavior:

must "parse mixed italic and bold tags" do
  @pdf =
  assert_equal ["Hello ", "<i>", "Fine ", "<b>", "World", "</b>", "</i>"],
    @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Hello <i>Fine <b>World</b></i>")

Some folks might make the claim that a good test suite makes it easier to communicate with customers, but I’ve never been too sure about that. What I do know is that tests are downright awesome for describing a problem to your fellow developers. Within minutes of posting my examples to ruby-talk, I had a much better implementation in hand 1

def parse_inline_styles(text)
  segments = text.split( %r{(</?.*?>)} ).reject {|x| x.empty? }
  segments.size == 1 ? segments.first : segments

Running the examples showed that this code accomplished what my earlier code did, as there were no failures. However, your code is only as correct as the examples you choose, and as it turns out, this code gave me more than I bargained for. It parsed out anything within angle braces, meaning it’d pull out the tags in the following string:

"Hello <indigo>Charlie</indigo>"

Though this might be useful in some situations, I really wanted to parse out only the two specific tags I planned to handle, so I added an example to cover this:

must "not split out other tags than <i>, <b>, </i>, </b>" do
  @pdf =
  assert_equal ["Hello <indigo>Ch", "</b>", "arl", "</b>", "ie</indigo>"],
    @pdf.parse_inline_styles("Hello <indigo>Ch</b>;arl</b>ie</indigo>")

This new example resulted in a failure, as expected. The required change was simple, and caused everything to pass again:

def parse_inline_styles(text)
  segments = text.split( %r{(</?[ib]>)} ).delete_if{|x| x.empty? }
  segments.size == 1 ? segments.first : segments

I originally planned to pass through this function every string that Prawn attempted to render, and this influenced the way the initial interface was specified. However, later I realized that it would be better to check to see whether a string had any style tags in it before attempting to parse it. Because the process of rendering the text is handled in two very different ways depending on whether there are inline styles present, I needed to handle only the case when there were tags to be extracted in my parser:

def parse_inline_styles(text)
  text.split( %r{(</?[ib]>)} ).delete_if{|x| x.empty? }

This cleanup caused one of my examples to fail, because it broke the old default behavior:

  1) Failure:
test_simply_return_the_string_if_styles_are_not_found(TestInlineStyleParsing) [...]:
<"Hello World"> expected but was
<["Hello World"]>.

As this example was no longer relevant, I simply removed it and was back under the green light. But I still needed a related feature, which was the ability to test whether a string needed to be parsed. I considered making this a private method on Prawn::Document, but it led to some ugly code:

must "be able to check whether a string needs to be parsed" do
  @pdf =
  assert ! @pdf.send(:style_tag?, "Hello World")
  assert @pdf.send(:style_tag?, "Hello <i>Fine</i> World")

Most of the time when I need to use send() to call a private method in one of my tests, I try to rethink my interface. Sometimes it’s a necessary evil, but most of the time it just means that things are looking to be refactored. When I first added Document#parse_inline_styles, it didn’t concern me much to add a single utility method for this purpose. However, once I found out that I needed an additional helper method, I began to rethink the problem. I realized things would look better if I wrapped the code up in a module.

I updated my examples to reflect this change, and cleaned them up a bit by adding a setup method, which gets run before each individual test:

class TestInlineStyleParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def setup
    @parser = Prawn::Document::Text::StyleParser

  must "parse italic tags" do
    assert_equal ["Hello ", "<i>", "Fine", "</i>", " World"],
      @parser.process("Hello <i>Fine</i> World")

  must "parse bold tags" do
    assert_equal ["Some very ", "<b>", "bold text", "</b>"],
      @parser.process("Some very <b>bold text</b>")

  must "parse mixed italic and bold tags" do
    assert_equal ["Hello ", "<i>", "Fine ", "<b>", "World", "</b>", "</i>"],
      @parser.process("Hello <i>Fine <b>World</b></i>")

  must "not split out other tags than <i>, <b>, </i>, </b>" do
    assert_equal ["Hello <indigo>Ch", "</b>", "arl", "</b>", "ie</indigo>"],
      @parser.process("Hello <indigo>Ch</b>arl</b>ie</indigo>")

  must "be able to check whether a string needs to be parsed" do
    assert @parser.style_tag?("Hello <i>Fine</i> World")
    assert !@parser.style_tag?("Hello World")


