ListOfDevices is an internal plugin structure which is managing the all plugin database. This object is store in the DeviceList-xx.txt at different period of time:
- When a new Domoticz Device is created
- When stoping the plugin
- Every 15'
Field Name | Description |
Ep | list of End Points, and for each of them list of clusters |
NbEp | Number of End points |
Type | |
Model | Model name |
MacCapa | Device capabilities as per ZigBee definition |
IEEE | IEEE address |
ProfileID | profileID as per ZigBee definition |
ZDeviceID | DeviceID as per ZigBee definition |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer code |
DeviceType | FFD ( Full Functional Device ) , RFD ( Reduced Functional Device) |
LogicalType | Router, Controller, End Device |
PowerSource | Main, Battery |
ReceiveOnIdle | On (able to receive command when Idle), Off ( cannot receive command on Idle) |
App Version | Application version |
Stack Version | Zigbee stack version |
HW Version | Hardware version |
Status | inDB (in Domoticz DB), UNKNOWN (unidentified device) |
Battery | battery % |
BatteryUpdateTime | last battery update time |
RSSI | Link quality |
SQN | Sequence Number |
ClusterType | Domoticz device Id and Cluster Type |
RIA | Used during the pairing process |
Version | plugin data structure version |
Stamp | timestamp of the last message received |
ColorInfos | Color info reported by the device (if applicable) |
ConfigureReporting | report per Ep/Cluster if the ConfigureReporting was a success or not |
ReadAttributes | report per Ep/Cluster/Attribute if the ReadAttribute was a success or not |
b837 : { 'Version': '3', Status': 'inDB', 'SQN': {}, 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '0003': {}, '0004': {}, '0005': {}, '0006': '00', '0008': {}, '0300': {}, '0b05': {}, '1000': {}, 'Type': 'ColorControl', 'ClusterType': {'641': 'ColorControl'}}}, 'Heartbeat': '201', 'RIA': '3', 'RSSI': 63, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS clear 950lm', 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '90fd9ffffe86c7a1', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': 'c05e', 'ZDeviceID': '0220', 'NbEp': '1', 'Manufacturer': '117c', 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'App Version': '17', 'Stack Version': '87', 'HW Version': '1', 'Stamp': {'Time': '2018-11-27 11:18:06', 'MsgType': '8102'}, 'ColorInfos': {'X': '30138', 'Y': '26909', 'ColorTemperatureMireds': '370', 'ColorMode': 2}, 'NO cfg rprtng': ['0300', '0300', '0300']}