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Warning: The Heroku free server that the site sits on goes to sleep after 30min of inactivity. So if you're unlucky any no one hit the page in the past 30 min, you might have to wait up to ~30 seconds for the Heroku dyno to spin up. Looking to migrate to an EC2 or raspiberry pi soon so it can be up 24/7.
Clone repo, setup virtualenv with prerequisites, and then its ready to start runuing locally ot be deployed to heroku.
Python 3.6
Boto3 for talking with DynamoDB
To talk to your DynamoDB instance, provide your AWS keys in environment variables under:
Boto3 by default looks for those key names.
cd to root folder and in shell
set FLASK_APP=web_result.py flask run
Repo should already everything ready to deploy to heroku. If testing with heroku locally add a .env file with your AWS keys.
heroku create
heroku apps:rename proj_name_here
git push heroku master