Because these features didn’t really rely on anything within Prawn::Document, it made me happy to give them a home of their own, ready to be expanded later as needed. I created the module and dropped in the trivial check that made up the style_tag? feature:

module StyleParser
  extend self

  def process(text)
    text.split( %r{(</?[ib]>)} ).delete_if{|x| x.empty? }

  def style_tag?(text)
    !!(text =~ %r{(</?[ib]>)})

With the tests passing, I snuck in one more bit of cleanup under the green light, just to make things a little more DRY:2

module StyleParser
  extend self

  TAG_PATTERN = %r{(</?[ib]>)}

  def process(text)
    text.split(TAG_PATTERN).delete_if{|x| x.empty? }

  def style_tag?(text)
    !!(text =~ TAG_PATTERN)

With these two simple features in hand, I was then ready to work on implementing the inline styling support in Prawn, which I can assure you was far less pleasant to hack together.3

Even though this example was quite simple, it captures the entire process of evolving a feature by using progressively tweaked examples from start to finish. Although the end result is an automated safety net that verifies that my methods behave as I’ve specified them, you can see that the process of problem discovery, refactoring, and iterative design are the true fruits of test-driven development. This is what justifies spending time writing tests that are often longer than your implementation. The resulting examples are mostly a helpful side effect; the power of this technique is in what insight you gain through writing them in the first place.

Now that we’ve seen the process in action, we’ll take a step back and go over some testing fundamentals. Although this stuff may be familiar to folks who are already accustomed to TDD, it doesn’t hurt to brush up on the essentials, as they form a foundation for the more advanced stuff that we’ll tackle a little later.

Testing Fundamentals

A few good habits go a long way when it comes to TDD. We’ll now take a look at some key techniques that help make writing solid and maintainable tests much easier.

Well-Focused Examples

A common beginner habit in testing is to create a single example that covers all of the edge cases for a given method. An example of this might be something along these lines:

class VolumeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  must "compute volume based on length, width, and height" do
    # defaults to l=w=h=1
    assert_equal 1, volume

    #when given 1 arg, set l=x, set w,h = 1
    x = 6
    assert_equal x, volume(x)

    # when given 2 args, set l=x, w=y and h=1
    y = 2
    assert_equal x*y, volume(x,y)

    # when given 3 args, set l=x, w=y and h=z
    z = 7
    assert_equal x*y*z, volume(x,y,z)

    # when given a hash, use :length, :width, :height
    assert_equal x*y*z, volume(length: x, width: y, height: z)

Though it is relatively easy to type things out this way, there are some limitations that are worth noting. One of the most obvious issues with this approach is that it isn’t very organized. Compare the previous example to the next, and you’ll see how much easier it is to read things when they are cleanly separated out:

class VolumeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

  must "return 1 by default if no arguments are given" do
    # defaults to l=w=h=1
    assert_equal 1, volume

  must "set l=x, set w,h = 1 when given 1 numeric argument" do
    x = 6
    assert_equal x, volume(x)

  must "set l=x, w=y, and h=1 when given 2 arguments" do
    x, y = 6, 2
    assert_equal x*y, volume(x,y)

  must "set l=x, w=y, and h=z when given 3 arguments" do
    x,y,z = 6, 2, 7
    assert_equal x*y*z, volume(x,y,z)

  must "use :length, :width, and :height when given a hash argument" do
    x,y,z = 6, 2, 7
    assert_equal x*y*z, volume(length: x, width: y, height: z)


However, the improved clarity is actually one of the lesser reasons why this code is better. In the former example, your failure report will include only the first assertion that was violated; the code that follows it will not even be executed. When you get the report back, you’ll get a message that shows you the numeric expected/actual values, but it will be titled something like, “a volume function should compute volume based on length width and height,” which is not very instructive for determining which case caused the problem.

In the latter approach, every single example will run, testing all of the cases simultaneously. This means that if a change you make to your code affects three out of the four cases, your tests will report back three out of four cases rather than just the first failed assertion in the example. They’ll have more useful names, too, each uniquely pointing back to the individual must() call that failed.

Although the code shown here is unlikely to have side effects, there is an additional benefit to splitting up examples: each one runs in its own clean-slate environment. This means you can use setup and teardown methods to manage pre- and postprocessing, but the code will run largely independent of your other examples. The benefit here is that you’ll avoid the problem of accidentally depending on some side effect or state that is left hanging around as a result of another method call. Because of this, your tests will be more isolated and less likely to run into false positives or strange errors.

