Originally called "Caracas Ciudadania Segura" or CCS, this project is an Android application developed as a class project at Simon Bolivar University (Venezuela). Its aim is to help with the problem of public safety and the high criminal rates that exist in Venezuela, allowing the user and the authorities to be informed about what is happening in an area.
It offers a way to report and check the different criminal events and other kind of incidents that happen around the user location, together with a list of emergency phone numbers, and a panic button that allow the user to preconfigure an emergency sms and the contacts to send it to in case it is pressed.
Carlos Aponte
ccs-App -> contains the app code.
ccs-Server -> contains the code of the servlets that act as the app server. This servlets receives and send the information of the events according to different http requests.
It works using google maps and has no geographical limitation, nevertheless the different example markers are set around Caracas, Venezuela.