Testing Exceptions

Code is not merely specified by the way it acts under favorable conditions. Although it’d be great if we could assume conservative input and liberal output constraints, this just doesn’t seem to be practical in most cases. This means that our code will often need to raise appropriate exceptions when it isn’t able to handle the request it has been given, or if it detects misuse that deserves further attention. Luckily, Test::Unit makes it easy for us to specify both when code should raise a certain error, and when we expect it to run without error. We’ll take a look at a trivial little lockbox object that provides rudimentary access control to get a feel for how this looks. See if you can understand the tests just by reading through them:

class LockBoxTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def setup
    @lock_box = password: "secret",
                              content: "My Secret Message" )

  must "raise an error when an invalid password is used" do
    assert_raises(LockBox::InvalidPassword) do

  must "Not raise error when a valid password is used" do
    assert_nothing_raised do

  must "prevent access to content by default" do
    assert_raises(LockBox::UnauthorizedAccess) do

  must "allow access to content when box is properly unlocked" do
    assert_nothing_raised do


As you can see, these tests read pretty clearly. Testing your exceptions is as easy as using the assert_raises() and assert_nothing_raised() methods with the relevant error class names. We can take a quick look at the implementation of LockBox to see what the code that satisfies these tests looks like:

class LockBox

  UnauthorizedAccess =
  InvalidPassword    =

  def initialize(options)
    @locked   = true
    @password = options[:password]
    @content  = options[:content]

  def unlock(pass)
    @password == pass ? @locked = false : raise(InvalidPassword)

  def content
    @locked ? raise(UnauthorizedAccess) : @content

Nothing too fancy is going on here—just a few conditional arguments and a pair of custom exceptions.4

But if we failed to test the cases that generated the exceptions, we wouldn’t have full test coverage. Generally speaking, any time your methods might intentionally raise an error, you’ll want to set up test cases that cover both the condition where this error is raised as well as the case where it is not. This will help make sure that your error can actually be raised, while ensuring that it isn’t raised unconditionally. Testing this way will help you catch trivial mistakes up front, which is always a good thing.

Run the Whole Suite at Once

Though the examples we have worked with so far might fit well in a single file, you’ll eventually want to split up your tests across several files. However, that doesn’t mean that you should run them only in isolation!

A key feature of automated testing is that it gives you a comprehensive sense of how your software is running as a system, not just on a component-by-component basis. To keep aware of any problems that might occur during refactoring or wiring in new features, it is beneficial to run your entire suite of examples on every change. Luckily, using Ruby’s standard project automation tool, this is trivial. Here is a sample Rakefile that uses some of the most common conventions:

require "rake/testtask"

task :default => [:test] do |test|
  test.libs << "test"
  test.test_files = Dir[ "test/test_*.rb" ]
  test.verbose = true

This code makes it so rake test will run every Ruby file in the test/ folder of your project that starts with test_ and ends with the .rb extension. A typical directory layout that works with this sort of command looks like this:


You can tweak which files get run by changing the glob pattern passed to Dir. These work pretty much the same as they do on the command line, so you can just put one together that suits your file layout.

Now, if you’ve got some expensive resources you’re writing tests against, such as file I/O, database interaction, or some network operation, you may be a bit nervous about the idea of running all your tests on every change you make. This may be due to performance concerns or due to the fact that you simply can’t afford to do frequent live tests of your external resources. However, in most cases, this problem can be worked around, and actually leads to better tests.

The solution I’m alluding to is mock objects, and how they can be used to avoid dependencies on external resources. We’ll go over several advanced concepts in the following section, but mocks are as good a place to start as any, so we’ll work with them first. Before we do that though, let’s review some of the key guidelines that outline testing fundamentals:

  • Keep your test cases atomic. If you are testing a function with multiple interfaces, write multiple examples. Also, write an example for each edge case you want to test.

  • Don’t just check function input and output, also use assert_raises() and assert_nothing_raised() to test that exceptions are being thrown under the right conditions, and not unexpectedly.

  • Use a rake task to automate running your test suite, and run all of your examples on every change to ensure that integration issues are caught as soon as they are introduced. Running tests individually may save time by catching problems early, but before moving from feature to feature, it is crucial to run the whole suite.

Advanced Testing Techniques

The most basic testing techniques will get you far, but when things get complicated, you need to break out the big guns. What follows are a few tricks to try out when you run into a roadblock.

Using Mocks and Stubs

In a perfect world, all the resources that we needed would be self-contained in our application, and all interactions would take place in constant time. In our real work, life is nothing like this. We’ve got to deal with user input, database interaction, web service calls, file I/O, and countless other moving parts that live outside of our application. Testing these things can be painful.

Sure, we could set up a development database that gets blown out and reloaded every time our tests run—that’s what Rails does. We could read and write from temporary files, clearing out our leftovers after each example runs. For things like web services, we could build a fake service that acts the way we expect our live service to act and run it on a staging server. The question here is not whether it is possible to do this, but whether it is necessary.

Sometimes, you really do need to deal with real-world data. This is especially true when you want to tune and optimize performance or test resource-dependent interactions. However, in most cases, our code is mainly interested only in the behavior of the things we interact with, not what they really are. This is where either a mock or a stub could come in handy.

There are additional benefits to removing dependencies on external code and resources as well. By removing these extra layers, you are capable of isolating your examples so that they test only the code in question. This purposefully eliminates a lot of inter dependencies within your tests and helps make sure that you find and fix problems in the right places, instead of everywhere their influence is felt.

Let’s start with a trivial example, to help you get your head around the concepts of mocks and stubs, and form a working definition of what they are.

What follows is some basic code that asks a user a yes or no question, waits for input, and then returns true or false based on the answer. A basic implementation might look like this:

class Questioner

  def ask(question)
    puts question
    response = gets.chomp
    when /^y(es)?$/i
    when /^no?$/i
      puts "I don't understand."
      ask question


Go ahead and toy around with this a bit by executing something similar to this little chunk of code, to get a sense for how it works:

q =
puts q.ask("Are you happy?") ? "Good I'm Glad" : "That's Too Bad"

Interacting with this code by just running a simple script in the console is enough to show that it pretty much works as expected. However, how do we test it? Is it enough to break down the code so that it’s a bit more testable, allowing us to write tests for everything but the actual user interaction?

class Questioner

  def ask(question)
    puts question
    response = yes_or_no(gets.chomp)
    response.nil? ? ask(question) : response

  def yes_or_no(response)
    when /^y(es)?$/i
    when /^no?$/i


Now most of the work is being done in yes_or_no, which is easily testable:

class QuestionerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @questioner =

%w[y Y  YeS YES yes].each do |yes|
  must "return true when yes_or_no parses #{yes}" do
    assert @questioner.yes_or_no(yes), "#{yes.inspect} expected to parse as true"

%w[n N no nO].each do |no|
  must "return false when yes_or_no parses #{no}" do
    assert ! @questioner.yes_or_no(no), "#{no.inspect} expected to parse as false"

%w[Note Yesterday xyzaty].each do |mu|
  must "return nil because #{mu} is not a variant of 'yes' or 'no'" do
    assert_nil @questioner.yes_or_no(mu), "#{mu.inspect} expected to parse as nil"


These examples will all pass, and most of your code will be tested, except for the trivial ask() method. However, what if we wanted to build code that relies on the results of the ask() method?

class Questioner

def inquire_about_happiness
  ask("Are you happy?") ? "Good I'm Glad" : "That's Too Bad"

def ask(question)
  puts question
  response = yes_or_no(gets.chomp)
  response.nil? ? ask(question) : response

def yes_or_no(response)
  when /^y(es)?$/i
  when /^no?$/i

If we want to write tests that depend on the return value of ask(), we’ll need to do something to prevent the need for direct user input. A relatively simple way to test inquire_about_happiness() is to replace the ask() method with a stub that returns our expected values for each scenario:

class HappinessTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @questioner =

must "respond 'Good I'm Glad' when inquire_about_happiness gets 'yes'" do
  def @questioner.ask(question); true; end
  assert_equal "Good I'm Glad", @questioner.inquire_about_happiness

must "respond 'That's Too Bad' when inquire_about_happiness gets 'no'" do
  def @questioner.ask(question); false; end
  assert_equal "That's Too Bad", @questioner.inquire_about_happiness

If we wanted to be a bit more formal about things, we could use a third-party tool to make our stubbing more explicit and easier to work with. There are lots of options for this, but one I especially like is the flexmock gem by Jim Weirich. We’ll look at this tool in much greater detail when we discuss formal mocking, but for now, let’s just look at how it can be used to clean up our stubbing example:

require "flexmock/test_unit"

class HappinessTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @questioner =

must "respond 'Good I'm Glad' when inquire_about_happiness gets 'yes'" do
  stubbed = flexmock(@questioner, :ask => true)
  assert_equal "Good I'm Glad", stubbed.inquire_about_happiness

must "respond 'That's Too Bad' when inquire_about_happiness gets 'no'" do
  stubbed = flexmock(@questioner, :ask => false)
  assert_equal "That's Too Bad", stubbed.inquire_about_happiness

The example code accomplishes the same task as our manual stubbing, but does so in an arguably more pleasant and organized way. Though it might be overkill to pull in a third-party package just to stub out a method or two, you can see how this interface would be preferable if you needed to write tests that were a little more complicated, or at least more involved.

No matter how we implement them, stubs do allow us to improve our test coverage a bit more here. Still, let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves a question: did we really finish our job? Looking at the code, we find that our naive implementation sans tests looks like this:

class Questioner

def inquire_about_happiness
  ask("Are you happy?") ? "Good I'm Glad" : "That's Too Bad"

def ask(question)
  puts question
  response = gets.chomp
  when /^y(es)?$/i
  when /^no?$/i
    puts "I don't understand."
    ask question


Our test-driven results turn out like this:

class Questioner

def inquire_about_happiness
  ask("Are you happy?") ? "Good I'm Glad" : "That's Too Bad"

def ask(question)
  puts question
  response = yes_or_no(gets.chomp)
  response.nil? ? ask(question) : response

def yes_or_no(response)
  when /^y(es)?$/i
  when /^no?$/i


Though we’ve successfully split out our yes_or_no parser for testing, we still don’t have any automated checks for how our code will display a question to the user and how it will respond based on that code. Presently, the only safety net we have for our I/O code is our limited testing in our terminals, which can hardly be called robust. Although it is of course better to have some coverage than no coverage at all, we can do better here.

Ruby ships with a StringIO class, which essentially is an IO object that is implemented to work against a string rather than the typical file handles. Although I hesitate to call this a mock object, it comes close in practice. We’ll take a quick look at how you might use it to test I/O code, which is a nice stepping stone that can lead us into real mock territory.

But before we can test with StringIO, we need to make it so that our Questioner class allows us to swap out the input and output sources for our own custom objects:

class Questioner

def initialize(in=STDIN,out=STDOUT)
  @input  = in
  @output = out

def ask(question)
  @output.puts question
  response = @input.gets.chomp
  when /^y(es)?$/i
  when /^no?$/i
    @output.puts "I don't understand."
    ask question


By default, nothing will change and I/O will still go to STDIN and STDOUT. However, this opens the door for replacing these I/O objects with a pair of StringIO objects, allowing us to totally rethink our tests:

class QuestionerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @input  =
  @output =
  @questioner =,@output)
  @question   = "Are you happy?"

["y", "Y", "YeS", "YES", "yes"].each do |y|
  must "return false when parsing #{y}" do
    assert @questioner.ask(@question), "Expected '#{y}' to be true"
    expect_output "#{@question}\n"

["n", "N", "no", "nO"].each do |no|
  must "return false when parsing #{no}" do
    assert !@questioner.ask(@question)
    expect_output "#{@question}\n"

[["y", true],["n", false]].each do |input,state|
  must "continue to ask for input until given #{input}" do
   provide_input "Note\nYesterday\nxyzaty\n#{input}"
   assert_equal state, @questioner.ask(@question)
   expect_output "#{@question}\nI don't understand.\n"*3 + "#{@question}\n"

def provide_input(string)
  @input << string

def expect_output(string)
  assert_equal string, @output.string


Without too much more effort, we were able to specify and test the full behavior of this trivial little program. We are able to test both the logic, and the actual I/O operations, to verify that they work as we expect them to. In this particular case, we were pretty lucky that Ruby ships with a library that acts like an I/O object and makes our testing easier. We won’t always be so lucky. What’s more, we don’t really need most of what StringIO has to offer here. A lighter (albeit more abstract) approach would be to use a formal mocking framework to do the job. Let’s take a look at how this problem might be solved in flexmock, to make things a bit clearer:

require "flexmock/test_unit"

class QuestionerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @input  = flexmock("input")
  @output = flexmock("output")
  @questioner =,@output)
  @question   = "Are you happy?"

["y", "Y", "YeS", "YES", "yes"].each do |y|
  must "return false when parsing #{y}" do
    expect_output @question
    assert @questioner.ask(@question), "Expected '#{y}' to be true"

["n", "N", "no", "nO"].each do |no|
  must "return false when parsing #{no}" do
    expect_output @question
    assert !@questioner.ask(@question)

[["y", true], ["n", false]].each do |input, state|
  must "continue to ask for input until given #{input}" do
    %w[Yesterday North kittens].each do |i|
      expect_output @question
      expect_output("I don't understand.")

    expect_output @question

    assert_equal state, @questioner.ask(@question)

def provide_input(string)
  @input.should_receive(:gets => string).once

def expect_output(string)


The interesting thing about this example is that flexmock() returns a completely generic object, yet this accomplishes the same results as using StringIO, which is finely tuned for emulating a real IO object. The end result is that the latter example tends to focus on the interactions between your code and the resource, and that the former example is more directly bound to what an I/O object actually is. It can be beneficial to avoid such tight distinctions, especially when working in Ruby, where what an object actually is tends to be less important than what it can do.

To generalize: mock objects essentially break interactions down into the messages that an object should receive, the arguments that accompany the messages, the return values of the methods, whether a block is yielded, and whether any errors should be raised. If this sounds like a lot, don’t worry too much. The beauty of a mock object is that you need to specify only those things that are necessary to handle in your code.

Flexmock (like many of the other Ruby mocking options) is quite robust, and to go over it extensively here would take more than just a single section of a chapter. However, through this simple example, you can see that there are ways to avoid actively hitting your external resources while still being able to test your interactions with them.

Of course, using a mock object comes with its own cost, like anything else. In this example, if we changed the internal code to use print() instead of puts(), we would need to modify our mock object, but we would not need to modify our StringIO-based solution. Although a mock object completely eliminates the need to worry about the internal state of your dependencies, it creates a tighter coupling to their interfaces. This means that some care should be taken when deciding just how much you want to mock out in any given test suite.

Learning how to build decent mock objects without going overboard takes some practice, but is not too hard once you get the hang of it. It ultimately forms one of the hard aspects of testing, and once that bridge is crossed, only a few more remain.

Testing Complex Output

Dealing with programs that need to generate complex output can be a pain. Verifying that things actually work as you expect them to is important, but simply comparing raw output values in an automated test leads to examples that are nearly impossible to follow. However, we often resort to just dumping our expected data into our tests and comparing it to what we’re actually generating. This sort of test is useful for detecting when a problem arises, but finding the source of it, even with decent diff utilities, can be a real pain.

Imagine we’ve got a basic blog that needs to output RSS, which is really just a specialized XML format. The following example is a simplified version of what I use to generate the feeds in my blog. James Gray actually wrote the code for it, using XML Builder, another great gem from Jim Weirich:

require "builder"
require "ostruct"

class Blog < OpenStruct

def entries
  @entries ||= []

def to_rss
  xml =
  xml.rss version: "2.0" do do
    xml.title       title        "http://#{domain}/"
    xml.description  description
    xml.language    "en-us"

    @entries.each do |entry|
      xml.item do
        xml.title       entry.title
        xml.description entry.description      author
        xml.pubDate     entry.published_date        entry.url
        xml.guid        entry.url


We need to test that the output of this to_rss method is what we expect it to be. The lazy approach would look like this:

require "time"

class BlogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
<description>Totally awesome</description><language>en-us</language><item>
<title>First Post</title><description>Nothing interesting</description>
<author>Gregory Brown</author><pubDate>2008-08-08 00:00:00 -0400</pubDate>

def setup
  @blog =
  @blog.title       = "Awesome"
  @blog.domain      = ""
  @blog.description = "Totally awesome"      = "Gregory Brown"

  entry =
  entry.title          = "First Post"
  entry.description    = "Nothing interesting"
  entry.published_date = Time.parse("08/08/2008")
  entry.url            = ""

  @blog.entries << entry

must "have a totally awesome RSS feed" do
  assert_equal FEED.delete("\n"), @blog.to_rss


You could make this slightly less ugly by storing your output in a file, but it’s not much better:

class BlogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @blog =
  @blog.title       = "Awesome"
  @blog.domain      = ""
  @blog.description = "Totally awesome"      = "Gregory Brown"

  entry =
  entry.title          = "First Post"
  entry.description    = "Nothing interesting"
  entry.published_date = Time.parse("08/08/2008")
  entry.url            = ""

  @blog.entries << entry

must "have a totally awesome RSS feed" do
  assert_equal"expected.rss"), @blog.to_rss


In the end, the issue boils down to the fact that you’re definitely not focusing on the important parts of the problem if you have to check the output character by character. An RSS feed with some extra whitespace in it would be no less valid than the file shown here, yet it would cause an annoying failure in your tests.

Unless it really isn’t worth your time, the best way to deal with complex output is to parse it into a workable dataset before doing your comparisons. There are a few RSS feed parsers out there that would make quick work of a file like this. However, in the interest of generality, we could use a generic XML parser without much more effort.

There are a few solid choices for XML parsing in Ruby, and even support for it in the standard library. However, the library that I find most pleasant to work with is the nokogiri gem, written by Aaron Patterson. Here’s what part of the tests look like after they’ve been reworked to use Nokogiri:

require "time"
require "nokogiri"

class BlogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
  @blog =
  @blog.title       = "Awesome"
  @blog.domain      = ""
  @blog.description = "Totally awesome"      = "Gregory Brown"

  entry =
  entry.title          = "First Post"
  entry.description    = "Nothing interesting"
  entry.published_date = Time.parse("08/08/2008")
  entry.url            = ""

  @blog.entries << entry
  @feed = Nokogiri::XML(@blog.to_rss)

must "be RSS v 2.0" do
  assert_equal "2.0","rss")["version"]

must "have a title of Awesome" do
  assert_equal "Awesome", text_at("rss", "title")

must "have a description of Totally Awesome" do
  assert_equal "Totally awesome", text_at("rss", "description")

must "have an author of Gregory Brown" do
  assert_equal "Gregory Brown", text_at("rss", "author")

must "have an entry with the title: First Post" do
  assert_equal "First Post", text_at("item", "title")

def text_at(*args)
  args.inject(@feed) { |s,r| s.send(:at, r) }.inner_text


This is a huge improvement! Now, our tests actually look like they’re verifying the things we’re interested in, rather than simply checking our output against some amorphous code blob that we can’t easily inspect and verify.

Of course, this approach to testing complex data requires you to trust whatever you are using to parse your output, but as long as you can do that, the ability of whatever library you use to parse your output is from the very start an indication that you are producing meaningful results.

Not every file format you will encounter will have parsers available for it, of course. Some of the formats you need to produce may even be fully custom-made. However, providing that it isn’t impossible to build one, a parser will come in handy for making your tests more flexible and expressive. Consider this possibility before turning to direct file comparison as a last resort only.

We’re about to wrap up with a mixed bag of tips and tricks for keeping your test suite maintainable, but before we do that, let’s go over some of the highlights of the advanced testing techniques discussed in this section:

  • Mocks and stubs can be used to remove external dependencies from tests while still verifying proper behavior and interaction.
  • Stubs are used when we want to replace some functionality with canned results to make testing other code easier.
  • Mocks are used to create objects that can act in place of an external resource for the purpose of testing. Mock objects are set up with expected responses, which are then verified when the tests are run. This means that if you have something like my_obj.should_receive(:foo).once and foo is never called on my_obj, this will result in a test failure. This is the primary difference between mocks and stubs.
  • When testing complex output, it is best to find a tool that parses the output format you are generating, and write your tests against its results.
  • When you can’t find a tool for parsing your output format, you might consider building one that parses only the values you are interested in, in addition to necessary basic validation of the document’s structure.
  • If it isn’t possible to parse your generated data without great effort, consider storing your expected output in its own file and loading it into your tests as needed, using a diff utility to compare expected and actual output.
  • For most XML formats, Nokogiri does a great job of parsing the document and making it easily searchable.

Keeping Things Organized

Just like other code, test suites tend to grow in both size and complexity throughout the lifecycle of a project. The following techniques help keep things tidy and well factored, allowing your tests to continue to serve as a road map to your project.

Embedding Tests in Library Files

If you are working on a very small program or library, and you want to be able to run your tests while in development, but then require the code as part of another program later, there is a simple idiom that is useful for embedding your tests:

class Foo

  require "test/unit"

  class TestFoo < Test::Unit::TestCase

Simply wrapping your tests in this if statement will allow running ruby foo.rb to execute your tests, while require "foo" will still work as expected without running the tests. This can be useful for sharing small programs with others, or for writing some tests while developing a small prototype of a larger application. However, once you start to produce more than a few test cases, be sure to break things back out into their normal directory structure. Giant files can be a bit unwieldy to deal with, and it is a bit awkward (even though it is possible) to treat your lib/ directory as if it were also your test suite.

Test Helpers

When you begin to chain together a large amount of test cases, you might find that you are repeating some information across them. Some of the most common things in this regard are require statements and basic helper functions.

A good solution to keep things clean is to create a test/test_helpers.rb file and then do all of your global configuration there. In your individual tests, you can require this file by expanding the direct path to it, using the following idiom:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helpers'

This allows your test files to be run individually from any directory, not just the top-level directory. Here is a sample test_helpers.rb from the Prawn project to give you a sense of what kinds of things might go into the file:

require "rubygems"
require "test/unit"

$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')
require "prawn"
gem 'pdf-reader', ">=0.7.3"
require "pdf/reader"

def create_pdf
  @pdf =  left_margin: 0,  right_margin: 0,
                               top_margin: 0, bottom_margin: 0 )

def observer(klass)
  @output = @pdf.render
  obs =

def parse_pdf_object(obj), nil).parse_token

puts "Prawn tests: Running on Ruby Version: #{RUBY_VERSION}"

Here you can see that load path adjustments, project-specific dependencies, and some basic helper functions are being loaded. The helper functions are obviously Prawn-specific, but as you can see, they provide wrappers around common operations that need to be done in a number of our tests, which result in something like this in practice:

class PolygonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

must "draw each line passed to polygon()" do
  @pdf =

  line_drawing = observer(LineDrawingObserver)
  assert_equal [[100,500],[100,400],[200,400],[100,500]],


It’s completely up to you how far you wish to take this sort of thing. As a rule of thumb, if you find yourself using a feature in more than a few places, consider adding it to test_helpers.rb. If you want a little more of a clean approach, you can wrap your helpers in a module, but depending on what you’re doing, just defining them at the top level might be fine as well.

Your helper file essentially allows you to centralize the support features for your test suite. When used effectively, this approach can greatly simplify your tests and reduce duplicated code that can lead to problems.

Custom Assertions

In addition to building helper functions to support your examples, you can actually build custom assertions to augment the vocabulary of your tests.

Porting an example from RSpec’s documentation, it is easy to see how simple it is to add a custom assertion to your tests. We want to transform a basic statement that looks like this:

assert bob.current_zone.eql?("4"))

into something a bit more friendly, such as:

assert_in_zone("4", bob)

To do this in Test::Unit, we’ll make use of the low-level function assert_block(). Here’s how you would define assert_in_zone and its complement, assert_not_in_zone:

def assert_in_zone(expected, person)
  assert_block("Expected #{person.inspect} to be in Zone #{expected}") do

def assert_not_in_zone(expected_zone, person)
  assert_block("Expected #{person.inspect} not to be in Zone #{expected}") do

With these definitions in place, you can use the assertions as we specified earlier. When the statement is true, the assertion will pass; when it is false, the assertion will fail and display the custom message. All of the assertions in Test::Unit can be built upon assert_block, which indicates how powerful it can be for creating your own higher-level assertions.

We’re winding to a close with the discussion of testing practices, but here’s the recap of things you can do to keep your testing code neat and well formed:

  • If you’re working with a tiny program, don’t bother with the formal directory structure—just use the simple idiom that allows your script to be both loaded as a library and run as an executable.
  • If your application is bigger, eliminate duplication by centralizing your boilerplate and support code in a test/test_helpers.rb file that is required by all of your tests.
  • If your code seems to be doing a lot of complicated stuff and Test::Unit’s built-in assertions aren’t doing the trick, build your own via the simple assert_block function.


Testing is a big topic—one that can easily span across several books. Each respective testing framework available in Ruby can be an equally huge topic, and one that is worth studying in its own right. Nevertheless, the goal of this chapter was to teach the principles behind test-driven development, rather than the exact technical applications you might encounter. It is important to remember that testing is meant to make your code better and more maintainable, not to lead you into confusion or make you feel like you’re stuck doing busywork instead of doing real coding.

Also remember that if your solution seems difficult to test, it may be a sign that your design is not flexible enough to easily be refactored or interacted with. By writing the tests before the code, and cleaning up after every small feature spike, it becomes easier and easier to avoid the common pitfalls of overly complex code.

Of course, there are cases in which things really just are difficult to test. You’ll know when you run into these things, as they often include dependence on a complex or difficult-to-pin-down external resource, or have some other special thing about them that just makes testing hard. In these cases, don’t let testing dogma get in your way: it doesn’t make sense to freeze in place simply because you can’t think of a good testing strategy. But by the same token, don’t let these things steal your focus away from the parts of your application that you actually can test. Try to remember that partial coverage is usually much better than no coverage at all.

The good thing is that for the most part, Ruby is a language that truly makes testing enjoyable, as long as you learn how to do it properly. The topics covered in this chapter will hopefully put you well on your way, but the best way to get into the swing of things is simply to get out there and start writing some tests. The rest will come together naturally.


  1. Thanks to Robert Dober, ruby-talk post #309593.

  2. Don’t Repeat Yourself.

  3. In fact, it wasn’t until several months later that an acceptable inline styling tool saw the light of day, thanks to the efforts of Jamis Buck.

  4. The syntax used for creating errors here is just a shortcut for class MyCustomError < StandardError; end.